Valle : Book 2 of the Heku Series

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Valle : Book 2 of the Heku Series Page 8

by T. M. Nielsen

  She didn’t respond.

  He watched her for the hour it took Kyle to return with the doctor, who immediately went to work on Emily.

  “Did she hit her head when she fell?”

  “No,” Kyle answered.

  “What was she doing when she seized?” he asked, taking her blood pressure.

  Chevalier sighed, “We were… sort of… fighting.”

  “Fighting?” the doctor asked as he touched the bruises on her neck.

  “It’s not what you think! That was an accident,” he said it more to himself than to the doctor.

  “Was she without oxygen?” The doctor was angry.

  “No,” he said softly.

  The doctor sighed softly as he took her blood pressure, “Her blood pressure is way too high.”

  “Fix it,” Chevalier told him.

  “I can’t just fix it… it takes time, a calm environment, no upsets, no arguments, nothing.” The doctor looked over at Chevalier, irritated.

  “Why isn’t she waking up?” Kyle asked, worried.

  “She’s post-ictal. After a seizure, it takes time for the body to regain energy back.” He pulled her shirt off of her abdomen and began pressing around gently with his hand.

  Finally, the doctor stood up, “You can’t let her blood pressure get back up there. It’s not good, and it can kill both her and the baby. For now, make her stay in bed.”

  “That’ll cause her blood pressure to rise!” Kyle said, frustrated.

  “Do what you can but try to lessen her stress.” The doctor was glaring at Chevalier, who was holding Emily’s hand and watching her closely.

  “Is the baby ok?” Kyle asked, watching Chevalier. He could feel the hatred coming from the Chief Enforcer.

  “Yes, the baby is fine and growing well it seems.” The doctor finally looked pleased about one thing.

  “We’ll call you if anything changes,” Kyle said, and showed the doctor to the door. He then walked back and stood on the other side of the bed from Chevalier.

  “I could have killed her,” Chevalier said sadly.

  “Yes, but she could have killed you, too,” Kyle whispered.

  “Her’s was a warning. She wasn’t trying to kill me. She was trying to show me that she can defend herself.”

  “She knows we’re dangerous creatures. She knows the risks of doing what she did.”

  “Maybe I should let her go with the Encala, she may be safer there.”

  “You don’t mean that, Sir,” Kyle said. “Tempers just flared, tomorrow you can calmly talk to her.”

  “If she will even talk to me,” he said, watching her.

  “She will. She will probably feel bad too.”

  “I drove her to find a friend in an Encala prisoner.”

  “We don’t know how she came to know him.”

  “It doesn’t matter. She does know him and knows him well enough that he cares about her.”

  Kyle sighed, “Tomorrow, Chevalier, we’ll try to talk to her tomorrow.”

  “If she still wants to leave, I will let her. I can’t hurt her again,” he said, looking up at Kyle.

  Kyle nodded, and then left the room quietly.

  “Emily,” Chevalier said, and then kissed her forehead lightly. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Chev?” she whispered.

  “I’m here.”

  She didn’t respond. He sat and watched her all night.

  Just before noon, Emily stirred and finally opened her eyes. Chevalier waited for her to talk to him.

  Her eyes fell on him, “Hi.”

  “Hi, yourself,” he said, not moving toward her.

  She tried to sit up, but her sore muscles prevented it.

  “The doctor wants you to stay in bed,” Chevalier said softly, still careful not to move too closer to her.

  Emily looked over at him, “Guess it got out of hand.”

  He nodded.

  “Don’t be mad at David.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Are you mad at me?”

  He shook his head and touched her cheek softly.

  “I wasn’t trying to kill you,” Emily said to him.

  “I know.” He stayed kneeling beside her, “If you still want to leave, I won’t stand in your way.”

  “Do you want me to go?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  She looked into his eyes and saw the pain, “I’m not mad, either.”

  “I’m so sorry.” He looked down at the covers.

  Emily struggled and sat up. Chevalier was afraid to even make her lay back down. She swung her legs over the side of the bed.

