::The cargo was, but nothing more,:: Keja added.
:: I am still unable to calculate any further correlation between the seven anomalies. Only three of the anomalies involve crafts, the other four involve two secondary maintenance stations, one communications transportation relay station and one gas mining platform:: Xria stated.
::See this transmission encoding leading up to the event just prior to the data drop from ships systems?:: Keja pulled the data stream encoding closer for inspection. ::Something there doesn't look right. There is a break in the standard transmission encoding, as if something has been inserted.::
::The encoding is not Corporate authorized,:: Xria analyzed.
::Check all streams for that anomaly,::Keja requested.
::Checking--all data streams leading to the data drop on the Super Freighter anomaly show non-authorized Corporate encoding,:: Xria concluded.
::Please continue the analysis between all of the listed anomalies,:: Keja requested.
::Any word yet from the on-site security
investigation?::Keja pressed further.
:: Delphinus Prime Station is currently off-line. The security team is in process of having the communications arrays on nearby planet HD196885ab realigned to attempt local contact and regain station systems.::
::Inform me the instant they are able to reestablish contact.::
::As you request. Analysis completed. All seven anomalies have similar unauthorized non-Corporate transmission encoding just prior to data drop.::
::Interesting,::Keja mused.
::I believe your initial analysis of a connection between the anomalies to be correct.::Xria relented.
::I agree. In each of the cases, there is the unauthorized non-Corporate transmission encoding and the disappearance of all personnel.::
::Not all of the information is consistent,::Xria offered. ::Large deposits of biofluid were found at the second maintenance station. No explanation was ever derived.::
::Corporate Media input?::
::Access denied,::Xria assured. ::No Corporate Media involvement on these anomalies.::
::Witness accounts?::
::None available from any of the anomalies.::
Keja walked through the data files, giving each another glance. ::I have one more request--one that may take a while. Check all records to the highest
classifications available, for any use of unauthorized encoding with a similar signature as used in these seven anomalies.::
::Beginning request,::Xria complied.
: :Director Huir will want all available information on this. I think it best we have those answers waiting for her.::
You have only begun your training in the ways of the universes--the dimensions and realms beyond, the Animus explained.
Cain watched the distortion to his right hand reform
from his painful contact with the crystalline wall, as he
listened with little interest to the Animus.
There are more ways to reach your goal than through
this wall, the Animus said, hardening his tone at Cain's
distraction. Ways less direct and yet effective.
“Will I be able to absorb her life orb like I did with
Not from the realms beyond. You would be like that of
a shadow in her presence...
“Then of what USE is that to ME?” Cain demanded. You will be able to connect with her thoughts, her
feelings--possibly find clues to her physical being in the
lowest realm, the Animus explained.
Cain thought a moment. He had been able to
determine her location once before by means of the Other
Realm--he just needed a better understanding of the
protocols--the mechanics of the process. “Teach me.” Concentrate, center your mind, focus your thoughts
on Li, the Animus guided. Let your subconscious mind be
your guide-
“Where is this 'other dimension?’”
The higher dimensions are not based on a place or
time that have any meaningful reference you have ever
conceived before, the Animus said, his voice now
sounding distant.
Cain concentrated hard, attempting to center and
focus his mind. After a few minutes he realized the voice
of the Animus was gone. The crystalline wall was also
gone and Cain was surrounded by a light veil of fog. Not
far away he could see another shape, female--standing on
what appeared to be a desolate snow-covered outcrop
holding her arms out. Was this Li? Cain tried to move
closer, but the distance between them never changed.
She appeared to be unaware of his presence, and was
talking to someone--or something. Cain could not be sure. Cain reached out toward the female figure once more,
and she turned as though to finally notice, but everything
faded away. Cain discovered he was back next to the
crystalline wall and the Animus. A wave of extreme
exhaustion fell over his entire body.
Your travels between dimensions will require great
levels of energy, the Animus's voice echoed as Cain felt
the inured rush of distance without time. He opened his
eyes to find the familiar surroundings of his personal
quarters on the Class C freighter.
::Processing has been completed, my Egal,:: K'nal
Lluxi announced over the necklace communications. ::Very good, we depart,::Cain replied, transmitting the
navigational information to all the ships.
*** The two young Guardians could see the steam rising off Li's bare skin, by the light of the first full Luna'Rai of the new winter season. Her naked body was silhouetted against the large, pale white orb, hovering low over the mountaintop. Li's arms were outstretched to better allow her the night-sight, while seeking the pack of the nightsingers.
Novia kept a vigilant watch on the night sky for Corporate scanning patrol craft and noticed the two young men, staring with their mouths open.
“Have some respect,” she growled, smacking them both in the back of the head. “She's trying to make peace with the howler packs. Or do you wish to be their meal on the NEXT hunt for the Clans?”
“Yes, Pe'Atchdi. Uh, no Pe'Atchdi,” the two young men stammered with embarrassment, averting their eyes back to the skies to watch for moving lights.
