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Passion And Fire (Passion #4)

Page 17

by J. a Melville

  I groaned. “I’m not big on surprises girls.” Suddenly my stomach flipped over. “You two haven’t arranged a blind date or something have you?” I asked ready to bang their heads together if they had.

  Chloe laughed. “No Flame, relax. It’s nothing like that trust me. Come on, it’s something or in particular someone we want to show you.”

  I eyed them both suspiciously but I couldn’t see anything in their expressions that might indicate they were lying to me. “Ok, don’t make me regret this though.” I warned and reluctantly followed them as they led me through the club, past the main bar and towards more doors that led to another section of the club.

  As we drew closer, I could hear music playing and a woman singing. Damn but she had a beautiful voice and I wondered who she was. With Chloe leading the way, I followed her and Cassie into the more intimate area of the club and saw immediately that there was a woman singing on stage.

  I frowned as I stared at her. She looked familiar, then as we drew closer, I suddenly realised I’d definitely seen her before. It was that witch woman; I couldn’t remember her name, something starting with ‘S’ though but more importantly she was vampire. What the hell was she doing singing on stage here?

  I glanced around, almost surprised no one else could see she wasn’t human and my eyes fell on another familiar figure, Fabian. For some reason I had no trouble remembering his name. He was the boss vampire, the sire of Damien, of all of them apparently, and that was his woman singing on stage.

  I opened my mouth to say something to Cassie and Chloe before I remembered they didn’t know about them all coming to the house that night. Their memories had been wiped clean of that. They’d only remembered Damien’s visit but not that he and I had fucked. So that meant of course that they didn’t know I’d already met all the vampires.

  Chloe barrelled straight up to Fabian with her usual boundless enthusiasm and touched his arm which drew his attention to her. She said something to him and I saw those strange pale eyes of his rise from hers and meet mine. I shivered in reaction. Damn but they were unusual and so probing. I felt like he could see into my soul with one glance from his light blue/grey eyes.

  Chloe beckoned me over but before I got to them, Cassie reached up and kissed Fabian’s cheek. He smiled down at her and I realised that despite them being vampires, kind of soulless creatures in my mind, Fabian really did care for my housemates.

  ‘I guess you can’t have your dick in them that many times and not care a bit.’ That sarcastic voice in my head pointed out. It was true though. It was obvious from Fabian’s expression that he was fond of the two women.

  Fortunately he was more on the ball than I was. “So who do we have here?” He asked as those strange eyes of his moved over me before lifting to meet mine again, one eyebrow disappearing into the dirty blonde streaked hair that fell over his forehead.

  Chloe was completely unaware of the undercurrent of tension with me and happily introduced us. “Flame, this is Fabian and Fabian this is Flame. She shares Cassie’s house with us. Oh and Flame, the lady singing is Sirene, Fabian’s girlfriend.”

  Playing the game, Fabian held his hand out to me and I took it, feeling his cool fingers close around mine as he shook it. Once he’d released me, I turned to look up at Sirene who was singing and looking down at us as she did. I saw the trace of a smile curve her lips as she sang. Her eyes moved to Fabian and she surprised me when she winked at him. When I shifted my gaze to him he was looking up at her, his expression filled with so much love, with such intense emotion that my heart hurt for a brief moment. For a second, just a second, I imagined what it would be like to have a man look at me with that kind of adoration.

  “Can I get you ladies a drink?” Fabian asked and I tried to protest him buying the first round, but he was insistent. Shrugging I gave him my order for a Kahlua and ice before going back to watching Sirene perform.

  A tall dark haired man approached Chloe and asked her to dance. She smiled up at him and I saw her nod in agreement before following him onto the dance floor. Cassie grinned at me as we both settled in to watch her with the attractive man who was displaying a remarkable talent for dance. I was unaccustomed to seeing men who had any ability for dancing. Most at the strip club looked more like they were trying to summon rain or stamping out a fire. There wasn’t much about it that could be called dancing. Chloe seemed to have landed herself one of the rare men who could actually move rhythmically and co-ordinate his body.

