Argan: Dragons of Preor

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Argan: Dragons of Preor Page 3

by Kyle, Celia

  Argan narrowed his eyes. What game did Vende play? He now defended Lily’s claim after Argan had already spent many turnings in the brig?

  “Which means my mate,” Lily stepped around Taulan and darted closer to Argan, “is designated as a mated male and should be treated accordingly when deciding his punishment. He’s no longer a single male without attachments.”

  Argan pulled what remained of his dragon’s heat back into his body, unwilling to risk injury to Lily. If they were truly mates—if they shared the Knowing—fire would not harm her. Since they were not, his heat would burn her pale, delicate skin. Something he could not tolerate even for a moment.

  “Agreed.” Vende spoke when Taulan and Kozav did not.

  “No, not ‘agreed’,” Taulan growled.

  “Penelope, can you please recite the laws regarding mated—“

  “Enough.” The war master snarled, fangs descended and bared. The male took a step nearer, as if he sought to use his size to threaten Lily.

  Unacceptable. An honorable male did not take his frustration out on an innocent, weak female.

  Argan’s dragon had had enough. Scales rippled over his flesh, sliding into view as his dragon’s strength imbued his two-legged form. He gripped the bars and wrenched them apart, metal snapping in his hands. He threw the pieces behind him, reluctant to risk Lily’s delicate toes being scratched by the sharpened pieces.

  He slipped through the space he’d created and slid between Lily and Taulan. He spread his wings, stretching them so that his mate was shielded from view.

  “You will not threaten my mate.” Argan allowed his fangs to descend while his human fingers transformed into sharp claws.

  “This—“ Taulan began but yet another interrupted them. Or rather, three others.

  Lana—the war master’s human mate—and their dragonlets shimmered into view. They stood to the side between Argan and Taulan, one dragonlet clinging to Lana’s back while the other was wrapped around her front. The siblings babbled at each other, coughing small fireballs in one another’s faces.

  As for Lana… Argan was glad she was not his mate because the female appeared prepared to rip Taulan into many tiny pieces. “Taulan joi Lana Coburn I cannot believe you tried to go through with Argan’s sentencing without me.”

  “Shaa kouva…” The war master’s shoulders slumped, and all hints of fury left the male. Taulan reached for his dah-ter and cuddled her against his chest. He bounced the dragonlet gently while he spoke to Lana. “We agreed that attending would not be good for the dragonlet.”

  “No, you agreed.” With his playmate gone, young Shanas crawled around his dam’s body to wrap his arms and legs around her neck and waist. “I said that the only thing that’ll screw with this bun is a certain someone sentencing a certain someone else to death.”

  Lily gasped. “You’re pregnant again? Penelope, we need to plan a party.”

  Taulan sighed, Kozav groaned, and Vende… “I do not understand the correlation between a grain product and pregnancy. Please explain.”

  Argan did not understand either, and he was glad someone else requested additional information.

  “This is a discussion for another time.” Taulan’s tone turned serious once more and Argan’s dragon crouched in the back of his mind. It was ready to pounce if the war master’s ruling did not include Lily’s continued nearness. “Now, we must deal with… this.”

  “There’s nothing to deal with.” Small, warm hands came to rest between his shoulders, palms against his scales just above his wing base. Argan shuddered with the touch, his body reacting to Lily even stronger than before. He craved the small human—his cock deep inside her while he held her firmly in his arms. “He’s mine and I’m not letting him go.”

  “Argan,” Taulan sighed. “Surely you can see…”

  Argan shook his head. He did not wish to hear whatever else the war master had to say. “As Lily has stated.” He retracted his wings and reached behind him, gently grasping his mate’s wrist. He carefully drew her forward until she was even with him. He extended his right wing and wrapped it around the female who’d saved him with her words. “I am hers and she is not letting me go.”

  Chapter Four

  So, that worked. Mostly. No one was dead—yet—so Lily put a mark in the win column. Lily-one, Taulan-the-Jerk, zero.

  “I think I missed something.” Lana propped her hands on her hips, Shanas clinging to her like a little monkey. “Can we rewind?” She tipped her head back and yelled for the ship. “Penelope, gimme the deets.”

