Sugar Sweet

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Sugar Sweet Page 9

by Christine d'Abo

  “I thought you said no sex?” But she didn’t pull away from him. Instead, she sat up straighter.

  “This isn’t sex.” Yes, he was willing to draw that really flimsy line in the sand. “It’s a kiss.”

  Her gaze flitted to his mouth, before snapping back to his eyes. “Why?”

  A thousand excuses passed through his mind in a blink, but none of them were the truth. They’d started this arrangement with honesty about what they both wanted, there was no sense in changing things now. “I don’t know. I simply want to kiss you.”

  Marissa licked her lips her blush spread across her cheeks. “Okay then. But just one.”

  Vince’s cock pulsed at the thought of touching her in any way remotely sexual. It had been months since he’d been with anyone. Thea had been his last, and given how things had ended between them, he’d been more than content to stay far away from any sexual relationship. But resisting Marissa had been like trying to hold back from the lull of a siren’s song—bloody fucking impossible.

  All he needed was one kiss, a gentle brush of skin on skin that would then sate his curiosity and help get these frustrating images from his mind. Once he knew what she tasted like, what her skin felt like under his mouth, only then could he know she was the same as every other woman. He could label her, create a little compartment in his mind for Marissa, and get on with his life.

  He leaned in slowly, anticipating the first brush of skin on skin, nearly holding his breath for that contact. But if nothing else, he should have learned that Marissa wasn’t like the other women of his experience. Without hesitation, she reached up, cupped his cheek with her free hand and kissed him hard.


  The taste of wine exploded across his tongue, as she licked at the inside of his mouth. Her nails lightly scraped against his cheek, picking at his stubble as she slid her hand along his face. His shock at her taking the lead fell away, only to be replaced with his overwhelming desire to consume every inch of her.

  Somewhere in the back of his mind, he was aware enough to reach for her wine glass and set it in the cup holder beside him. He managed this entire process without breaking their contact. With both her hands free, Marissa cupped his face and held him in place while she deepened their contact. Vince sighed, and let her take charge of the very thing he’d wanted to do with her since he’d first watched her step onto his yacht.

  Her skin was soft and the scent of something floral drifted from her skin to wash over him. He wrapped his arms around her, practically pulling her onto his lap. God, this was such a deliciously horrible idea, but there was no way in hell he was about to stop kissing her. Not when her breasts were pressed against his chest and her thighs were draped across his legs. Especially, not when Marissa was making that cute little purr in the back of her throat.

  Vince let her direct the kiss, loved that he didn’t have to be the one in charge. Marissa knew what she wanted, and wasn’t afraid to take it.

  When she finally pulled back, her eyes were heavy and her lips were swollen. “Just the one kiss.”

  “Yes.” His voice came out low and rough. He didn’t sound like himself and his skin felt as though there was an electric current coursing beneath it. “Just the one.”

  “That’s good.” She licked her lips. “Because this isn’t about sex. Neither one of us wanted that.”

  Right. The no sex policy had been his idea.

  He didn’t want another woman to capture his heart, only to manipulate him into a toxic relationship based on lies. Thea had used her body to get to his bank account—and he’d been fool enough to fall for it.

  But Marissa was different. Wasn’t she?

  He ran a finger down her cheek, taking pleasure in the way she leaned against his touch. “I can’t do another relationship. I need your help, and I’ll help you in return. But that’s all I can offer.”

  “Well, that and a single kiss.” If Marissa was upset by his confession, she didn’t show it. “That’s fine. I’m not exactly ready to throw my hat back into the dating ring. Andrew really fucked me over and while I know you’re not him, I need…space.”

  It was strange, their relationship. They came from completely different walks of life, and yet they’d both been burned in similar ways. “So, we work together. Business partners in a little venture that will allow us to both come out on top.”

  The smile Marissa gave him made her eyes sparkle. “Sealed with a kiss.”

  “Indeed. This weekend we’ll have fun. You’ll make me look good, and I’ll help out with some of your bills.” It then hit him. “We never did talk about your fee for coming with me.”

  “How about this?” She leaned half against him and the back of the seat. “You agree to pay off one of my debts and I’ll make sure every single person at this party thinks you are the kindest, sweetest person they’ve ever met.”

  He had no doubt she’d be able to pull it off. “My goal is to ensure ETS Investments buys one of my companies. My father is insisting on us selling to this particular company, and this one alone.”

  Marissa nodded. “Okay then. I’ll help you win them over and you’ll pay off my bill.” She held out her hand. “Deal?”

  Rather than shake it, Vince lifted the back of her hand to his lips and kissed her. “Deal.”

  Marissa shivered. “Good. Then tell me everything I need to know about this group and we’ll get started.”

  Chapter 10

  Marissa had only been in New York for an hour now, but so far everything was well beyond her expectations. If she’d thought the traffic in Toronto had been bad, it was nothing compared to the drive from the airport into the city. The limo had picked them up, making the entire ordeal far easier to handle. Well, except for the fact she’d hadn’t quite recovered from their previous limo ride. Her lips were still sensitive from their kiss, her body primed and ready for action.