  At that moment Fabian turned up with the drinks and handed Cassie hers and my drink to me. When he saw that Chloe was busy, he nursed hers for her until finally a couple of dances later, and looking a little flushed from the exertion she danced back over to us, and took her drink off the handsome vampire.

  We spent the next hour or so watching Sirene perform and I had to admit she was damn good. Obviously the crowd in the room listening and dancing thought so too, if their clapping and cheering at the end of each song was any indication.

  I was sweating slightly from the crowd and from dancing. Some young hopeful had turned up, and I’d danced with him a few times just to avoid looking like a complete loser. Chloe and Cassie had found men to dance with and were clearly enjoying themselves. Although I wasn’t interested in being stuck with some man I couldn’t shed by the end of the evening, I didn’t want to play the part of the wallflower either; just standing watching my roommates all night.

  The young hopeful was called Jeff and looked to be about twenty one years old. He was good looking in that fresh, baby faced, doesn’t look like he was even old enough to shave kind of way. He could dance fortunately, so no embarrassing moves from him, and so far he was keeping his hands to himself, although the look in his eyes indicated that could change soon.

  When Sirene took a break, Chloe insisted on dragging me over to introduce us, and as we went through the pretence of looking like we didn’t already know one another, I could see the gleam of humour in her eyes. I couldn’t help but like her. She was gutsy, strong and despite her petite frame, it was blatantly obvious that she had Fabian wrapped around her little finger. The vampire was putty in her hands and again I felt that pang of regret, a sense of longing for something I would never have.

  When she had to go back to perform, I watched the way the gorgeous vampire guided her up the stairs, stopping her from walking away by not releasing her hand. When she turned back to him, smiling, he bent his head and kissed her palm; a lingering kiss before raising his eyes to hers. Watching them during a surprisingly intimate moment; a touching, romantic, loving moment triggered a feeling of unease in me, not to mention a touch of what felt remarkably like envy. I didn’t like the way it made me feel to see such a loving display between the two vampires and I hastily looked away.

  To clear my head of the unsettling feelings I got when I saw such intense displays of love between two people, I allowed Jeff to coax me back onto the dance floor. I even put up with him dancing close, rubbing his body against mine in what I think was his attempt to do a bit of dirty dancing. He was no Patrick Swayze though; his moves were not sexy, they were sleazy. It was time to shut him down; it was time to make him realise I would not be going home with him tonight.

  I lifted my hands to his chest with the intention of pushing him away, seeing a flash of excitement in his eyes when I placed my palms on him, and I very nearly slapped him across the face. Obviously he thought I was touching him because I wanted more, but he couldn’t have been more wrong.

  I’d just braced my hands on him, ready to shove him away when I felt the hairs rise on the back of my neck. Only one person made me feel this; only one man had the ability to make me aware of his presence. I turned my head, scanning the room and it didn’t take long to find him. It was Damien, and he was a mere few feet from me with Fabian and a slim, petite, raven haired woman. She had a gothic look about her with all the black and the dramatic makeup she wore. They looked close; clearly they’d been intimate too. It showed in their bod
y language, that kind of familiarity, plus they were holding hands. She was standing so close to him, she looked like she was glued to his side and her other hand was resting on his shoulder. She looked very much like she was warning any woman in the room to stay away from her man.

  As I danced, no longer trying to hold Jeff back, I watched Damien speak to Fabian and next thing his head swung in my direction, and for a moment our eyes locked on one another. The gothic looking woman by his side said something to him but he barely acknowledged her, and finally she too turned to see what he was looking at. Her eyes widened when she spotted me and I suddenly felt at a disadvantage when a slow, sardonic smile spread over her face. I got the impression she knew who I was, but I had no idea who she was. All I knew was she was hanging off Damien like he was her lifeline, and he wasn’t making any attempt to fend her off either. I could feel my stomach tightening with unfamiliar emotions as I watched them and I found myself feeling sickened by the sight of him with another woman.