  “Well… First Taulan came in and was all,” Penelope dropped her voice. “I am the war master grunt-grunt. And then—”

  Lana glanced at Lily. “She’s gotten really good at this gossip thing, hasn’t she?”

  Lily nodded. “I know, right?”

  Taulan sighed. “Enough!”

  Penelope fell silent and Lily frowned at him. The ship had been trying really hard to adopt human speech and mannerisms and he’d just ruined it.

  Taulan-the-Jerk, negative one.

  “I am the war master,” Taulan began but Lana interrupted him.

  She patted his chest. “Yes, dear. You’re a big, bad war master with his daughter’s pink bow in his hair.” Lana cupped Shanas’ butt to hold him steady while she eased beneath her mate’s wing. “Shaa kouvi,” she murmured, “listen to me. Is a mating claim binding?” He grunted, and since Lana kept speaking, Lily figured she somehow could interpret her mate’s grunts. Handy. “Then arguing about it is pointless, so let it go.”

  Let it go… Now Lily was singing Disney songs in her head.

  “Shaa kouva…” Taulan murmured and curved his wing around his mate, arm following.

  “Issue your ruling so you can take me and the kids to Kouvai Nihon.”

  With that, the twins shouted in unison. “Knee on!”

  They were adorable dragonlets even when they tried to set each other on fire. And now Lana was pregnant with another. Lily imagined it would be just as beautiful—and destructive—as its sister and brother.

  “There is only one sentence available to a mated male.” Taulan slumped and his gaze traveled to Kozav.

  Lily held her breath, anxious to hear Argan’s punishment. Sure, she’d done her research and knew what he should be forced to do, but she didn’t want to count her dragonlet eggs before they hatched.

  Not that Preor laid eggs. At least, the healing masters claimed there was no egg laying. Lily still wasn’t convinced.

  Kozav nodded and when Taulan looked to Vende, even he agreed.

  Taulan straightened his shoulders and it truly was hard not to laugh at a serious warrior with a pink bow in his hair. “Argan sen—”

  Argan growled, the rumbling vibrating through Lily and twanging her nerves. “joi Lily King.”

  Yup, that was sexy as all get out and she was tingly in all the right pink places.

  “Argan joi Lily King,” Taulan growled the words past gritted teeth. Lily hoped he cracked a tooth, the jerk. “You are hereby sentenced to three-hundred-eighty-seven years of Binding.”

  Lily trembled at Taulan’s low, rumbling tone, but then a wave of calm washed over her. Argan wrapped his arm around her waist and squeezed her hip, reminding her of his presence. She leaned into him, letting him take some of her weight as she sought comfort from his warm body. They were in this together now. For better or worse. In sickness and Binding, whatever that meant.

  It had to mean something to Argan because she sensed a change in him as well. A new tension, a straining of his muscles to get closer to her? Or further away? It felt as if he was conflicted and fighting within himself, as if body and mind battled, but…

  But she wasn’t supposed to be able to sense his emotions in any way. The words she recited were just that—words. Lily shook her head, her mind trying to follow the logic of her thoughts while sifting through the data she’d downloaded from Penelope.

  “Look at that! She changed her mind. Excellent!�
� Taulan’s booming voice brought her back to herself and she frowned at the war master.


  “You shook your head.” Taulan pointed at her. “You are denying your claim and—”

  “Oh hells no.” Lily stepped from beneath Argan’s wing, missing the comforting heat the moment they no longer touched. “My claim stands.” She put her hands on her hips, back straight, and chin jutted out. “It hard core—fat kid defending his cake—stands. You get me, soldier?”

  “Lily,” Argan murmured, but he didn’t attempt to draw her back. Oh, he felt the desire to drag her into his arms, but he resisted. “War Master Taulan is not a mere soldier. He is—”

  Lily rolled her eyes and waved her mate away. “I know, I know. Trust me, I got this.” She settled her stare on Taulan once more. “No more attempting to negate our mating. It’s done and he’s been sentenced. Period.”

