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Valle : Book 2 of the Heku Series

Page 15

by T. M. Nielsen

  Emily nodded, she suddenly wasn’t sure she could do this alone.

  “Next week then?” the doctor asked, shaking her hand.

  “Sure, next week.” She slipped off the table and met Pat in the front office.

  They drove in silence for a while before Pat spoke, “How’d it go?”

  “Fine, baby’s too big, though, so I have to come back next week,” Emily said, looking out the window.

  “Maybe the baby’s not big, maybe you’re just small.” He laughed.

  Emily didn’t respond. Her mind was miles away on a small island in the Atlantic.


  “Get the Encala on it if you have to. That’s their area… tell them to sniff her out,” Chevalier said angrily.

  “Chevalier!” Kyle yelled. “We can’t do that and you know it.”

  “I just don’t see how a small mortal woman can elude the Equites like this. How many are in New Mexico now?”

  “We have just over fifty of them out looking for her. There are a lot of open spaces, it’s not easy.” Kyle reminded him.

  “Maybe it’s time to get some information out of Sam,” Chevalier said, looking at Kyle.

  “I’ve tried, he won’t talk,” Kyle told him, and threw his arms in the air.

  “Then maybe it’s my turn,” Chevalier said with a malicious look.


  Emily laid down in the dark bunkhouse and listened to the strange sounds around her. She missed the sound of the ocean and the smell of the salty air. She turned to her side and curled up with the pillow. For hours, she tossed and turned, and began to think she forgot how to sleep. When she did finally fall asleep, she was plagued by dreams. Dreams where she died in childbirth and the baby was left with Jeff.

  She started the morning off the same as every morning for the past four weeks. She got up, showered, ate a bowl of cereal, and then went out to collect eggs, feed the horses, and then milked the two dairy cows that were on the ranch.

  She enjoyed milking the cows, much more than anything to do with the sheep. Emily thought the sheep smelled badly and were profoundly stupid. She missed her cows, but tried not to think about it too much. It was awkward milking, though. She sat on the low stool, and then had to reach around her large stomach to even get to the cow. There was a small barn cat that came to meet her each morning.

  “Open up,” she said, and squirted milk directly into the cat’s mouth.

  She laughed when the cat caught a mouthful, and then pawed at the few drops that had landed on his whiskers.

  “Oh, so you can laugh,” Jeff said from behind her.

  Emily ignored him and kept milking the cow.

  “Been thinking about you, Teeny,” Jeff told her, now directly behind her. He reached down under her arms and pulled her off the chair.

  “Get your hands off of me, Jeff,” Emily said, turning on him.

  His grin widened and he stepped toward her. She stepped back, watching him, but was soon stopped by the barn wall at her back.

  “I know you have a thing for me, Shortcake,” he said, and put his hands on the wall by her shoulders.

  “In your dreams.” She tried to get out from his arms, but he stopped her with his body.

  Jeff grinned at her, “You must be pretty lonely without your husband around.”

  Emily brought her knee up hard, but he dodged her and laughed.

  “You can fight me, but I know you’ll love it,” he said, and ran the back of his hand down the side of her breast.

  “If you want to keep that hand, I suggest you get it off of my wife.” The voice came from behind Jeff and he spun.

  Chevalier and Kyle walked into the barn and Emily gasped, wide eyed.

  “She apparently don’t want you no more,” Jeff said, clenching his fists. “That makes her free game.”

  “Don’t make me hurt you, Boy,” Chevalier said, taking a step toward Jeff. Jeff was a lot shorter than Chevalier but solidly built. He didn’t back down as the heku approached him.

  Jeff took a swing at Chevalier, but he dodged it and brought his knee up into Jeff’s stomach. Jeff dropped to his knees, gasping for breath.

  “I warned you,” Chevalier said, watching Jeff on the ground.

  Emily watched it all and she wasn’t sure what to do. Part of her wanted to nab a horse and run, but part of her wanted to feel his arms wrapped around her.