  Thank God, she was going to have her own bed, because she needed to get herself off in the worst way.

  She’d never heard of The Greenwich Hotel, but Vince assured her that her stay would be a treat. That was the bloody understatement of the century. The lobby had been elegant and far more spa like than she’d assumed a hotel would be. But that was nothing compared to the moment Vince opened the door to the penthouse suite.

  Marissa held her breath as they walked inside. “This is the most beautiful room I’ve ever been in.” She walked fully into the room, touching the tables, chairs, even the walls as she went. “Oh God, there’s an outdoor hot tub!”

  “No two rooms are the same here.” Vince draped his coat along the back of the chair. “I asked for the penthouse specifically for the outside terrace. Tomorrow while I’m at my meeting, you can enjoy the complementary spa treatment. I hear it’s wonderful.”

  The city lights brightened the night sky, and the sounds from the city echoed up to her as she stepped out onto the terrace. This was a fantasy world compared to her tiny basement apartment. The smell of must and mold had been swapped for incense and wood. She continued to touch everything she saw, as though this dream would somehow become less real if she couldn’t remain grounded. The brick ledges and stone paths led her around the secret garden, high above the city streets.

  She could feel Vince’s eyes on her as she made her way around to the stone hot tub. The water gurgled as it flowed, steam rising into the air with an effervescent hiss. “I’ll definitely be trying this out later.”

  “They can get you a swim suit if you don’t have one.” Vince stood in the doorway, his arms crossed and his lips turned into a soft smile. “They have bathrobes waiting for you in your room.”

  Shit, she’d forgotten that part of the deal was her having her own room for this little adventure. “Which one is mine?”

  “I figured I’d let you pick the one you’d be the most comfortable with. They’ve brought our bags up to the living room
for now.”

  Seeing him standing there, light from the outside fireplace flickering across his skin, sent a shiver of sexual awareness through her. God, he was far too fucking handsome for his own good. For hers as well. It was going to be brutal to keep her hands to herself, to keep their arrangement completely about playing a part, and having nothing at all to do with sex.

  It was getting more difficult to remember why having sex with him was such a bad thing to begin with.

  Forcing her gaze away, she sat down on the edge of the hot tub and dangled her feet inside. “What time is your meeting tomorrow?”

  “Not until eleven. We’ll have time to eat and I’ll be able to get you set for the day. We don’t have our first event until three.”

  She’d have to make sure she had her game face ready. “Excellent. That will give me time to get ready.”

  Vince toed off his dress shoes, before walking over to join her. He stood still as he pulled his socks off and rolled up his dress pants to his knees. “It would be easier if we just got naked and went in.”

  Her nipples hardened. “I believe that goes against the rules, Mr. Taylor.”

  Vince snorted. “It does. I guess this will have to do.” He sat down beside her, and slipped his feet into the water, careful not to get his pants wet. “That’s far more relaxing than it should be.”

  “Oh please. You wear dress shoes all the time.” She picked up the stiletto closest to her. “These things are brutal.”

  Vince took the shoe from her, examining it closely. “Honestly, I don’t know how women don’t break their necks in these things.”

  “I’m impressed with women who can run in them. I have a friend, Naomi, who I’ve seen race to catch a bus in heels. I swear she could run a six-minute mile wearing them.”

  There was something wonderful about hearing Vince chuckle. It was a sound she suspected he didn’t make all that often, which was a shame. It was magical, warm in a way that felt like a hug. “You’re far too serious.”

  His gaze shifted to a point in the sky. “That’s something my life requires from me. Serious, smart. But I have to be enough of a playboy to make the media happy. The coverage helps keep my business relevant.”

  “And staying relevant is what helps pay the bills.” It was so weird hearing some of what she’d learned in her business classes being spoken of so cynically. “I’m sorry that’s how things have gone for you.”

  “I’m not.” There was something in his tone that gave her the impression that wasn’t exactly true. “I’m a rich, white male who is in complete control of his life. I have so much privilege I can’t fathom what it means to struggle. What kind of man would I be to not be grateful for the life I’ve been given?”

  Marissa stared at him hard. For the life of her, she didn’t know if he was somehow trying to get her to feel sorry for him, or if he was genuinely aware of the blessings in his life. “You’d be an utter asshole.”

  “Exactly. That’s something I try to avoid at all costs.” He reached down and splashed some water with his fingers. “Though if you ask Caroline, I fail miserably at that.”

  “You do come across as a bit of a controlling jerk at times.” She reached down and splashed some water as well. “But you’re helping me out, so I can’t exactly be too hard on you.”

  “I do try and help others. That’s one of the reasons I want to see GreenPro in the right hands, it has the potential to do a lot of good. We need more sources of clean energy if we’re going to make a dent in climate change.”

  “In order to do that, you need to sell it to these ETS Investment people?”

