Passion And Fire (Passion #4)

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Passion And Fire (Passion #4) Page 11

by J. a Melville

  She spun on him, balancing on her high heels. “No fucking way. I don’t need your help. I’ll be fine; now go. Go give Melody a good night. She wants to get laid, I don’t.”

  “Well fuck you then. I was only trying to help. Piss off home and continue walking like you’ve got something stuck up your ass, I don’t give a shit.” He shot back at her.

  “If you two have quite finished being a pair of children?” Melody interrupted. “Are you sure you want to do this? You don’t still have unresolved issues with my friend, because I don’t want to tread on any toes.” She gave them both questioning looks.

  Damien turned on her at the same time as Flame, and as if choreographed they both shouted. “No!”

  Melody raised her hands as if in surrender. “Ok then.” They arrived at Flame’s car and Mel leaned forward to give her a quick hug. “You’re sure you’re ok with me sleeping with him?” She asked one last time. “Are you ok to drive?”

  “I’m fine, sober as a judge now for some reason. Go, have some fun, fornicate.” She climbed into her car, turning her focus on him. “Look after her.” She said before starting up her car and driving off, leaving him alone in the car park with Melody.


  As I turned out of the club’s car park I took one final look in the rear view mirror at Mel walking with Damien towards his car. He was holding her hand, and I don’t know why the sight of that irritated me, but it did.

  I had no right letting that annoy me. We weren’t an item. Hell I had no desire for a relationship. My need to move around meant it was pointless getting involved with anyone. Plus I’d be a damn fool to think of Damien in any other way other than what he’d been, a one night stand. He didn’t do the happily ever after thing anymore than I did.

  I hoped he did the right thing by Melody and I sure hoped she didn’t get too interested. Damien was a man whore through and through. Being vampire made his interest in women far more basic too. Blood and sex, that’s all they were to him, just suppliers of blood and somewhere for him to stick his cock.

  “And what a cock it is.” I muttered under my breath, shifting in my seat as I drove. My body ached from the battering I’d received from that cock just last night but there was also a dull ache which I recognised as desire. Seems no matter how sore I was I couldn’t switch off the way he made me feel. I might be suffering today but damn if it wasn’t the hottest most amazing sex I’d had. Not that I’d tell that arrogant, cocky ass that. He didn’t need anything else to cause his head to swell.

  When I finally pulled into the driveway of the home I shared with Cassie and Chloe I was exhausted. I let myself inside; relieved I didn’t have to deal with anyone. I was home alone. Chloe would have been working although I hadn’t seen her tonight but she worked a different part of the club to where Mel and I had been and Cassie was away for a few days at her parents’ home.

  With every inch of my body aching, I slowly climbed the stairs to my bedroom. I went into the bathroom to clean my face of the makeup and change into a loose fitting oversized t-shirt to sleep in. Once that was done I fell into my bed, desperate to sleep and hoping that tomorrow I wouldn’t still be hurting from my night with Damien.

  The problem was once I was in bed, light out and lying there in the darkness, suddenly I couldn’t sleep. My mind began to replay my evening with that ridiculously good looking vampire and my body remembered the feel of him, my senses recalling his scent, his touch, that feel of him and those piercings slowly invading my body. As these erotic thoughts filled my head, my body reacted to the remembered pleasure of being with him. I felt my nipples harden and push against the soft, well-worn fabric of my t-shirt, and moisture pooled between my thighs. I felt the inner muscles of my pussy clench as they remembered what it had been like to be with him, and feeling the need to seek some sort of relief, I slipped a hand into my panties and began to rub over my already sensitive clit.

  With my eyes closed, I relived every moment of my night with Damien as I rubbed harder and faster over my swollen little nub. I slipped my other hand under my t-shirt and began to pinch my nipples, teasing them until they were hard peaks.

  Finally when I was panting and writhing around in my bed, soft moans escaping my lips, my release hit and I felt the trickle of moisture around my fingers as I caught it, rubbing it over my skin, my folds until finally I was done and I lay quietly again.