  Jeff finally managed to get to his feet, and he took another swing at Chevalier. Chevalier caught Jeff’s fist in his hand and clenched it. Jeff screamed when the bones in his hand began to break.

  “Chev, stop!” Emily screamed at him.

  He dropped Jeff’s hand and looked at her. As soon as Jeff was free, he ran from the barn.

  Kyle walked toward Emily while Chevalier stayed at the door and looked at her.

  Emily blushed and brushed the hay off of her clothes. She’d started wearing old blue coveralls that were several sizes too big for her, but ones she didn’t mind getting dirty. Her boots were caked with manure and she was sure she smelled like the sheep.

  Kyle hugged her tightly, and she buried her face into his chest and wrapped her arms around him.

  “Come back with us,” he asked.

  “I can’t,” she whispered, not letting go of him.

  Jeff appeared in the other doorway with four of the ranch hands, “It’s time you fella’s left,” he said, holding ice in his broken hand.

  Kyle glanced up at Chevalier, and then headed for the five men. He grabbed Jeff hard by the arm and threw him out of the barn, following him out.

  Chevalier and Emily were now alone. Neither of them knew what to do or what to say. Both wanted to run to the other, but neither of them moved.

  “You look good, Em,” Chevalier said finally.

  She looked down at herself and cringed, “You too,” she whispered and finally looking up at him. The sight of him made her heart ache.

  “What can I do to get you to come back with us?” he asked and took a step towards her.

  “I told you, I’m too dangerous to go back,” she said softly.

  “That’s not true. I got some information from Sam, and we can work around this,” Chevalier said as he approached her. He reached out and took her hand in his.

  “I killed an innocent man, Chev.” She looked at his hand, afraid to meet his eyes.

  “It wasn’t your fault. I should have realized that you might affect the process.” He took her other hand in his.

  “What else do we not realize about me that might hurt someone else?”

  “Come home,” he said. Chevalier lifted her chin with his hand so she had to look at him. Her piercing green eyes sent a panic through him, what if he never saw them again?

  “I can’t risk it,” she told him, and looked deeply into his eyes.

  “There is no risk.” He brushed his lips softly against hers.

  Kyle stepped in, grinning, and Chevalier glared up at him.

  “Sorry, Chief,” he said, stopping where he was. He quickly backed back out of the barn.

  “Emily…” Chevalier was cut off by a younger, higher pitched voice behind him.

  “He bothering you?” Pat asked nervously. Pat was only sixteen, and he was scrawny and much shorter than Chevalier.

  Chevalier turned on him angrily, but his posture changed when he saw that the boy was only worried about Emily’s safety.

  “It’s ok, Pat... this is my husband,” Emily assured him.

  Pat looked around nervously. He obviously wanted to leave, but part of him was afraid to leave Emily alone with this large man.

  “Umm... ok well… I’ll just wait here,” he said finally, and he looked at Emily to avoid Chevalier’s gaze.

  “No, Pat, really, go back inside. I’ll be in in a minute.” She smiled at him, and he finally left.

  Chevalier knew he couldn’t force her to leave. He could physically, but he’d risk hurting her in the process. He moved back toward the door slowly, watching her and wondering if he
would be able to live without her.

  Emily hesitated, and then ran into his arms. She felt his strong arms wrap tightly around her, and she buried her face in his chest and cried. She realized she’d been crying a lot lately, but these tears she couldn’t stop.

  “I can’t go back,” she whispered before pressing her lips to his briefly.

  “You don’t belong here, you belong with me,” he said, and stared into her eyes.

  She shook her head, “It’s too dangerous.”

  “No it’s not, I swear to you. Kyle and I have figured out how to do what we need to without the risk of death.” He was already leading her out the barn door.

  “Emi?” her Uncle Alec asked, approaching the barn.

  Chevalier had to take a second look. Alec looked exactly like Emily’s father, “I’m taking her home.”

  Alec smiled broadly, “I wondered how long before she went back.”

  “I told you I was staying,” she said, shocked.

  “I’ve never seen a more miserable creature than you have been these last few weeks. Go home.” He was smiling.

