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Radiance Page 36

by Shayne McClendon

  Turning, she pressed her cheek to Tawny’s. “We can go back whenever you’re ready, double-oh-seven.”

  Chapter Forty-Five

  November 2015

  Brie’s return to New York City following seven weeks in absolute seclusion was accomplished quietly.

  After hugging her tightly, Carlo keyed her up to Hudson’s penthouse and the couple was waiting just outside the elevator when it opened.

  They hugged her so hard that it hurt and she let them because she understood. “I’m sorry you were worried. I needed to stop the world for a minute.”

  Letting her go slowly, Natalia stroked Brie’s hair away from her face. “Where to begin, Gabriella?”

  “At the beginning.” Taking a deep breath, she let them lead her into the living room where they settled beside her on the couch. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  They asked her about her attack at the club and though she was certain they already knew, Hudson slowly tensed, his fists clenching on his thighs.

  He watched her intently. “You are one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. I’m proud of you.” Stroking his hand over her head, he murmured, “That someone again touched you in violence destroys me. I’m sorry, Gabriella.”

  “I’m…stuck in a weird loop.” She shook her head and twisted her fingers in her lap.

  “There’s no doubt you’ve been through the ringer in the last couple of years, Gabriella.” Natalia squeezed her hand. “I’ve never seen one person endure so much, so close together.”

  “It has to be something I’m doing; a vibe I’m putting out there. I don’t know what it is and I don’t know how to stop it.”

  Hudson disagreed. “You’re a gentle person. Those who are not gentle are drawn to you. Some are intrigued, most are naturally protective toward you, and then there are those who seek to use you. It’s bullshit to think you’ve done something.”

  “I have to be stronger. No more relationships. No more ménages. No more of the lifestyle.”


  “I’m not suited. In the end, they aren’t doing it. I did it to myself. I’m too emotional, I don’t fit.” She shrugged. “I don’t know where I fit but…I’m confused, hurt.”

  Quietly, she added, “I need to talk to Scott. I need closure. It’s time to move on.”

  Inhaling carefully, he gave a single nod. “Anything you need, you know we’ll help you.”

  “I know. I love you both for that.”

  * * *

  Several days later, they met at her apartment. She dressed carefully and pulled her hair snugly to the back of her head.

  In the living room, her eyes landed on the sculpture and the violin. “Are they okay?” Hudson grunted. “I need to know they’re still breathing.”

  “Yes. They’re okay.”

  Natalia held her shoulders. “We see them often. Is there a message, darling?”

  “I…” She took a deep breath and started again. “Tell them I gave freely, without condition, and I’ll never use it against them. I regret nothing.”

  Wiping stray tears, she grabbed her bag. “I want to close the door on the past. Maybe then I’ll be able to think clearly about my future.”

  In the lobby, she remembered the day of the attack and suppressed a chill, pressing her heart.

  Leonard held the door to the car and as she approached, he gave her a hard hug. “I’m glad you’re okay, Brie. I’m sorry I wasn’t with you.”

  At her ear, he added in a whisper, “The man had half a kilo of cocaine in the back of his car. When he’s released from the hospital, he’ll be going to prison.”

  “He’s…still in the hospital?”

  “Eklund is rather good at destruction.” She nodded and moved to pull back. He held her a moment longer. “Men such as us don’t give up easily. Don’t lose hope.”

  Staring into his eyes, she tried to smile and failed. He kissed her forehead and nudged her into the back of the car.

  “Cocaine?” she asked Hudson when the door closed.

  Brushing imaginary lint from his slacks, her best friend met her eyes. “He had to go for something. The sentence for drugs is harsher than that for violence against women. A fact that sickens me.” He faced forward.

  “I wanted him punished without involving you. Leonard is imaginative. I never appreciated the range of his skills until you came into our lives. I’ve given him a substantial raise.”

  “As did I,” Natalia told her with a wink. “He adores you and I do so enjoy a man with excellent taste.”