  I hoped that would be enough to let me sleep but my mind was still so active and now it was images of Damien with Melody that plagued me. I told her I had no problem with her spending the night with him and I didn’t, not really or so I thought. So why did the images that played out in my mind disturb me so much? Was Damien biting her neck now and drinking her blood? Did he have that huge cock of his in her now? Was she enjoying her night with him? Of course she would be. The man knew how to fuck. I couldn’t fault him on that one; no matter how badly I wanted him to be the loser I’d accused him of being. How many times had he made her orgasm? She would be having multiple orgasms since having him feed seemed to trigger one. Despite the initial pain when he bit into me, the feeling as he fed was amazing, intense and it sent the most overwhelming pleasure radiating through my body. I don’t know how or why it happened but maybe it was so humans allowed the vampires to feed? Hell, if it meant experiencing the most mind blowing orgasms, I’d be drained since I’d be tempted to line up and beg them to feed from me.

  Finally I felt my eyelids growing heavy, the restlessness I’d felt at the thought of Damien with Melody easing. If I didn’t give it too much thought as to what he would be doing to her right now I could relax. With my mind clear, finally, blissfully I slept. It was not a restful sleep though. My night was plagued with constant dreams of Damien, and I woke briefly to find my cheeks damp with tears, but before I could wonder about what had caused them, I slipped back into my less that restful sleep again.


  When Damien helped Melody from the car and led her into his sire’s home, he braced himself for an encounter with someone. Preferably not Francesca as she had all the subtly about her of a herd of stampeding buffalo.

  Fortunately there was no sign of her and he had nearly made it down the hall to the wing where all their rooms were, on his way to the communal room, when Fabian stepped out of his and Sirene’s room. His eyebrows shot up when he saw him and then those strange pale eyes of his moved over to travel the length of Melody.

  When he turned back to him, he quirked an eyebrow at him again and Damien glared, his look defiant as he dared his sire to say anything.

  “So are you going to introduce me?” He asked.

  “This is Melody, Melody, meet Fabian. There you’re introduced.” He said and tugged on the hand of the blonde woman to continue on but of course Melody couldn’t leave it there.

  “Well that was rude.” She complained as he dragged her down the hallway and into the communal room. “Who the hell is Fabian? Do you share a house with a lot of people do you? This house is fucking huge.”

  “Do you really want to know who lives here? I thought you were looking for the same thing I was.”

  “You’re right; when I went to the club tonight I only had one goal in mind.” She smiled at him. “Seems I found what I was looking for. I just have to try and get past the thought that you were fucking my friend last night.”

  Damien silently groaned. Did she have to mention Flame? He didn’t want to think about her, and he sure as hell didn’t need her image going through his head, when he was about to fuck Melody.

  He closed the door while she began to walk around the room looking at everything. “This isn’t your bedroom is it?” She asked and before he could answer she continued. “Is this like a playroom? A sex room; because I’ve never seen that in any bedroom I’ve been in before, and I’ve been in a few.” She was looking up at the chains and shackles attached to the bed.

  “I suppose you could say that.” He answered. “Why do you have a problem?”

  She turne
d to him, a wide smile on her face. “Hell no.” She kicked her heels off and reached around to pull the zip down on her dress and Damien watched as she slipped it off her shoulders and let it shimmy down her body until it pooled at her feet.

  Melody had a gorgeous body. She was slim, fairly defined abdominal muscles and strong looking thighs. Her legs were long and shapely, her breasts round and perky and obviously not all natural. He stepped towards her and reached out, slipping his hand into her hair, cupping the back of her neck as he pulled her towards him, his lips covering hers. She immediately opened her mouth to him, her tongue finding his. Her arms rose around his neck, her nails scraping through the hair that curled over the collar of his shirt. She wrapped her body around his, her breasts pushed up hard against his chest and he could smell her arousal and hear the rapid beating of her heart.

