A Billionaire In Barcelona (International Alphas Book 8)

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A Billionaire In Barcelona (International Alphas Book 8) Page 17

by Cherry Kay

“That too, but mostly, mostly because I understood how I felt for you by then. It took a while. I told you I was in love with you, and I showed it, but it wasn’t enough. I held back. I was afraid of hurting myself, and you. I thought that if I was too happy with you, it would only end in disappointment, and you’d leave even if I’d convinced you to stay.”

  “But I did leave.”

  “It took me a month to prepare everything, just so I could take this flight and be here right now,” he said with a smile. “Worth it all the way.”

  “What did you father say? Your family?”

  “My father told me to leave the hospital, to go after you. I think we’re finally seeing eye-to-eye. Anita and mama still want to see you, though… when you left, I felt kind of desperate actually. Are you dating anyone?” he asked her.

  She shook her head. “No. How did you know I was here?”

  He smiled. “Mama contacted the gallery, and she called up your mother. You have no idea how relieved I was that she agreed to this.”

  “So this is all a set-up?”

  “With nothing but the best intentions.”

  Her heart was hammering, and she was in a free fall for him. No regrets, no buts and ifs, just love. Just love for a man who broke her camera and then mended her heart and soul. She knew she couldn’t have healed as fast without him in her life, even with a few painful events along the way.

  “How long will you be here?” she asked him, looking into his eyes, those wonderful eyes that she had fallen in love with, at first sight.

  “How long will it take for you to have me?”

  “You already have me,” she said, tiptoeing for a kiss.

  He kissed her back, and he held her hard.


  Authors Personal Message:

  Hey beautiful!

  I really hope you enjoyed my novel and do not forget to check out all the other releases from the International Alphas series listed below.




  If you already have the above books then just turn the page to enjoy a special BONUS book that has been included in your download. :)



  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places or events are entirely coincidental.

  Copyright 2015 CHERRY KAY

  All Rights Reserved To CHERRY KAY


  Ali knew that a one night stand with her attractive history professor was a bad idea and so did he.

  With such relationships being forbidden, they both agreed that they would never mention it again and life would carry on like it never happened.

  But this is something that is easier said than done for both of them.

  Especially when Ali gets the shock of her life and discovers she is pregnant with her teachers baby...


  Chapter One

  Four weeks earlier...

  I can’t believe I got to class on time. Looking around at every full desk in the small room, I spot the only empty seat far in the back. Wonderful, I guess I’ll be wearing my ten-year-old glasses today. I don’t mind anyway, I definitely want to see the professor clearly. Dr. Gwozdek is famed around the university for being the sexiest teacher on campus. I’ve never seen him up close, so when I was able to swap into his class at the last minute, earlier this semester, I jumped at the chance. After all, I’d be graduating come summer and I probably would never get the chance again to have him as my teacher.

  I squeeze into to the open desk and sit down just in time to watch Professor Gwozdek walk in, always gracing the classroom full of women, and a few guys, with his presence. There seems to be a collective sigh of appreciation.

  I pull out my old plastic framed glasses from my dump-me-all bag, held together by tape and prayer alone.

  “Good evening everyone, today we’ll be finishing up the last of ancient Mesopotamia…” I think all I heard was “good evening.” Once I got my glasses on, I was completely distracted by his looks.

  If he wanted to, Dr. Gwozdek could quit his job and become the face of Armani. He has angular features, a square jaw, straight nose and masculine chin. His eyes are a smoky blue under thick lashes and an intense brow. His lips are plump and so pink they look temptingly soft.

  Dr. G continues to talk to the class, though I don’t think anyone is listening, really. This was a bad idea to take this class with this teacher in my final year of college. There was a reason I pushed my history general education requirement back so far. I wasn’t any good at it. I mean who likes to sit and memorize a bunch of dates, anyway? Now I have the added challenge of trying to listen to Dr. G, instead of just staring at his expressive hands and lean build, propped casually against his desk at the head of the room.

  My overactive imagination is producing a slew of images of the different ways he can pin me to that desk. I take a deep breath and take off my glasses. Really, I only need to listen to his lecture. I don’t have to see him. That’s a good solution, great method Ali…wonderful, now I’m thinking in third person.

  “So anyway, enough about what we will be talking about. Let’s jump into the lecture.” Dr. G’s compelling voice breaks through my inner monologue and I start paying attention to the class. “Starting from the back there, I want everyone to tell me something they learned about ancient Mesopotamia.”

  The class responds with nervous laughter and comments, no one was prepared for today to be a discussion day. The class falls silent as they wait for the discussion to get started. I glance around and realize everyone is looking at me expectantly.

  “Oh, starting with me?” I say in chagrined surprise. Dr. G nods, I wish I could see his expression, but it’s probably best that I don’t, anyway. I don’t want to lose my train of thought while looking at him. “Well I learned that life in Ancient Mesopotamia was about settling for food. There were a lot of farming communities and governments were formed around that, followed by religion and culture until there was full-blown civilizations,” I say a bit nervously.

  “Why were governments formed in farming communities?” I didn’t expect him to follow up with a question; I just hope I don’t say anything stupid.

