Passion And Fire (Passion #4)

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Passion And Fire (Passion #4) Page 24

by J. a Melville

  He chuckled at her wide eyed look. “Babe, I’m vampire. We don’t suffer from those typical insecurities that you humans do. We don’t get embarrassed so easily. I used to fuck with my brother in the room with me. Lucian and I often fucked the same woman, one up her ass and the other up her cunt. I could feel his cock through the wall between her ass and cunt. Trust me; you can’t get much more intimate than that. We’ve both fucked women with Fabian too, back when he and Lucian were still single. So no, having Fabian walk in on us momentarily put me off my rhythm and having him stand over me like he was a judge at the fucking Olympic Games was a bit intimidating, but trust me babe, I was coming and I couldn’t have stopped it even if I’d wanted to.”

  “Yeah well I hope he doesn’t make a habit of doing something like that.” She mumbled.

  He hooked her chin with his finger and raised her face to his. “Does that mean you’ll come back here? You weren’t so put off you’re going to run for the hills screaming profanities at me as you run?”

  She laughed softly. “Am I really that bad?”

  “Oh yeah babe, you sure know how to make a man feel special, that’s for sure.”

  “You’re not just a man Damien; you’re a vampire, a man whore vampire.”

  For some reason her words irritated him. “I’m not a fucking man whore Flame. As vampires we need to feed and fuck so we just do what comes naturally to us. It isn’t necessarily some need to fornicate with the entire female population of Tasmania.”

  She shot him a doubtful look and to avoid things turning into another one of their bickering sessions, he threw back the sheet and climbed out of bed. “How about we shower and I take you out so you can eat?” He asked. “We don’t keep food in the house, drinks yes, but not food for obvious reasons. You will spend the rest of the night with me won’t you?”

  “I can’t Damien. I should really get back home and see the girls, plus my life is not as exciting as yours. I have to do things like wash and clean. How do you all keep your clothes clean? Somehow I can’t see any of you being domestic, doing washing and ironing, although I’m sure you would look just lovely in a frilly apron.” She grinned and he picked up his pillow and threw it at her.

  “We don’t wash, we have a service that takes everything away, cleans it, irons it and returns it. One of the perks of being vampire is wealth babe. We tend to inherit a lot given we’re always the last living relative, you know what I mean?” He bent down and scooped her up into his arms. “Now come on, shower time and if you’re good I just might fuck you again.”

  “If I’m good? Watch your mouth Damien and who says I’d want you to fuck me again anyway? I’m feeling very well used about now. You’ve had a plug in my ass, that huge cock of yours in my pussy and mouth. I’m not sure I can take anything more right now.”

  “I’ll feed you my blood babe. Come on, shower.” He reached between her legs and brushed his fingers over her folds before plunging two fingers inside her. “You’re soaked from my cum and yours, but you’re not too sore yet. One more fuck and I’ll make it all go away.” He said and carried her through to the bathroom, turning on the taps to the shower.


  I looked over at Damien’s gorgeous profile as he drove me home later that night. His hair was still slightly damp and curling over the back of his jacket. I could smell the beautiful scent that surrounded him all the time, and it was intoxicating. I’d once thought it was aftershave but it wasn’t, it was his natural scent.

  I shifted in my seat and felt a moment’s disappointment that my body had no memory now of him being inside it. My brain had perfect clarity of course but since he’d fed me blood to make sure I didn’t suffer at work tomorrow, I had no more of that delicious tenderness, that was a constant reminder of the numerous times that big, beautiful cock had been inside me.

  “So what will you do with yourself once you take me home?” I asked him.

  “Oh I thought I might go to the club, pick up a woman or two, take her home, fuck her and feed from her.” He said, looking over at me grinning.

  I knew he was joking, the expression on his face proved that, but I hated that for just a brief moment, a split second in time, I’d wondered if he was serious, and what annoyed me even more was the fact that I cared, that it would upset me if he went to another woman now. I was in trouble, somewhere along the way, he’d really become important to me. He said I was to him too, but it was hard to shake the doubt that he didn’t just say whatever got him between my legs.

  I glanced around the car looking for something I could throw at him but he burst out laughing, which distracted me. “Are you looking for a suitable weapon babe? You know it’s rude to throw something at anyone but certainly not the wisest decision to throw things at someone while they’re driving.”

  He pulled up at an intersection while we waited for the lights to change and continued to tease me mercilessly about what an evil woman I was for wanting to try and injure the driver.

  When the lights changed he drove forward and we’d made it about halfway through the intersection when we heard the loud roar of a high powered engine, followed by the wail of a police siren.