  “Em,” was all he said.

  “I need to talk to David,” she said, trying to stretch the soreness out of her muscles.

  He sighed, “If you’ll lie down, I’ll bring him here.”

  “You will?” She was shocked.

  He smiled, “For you, yes.”

  She laid back down and waited for him to return. When he did, he had David and four guards.

  Emily frowned, “Isn’t that a bit much?”

  “Precautions, that’s all,” he told her and stopped, letting David walk closer to her.

  David knelt down beside the bed, “I’ve been worried about you.”

  She smiled, “I’m sorry. I thought I could free you.”

  “That’s ok, maybe this way I can still see you once in a while.” He smiled.

  “Stay here, join the Equites,” she said.

  “Em,” Chevalier sighed from by the door.

  “It’s not that easy to switch sides,” David said, nodding to Chevalier.

  “Why? Factions are just stupid gangs all fighting for the same thing,” she said, her voice weak.

  David smiled, “Yeah it is, isn’t it?”

  The four guards bowed to Chevalier and left the room as he approached the bed.

  “You’re a free heku, David,” Chevalier said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “I am?” he asked with wide eyes.

  Chevalier nodded, “It’ll be easier than keeping her out of the prison.”

  David laughed, “That’s true. I told her it wasn’t safe down there.”

  Emily frowned, “Behave.”

  David thought for a moment, “She keeps slipping away from her guard?”

  Chevalier nodded.

  “What if I can keep an eye on her?”

  He looked at the Encala, “You?”

  David laughed, “Yes, me, I know how she’s slipping out.”

  Emily gasped, “I never told you how!”

  “I figured it out.” He grinned to Chevalier.

  “I don’t know if I can trust you, you were here to spy on her,” Chevalier said, looking at David suspiciously.

  “Then double guard her… that would have solved the problem anyway.” He smiled at Emily and she scowled back at him.

  “How so?” Chevalier asked.

  “Oooh, I can’t give away her secrets.” He winked at Emily.

  Emily rolled her eyes, “I don’t need a guard.”

  “Yes, you do,” both Chevalier and David said together.

  “My God,” Emily said, irritated.

  “I can swear allegiance to the Equites, but I can’t make up for what I did as an Encala” David said.

  “You’d turn so quickly?” Chevalier’s eyes narrowed.

  “Wouldn’t you, if she were on the other side?”

  Chevalier tensed, “She’s mine.”

  “Oh, I’m well aware of that. Wouldn’t you like to have someone watching over her that’s not afraid of you? Maybe she needs protected from you too,” David said.

  “Those are brave words.” Chevalier was getting mad.

  “Think about it, I’ll be around,” he said before taking Emily’s hand and kissing it. “Stay safe, Kid.”

  “That’s no better than Child,” she said, frowning.

  “Oh that’s right, you’re an adult.” David stood up and started for the door.

ere are you going?” she asked.

  “To stay on the beach north of the pier for a few days… in case I’m needed.” He left the room smiling.

  Chapter 7 - Time

  Chevalier took a deep breath and walked into Emily’s room. She was sitting up in bed reading a book and didn’t see him enter, so she jumped a little when he sat down, and then put her book down.

  “You’re out of the meeting early,” she said, pleased.

  “Yeah, well… I have a mission.”

  “What kind of mission?” Her eyes narrowed.

  “An important one, I’m leaving tonight.” He took her hand.

  “For how long?”

  “I don’t know, until the job is done.” He kissed her hand lightly.

  “Send someone else,” she told him, it sounded like a good idea to her.

  “I’m the Chief Enforcer… this is faction business.”

  “Then I’ll just come with you.” She swung her legs out of the bed, but he put a restraining hand on her shoulder.

  “No, Em, this isn’t a joke. It’s going to be dangerous… and I need to go alone.”


  “It’s my job.” He put his hand under her chin and moved her so she looked at him, “I’m good at my job, and I’ll be home before you know it.”

  Emily frowned.

  “Kyle and David are here if you need anything. Try, for me, to behave.” He smiled softly.

