Wizard Defender (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 8)

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Wizard Defender (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 8) Page 24

by Rodney Hartman

  Shaking her head, Tia glanced at Matthew before looking back at her sister. “No, not yet. Brachia just arrived. He’s already started experimenting on the imp. The boy’s the smartest person I know next to his sister Dren. I’d say give it another day, and we’ll have something for you.”

  “A day?” Liz said. “Even an hour might be too long. If the Crosioians are making widespread use of demons again, I’ve got to know it. Between the Trecorians, the Empire, and our other allies, we’ve assembled seventy-two thousand ships for the assault on Estos. It takes time to plan something this large. We’ve only got two weeks left. I need to know what we’re up against, and I need to know it now.”

  “We’ll get it for you, Sir,” said Matthew. “I’ve assigned the best of the Conglomerate’s scientists to the Planet Buster to help with the analysis of the demon.”

  Liz frowned again. “I would expect no less. Now tell me, Mr. Deloris, what is the status of the Conglomerate fleet. I’m told only five thousand ships have reached our assembly area so far.”

  To Matthew’s credit he took the offhand critique in stride. “That’s correct, Admiral. I’ve got eight thousand more in our fleet with my flagship Planet Buster. Uncle Felix has another twenty thousand assembling off Velos. They should be joining the combined fleet next week. We’ve, uh, had a little trouble clearing out some of the less enthusiastic leaders. That’s been taken care of as of yesterday. You’ll have a total of thirty-three thousand Conglomerate warships under your command by the end of next week. I guarantee it.”

  Liz stared at Matthew for a couple of seconds before nodding her head. “Very well, Matt. I’m taking your word for it.” She turned to Tia. “Let me know as soon as Rick’s nephew finds out anything. I need information. Get it.”

  The hologram blinked out.

  Matthew turned to Tia and smiled. “Did you hear that? She called me Matt.”

  Tia smiled back. It was only a little step of acceptance, but she had no doubt it hadn’t been a slip of her sister’s tongue.

  Thank you, Liz, Tia thought. We won’t let you down.

  Chapter 25 – The Corridor Battle


  The supreme leader swung her phase rod in the tight confines of the docking tube that led to the transport’s airlock. The two-meter-tall, clear-jelly creature didn’t even try to dodge the blow. The microscopic explosions of phase energy tore into the monster, spraying bits of jelly onto the chest of the supreme leader’s fighting-suit. The small pieces of jelly smoldered and smoked as they ate into the armor, but the suit’s seal remained intact. A feeling of hate and loathing washed over her.

  “You are hurting it, but not enough,” came the thought of her fighting-computer in their shared space. “Recommend you destroy something vital before the demon engulfs you like those two members of the medical team.”

  Glancing into the bowels of the monster’s jelly-like body, the supreme leader saw what remained of the Gaze at the Stars’s chief medical officer and her assistant. Whatever acids the jelly creature contained in its body had already dissolved the medical team’s bodies into a gray mush with only a few bones and bits of fur mixed in.

  “Find me its vitals, and I will attack them,” said the supreme leader. “If all you are going to do is point out why my attacks are not working, then be quiet.”


  The supreme leader pushed out with telekinesis in an attempt to slow the jelly creature’s advance. Instead of slowing, it spread out until its body filled the entire width of the docking tube from side to side and top to bottom. A dozen Balorian pirates and two more monstrosities that could only be other demons were visible through the clear spaces of the demon’s body. A stream of plasma energy from one of the Crosioian guards behind the supreme leader struck the jelly creature. Other than spray a few bits of jelly onto the walls of the docking tube, the demon didn’t appear harmed.

  The royal yacht shook as an explosion echoed throughout the ship, knocking the supreme leader and the dozen guards to the floor. A paw-sized appendage of jelly reached out from the demon’s body and snaked along the docking tube’s floor. The supreme leader pulled her leg back, barely avoiding the creature’s grasp. She heard a scream. Looking through the mass of jelly, she saw one of the Balorian pirates. He’d been knocked down during the explosion and was now struggling against one of the jelly-like appendages. The pirate’s efforts to free himself did no good as he was slowly pulled into the demon’s body. Apparently, the jelly demon could care less whether it ate pirates or Crosioians. The supreme leader noticed none of the pirate’s companions attempted to help him.