  Taulan grunted and looked to their left. “Vende, please escort Lily and Argan to medical so they may complete the Binding. Then have them delivered to the planet’s surface.”

  Vende pressed his fist to his chest. “Immediately, War Master.”

  The engineering master spun on his heel and strode to the brig’s door, and Argan drew her into his arms once more.

  Before they even took a step, Lana stopped Lily. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  Penelope coughed. “She doesn’t.” Then coughed again.

  “Traitor,” Lily mumbled and then gave Lana a small smile. “I’ve got this.”

  Mostly. Somewhat. Okay, not at all? But when had she ever made plans for anything? Usually shit began with a vague idea, a slightly more solid idea, and then ended with a “the sky is falling and hard drive is crashing so run for your lives.”

  Claiming Argan was no different. Though it did have a nice bonus. Since the Preor didn’t wear shirts because of the whole wing thing, she’d now have twenty-four-seven eye candy. Schwing.

  Lily tucked herself against Argan once more, breathing deeply and savoring his fiery scent. Something about him just drew her in, yet she couldn’t pinpoint what was so appealing. He had all of those tanned muscles, golden wings, hardly bottled strength, but… That couldn’t be what made her ache to get as close to him as possible.

  They moved past Taulan and then Kozav, stepping out of the brig and into the narrow hallway with Vende standing at the ready.

  “Follow me.” Vende tipped his head, dark hair falling across his eyes before he straightened once more.

  “I am aware of the path to medical.” Smoke escaped Argan’s nose. Or mouth. She wasn’t all that clear on Preor anatomy, but she didn’t think smoke was a good sign.

  “The war master tasked me with carrying out your sentence and facilitating your return to Earth.” The male frowned, his attention bouncing between Argan and Lily. “I do not understand your hostility.”

  Lily closed her eyes and mentally sighed. Of course, Vende didn’t. Ever since Argan’s incarceration, she’d done what she could to learn more about the engineering master. All she’d come up with was the fact that the male was protective of his creations and literal as hell. If she told him to go fuck himself, he would inform her that it was a physical impossibility.

  Heaven help his mate when he finally found her.

  Her first instinct was to step between the two males and act as a physical barrier. Since that would probably get Vende killed that much quicker—Argan would totally kick Vende’s ass because he was badass like that—she placed her hand on Argan’s chest.

  “Argan, he’s doing his job. Let’s just get this stuff over with and then we can go to Earth. Aren’t you ready to spread your wings a little? Smell something other than the ship?”

  “I do not smell.” Even Penelope growled now.

  Lily no longer attempted to calm Argan and instead pinched the bridge of her nose. “Just… Vende, please lead us to medical.”

  “I was attempting—”

  Lily held up her hand to stop the engineering master. “Don’t say a word. Just walk.” She swore it was like being with Lana’s twins. They couldn’t be around each other without each annoying the other. “Argan, follow him.”

  Argan grunted and she tipped her head back, spearing him with her narrow-eyed stare. “Don’t. Even.”

  She was going to get this shit done and get off this ship if she had to kill everyone in her path. And by kill, she meant make their digital lives a living hell.

  Both Argan and Vende stared at her. Argan looked at her as if he couldn’t tear his gaze away. He liked what he saw. A lot. And he couldn’t wait for more.

  Which… those thoughts kept coming at the oddest times. Was she projecting? Because it was totally true that she’d never get tired of staring at him. What she seemed to get from him was rawer, more feral. A hint possessive.

  Maybe it was because they were touching, and she’d verbally claimed him. They weren’t true mates, but a biological trigger could have been tripped by her words. That was possible, right?

  Vende’s look was more calculating, almost curious with a serial-killer-esque desire to crack her open to see how she worked. Well, she wasn’t a metallic science project, so he could get over it.

  Lily gestured at the hallway. “Carry on. Off we go to rock the Binding thing.”