With her night-sight Li could see a group of whitetail in a gully that still had exposed ground, providing one last meal of grasses for the animals. To her left, the focus of her contact was a small pack of night-singers--“howlers,” as the hunters of the clans would call them. From the first moment Li heard their call, she felt the sound better resembled a song, so she called them night-singers.
The leader of the pack circled around, approaching with caution. The male had thick silver fur, streaked with brown and black, and his eyes glowed in the light of the full Luna'Rai. As he moved closer he bared his teeth in a display of strength, still unsure of this tall, two legged animal, standing motionless.
Li could sense the animal's thoughts as he moved closer. No--I am not food, Li insisted, sending her thoughts directly to the animal. Nor am I a threat.
The large night-singer stopped and sniffed the air, unsure of the source of the sounds in his head. Not food?
Li was certain of the animal's response and breathed a sigh of relief. She had believed she could communicate with these animals, as they appeared to have
considerable intelligence, but this was untested. The night-singers had recently claimed the life of yet another young clan hunter. Li only wanted to prevent more unnecessary death. She held a deep belief that the two groups could not only live together in peace, but also possibly help each
Not threat? The male night-singer took another cautious step closer, not sure whether to continue to bare his teeth or sniff the air further.
No. Not food. Not threat. Li assured. She knelt down on one knee and held her hand out, palm down in the direction of the night-singer. With her night-sight she could make out the others in the pack nervously watching from the shadows of the wind-swept, snow-covered mountaintop. The shorter trees at the ridge provided little cover.
The night-singer moved within a pace and sniffed at her hand. The tall, two-legged animal projected dominance without presenting a feeling of threat, and the night-singer soon felt at ease. He turned to the pack with a short yelp, then sat facing the moon along with the tall, two-legged animal. The others approached but kept a distance no closer than the lead male.
I seek fellowship between our two packs, Li offered simple and direct.
The night-singer looked over at his pack, then back to the tall, two-legged animal. What gain?
Your pack, not food. Not threat. My pack, not food. Not threat, Li explained. The night-singer stared at the large moon rising without answering. Li could feel his conflict and his curiosity. She glanced at the small group of whitetail in the gully below and connected mentally with a young injured male the night-singer's pack had been tracking earlier, as well as an older female who would not survive the long winter. Li sent a strong mental
suggestion that they should come to her.
The two whitetail approached the ridge where Li and the night-singer sat. Li reached out to the whitetail just below the ridge. “Blessed be your lives this night. May you receive the blessing of the Goddess of Light into the next life,” Li whispered with a soft touch. The two animals promptly lay down and died as though simply falling asleep.
I offer one for your pack, as well as one for my pack, Li suggested to the night-singer, hoping he would understand the symbolic gesture.
Fellowship? The night-singer stood--the rest of his pack followed suit, at full attention.
Yes, fellowship. Your pack, my pack. Not food, Not threat,Li asserted. The night-singer’s pack approached and dragged the dead male whitetail away into a group of short trees near the ridge top. Li motioned to Novia and the two young Guardians. They approached, unsure what they had just witnessed, and packed out the female whitetail.
Li rejoined the night-singer lead male standing at the ridge top. Not willing to waste a perfect full orb, he began his song in celebration of the night's meal as did the others in his pack. Li stood and reached out her arms once more to enjoy their song. She felt the most connected to the world in this way. In her night-sight she felt another presence, and for a brief moment thought she could see a dark mass, like a deep shadow, but not of this world.
*** Proxima Centauri was a Red Dwarf star, part of the Alpha Centauri system, four point two light years from Mars home world and the first, and thus, oldest star system colonized outside of the local Mars solar system. The star was surrounded by three original planets, two were habitable with only minimal atmospheric
adjustment. The third rocky planet--Centauri 3, was terraformed for habitability and mining operations. Centauri 4, the fourth of the planets in the Proxima Centauri system, was the only completely artificial planet, comprised entirely with seventy-seven thousand production facilities, producing everything from personal care products, shuttle and sled parts, to the most popular JJX-99 power bar. That made Centauri 4 the single largest Corporate production facility in one location, employing a substantial number of Corporate production workforce at just over ninety-six billion, not including several hundred million Duissis sub-contractors.
Kutch took a brief moment to look down the line of visible replicators and other workers in both directions. The job was as mind-numbing as it was simple. Visually identify any one of several manufactured parts coming from the replicator through an inspection port, locate the corresponding visual on a control panel, manually select the appropriate symbol matching the visual on the control panel, then wait for the next part to exit the replicator-repeat process. Twelve hour shifts split up by four, twentyminute breaks, allowing the maintenance crew to reconfigure the equipment or perform maintenance. Alex stood one replicator over, fulfilling the duties just like all the others.
::I don't understand this,:: Kutch said over the secure channel to Alex.
::We've been doing this for three shifts! What don't you understand? Identify the part, select the appropriate visual--repeat!:: Alex grumbled.
::No, not that. Why isn't this all just automated?::
::Seriously? You don't understand?:: Alex was really not sure if Kutch was joking. She turned to see the seriousness in Kutch's face. ::If everything was automated, there would be no reason for Corporate workforce. Without Corporate workforce, there would be no consumer base for these products, conversely no reason for Corporate to exist.::
Kutch took a moment from his work to scowl.