  “What was that explosion?” the supreme leader asked in her shared space.

  “The ship’s computer has gone offline,” replied her fighting-computer. “I calculate the pirates have taken out the Gaze at the Stars’s bridge. The airtight doors are secure, but my sensors are detecting life forms being sucked out into space from three locations on the yacht. My calculations also indicate a seventy-five percent probability that the pirates’ goal is to capture the ship’s intergalactic-drive and take you prisoner.”

  Making a snap decision, the supreme leader hissed a command over the yacht’s ship-wide intercom. “All crew to the engine deck. We will make our final stand there. Chief engineer, prepare the self-destruct mechanism. We cannot allow them to take the intergalactic-drive.”

  Taking a final futile swing at the jelly creature, the supreme leader turned and ran after the security team, covering their retreat with her defensive shield. Beams of plasma and phase energy passed within a paw’s width of her head and shoulders as two members of the yacht’s security team continued firing at the jelly demon. She sensed no pain from the creature, only darkest hate.

  How can there be demons? the supreme leader wondered as she turned and fired with her phase pistol to allow the security team to withdraw through the yacht’s open airlock. My first act on becoming supreme leader was to order their deaths along with that of their magic-using minions.

  “Are you asking me?” said her fighting-computer. “I do not have that information in my database. I calculate a fifty-seven percent probability someone failed to follow your orders. By the way, I monitored the captain’s distress call before the bridge was destroyed. The closest Crosioian warship will be here in an hour and twenty-two minutes.”

  Reaching the end of the docking tube, the supreme leader stepped through the yacht’s airlock as the last member of the security team sealed the airtight door behind her. A glance through the porthole confirmed the jelly demon was almost to the airlock door. Behind it were a half-dozen other creatures from the darkest pits of hell, backed up by a wave of pirates.

  “Uh,” said her fighting-computer, “I calculate you are not going to be able to hold out for another hour and twenty-two minutes.”

  The supreme leader turned to the yacht’s security team. “To the engine deck. We will show these pirate scum and their demon allies how real soldiers fight. No one can help us, but it does not matter. We will die with honor!”

  “We will die with honor!” shouted the security team.

  The supreme leader’s chest swelled with pride. Honor, she thought. That is all that matters.

  Chapter 26 – For Honor


  Richard held onto the back of the X-shuttle’s pilot seat and peered through the windscreen over Timerman’s shoulder. Four ships in the distance reflected light from the sun. The teenage orc zoomed the windscreen in on the ships. A beam of red lashed out from one of two heavy destroyers and raked along the bow of the smallest of the four ships. A blast of air shot out into space along with large pieces of metal and what appeared to be several bodies.

  “I count twenty-two bodies expelled out of the hole in the yacht’s bridge,” said Nickelo over the battle helmet’s external speakers for everyone’s benefit. “Based upon the combined results of Rick and Red Wing’s active scans, I count three thousand, two hun
dred, and thirteen life forms between the four ships. From the life frequencies, some of the occupants are demons and magic users. I also calculate there are Thargs and Dragars on board the troopship.”

  “How do you know what Red Wing’s scan is picking up?” Richard asked in his shared space.

  “Her fighting-computer told me,” replied Nickelo keeping the reply silent between them. “She may be inside a Crosioian scout’s fighting-helmet, but she is still one of my species. ‘The One’ has activated a special communication channel between us for this fight. Nice of him, don’t you think?”

  Richard kept his opinion of what he thought of ‘the One’ to himself.

  “We must hurry,” said Red Wing from her position behind Richard. “I sense the crew of the royal yacht assembling on the engine deck. They will use the ship’s self-destruct to blow up the royal yacht before they will allow one of our intergalactic-drives to fall into enemy hands.”