  He frowned. “No, I’d much rather keep the business myself and see how far I can take it. But I’m not the majority owner, my father is. He wants to sell it to Simon’s company, and I’m not exactly in a position to stop him. Like it or not, I need to ensure ETS buys GreenPro.”

  She’d never considered someone in Vince’s position would feel as though they had no control. “And in order to do that, you need me to pretend to be your significant other so they think you’re respectable.”

  “Let’s say Dad’s history with Simon is complicated at best. I’ve unfortunately been painted with the same brush as him, which makes these negotiations difficult. Having you…paying you to be here, it takes away some of my tarnish. If someone as down to earth as you will be with me, then perhaps I’ve been redeemed.”

  “As long as we both behave.” Her words were meant to be teasing, but they sounded serious even to herself.

  “Yes, both of us. It shouldn’t be that hard to remain professional.”

  She knew that he wanted to keep things as calm and steady as he could. But while she didn’t want to open up something that neither of them could control, there was no denying the connection they shared in the limo. “That might not be as easy as either of us anticipated.”

  Vince looked over at her, and for the first time since she’d first met him, he looked to be completely relaxed. “You’re not exactly the type of person I thought you would be.”

  “You either. When we met on the yacht, I had…assumptions. Given how many problems I’ve had with men recently, I thought someone like you was the last type of man I’d ever want to be around, let alone kiss.” Marissa ignored the way her face heated, praying her blush wouldn’t be overly noticeable in the glow from the patio lights.

  If Vince noticed, he didn’t say anything. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “I seem to remember being the one climbing onto your lap.” God, there’d been no stopping her once she’d gotten the idea in her head. She’d needed to feel his lips on hers, wanted to know how hard his body would be beneath her. “I promise, I won’t do anything else like that while we’re here.”

  Come hell or high water, she’d keep it in her pants.

  Vince nodded, before climbing to his feet. Water trickled down his legs, making little rivers in the coarse hair that covered his skin. “I need to check some emails.”

  Exhaustion washed over her. “I think I’ll call it a night as well. Best go pick out my room.”

  She was about to push herself up, when Vince reached down and offered his hand. “Allow me.”

  Shit, the feel of his skin on hers, his strength as he helped her to her feet sent a shiver through her body. “Thanks.”

  They didn’t immediately pull apart, and Marissa gave in to her desire to lean her body fully against his. God, this was such a horrible idea. Hadn’t they just finished saying that neither of them wanted to take things beyond the kiss? Her past with Andrew was still causing her daily trauma, something that she needed to sort through before she could even think about having a relationship with someone, let alone develop feelings for someone who’d clearly stated that they weren’t interested. That would be far worse than anything that had happened with Andrew; instead of being duped, she’d be walking into a disaster, eyes wide-open.

  Marissa let Vince’s hand fall away as she moved back to the penthouse. “If it’s okay with you, I’ll take the bedroom closest to the bathroom. I tend to get up through the night, and I wouldn’t want to wake you.”

  “I can bring your bags in for you.” He fell into step behind her. “Why don’t you go check it out and I’ll grab them.”


  The marble floor was cool against the wet soles of her feet as she padded through the living room to the far bedroom. Marissa held her breath as she stepped inside, her gaze touching upon the beautiful natural stone and wood. Along the center of the back wall sat the large, queen-sized bed. The solid piece of wood that comprised the headboard must have come from one hell of a big tree. She couldn’t imagine how the hell they’d been able to get it into the penthouse in the first place. The fireplace was already lit, the warmth from the flames filling the room and chasing away the chill from her damp legs.

  The scrape and grin
d of her suitcase wheels snapped her attention back to the door. Vince didn’t hesitate as he stepped inside and spun the case around. “Ah, this is an excellent spot. If the fire dies down and you get cold, there are extra blankets in the closet. The kitchen is fully stocked, as is the bar. Make sure you help yourself to whatever you want. And if there’s something missing, let them know downstairs and they’ll get it for you.”

  “Thanks.” It was hard to look away from Vince; shadows from the fireplace dancing across his chest and face. She forced herself to turn her back to him. “I better get changed and turn in for the night.”

  Vince didn’t respond immediately. She listened as he shuffled around for a moment, before clearing his throat. “I’m going to head out for a run. I won’t be longer than an hour.”

  Shit, now she was going to have images of him all sweaty, pounding the streets of New York. “Okay. Have fun.”

  “I’ll see you in the morning.” And with a click of the door behind her, he was gone.

  Marissa sat down on the edge of her bed with a sigh. God, her life…

  Her cell phone in her purse rang. She scrambled off the bed, snatching it from her purse and answering it before looking at the call display. “Hello?”

  “Hello Marissa.”


  Marissa swallowed, her gaze flicking to her closed bedroom door. “What the hell do you want?”

  “Baby, I’m just calling to check in on you. Can’t a friend stay in touch?”

  “You’re not my friend. You fucking screwed me over.” Her voice echoed in the room. The last thing she wanted to do was have Vince come in and see her a mess. “How did you get this number?”

  “Your mom is still a sweetie. I told her that I wanted to apologize to you and she was more than happy to give it to me.”


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