  “Because they needed protection, and a way to make sure everyone was fed, I suppose.” I answer honestly and Dr. G. nods thoughtfully.

  “Very good…what’s your name? You aren’t usually vocal during discussion, excuse my singling you out.”

  “My name is Alicia - Ali.” Dr. G nods and he moves on to the student in front of me to continue with discussion.

  The rest of class goes by quickly since it’s pretty much a review day before we move on from Mesopotamia. Dr. G dismisses us thirty minutes early, but most of the class mills around to ask the professor bogus questions, I’m sure. Just so they can remain in his presence and stare a little bit longer.

  I don’t blame them. I slowly pack up my things to get ready to go. I’m supposed to meet my best friend Kelsey at her place for dinner. She’s just returned from a trip abroad to London and we have serious catching up to do. She’ll understand if I’m a few minutes late because I just wanted to look at Dr. G a little longer.

  I make it to the front of the small room after weaving around closely strewn desks and manage to trip over absolutely nothing once clear of the maze. I drop my bag and what looks like all my life’s contents spill onto the floor.

  “Whoa, let me help you there.” I glance up at Dr. G, who is crouching to help me pick up my things. To say I’m embarrassed that I practically fell in front of him is an understatement, and now he’s dangerously close to my spare tampons strewn about on the floor. I glance around and find the classroom empty. There were just a bunch of people milling around…I guess it took me that long to make my way to the front.

  “Thanks, you didn’t have to.” I feel terribly awkward now th
at I’ve realized we’re the only two left in the room.

  “Oh, I don’t mind helping out a student. So are you looking forward to the test?” He jokes, trying to make conversation and I try my best not to turn into a complete idiot and communicate normally with him.

  “Actually I’m not dreading it. I thought this class would be memorizing a bunch of dates, but I like that it’s largely main-idea based, so I think I’ll make it.” Dr. G looks at me strangely, I think he’s feigning hurt, but there is something else in his gaze I can’t pinpoint.

  “You thought I’d be one of those professors?” He’s smirking at me, his plump lips pulled up at the corner, and that little smile melts my insides.

  “Well, all of the other history classes I’ve been forced to take have really colored my perception of history teachers and professors,” I answer honestly and try to lighten my comment with a sheepish smile. We manage to get all my things back into my purse and Dr. G straightens quickly. I follow his lead and take a step towards the door.

  “So have I changed your perception?” This is the most casual conversation I’ve ever had with a professor, I must admit. It seems right, almost, that it be with Dr. G.

  “I think so…maybe. After all, you’re only one history professor in a sea of many.” Dr. G nods, his wavy brown hair falling into his face. He runs his fingers through the silky waves, righting it once more. I hadn’t noticed it before, but he has great hair. Not too long in the front and short in the back.

  “Well I’m glad that I am changing your mind a bit. It’s a lifelong battle of mine being a teacher and whatnot.” He smiles good-naturedly and I laugh a bit nervously. My goodness, I need to get myself together. I am not some giggling groupie.

  “As long as you don’t push too many names and dates down my throat then I think we’ll be good.” I smile at him crookedly and it’s his turn to laugh. To say he has a nice laugh is an understatement. It sounds like hot chocolate; warm, seductive and delicious.

  “Like I said during class, I don’t expect you to memorize dates, but you’ll have to remember a few more names, I must admit.” There’s nice seductive, yet humorous warmth to his voice that makes me feel like the luckiest girl on Earth just to be speaking to him right now.

  “Alright, well I guess I won’t resent you too much.” I smile at him shyly. Cool, I’m doing this, having a normal conversation and not sounding like some star struck student.

  “I certainly hope not. I wouldn’t want to get on your bad side,“ he says slowly, his voice deepening a bit. I study his expression; his smoky eyes are intensely focused on me. A warm thrill works its way through my veins.

  “No, you could never get on my bad side, Dr. G.” He smiles at me crookedly and I catch something unexpected in his gaze. There is definitely a heat there that surprises me.

  “Your response in class was very perceptive, why don’t you participate during discussions?” Dr. G’s voice has become even silkier and all that more seductive. My heart speeds up in a rush of electric excitement, but I’m quick to ignore it. Maybe he’s just innately sexy and can’t help it if he comes across as a god of seduction.

  “Dr. G, so many people jump at the chance for your attention during discussion it’s difficult to try and be heard.” I say jokingly and he smiles.

  “It’s okay to call me Adam outside of class Alicia.” I try not to show my surprise too much. He wants me to call him by his first name? I can’t help but feel a little privileged. Even though I should squash what I’m feeling. He probably tells all of his students this outside of class.

  “Okay Adam…it’s Ali, actually. Only my parents call me Alicia and that’s only if I’m in trouble.”

  Adam chuckles. “Ali suits you I think.” Adam’s eyes roam over my face and I bite my lip, his gaze clearly stops at my mouth and locks on. Butterflies take up residence in my belly and my breathing stops short in nervousness.

  “Uh, well I have to get going…thanks for helping me with my bag.” I take a few steps towards the door and Adam seems to snap out of whatever train of thought he was on. I can almost see the professional friendly demeanor slide firmly back into place.