  He deepened the kiss, tasting her, his tongue sweeping her mouth while his hands cupped her breasts teasing the nipples until they stood hard and erect under his palms. He moved one hand down until he got to her panties, sliding his fingers beneath the delicate lace and silk. She was smooth, hairless as Flame had been and he wondered briefly if it was something they did because of the pole dancing. When his fingers slipped lower, reaching between her folds, she was wet, drenched, her juices immediately soaking his skin.

  He began to rub her clit which was already swollen, dipping into her hot cunt to moisten his fingers before circling that hard little bundle of nerves again. She began to moan and he felt the tingle of his fangs wanting to descend but he fought it. He wanted to make her come first before he thought about drinking from her. Damien knew he’d have to mind control her, he always mind controlled them, well except for Flame but that was only because he couldn’t with her.

  After a few minutes kissing her, he nibbled his way down her neck. As he kissed her, dipping his tongue into that little hollow near her collarbone, his fingers rubbed over her clit before finding her entrance and thrusting into her. Back and forth, he shifted his attention from her clit to her cunt, until finally she cried out, her body shaking against his as her release dampened his hand, her inner muscles pulsing and clenching around his fingers.

  When she had calmed in his arms, except for her rapid breathing, he carried her to the bed and laid her down, gently pulling her red lace and silk panties down her legs.

  Once she was completely naked, her stepped back to stare at her and found himself comparing her to Flame. He mentally berated himself for doing that and ripped his t-shirt over his head, brushing his hair back impatiently when it tumbled over one eye.

  He watched Melody watching him and fought to keep the smile off his face when her eyes widened as they moved over his naked chest. He was no fucking idiot. He knew being vampire enhanced their looks, but he also knew he wasn’t an ugly bastard and he’d been in good shape before his human life ended.

  “Take your jeans off, I want to see all of you. I want to see this cock of yours that you’re so damn famous for.”

  He chuckled. “I’m hardly famous for it. It’s just a cock after all.” He said, in an attempt to appear slightly humble at least but he knew he was well hung. He’d been told often enough. “So she spoke of it did she?”

  “She sure did. You’re supposed to be huge and pierced but you hurt my girl. She got bawled out by our boss tonight because she didn’t dance so well.”

  That got Damien’s attention. “What do you mean? What’s wrong with her? Is she sick?”

  “No she’s not sick, just sore. Sounds like you were a bit hard on her. You noticed she’s walking a little funny. I thought you two were going to tear one another apart outside the club the way you fought.”

  He had been tempted to tear her apart. That damn woman rubbed him up the wrong way so much. Yet he found himself torn over her condition. He was slightly amused that the fiery one had been left with a reminder of her night with him. He felt a bit cocky that he was so well hung she was sore, but he couldn’t shake the guilt over not at least offering her blood to heal her. As much as he wanted to stay away from her, because instinctively he knew she was dangerous to be around too much, he knew he would have to go and see her, to take away her pain. He didn’t want her to lose her job because of him.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt her.” He said distractedly but Melody must have decided enough time had been spent talking about Flame because she stepped up to him, eyeing him off eagerly.

  “Well come on Megadick. Let’s see you then.” She said and reluctantly his hands moved to his belt. He unbuckled it, popped the button on his jeans and lowered his fly. Melody’s eyes were glued to where his hands were and he tensed. Suddenly he wasn’t comfortable about removing his jeans in front of her but he had to. She was watching him like it was Christmas morning and he was the gift. Normally he’d be happily tearing his jeans off but something wasn’t right. He had one major problem going on right now. For the first time in as long as he could remember, he was in front of a gorgeous naked woman and his dick was soft. There wasn’t even a hint of firmness to the damned thing and it was embarrassing to have to remove the rest of his clothes when he couldn’t even get a hard on.

  Slowly he pulled his jeans down over his hips, thighs, knees and stepped out of them. Finally naked, he had no excuses, no way to avoid the inevitable as he reluctantly straightened before her.

  Melody’s eyes shot straight to his dick of course and widened. “Well, I can see the potential and the piercings are definitely something I’m looking forward to experiencing but it seems we’re going to need a little work before you’re going to be of any use to me.”