  I didn’t break rhythm as I watched them, and Jeff must have thought all his Christmases had come at once when he began to run his hands up and down me and I was too distracted to object.

  Damien’s eyes never left mine as he watched me dance with Jeff. The woman by his side was also watching, but she eventually appeared to lose interest and began to kiss her way up his neck, across his jaw and as I stared, trying not to gape at them, she turned his head and her lips closed over his. Her hands pushed into his hair, holding him still as she kissed him; she was aggressive, possessive and clearly dominant over him. I felt a wave of something come over me and realised it was jealousy. Fuck I was jealous of that scrawny looking gothic woman hanging off Damien. It was made worse by the fact that as he kissed her back and he was kissing her back, damn him, he was watching me. He’d angled their heads just enough that as I watched their lips moving over one another, his eyes were on me the whole time.

  In an act of rebellion I turned in Jeff’s arms and began to gyrate, rotating my hips like I would at the strip club and rubbing myself up against him. I felt his arms close around me and he pressed hard against my back, his hands sliding up until he was almost cupping my breasts. With his erection grinding into my ass it was unpleasant to be that close to him, but the man could dance fortunately, and he fell into an easy rhythm keeping up with me perfectly.

  I was torn with the desire to tear myself out of his arms, knowing it was wrong to lead him on the way I was. With that woman’s lips still adhering themselves to Damien’s, I couldn’t help myself though. It just fuelled my desire to try and irritate him as much as it was annoying me to see him in the arms of another woman. It wasn’t just that he was in the arms of another woman; it was that he appeared quite happy to be there.

  Needing to stir things more and knowing I was going to put myself into a potentially dangerous situation with Jeff, I reached behind me and ran my hands up and down his thighs as I gyrated , grinding my ass against his rigid cock.

  Finally I seemed to have Damien’s attention. He broke free of the dark haired woman’s lips, saying something to her which had her swinging to look in my direction. She began to laugh, and his expression darkened with what looked like anger. Even from several feet away, I could see it burning in his bright green eyes as he pushed past the woman and began to walk towards me, his stride long and clearly reflecting the agitation I could see on his face.

  In response to his expression, I felt my heart rate pick up and it began to flutter erratically in my chest just as he reached me.


  Damien couldn’t believe it when he’d run into his sire at the club, then to hear Flame was there had almost been enough for him to turn around and leave. He didn’t want to see her, because when he saw her, he got angry; they’d fight, he’d yell, she’d yell and then they’d be fucking and he couldn’t keep fucking her. He loved to fuck her since she had an amazing tight cunt and sex with her was unbelievable. That wasn’t enough of a reason to keep dipping his cock in her though.

  One of the very few things they had in common was their rule about no double dipping. Fuck once and fuck off was their mutual policy. He didn’t like to go back for seconds or thirds when it came to fucking women because it got too personal, and he had no desire to be tied to one woman like the other pussy whipped vampires. For similar reasons, Flame felt the same, so why did they find themselves fucking so often? It had to stop; they had to stop.

  Francesca had found it hilarious that the very woman he was here to forget by finding someone else to fuck, was at the club, and seemed quite comfortable in the arms of another man.

  “Hmm, he’s a young one brother dear and the man can move too. Look at those hips. You do know what they say about men who are good dancers?” She raised an eyebrow at him as she waited for him to answer her.

  “No but I’m sure you’re going to tell me.” He ground out.

  “They can fuck really well. Look at him Damien, see how he moves.”

  Damien ground his teeth together. He didn’t want to think about the young man dancing with Flame. He didn’t want the images of him lying between her parted thighs filling his head. The thought of another man holding her, kissing her and burying his cock in her, filled him with rage. He didn’t want another man’s arms around her, he didn’t want another man’s lips on hers, and just the thought of another man’s cock inside that tight little cunt of hers made his hands fist at his sides and a growl, like some sort of wild animal squeezed past his clenched teeth.