::Corporate economy is a finely-tuned, closelycontrolled infrastructure. You probably never realized that from your former position within Corporate. Everything is tightly regulated from materials, inventory, consumption, and recycling...down to the fractional share.::
::But most of the products are from the same divisions and competing against each other.::
::Yeah--the product with the most consumer acceptance gets the bonus shares for the management teams.::
::How do you know these things?::Kutch asked. Alex rolled her eyes before turning back to her inspection port to continue with the job. ::I think this is going to drive me crazy,:: Kutch continued. ::I feel my brain deteriorating as I stand here.::
::I have detected no detrimental conditions within our cortex or subcortex structures,:: Sid announced with some concern. ::Shall I conduct further analysis?::
::No,:: Kutch grunted.
::You're the one who wanted to get out and do something again. Tired of hiding--wanted some excitement,:: Alex pointed out, not missing the irony of their current job conditions.
Kutch eyed the doorway that was not-so
coincidentally across from his position on the production line. ::I know, I know! I just don't see how anyone could do this job without going insane!::
::Once we have confirmed the line manager is showing the pre-signs of going 'Free Radical' we can notify the--you know--recovery team--and we're outta here,:: Alex assured.
The obnoxiously loud alarm sounded, denoting a twenty-minute break, and the co-worker next to Kutch stepped over. “Hello, I'm Johan Series YIT-5532-BB4--I couldn't help but notice you two have replaced Teres YIT5533-BB5 and Petre YIT-5532-BB4 over the last three shifts,” the man said with a broad welcoming smile. “Welcome to the production line.”
Kutch had been avoiding eye contact as much as possible over the last three days, but was unable to avoid the man any longer. “We're just subs--” Kutch blurted
“Temps,” Alex interrupted, as she turned away.
“Subs--Temps--” Johan kept his smile, although Kutch now felt the expression might be forced. “Why?”
“Uh--” Kutch started.
“Training,” Alex spoke over her shoulder, still keeping her face turned away.
“Training? I was not notified. Is this something new?”
“Uh--” Kutch stalled again.
“Yeah, new,” Alex answered.
“Is that going to be available to the rest of us?” Johan asked.
“I--I don't have that answer, I'm just a sub,” Kutch replied giving the door across from his production line a quick glance as the line manager stepped through.
“I have noticed you keep looking at that door. Why do you keep looking at that door?” Johan asked.
Kutch was becoming very annoyed at the man's never-ending cheerfulness. “What? Uh--I...don't you ever wonder what's behind that door?” Kutch asked.
“No,” Johan answered without hesitation.
“Uh--why not?” Kutch couldn't help continue.
ecause I'm not authorized to know what's behind that door.” Johan's demeanor had a sudden change with a look of concern on his face. “Is your AI not functioning properly?”
Another production line worker walked over with a look of concern. “Is someone having a problem? Do we need to call for medical or technical support?”
“No, no, no...I'm fine. Just--curious...SO--you gotta just love this work, huh?” Kutch attempted a quick change of subject.
Johan and all the other surrounding line production workers gave broad smiles and nodded their agreement.
Without warning the line manager stepped from the door once more. “NO! I DON'T WANT TO!” he yelled, apparently to no one but himself. He stopped and noticed that everyone standing there witnessed the outburst, and wiped the sweat from his forehead before storming off with a look of panic. Alex gave Kutch a knowing glance. ::That was a clear sign. I'll contact the recovery team,:: Alex told Kutch over the secure channel.
::Great--now what do we do?::
“How long will they be in training?” Johan resumed his pressing yet cheerful questioning.
::We leave,:: Alex suggested.
::Now? Without notice?::
::Are you afraid of a poor performance review?:: Alex smirked.
Kutch noticed that Johan was patiently waiting for a reply. ::Where are the two that we're filling in for?::
::How should I know, the--you know--made all the arrangements for us to be here!::
“They should be returning--shortly,” Kutch answered. ::What's the fastest way out of here?::
::You'll never guess,:: Alex winked.
Kutch forced a heavy sigh, shaking his head. “After you.”
Alex grabbed their long coats, tossing Kutch his and led the way through the small crowd of production line workers to the door with Kutch close behind. Everyone watched in stunned astonishment.
“Hey, that's not authorized,” Johan warned, as the door closed behind them. He looked around at everyone staring back. “Really--that's not authorized,” Johan assured.
*** Novia waited by the cave entrance with Li's winter wrap. The entry was disguised with heavy brush and well placed rock-fall to discourage any visuals from Corporate drones or overly curious animals. The many entrances into the extensive cave system allowed for access to natural resources outside, within cautionary reason. The two young Guardian's had taken the whitetail carcass back to the main cave system for distribution. In no way was that single animal going to feed all the clan members living in hiding within the mountains and cave systems. At best, the most needy would be determined by the clan elders, and the carcass would more likely end up being a supplemental treat for many of the young ones.
Birth Of A Goddess Page 2