  Brie hugged them and loved them for so many reasons.

  * * *

  They drove for an hour to a luxury apartment building. “You put him in New Jersey?”

  “He was being punished,” Hudson replied deadpan.

  Despite the mood, she laughed.

  At the curb, Leonard let them out and winked at Brie. Her friends flanked her as they entered the building.

  “Mr. Winters. Good to see you again, sir.” An older woman manned the concierge desk. “They’re expecting you.”

  As the elevator rose, Brie worked to center her mind, to calm her thoughts, to ease the pressure in her heart.

  In the hallway, there were armed men on either side of an apartment door. Their heads turned to take them in.

  Hudson took her hand. “Are you alright?”

  “I will be.” She gave him a shaky smile. “Let’s do this.”

  One of the men opened the door. “Mr. Winters.”

  Hudson nodded and they walked into a gorgeous space. On the other side of the room, Scott Truing stood in front of the windows. Men stood on either side of him. She knew they would subdue him if he tried to hurt her.

  She stared at him for a long moment. His light blonde hair was longer and he was leaner. He was still a beautiful man.

  Squeezing Hudson’s hand, she let him go and approached Scott slowly. His eyes were clear, pale blue. He met her gaze directly and she could see the pain in them.

  Tears slipped from the corners of his eyes and he said quietly, “I’m glad you’re alright. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Gabriella.”

  Stepping closer, she wrapped her arms around him. He gasped and hugged her hard. They stood like that for almost a minute.

  Finally leaning back, she asked, “Are you better now?”

  He nodded, more tears slipped over his cheeks.

  “So am I. I forgive you.” Scott sobbed brokenly, tightening his hands on her. “Why you did all of it doesn’t matter. Why you were so angry, that doesn’t matter either.”

  “W-what matters?”

  “That you move on. That you stop hurting people. That you know Hudson loves you and would give his right arm to protect you. That you matter to someone, to many someones, and they want to see you safe and happy. That you understand where you were so you don’t go back.”

  He lifted his hand to brush his fingers over her face. “I hurt you in so many ways. I almost killed you, Gabriella. How can you forgive me?”

  “How can I not?” She shook her head. “I believe in second chances, in starting over. If I don’t believe in them for you, then I c-can’t believe in them for myself.”

  Lifting one shoulder, she whispered, “I’m also grateful that a bizarre and sometimes painful chain of events brought so many wonderful people into my life. I can’t regret it.”

  “You are a spectacular woman.” He inhaled carefully. “I want you to know I introduced myself to you originally to fuck with Hudson. I wasn’t running the con then. I had no intention of falling in love with you but I did. I fell hard. I knew you wanted to love me, that you tried, but you didn’t.”

  “I’m sorry, Scott.”

  He shook his head. “You would have stayed with me anyway because you give so fucking much. A few months after I met you, I started using and lost my mind. You were an easy target because you always expect the best of people. I imagine they continually disappoint you.”

  “Not always.”

p; “I was so high the day I hit you that I don’t remember driving to that corner. There was a moment of clarity where I tried to stop the gruesome thing I was doing but…it was too late.” He swallowed hard and more tears fell. “The rage…that Hudson had what I wanted so badly…I went insane.”

  “I’m not in love with Hudson, nor he with me.” She sighed. “He felt responsible for me…for how I showed up at his door. He and Natalia are my best friends, the best people I know.”

  Scott’s hands tightened on her shoulders. “Is there someone? In your life?” She nodded and he closed his eyes. “How could there not be?” He swallowed hard. “Is he good to you?”

  Shaking, she whispered, “Yes.”

  “Does he love you as much as you love him?”

  “That’s a hard question to answer.”

  Scott frowned. “That’s the easiest question in the world.” Her eyes filled with tears and he hugged her. “You deserve love more than any person I’ve ever met. I’m sorry my version of it was so fucked up.”