  “Calm down brother dearest.” Francesca warned him and began to kiss him, finally turning his head from the sight of Flame and the man she was dancing with. She kissed him, pushing her tongue into his mouth and he responded momentarily, before finally pulling away from her. He knew what she was doing and it wasn’t going to work. It was a diversionary tactic.

  “Nice try Fran but I need to go and speak to her.” His gaze shifted back to Flame who was watching him still. As she danced, her eyes on him, she suddenly reached back and began to run her hands up and down the thighs of the young man she was with, and that was it for Damien. He felt a tide of red cloud his vision, and with his hands clenched into fists by his side, he stormed across the dance floor towards the stunning red headed woman who was slowly but surely driving him insane.

  “Calm down son.” Fabian called to him but Damien didn’t stop, and when he got up to Flame he glared at the younger man who was hanging onto her way too intimately, as far as he was concerned.

  “Fuck off.” He told him quietly, and Flame’s little friend let go of her pulling himself up to his full height, which still left him a few inches shorter than him.

  “Who the hell are you; telling me to fuck off?” He pushed into Damien’s face, ready to fight for her obviously, but Damien wasn’t in the mood for any shit with some pathetic human male.

  “I’m the man who's been fucking her, now piss off. You don’t want to make me angry.” He warned through gritted teeth. His eyes locked on the hazel coloured eyes of Flame’s date and all he said was. “Now go.” Watching as the younger man continued with the mental challenge for a few more moments. When his shoulders dropped and he turned, walking away, Damien watched him go with a sense of satisfaction.

  “What the fuck do you…” Was all he managed before a hand hit hard across his face. It was Flame hitting him; the crack of her palm on his cheek surprisingly loud in the noisy club. “Ow dammit, what the hell was that for?” He roared, rubbing his cheek where she’d hit him.

  “Why the hell did you do that to Jeff? He was with me you stupid great buffoon and now you’ve chased him off?” She snapped, her eyes flashing with anger.

  He grinned despite her rage. “Jeff, that pathetic excuse for a man was called Jeff? You were letting him touch you, you were touching him. Do you always let men touch you intimately that you don’t know?”

  “I let you didn’t I?” She came back just as snappily.

  “That was different and it wasn’t on the fi
rst fucking night. Were you seriously going to fuck that…that…?” He couldn’t even finish the question.

  “What’s it got to do with you? Now why don’t you get back to your fuck for the night?” She tipped her head towards where Fran stood watching them; obviously waiting to see what would happen next.

  At her words he began to laugh until he noticed her expression getting more and more pissed off. He half expected to find some large object flung at his head but nothing. “Come.” He held out his hand to her. “I want you to meet someone.”

  “Oh hell no Damien, I’m not meeting your food fuck. You can forget it. Where are Cassie and Chloe? I’m going home.” She went to turn away from him, but he grabbed her arm and dragged her off the dance floor towards Francesca.

  She didn’t exactly go willingly, hitting his arm and trying to kick him but after dodging her heels several times, he finally got her in front of his sister.

  “Francesca, I’d like you to meet Flame and Flame, this is my sister. She’s…” He didn’t get to finish as Flame interrupted him.

  “She’s vampire.” She said staring into Francesca’s face.

  “Well, well, so you’re the famous Flame?” She drawled in her usual mocking tone. “I see brother dearest rode in on his charger and dispensed with the unwanted competition.”

  “Shut up Fran.” He warned her. Suddenly realising having Flame in front of Francesca wasn’t a good idea. She had no filter on her mouth and could say something completely inappropriate.

  “Well you should have kept better control of your brother.” Flame ground out. “I didn’t need his macho bullshit driving away the man I was with.”

  Francesca stared at Flame in surprise at her sudden outburst, before throwing her head back and laughing. “Oh my god Damien, this woman is a classic. I do believe you’ve met your match in her. So now you’ve fucked up her night for her, what are you going to do to fix it?” She asked.


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