  Vende didn’t say anything else though he still looked confused. She wondered if that was a semi-permanent thing with him. Eh, it didn’t really matter because then they were moving through the corridors. Argan’s wing shielded her from others while his grip on her hip anchored her to him. He squeezed her, and a thrum of anxiety pulsed in her veins. A sliver of endorphins slunk into her blood and skated over her frazzled nerves. Weakness still pulled at her wings but once she could…

  Her wings? But she didn’t have wings. She sighed. Penelope obviously hadn’t given her all of the information about the verbal claiming thing. They shouldn’t be sharing emotions. That was… odd.

  Odd or not, they soon stood outside medical and the doors whooshed open to reveal the healer’s domain. Vende didn’t say a word, merely held out an arm and gestured at the open doorway, silently urging them to enter.

  Argan turned his body, not allowing Lily to step across the threshold until he’d scanned the room with his gaze. His attention was focused—spearing every nook and cranny of the space as he sought a threat. She’d tell him not to bother, but she couldn’t help but be pleased at how careful he was being. He might not be thrilled with their mating, but he was taking it seriously.

  Once he was satisfied, he grunted and stepped into the large room. That’s when she spied the gray-winged healer, his body just as muscular and chiseled as Argan’s. Though Lily found Argan to be… more. There was nothing specific about Argan that drew her more than any others. The magnetism was simply there.

  Whelon welcomed them. “Liquid Knot.” He turned to Argan. “I believed you were still secured, Argan sen Izz—”

  “It is Argan joi Lily King, Healing Master Whelon.”

  Whelon’s all-too-knowing gaze slid between them. “I… see. He defended you and now you choose to protect him.” Lily nodded and Argan remained stoically silent—not moving—which caused Whelon to grunt. “If you are free despite your crime, then you are here for a Binding. Take a seat on the med bed, side by side. I will program your Binds for placement.”

  Lily cleared her throat. “Time out. Binds?”

  Whelon furrowed his brow. “Yes. The Binds. You will both wear one until the end of Argan’s term or death. Whichever comes first.”

  Lily seriously hadn’t done enough research.

  Chapter Five

  Unease curled in Argan’s gut. He knew Lily’s actions were too good of a blessing. He should not have allowed his hopes to take flight. Hope for wind beneath his wings. Hope for fresh air in his lungs. Hope for discovering Lily’s body with his hands.

  Argan’s dragon huffed and purred at all three hopes. A stream of smoke filled his mind and threatened to escape h
is nose, the beast wishing he would express his feelings for all to see.

  “It is not too late, shaa—” He cut off the endearment. It sounded as if she regretted claiming him—she did not know of the Binds!—and would soon discard him. “I can return to the brih-g and accept alternate punishment. I would not hold you to—“

  Lily leaned away from him, pulled back her arm and punched him in the shoulder, though it felt more like a tap from Shanas. She shook out her hand as she snarled at him. “Idiot. I didn’t save you just to throw you back behind bars.”

  “Did you harm yourself, Liquid Knot?” Whelon interrupted and Lily gave the healing master a glare that matched Argan’s own.

  “I’m fine.” She growled and Argan—and his dragon—enjoyed the sound entirely too much. “He’s made of rocks.”

  “The biological makeup of a Preor male—”

  “Shut it,” Lily snarled, and when Whelon did not appear he would speak again, she focused on Argan once more. He preferred that she look to him. His dragon pushed to get these unmated males away from their mate. But, for now, they were necessary. “I didn’t change my mind. I asked a question. People do that, you know? I just wanted to know what Binds were and what exactly is about to go down.”

  “You will go down. In the shuttle.” Ugh. How long would it take him to lose his tendency to be so damned literal?

  “Not what I meant, but,” she huffed and rolled her eyes. “Moving on. So, the Binds?”

  Whelon did not reply and Argan was not ready to explain things himself. Once she discovered the truth, she would curse him back to his death in Penelope’s brig. Instead, he reached for her injured hand. Even if she said she was “fine,” Argan knew better. He had heard from mated males that “fine,” when spoken by a female, meant things were far from “fine.”

  He grasped her hand and brushed his thumb across her red knuckles, frowning at the bright pink. “You should not have struck me, Lily.” He turned her hand over, caressing her palm and checking for injury before turning it back over to stare at her knuckles. “You injured yourself.”


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