Other Novellas
Almost Forever, 1993 reprint.
Yellow Matter, 1993 reprint.
Age of Aquarius, 1996 reprint.
The Engine of Desire, 2002 reprint.
The Man Who Counts, 2003 reprint.
Off on a Starship, 2003 reprint.
Down to the Earth Below, 2006 reprint.
The Sea of Dreams, 2009 reprint.
General Collections
Ambient Light, complete short fiction from the 1980s and 1990s.
Coronal Light, complete short fiction from the 2000s.
Zodiacal Light, short fiction from the 2010s and beyond, should I live so long. We’ll see!
Zed Variations, tales of Mr. Zed and his going doubles, including his lost-boy selves.
Tales to Dishearten, short fiction from the 1960s and 1970s, including some Starover stories.
Melting in the Sun, a collection of memoir stories, true in spirit, if not in fact.
Shambles, a nonfiction assortment, articles on writing, software design, space exploration, and more.
Roaming in the Gloaming, with Michael Capobianco. Collaborative fiction and nonfiction.
Table of Contents
One: I have always
Two: When you come down
Three: By mid-morning
Four: I awoke the next morning, still sitting
Five: I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling
Six: Parked by the curb
Seven: Next day, on my way
Eight: Somehow, I got through the rest
Nine: Another bright and sunshiny morning
Ten: I think I stood there
Eleven: We set out under the rising sun
Twelve: Sunlight in my face, butter-yellow
Thirteen: I awoke with a start
Fourteen: Standing on my bald stone hilltop
Fifteen: Just at sunrise
Sixteen: When I got up
Seventeen: Late the next day, I sat alone
Eighteen: Jump
Nineteen: Late the next day, Prometheus
Twenty: A day and a night
eBooks to Come
Acts of Conscience Page 43