  Jess joined them, “Oh good, he came for you.”

  “I… I thought I was helping you,” Emily said, a little hurt.

  “You were, Dear, you were. You were also unhappy, we could see that,” Jess said, and kissed Emily on the cheek. “Keep in touch please.”

  Emily nodded and turned to look at the Humvee sitting by the barn with the black paint and dark windows, it was obviously Chevalier’s.

  Kyle walked out from behind the barn, grinning, and Emily frowned at him, “What did you do to Jeff?”

  Kyle looked over her head to Alec, “When we leave, you might want to untie your field hands. They’re hanging, chained together, from the top of the grain silo.”

  Alec shook his head and laughed, “I told him to leave Emily alone.”

  The three of them climbed into the Humvee and headed back to Maine.

  “How did you find me?” Emily asked as they hit I-40.

  “Well, Storm found your flight to Albuquerque, and Sam,” Chevalier sighed. “Sam took some doing, but finally told us about Allen’s brother.”

  Emily nodded, “Here’s the deal though. One more accidental death and I’m gone, no looking for me.”

  Chevalier looked at her, “Fine, as long as you let me buy you a place instead of field-handing at your uncle’s ranch.”

  “That would negate the no looking for me part if you already knew where I was,” she pointed out.

  “Oh true… ok, so I’ll give you an account when we get back, with enough money for your own ranch,” he said.

  She nodded and watched the farmlands fly past.

  “When we get back, you need to see Dr. Edwards immediately. He’s been bugging us daily,” Kyle remembered.

  “I’ve seen a doctor and everything is fine… well mostly.”

  Chevalier frowned, “Mostly?”

  “Just a big baby, he said. The doctor was worried about his size and said I may have to deliver early.” She held Chevalier’s hand. She didn’t tell him how terrified she was that heku would die while she was in labor. She had less control of her abilities when there was pain involved.

  Kyle glanced at Chevalier in the rear-view mirror.

  Chapter 11 - Soon

  Kyle pulled the Humvee into the Hilton just as the sun began to set. Emily got out of the back of the Humvee and stretched. Chevalier grabbed her bag, and they checked into a room with Kyle in an adjacent room.

  The room was warm and spacious and Emily immediately began filling the jetted tub. The long ride made her back ache. She shut the door and climbed into the hot, steamy water, then leaned back and shut her eyes. She opened them again when she realized her belly was sticking out of the water and getting cold. She wet a wash rag and draped it over her then shut her eyes again.

  “Getting big there, Em,” Chevalier said, chuckling.

  She didn’t look up, “Mmhmm.”

  “Do you have any idea how crazy I’ve been? Not knowing where you were,” he said, picking her foot up out of the hot water and massaging it.

  Emily shrugged and still didn’t look up.

  He sighed, “Do it again and I’ll lock you in the prison.”

  She could tell by his voice he was joking, “Oh good, then I can spend more time with David.”

  Chevalier grinned, “I could always go back and get the smooth talker from Alec’s ranch.”

  “Oh Jeff, yes, he’s definitely my type.”

  Chevalier reached down and pressed his lips against Emily’s. She wrapped her arms around him and laughed as he picked her up out of the water and laid her down on the bed.


  “Well, I agree with the doctor in New Mexico. If this baby doesn’t stop growing, we’re going to have to take it early,” Dr. Edwards said after looking Emily over.

  “How early? When’s the earliest we can take him?” Chevalier asked, a little too anxiously.

  “It’d be nice if we could at least make it to 37 weeks, but I won’t risk Emily’s health so when I feel it’s time, we’ll take it,” Dr. Edwards told them.

  “Not too early.” She looked from Chevalier to Dr. Edwards.

  “How are the headaches?” he asked, looking into her eyes with a scope.


  “Bloody noses?”


  “Your blood pressure is still higher than I like so… bed rest,” he said, writing something in her chart.

  “What?” Emily’s eyes were wide. “Are you kidding?”

  “Nope, full bed rest.”

  “But… no,” she said after a few seconds.