  Turning his head to look at the scout, Richard saw her standing next to his bondmate. He switched his gaze to Jeena. She was dressed in power armor with a phase pistol in her left hand and the Staff of the Lady of the Tree in her right. Three wands and a wicked-looking dagger were shoved into her suit’s belt next to two anti-personnel grenades. His bondmate glared at him with molten-silver eyes through her helmet’s clear visor. He didn’t need the emotions coming down their bond link to know she was more than a little miffed. Richard hastily looked away and glanced at the other shuttle occupants. Arranged on both sides of the X-shuttle’s walls were the entire crew of the Defiant with the exception of Sergeant Ron, Sergeant Hendricks, Charlie, Daniel, Asquan, and Bright Wing.

  “I think your elf is still peeved at you for telling her she cannot go in the first wave with Red Wing and you,” said Nickelo.

  “Whatever,” Richard said knowing full well that even if he’d told her she could go, she couldn’t have done it. “She’s not a shifter. That’s not my fault.”

  “Try explaining that to your elf,” said Nickelo in a voice that sounded more than a little amused.

  A growl drew Richard’s attention to his left, into the glowing red eyes of Sheeta. For once the big Dolgar had come at his first call. The wolf-like dolgar’s head was at the same height as his. Sheeta glanced at Red Wing before turning back to Richard and growling.

  “No,” Richard said using emotion-speak. “I don’t care if you’re hungry or not. The Crosioian scout is not food. I already told you she’s our ally.”

  Sheeta growled. So did his mate Sheba from her position next to Jeena.

  “I’m sure it is confusing trying to keep track of who is food and who isn’t,” Richard said, quickly growing tired of trying to reason with the two dolgars. “You’re just going to have to deal with it.” He had a thought. “And don’t eat any of the Crosioians on the ship either, until we figure out if they’re friendly or not.”

  Nickelo laughed in their shared space. “Just be grateful your dolgars didn’t bring their pups with them like you asked. I calculate they’re not as particular about what’s food and what’s not as Sheeta and Sheba.”

  “Yeah, well, it would’ve been nice if they’d at least have brought the stallion with them,” Richard countered. “I included the emotion for him when I sent out the call for help. That would’ve made getting behind the attackers a lot easier. Are you sure whoever’s in those destroyers haven’t spotted the X-shuttle yet?”

  “Are they trying to fill us full of holes?” asked Nickelo. “Trust me. The stealth capabilities of this shuttle are beyond anything I’ve ever encountered. I calculate they won’t know we’re here until Timerman drops the stealth shield and begins his attack run.”

  Richard wasn’t so sure, but the die was cast and there was no time for second guessing now.

  Another red beam lashed out from one of the destroyers and tore a gouge along the side of the yacht. Several more life forms disappeared from Richard’s heads-up display.

  “We must hurry,” hissed Red Wing. “Go straight in. No time to recon properly.”

  “You mentioned something about a self-destruct,” said Felspar, the leader of the Defiant’s security team. “I kinda prefer the slow and steady approach with a thorough recon as we go. What happens if we start entering that yacht of yours and some yahoo decides to blow it to bits?”

  Red Wing seemed to try and spread her wings, but they couldn’t go far in the crowded shuttle. “Then we die with honor,” she hissed.

  “I tell you what, Red, old buddy,” Richard said. “You can die with honor if you want. As for the rest of us, my plan is to have us all live to fight another day.” He glanced back out the windscreen and watched another red beam of energy from one of the destroyers blow a hole in the Crosioian yacht. “On the other hand, we don’t have time to beat around the bush.” Patting Timerman on the shoulder, Richard said, “Take us in. Full throttle.”

  “Roger that,” replied the teenager as he pushed forward on the accelerator handle. “Drop point in five seconds.”

  Glancing at Red Wing, Richard wrapped himself in Power and caused it to shimmer. He noticed Red Wing do the same as she turned translucent. So did Sheeta. Richard turned his head to look at Jeena. “I’ll see you on board.”

  The elf’s molten-silver eyes swirled, accompanied by a feeling of concern through their bond link. “Be care—”

  “Drop!” shouted Timerman.