  Nodding, she hugged him back. He lifted her face and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Thank you for your forgiveness. You have no idea how much I needed it.”

  “Have you been okay here?”

  “For what I did, I should have been beaten to death in a prison shower, Gabriella.” He shook his head. “I’ve lacked for nothing. It gave me time to think and I needed that.”

  She held his gaze. “Make the rest of your life amazing, Scott. Let go of all the resentment and old hurts.” After one more hug, she let him go. “Get out of this apartment and start over, find your path. I believe in you. I always did.”

  As she turned to go, he said her name. Looking over her shoulder, he smiled. “You still have the most incredible ass.”

  It made her laugh and he winked. “Bye, Scott.”

  “See ya, pretty girl. Later, Hudson. Natalia, still hot.”

  In the hallway, Hudson grabbed her in a hard hug. “You have the most beautiful fucking soul, Gabriella.”

  She started crying and couldn’t seem to stop. They got her to the car and held her between them firmly.

  “Get it all out, darling. God knows you need it.”

  * * *


  “I’m sending you footage. Gabriella met with Scott Truing today. Winters and Natalia were with her.”

  “Received. Is she alright?”

  “She’s…amazing. The safe house is being shut down. Scott is staying with his mother for a few weeks.” There was a long pause. “I’ll keep an eye on him for now. Make sure.”

  “Thank you.”

  * * *

  The next morning, Brie was severely sick and wondered if her new medication to help her blood clot properly was freaking out her system. She made an appointment with her doctor.

  Leonard took her there and insisted on waiting.

  Hours later, he escorted her to the penthouse and she leaned heavily on him. She was shaking apart on the inside.

  Natalia took one look at her and froze in the act of taking a sip of her wine. She murmured, “Hudson.”

  He glanced up from reading the financial papers.

  “I-I’m pregnant. I’m so scared. I don’t know what to do.” Both of them were across the room in seconds. “The birth control…maybe the other meds?” She shook her head and the pain was excruciating. “I don’t know. I don’t know anything.”

  Then she started to laugh hysterically until the laughter dissolved into wracking sobs.

  Brie was four months along, knew Harper had to be the father, and wondered what the fuck was going to happen.

  * * *

  Harper stiffened as Hudson and Natalia entered the charity gala. Elijah stilled behind him.

  In a distant part of his mind, Harper remembered the gown and the jewelry he’d had commissioned for Gabriella to wear to the event and his heart trembled in true pain.

  The couple made a beeline for them and he steeled himself to endure their contempt.

  “Winters. Natalia, you look lovely.”

  “Thank you, Harper.” The blonde glanced back and forth between he and Elijah, frowning. “Are you alright?”

  He didn’t know how to respond.

  “Ask me, Delkin.” Black eyes held his resolutely.

  Clearing his throat, he murmured, “How is Gabriella?”

  “Healing slowly. She asks about your safety.” Harper closed his eyes. “We told her we see you often and asked if there was a message.”

  “Did she…have one?”

  Part of him was afraid to know. With the sort of women Harper was accustomed to before her, he couldn’t imagine her having anything positive to say.

  “Yes.” Natalia tightened her hand on Hudson’s arm and told them, “She said to tell you she gave freely, without condition, and that she would never use it against you. She also said she regrets nothing.”

  Behind him, he heard Elijah’s small grunt of pain and inhaled carefully to calm his own reaction.

  Winters held his gaze. “She said we aren’t to hold you accountable. That condemning you would be similar to condemning Natalia for her ability to love only me.”

  “That’s a correct statement, is it not, Harper?” Electric blue eyes met his. “Are we alike in our ability to love only one?”

  He blinked. “I haven’t examined our similarities too closely, Natalia.” He smiled. “I’m glad to say I never had that chance because you are exactly where you belong.”

  “Thank you. I agree.”

  Smoothly changing the topic to the small Utah town they’d purchased together, Harper engaged Winters in their first civil conversation since he’d set a chain of events in motion that he couldn’t take back, didn’t know how to fix.