  “That’s my orders, full bed rest.” He looked at her, “I’m not kidding either. If you won’t follow my orders, then I’ll admit you.”

  Emily gasped and Chevalier stifled a laugh.

  They were back in the helicopter before Emily said anything to him.

  “I suppose you’re enjoying this,” she scowled at him.

  “Nope,” he said seriously.

  “I figured you’d think it was funny.”

  “No I don’t… Who does he think has to put up with your grouchy self for the next few weeks while you’re bored in bed?” Chevalier grinned.

  Emily slapped him on the chest and looked out the window of the helicopter.

  When they arrived, she dutifully sat down in her bed, then looked at the boring room and wondered how she was going to keep entertained for the next few weeks. The book on her bedside table no longer looked appealing. She didn’t want to watch TV, even though Kyle bought a big screen TV for her room. She wasn’t hungry, didn’t want to sleep, and didn’t want to stare at the ceiling again.

  The day finally drew to a close, and she watched the colors out the window turn from bright yellows and oranges, to dark blues and grays.

  “Hungry, Em?” Chevalier asked, bringing her tray into the room.

  “Not really.”

  “Oh? I thought you’d be starving.” He lifted the top and wrinkled his nose at the Brussels sprouts, “Those smell awful.”

  “I don’t feel like eating.” She laughed. Chevalier always questioned her taste in food, but then again, she wasn’t that happy with his choice either.

  “Are you sick?”

  “Sort of, just kinda… blah.” She flipped on the TV. Chevalier curled up with her as she watched the news.

  “There’s a hurricane coming!” She sat up and looked at him.

  “Yes, I know.”



  “Shouldn’t we leave?”

  Chevalier grinned, “No, we have it under control.”

  “How?” Her eyes narrowed.

  “We’ve been here for hundreds of years, in the morning we’ll board up the windows. It’s nothing to worry about.”

  Emily ignored his blasé attitude and turned back to the TV. According to the weatherman, the hurricane was going to hit Maine the following
evening and was currently a category 4. She shivered just thinking about it. Blizzards, fine. Tornadoes, not too bad. Hurricanes, very bad.

  “Gah, Emily,” Chevalier growled as she got out of bed and walked over to the balcony. She stepped out and looked up at the sky. It was perfectly clear and the stars were shining brightly.

  “Come back,” Chevalier said, gently taking her hand.

  Emily nodded and went back to the bed, grabbing a Brussels sprout as she passed the table. The rest of the news was the usual, wars in Iraq, deaths in Russia, and gang wars in Bangor.

  Late into the night she channel surfed, occasionally stopping on a cooking show or a show about maximum-security prisons.

  “Why don’t you go to sleep?” Chevalier asked as she started to watch an old episode of The Man from Atlantis.

  “Not tired.”

  “How can you not be tired? It’s 2am.”

  “I’ve been sleeping on an off all day in this stupid bed, how could I not be awake?” She decided against that show and began to go through more channels.

  “Do you want me to get you a movie?” he asked, cringing as she landed on a show featuring a woman and the sixteen possible fathers for her baby.

  “No, but if you want to be useful, why don’t you go get me some ice cream and more Brussels sprouts.” She turned the volume up a little on the TV.

  Chevalier kissed her on the forehead and left the room. As soon as he was gone, Emily got back out of bed and went out onto the balcony. In the last few hours, some clouds had appeared. She watched them for a few minutes. They were coming in fast and dark. The moon was now gone, and the wind was picking up. Movement caught Emily’s eye and she glanced over toward the barn, and saw Patra and her colt out in the corral.

  “I’m going to kill him,” she mumbled, and grabbed a robe before running out of the bedroom.

  She knew she had limited time, so she ran as fast as she could, though she admitted it was more like a swift waddle.

  Emily stepped out onto the cold grass in her bare feet and went into the barn.

  “Sam?” she yelled, grabbing a bridle.

  “Yes, Ma’am?” He appeared in the loft.

  “Why is Patra outside? There’s a storm coming,” she said, irritated.

  “They were restless. I let them out to get some energy out.” He started down the ladder.


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