  “Right, no problem Ali, see you next class.”

  I wave and walk from the room.

  I’m definitely confused. Was there something there or wasn’t there…? Am I just making things up? That seems most likely as he is my teacher and I have an overactive imagination. Plus, with all the talk of how gorgeous Dr. G is, there have never been rumors about him having any sort of fling with a student before. I sigh and shake my head. Yeah I need to get a grip, and possibly a boyfriend.

  I hurry down the hallway and hang a right out to the entrance of the building closest to the parking lot. I walk out into the crisp early winter night air and take a deep breath; I can’t wait for the snow to finally get here. The days and nights have been getting cooler and cooler in Connecticut, winding down to the inevitability of snow season. Soon, the sidewalks and paths of the University of Connecticut will be white. It’s one of my favorite things about the campus; it looks so good under a blanket of snow.

  While getting into my Honda Civic, I dial Kelsey’s number, she’s sure to be annoyed with me. The girl is honestly a little obsessive when it comes to being on time.

  “You should be here by now, I timed the eggplant Parmesan to be ready by the time you got here, and now it’s going to be soggy.” Kelsey’s annoyed breathy voice nags at me through the phone.

  “I know, I know. I’m on my way from class now…you won’t believe who I had an after class chat with.”

  Kelsey gasps, her earlier annoyance immediately forgotten. “Oh my gosh! Dr. G, tell me you had Dr. G all to yourself after class!” Kelsey nearly squeals in excitement. “I swear I’m coming to class with you all the time from now on.” I laugh at her over excitement.

  “Calm down Kels, There isn’t even an extra seat in the class, so you’d be sitting on the floor.”

  Kelsey sighs, long-suffering. “I should have taken world civ all over again instead of the History of English Theater. That professor is a demi god.” I roll my eyes, leave it to the theater major to be dramatic.

  “Alright, well I just wanted to call to tell you that I’m on the way now. I should be there in five minutes.” By now I’m pulling out of university grounds.

  “Good, I want to hear every detail about class when you get here, and don’t skimp on the imagery, you’re a writer, you need to be very descriptive.” I laugh and roll my eyes. She’s probably going to want me to sneak pictures of Adam next class. I end the call with Kelsey and dial my mom hands-free.

  “Oh, is this my daughter Alicia? I was beginning to think I was childless because none of my children ever think to call their mother. I only gave birth to you and make sure you have enough money to eat every week.” I smile a little guiltily, but fondly, none the less. She’s right; I haven’t given her a call in a while. I miss my mom’s voice.

  “Hi mamma, how are you?”

  Shatrice King does her famous sarcastic snort and sighs before telling me she’s fine and proceeds to fill me in on the week’s events. My dad, Shawn King, got another big client he is defending for a slip and fall suit. Dad is one of the most successful corporate lawyers in Connecticut. A lot of big businesses are on my dad’s client list. On the other hand, my mom is a physician’s assistant and she always has crazy patient stories to report. My parents are both very successful and though they don’t say it outright, there is pressure on my two older brothers and I to be just as successful.

  “So that’s us, how are you doing in your classes?” I pause before answering her right away, and my ever-perceptive mother catches it instantly. “What’s wrong? You didn’t fail a test or something, did you?” Her stern voice makes me sigh in mild annoyance; sometimes my mother has too little faith in me, ever since I switched my major from Pre-Med to English.

  “No, I haven’t failed any tests, mother. My classes are fine; it should be another A plus
semester. Anyway, I’m pulling up to Kelsey’s now. I’ll call later to catch up with daddy.” I hurry off the phone with my mom and get out of the car to walk into Kelsey’s building and to her apartment.

  “Finally!” She greets me in a whirlwind before I so much as knock on her door.

  Kelsey is a gorgeous blend of African American and Italian. I often envy her flowing black hair that falls just to her waist. Kels never has to worry about curls that can turn to frizz and ruin everyone’s day. She has that soft looking caramel latte skin and her features are perfect and softly rounded. The killers are her eyes; she can get any guy once they’ve had a look at her forest green eyes. It’s what makes her so unique.

  “So! Tell me, tell me. Is he as gorgeous up close as he is far away?”

  I laugh and pull Kelsey into a fierce hug. “I’ve missed you! How was England, what did you do, what did you see?”

  Kelsey waves away my questions, she’s obviously determined. She ushers me to the breakfast bar in the kitchen and starts to make a plate of food for me. “I’ll tell you after you spill about class!”

  I sigh and give in finally. “Fine, he’s gorgeous up close. I mean…obviously he’s gorgeous. But it was distracting, trying to listen to him talk and being so close to him at the same time…” I pause for thematic effect and notice Kelsey is staring at me in suspense.

  “By God woman, don’t stop now!” I laugh, and she grabs a dinner knife, holding it up threateningly.

  “Well I dropped my bag after class and he helped me pick up all the stuff, and really we just chatted, but…and this could be my overactive imagination, but I think there was something there…” Hearing myself out loud solidifies my fear that I’m making something out of nothing.

  “Were there intense stares? Did he touch you in any way at all?” Kelsey asks with building excitement.


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