  His choices haunted him.

  Elijah’s continued silence was devastating.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Beginning December 2015

  When Brie was twenty-one weeks pregnant, she started to slip getting out of the shower in her apartment, grabbed for the frame, and felt everything give way inside her.

  She hit the panic button in her bathroom and struggled to calm her body, to mentally save her child.

  Two minutes later, Natalia entered her bathroom with paramedics. Brie was sobbing, lying in a pool of her own blood, and she knew. Her friend knelt at her side, held her hand tightly, and murmured soothingly as she cried with her.

  Listening numbly as the paramedics confirmed she’d lost her baby, Brie wasn’t able to verbally respond. Natalia spoke for her and rode in the ambulance that waited in the loading bay.

  She wouldn’t remember the trip to the hospital or what the paramedics looked like who worked over her. She wouldn’t remember saying several times, “I give up. I fucking give up.”

  All she could do was shed tears that seemed endless.

  * * *


  “You get that selfish piece of shit to her side right fucking now or I’ll do it myself!”

  Immediately on alert, Elijah stilled. “What happened?”

  “Lenox Hill. Get him there and if he doesn’t show some goddamn compassion, you tell him to expect a visit from me!”

  Hollow disconnected and Elijah busted into Harper’s room.

  He was climbing naked from his bed. On the other side was a doe-eyed nameless woman who fit every stereotype.

  “Shower the whore off your body and dress. You have three minutes, Harper.”

  “What the fuck happened now?”

  Elijah grabbed him by the throat. “Two minutes and fifty seconds.”

  He shoved him in the direction of the bathroom and kicked the frame of Harper’s bed. The woman screamed.

  “Get the fuck out if you don’t want to be riddled with bullet holes. Move your ass.”

  He texted Winters.

  Four minutes after Hollow’s call, they were descending in the elevator. “Elijah, what the hell is going on?”

  “I’ve been told to get you to Le
nox Hill and that if you don’t show compassion, Hollow will be paying a visit.”

  “Oh for god’s sake. We’re racing around on his orders? Fuck that shit. He lives to be obnoxious.”

  In the car, his phone vibrated and he read a short reply from Winters. Closing his eyes, Elijah searched for strength, for patience, for a clear head.

  “Before we make some charity visit, let’s have breakfast.”

  Elijah stared into silver eyes that had grown colder, crueler than he remembered. Quietly, he asked, “How was your date, Harper?” His expression shuttered. “Was it fulfilling? All things beautiful? Everything you needed?”

  “Why? Jealous?”

  “If that’s your intention, I have no choice but to disappoint you, Harper. I’ve spent twenty years watching you fuck hundreds of women. I’m immune to it now.”

  “I’m sorry, I…”

  “I was curious. Does every pussy feel the same to you? After so many, do they all blend together? Just another hole? Your type all make the same sounds, the same motions, and supply appropriately appreciative gestures when given gifts.”

  Harper rubbed the back of his neck hard. “I don’t know what you’re asking me, Elijah.”

  He was unable to keep from screaming. “In all your goddamn life, of all the women you’ve fucked, are they all the fucking same?”



  “She was different. You know she was different.”

  “Do you mean Brie?” Harper nodded. “Hmm. That’s good to know. In a few minutes, I want you to hold onto that understanding, Harper. I want you to keep it close to yourself.” Elijah watched as realization dawned.

  “Gabriella is in the hospital?” He said nothing, he didn’t blink. Harper whispered, “What happened?”

  The driver opened the door and Elijah moved to get out. Pausing at the last minute, he said over his shoulder, “She just miscarried your child, Harper.”

  Guiding him through the hospital, Elijah noted that all color had drained from his face.

  Winters stood as they entered the waiting room, feet planted and fists clenched. Natalia sat behind him, her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking with her sobs. She wore pajamas, a robe, and running shoes.


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