  Emily saw Chevalier off from the pier. He waved, and then got into his black Bugatti. Kyle and David stood by her, unhappy that she was able to talk the Chief Enforcer into letting her out of bed.

  Chevalier waited until the pier was out of sight and pulled out the file he had with him. He scanned the documents, carefully committing them to memory. It was an easy job. There had been numerous heku attacks in a small town in Delaware. The Elders felt whoever was responsible, needed to be dealt with by the Chief Enforcer himself. As Chevalier read the file, he agreed. There were four unexplained exsanguinations, three men and one woman, all within a 24 hour period. The newspapers were claiming it was a cult attack, but the tell tale signs were there that it was a heku.

  As Chevalier pulled the Bugatti off of the ferry, he turned into the fast lane of traffic and hit 100 mph within seconds. He reached down and turned up his music, his heart pumping with excitement. It was always fun to do his job.

  He reached Smyrna, Delaware, after dark and pulled his car into a service station. He had already burned the file on the ferry, and his car was clean, in case anyone checked. Looking around, he carefully surveyed the area and headed north toward where three of the four bodies were found. He kept his senses alert, all working in sync with each other. He knew there was a heku close. He could smell it on the wind. There were still outlines of the bodies on the sidewalk where they had been found. He knelt down by the macabre outlines and ran his fingers through the accumulated dust.

  His innate tracking abilities were focused to the west. He stood slowly and made his way carefully through the back alleyways. The scent of the heku became stronger as he neared the warehouse district. He was shocked when the distinct heku smell was overshadowed by fresh blood. The sounds of a struggle echoed through the steel walls of the warehouses as he made his way closer to his target. This job would be easier than he’d imagined if he could catch the offender in the act.

  He rounded a large manufacturing plant and saw the heku, hovered over a newly dead mortal. Chevalier was able to get close as the heku was too engrossed in feeding to notice anything else around him.

  Chevalier looked down at the wide eyes of the newly dead woman and growled deeply. The heku jumped up, placing himself between his prey and Chevalier, then crouched defensively and hissed.

  “She is mine,” he said, baring his teeth at Chevalier.

  “Do not speak to me like that. Do you know who I am?” Chevalier asked, he stood tall and looked down ominously at the offending heku.

  The smaller heku’s eyes scanned Chevalier and he dropped out of his crouch and cowered, “I am sorry, Sir. You may finish it if you wish.”

  “Finish it?” Chevalier took a step toward him, “You mean finish off the girl?”

  “Yes, your highest honor, please feel free.” The heku took one step away from the dead mortal.

  “What is your name?” Chevalier asked as he reached down and shut the eyes of the dead girl.

  “Jay, Sir,” he answered, watching the menacing Chief Enforcer.

  “Well, Jay, there’s a slight problem.”

  Jay fidgeted, “What kind of problem?”

  “It’s come to the attention of the Equites Council that there have been some mortals killed by a heku in this area… know anything about that?” Chevalier circled Jay as the heku cowered in the corner.

  “No, Sir, it’s not me. This is the first time I’ve done it, I swear,” he stammered.

  “I see… your first.” Chevalier looked down at her and sighed, “I’m assuming it was consensual too, well, other than the death part.”

  “Oh! Of course, Sir, it was her idea even. I said no, but she insisted.” He smiled widely.

  “Yes of course. You’re saying the broken arm was her idea too?” Chevalier asked, and leaned against the wall to watch Jay.

  “That was an accident, she fell, you see.”

  “Uh hu.” Chevalier was enjoying this, “At what point did she agree to be completely drained?”

  “That was, well…” His eyes darted around quickly looking for an easy out, “It was an accident.”

  “It’s odd how I can still smell the fear in the air. Funny how she was afraid even though she agreed to this.”

  True fear filled Jay’s eyes and his face fell, “Ok, ok, it wasn’t consensual, ok? Haven’t you ever made a mistake? It was the first time, I swear.”

  “Of course, we all make mistakes.” Chevalier was grinning.

  “Good, then, I’ll just go. I won’t do it again I promise.” Jay took a step to the left and Chevalier matched it.