  She sat up and reached out for him but he pulled away. “No not yet. I’m not finished with you.” He told her. “Lie down again.” He climbed onto the bed and crawled towards her. “Open your legs.”

  He watched as she parted her legs and he settled between them, his nostrils flaring at the scent of her cunt. He dropped his head and licked his way up her slit, using his tongue to push her folds apart so he could stab it into her, lapping up the juices which still coated her delicate flesh.

  Once he was satisfied and could hear her breath coming in short, sharp pants, he shifted his attention to her clit. Slowly at first, he licked over it, circling it, feeling the already swollen button grow harder under his tongue. Keeping his attention on her clit, he worked her higher and higher, feeling her fingers twisting in his hair, tugging hard, making him groan. With every grunt and groan she dragged from him, she jerked, her hips bucking up, pressing her cunt more firmly to his lips. When he had her on the brink of reaching her release, he stopped, shifting his fingers lower, rubbing over her puckered hole. Once he could see she was glistening, he pushed a finger into her, hearing her moan; that moan becoming a scream when he buried it up to his knuckles inside her hot, tight ass.

  With two fingers up her cunt and one up her ass he began to finger fuck her, curling them to brush over her sensitive little spot. He kept his eyes on her face, watching the pleasure building in her expression, watching as she began to writhe, her body bucking and grinding against his hands. Still he worked on her, his fingers driving into her harder, faster, and unrelenting in his quest to make her come.

  Suddenly her back arched, her spine like a bow as she tensed. A loud scream erupted from her and tears trickled from the corners of her tightly closed eyes. He smiled to himself as he watched her orgasm hit and felt a rush of warm fluid over his hands, wetting him, turning his smile to a grin. She’d squirted spectacularly. That was two nights in a row. He was starting to feel like quite the stud; first Flame and now Melody squirting for him.

  His expression sobered though when he stared down at himself. His cock had lengthened; he was semi hard, but no way could he be classed as erect, and he didn’t know what the fucking hell was wrong with him. If he couldn’t get hard and damned fast, he wasn’t going to be able to fuck Melody. If he couldn’t fuck her, he had no interest in just feeding from her. He might as well just take her home if he couldn�
�t perform. Fuck, what was wrong with him? He’d never had this problem before.

  Sitting up, he pulled his fingers from Melody, popping them into his mouth, one by one, licking them clean, convinced the taste of her cunt would be enough to make him hard.

  She stretched, purring with her obvious satisfaction. “Holy fucking hell but you do have very skilled hands.”

  He shot her a small smile, not exactly feeling his usual cocky self at her compliment.

  She sat up and reached out to him. “Ok, now it’s your turn. Let me see that huge cock of yours.” He tensed, fighting the sudden urge to cover himself from her gaze but before he could do anything, her eyes dropped to his groin. “Oh.” Was all she said.

  Chapter Nine


  “Come on girl; let me touch those gorgeous tits.” Some jerk in the audience called and I ignored him, spinning on the pole, from my upside down position before doing a flip that landed me on my feet. I balanced on my high heels for a moment and began to sway, my hips gyrating as I slowly pivoted until I could grasp the pole again. I began to dance around it, seductively, rotating my hips, looking like I was fucking the damned thing, hearing the men in the crowd go crazy.

  I finished with a handstand, curling my legs around the pole before pulling myself into a sitting position, using my thighs to hold me as I arched my back, waving to the audience and blowing them a kiss.

  When the last notes of the music ended, I hurriedly collected the money the men started handing to me or tucking into my tiny black sequined thong. Once I’d collected all their tips and suffered through the groping and smiling at them like it didn’t matter, when secretly I just wanted to kick them in the head with my high heels, I turned to leave the stage when something or more specifically someone caught my eye.

  I looked into the audience, not that far from the stage and saw a familiar figure. Tall, over long hair that had that just fucked look about it, and green eyes that almost appeared to glow in the dim lighting. It was Damien.


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