  Richard shifted into the void and levitated through the X-shuttle’s deck. He sensed more than saw the shuttle zoom past. It quickly disappeared from his passive scan. As soon as it did, he levitated through the vacuum of space, toward the rear of the royal yacht. Since Red Wing had left an opening in her stealth shield for him, Richard had an easy time locating her with his passive scan. He let the scout lead the way as she levitated the two hundred meters to a part of the yacht’s hull located near a strange-looking exhaust tube.

  “I gather that’s the exhaust for the intergalactic-drive the scout mentioned,” said Nickelo. “The hyper-drive’s exhaust is located farther back.”

  Still in the void, Red Wing’s translucent form turned and looked at Richard. Her hiss came over the battle helmet’s intercom and was immediately translated in his shared space by Nickelo.

  “I lead,” said Red Wing. “You follow. Do not kill the yacht’s crew.”

  “What if they shoot at me?” Richard asked.

  The scout shrugged her armored wings. “They probably will.” She hissed a laugh. “Die with honor.”

  “I’m not going to—”

  Red Wing didn’t wait for Richard to finish. She levitated through the yacht’s hull. Richard did the same, shifting out of the void to conserve Power as soon as he was inside. The green point of Red Wing’s phase spear flew past his head and into the chest of a four-armed creature in power armor. Richard recognized it as one of the furry-haired Thargs. The rifle in the Tharg’s hands clattered to the floor as its owner bounced off the wall of the narrow corridor where Richard found himself. A half-dozen Thargs in armor and twice as many human pirates wearing an assortment of armor and weapons were to his front with their backs to him. Mixed in with them were two Dragars. Richard sensed large Power reserves coming from them.

  “Magic users,” said Nickelo.

  Beyond the Dragar mages were four monstrosities that reeked of evil. Richard didn’t need his battle computer to tell him they were demons. He’d fought similar types many times in the past. Two were orange, humanoid-looking demons with horns protruding from their overly large heads. They were a good arms-length taller than him. Each of the orange demons held a glowing sword in one hand, the length of a man, and a fiery whip in the other. Next to the orange demons were two purple-colored demon-hounds with four snake heads protruding from their necks.

  “Crap,” Richard thought. “Why do I always get stuck fighting those time-bubble-creating, self-healing ones?”

  “You don’t,” said Nickelo. “So stop complaining. Just deal with it.”

of the orange demons snapped out its whip toward one of a score of Crosioians twenty meters down the corridor. The bats were firing at the demons for all they were worth. The Crosioians’ phase and plasma rounds were hitting an invisible shield to the demon’s front and ricocheting off. The flaming length of the demon’s whip passed through the shield and wrapped around a Crosioian’s neck. When the demon pulled the whip back, the bat’s head came with it while the body remained where it was, collapsing in a heap on the deck. Despite the situation, Richard noticed a lack of blood from the gaping neck wound.

  “I calculate the fire on the whip cauterized the flesh,” said Nickelo. “Now do something before the demons detect you and decide to try the same trick on your battle suit.”

  A Crosioian on the far side of the demons was dressed in a scout’s fighting-suit. The scout gave a loud hiss. “You shall not pass!” Charging forward, the scout threw her activated phase spear as she ran. An explosion of green illuminated the corridor as the spear passed through the demon’s shield. The orange demon twisted to the side, avoiding the point of the phase spear. The scout’s weapon flew past the demon and embedded in the chest of an unlucky pirate instead. One of the demon-hounds howled and leaped forward, passing through the orange demon’s defensive shield, straight for the scout’s throat. All four snake heads reached out as if anticipating the taste of Crosioian flesh.

  “I am in contact with that scout’s fighting-computer,” said Nickelo in their shared space. “The scout is the Crosioians’ supreme leader. I calculate the yacht’s crew will immediately detonate the ship’s self-destruct if their supreme leader is killed. I highly recommend you do something to prevent that from occurring.”

  Praying the two hounds’ links to their Power reserves weren’t protected, Richard reached out with an active scan, split it in two, and probed both links at the same time. He immediately pulled the two scans back. “Trapped,” Richard thought. “So much for that idea.”


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