  “Just a few more problems though… the other four bodies.”

  “Those weren’t mine, I swear.” His voice had taken on a high pitched squeak as he began to panic.

  “Don’t lie to me, Jay,” Chevalier said coolly.

  “I’m not! I didn’t kill those others.” His eyes were wide.

  Chevalier pulled the intricately carved dagger from his pocket and turned it expertly in his hand, “I hate being lied to.”

  “I’m not, I swear!” Jay took that opportunity to try to run from the ‘old one’ and found himself pinned to the wall behind him by Chevalier’s strong hand around his neck.

  “Then why run, Jay?” Chevalier hissed at him.

  “I didn’t do it,” Jay managed to choke out.

  “I’m surprised at you, but I guess that won’t matter in a moment. You see, I know you did it, and I won’t stand for it.” He completely closed off Jay’s airway and calmly watched him fight to breathe.

  Jay’s body turned limp and his eyes shut slowly. Chevalier tightened his hand as the bones in Jay’s neck crushed under his grip. With one swift movement, the young heku’s head tumbled from his shoulders and landed with a thud by the dead woman. Chevalier wiped the blood from his hand onto the headless body’s shirt, and then moved aside as it crumpled to the ground.

  He shut his eyes and reveled in the exhilaration it felt to bring justice again. His mind was able to forget, for a moment, all of the happenings of the past few months and he could focus on how the bones crushed easily under his fingers and the smell of fear that blew off the terrified heku, moments before he died.

  Walking away from the carnage was easy and he pulled out his cell phone and dialed the Elders.

  “It is done,” he said into the phone, his voice husky and menacing.

  Chevalier clicked the little phone shut and it snapped in half in his hands. He dropped it into a nearby dumpster and laughed, then growled with triumph and appeared beside the Bugatti instantly. He
climbed inside and spun the tires, rushing toward Maine at almost 190 mph.

  Chevalier glanced in his rear-view mirror. The car behind him matched his speed and was close to his bumper. He frowned and pushed the engine up to 210 mph, quickly passing any car that came in his path. The car behind his kept up and the dark windows hid the driver.

  Chevalier slammed hard on the brakes as a black Suburban appeared ahead of him, heading straight for him. The impact between the Suburban and the Bugatti was tremendous. Chevalier flew out of the car as it rolled down an embankment. Parts from both cars were intermingled and strewn around a mile in every direction. He got to his knees slowly, feeling broken bones throughout his body. Chevalier looked up just as a shock of electricity flew through his body and his world was engulfed in darkness.

  “Wake up,” a harsh voice sounded through the dark and someone dumped a bucket of cold water over Chevalier.

  Chevalier looked up and tried to stand, but he was restrained. He angrily looked at the owner of the voice.

  “It’s about time.” The voice belonged to Sotomar, one of the eldest Valle Elders.

  “What did you do?” he hissed at Sotomar, testing his bindings. He didn’t seem to be able to break them easily.

  “You can’t break those… trust me… we’ve taken all precautions,” Sotomar said proudly.

  Chevalier glared icily at the enemy Elder.

  “Oh don’t act so surprised. You didn’t think we’d let you get away after what you did to our city?” Sotomar pulled up a chair and sat down, facing Chevalier.

  “Let me go,” Chevalier demanded.

  “No,” he said, grinning.

  “What is it you want?” Chevalier’s hands worked quickly behind his body where they were bound. He tried to find some way to free himself.

  “You know what we want, but you’ll do for now.” He smiled pleasantly.

  “This is all about Emily, again?” Chevalier asked, irritated.

  “Of course. You are in possession of one of the greatest weapons ever to cross the heku. We only want our share.” He grinned as Chevalier’s eyes darkened.

  “You want your share?” he asked.

  “It’s obvious, isn’t it? Soon you will have two of the Winchesters, not fair as far as we can see.” Sotomar raised an eyebrow.

  “Keep me then, it won’t help you get Emily.” Chevalier relaxed some. He would need to find a way to free himself later.


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