  I looked up and I saw Damien’s eyes swing to my side of the car. They widened and I heard him scream. “OH FUCK!” The next moments felt like they were in slow motion. I saw him spin the steering wheel in a desperate attempt to get his car out of the way and while he wrestled with the sleek sports car, I watched the car that was racing towards us with the flashing lights of the police car behind it. Suddenly the driver of the speeding car must have seen Damien’s black car and we heard the squeal of his tyres as he locked it up and I watched in growing horror as the runaway car lost control, beginning to slide sideways towards us.

  It was going to hit, I knew this and there was nothing we could do at this point to stop it. I looked over to Damien, wanting to see his handsome face one more time because my every instinct was telling me I would not survive this impact.

  Damien must have sensed something in my expression because his eyes widened and he began to shake his head. Lifting one hand from the steering wheel for a second, but realising he couldn’t let go of it long enough to touch me, we gazed into one another’s eyes, and it was at that moment that the two cars collided with a sickening crunch of metal. The sound of screeching, grinding metal was deafening for that split second it registered, and then pain hit me, blinding, all-consuming pain. I could hear screaming and finally realised that it was me. I met Damien’s eyes one more time before everything seemed to grow dim. It was getting dark and I squinted, trying to focus on his beautiful face again. I couldn’t though; I couldn’t see him through the grey haze clouding my vision. When the pain exploded in my head with an audible popping sound in my skull, suddenly everything went black. With the black came peace and quiet. No more grinding metal. No more shrieks; no more police sirens, everything was silent.


  When the cars stopped moving and his sports car was no longer being shunted across the intersection by the other car he turned to Flame. The first thing he saw was blood, so much fucking blood. She had slumped forward in her seat, or what was left of it. Bits of the car were all around her, pressed into her, half crushing her from what he could see.

  He looked down at himself and raised his hands, seeing a few cuts and abrasions on them which were already starting to heal. He ripped his seatbelt off and reached out to the unconscious woman by his side. He was hoping like hell she was unconscious and not dead.

  With a shaking hand he pushed her heavy mane of hair aside, feeling for a pulse. His stomach dropped when after several moments of trying to find one, he couldn’t. Oh god, if she was dead, he’d never forgive himself. He’d allowed himself to become distracted from driving. He’d been teasing her and now he could be about to pay the ultimate price. He was going to lose Flame.

  Frantically he patted himself down, looking for his mobile phone. He needed to call his sire. He was starting to shake b
adly as shock set in, but after a couple of attempts he finally managed to pull up Fabian’s number and dialled it.

  Fortunately Fabian answered and in a shaking voice he explained what had happened. As he spoke to his sire, his teeth began to clatter noisily against one another, and he felt suddenly frozen. He wasn’t sure how that was possible. He was vampire, they didn’t feel hot or cold, they rarely sweated, and shivering wasn’t normal, but here he was in the mangled remains of his sports car, with the smell of Flame’s blood rising around him, shivering so violently, his teeth were literally chattering.

  Just as he hung up with Fabian assuring him they were on their way; Damien heard voices outside the car and someone pulled on his driver’s door, which opened with a loud protest and the sound of grinding metal. There had been no impact on his side of the car but he could see his Lotus Elise was bowed in the middle like a damned banana.

  “Hey sir, are you ok?” It was the police officer, probably from the car that had been chasing the one that hit him. He glanced inside the car and saw Flame.

  “I…I’m ok but…but…she…I…please…I…I can’t find a pulse.” He stammered, his eyes moving back to Flame who sat there so still, except for the blood running down in little rivers from her hairline.

  Suddenly she made the slightest sound, a sound that was barely detectable but he heard it. “Fuck, she’s alive. Help me please. Help me get her out of the car.” He scrambled out and rushed around to her side, almost skidding to a halt at the carnage before him.

  The other car was buried in the side of his car, crumpled so badly, the bonnet had flipped up over the windscreen and the engine looked to be pushed into the cabin of the car a little. It was the damage to his car that made his stomach sink. The passenger door was halfway into the car, over the passenger seat and he closed his eyes briefly with the painful realisation that Flame had been sitting there and was now almost over the car’s centre console. How the fuck could she possibly survive this?

  The roof had broken away on her side; the convertible top peeled back like a giant can opener had opened up a section of it.

  “We have to get her out. Dammit, this fucking car is in the way.” He kicked at the other car. He couldn’t move it even with his vampire strength and he couldn’t move it, even to save Flame while humans were around to see.

  He climbed onto the car’s bonnet and grabbed the damaged hardtop for the convertible and began to peel it back, mindful of the fact he was probably displaying more strength than he should but he had to get to Flame.

  “Sir, I’ve called for an ambulance and rescue should be here soon to get her out. Don’t risk yourself. You can’t just pull her out, she might have serious injuries. Please sir I insist, do...not...move...her.” The cop’s voice was serious.

  Damien realised that the cop was right. If he moved her and she had a major spinal injury or something he could make it worse, but he needed her out of the car.

  “I’m not touching her.” He ground out through gritted teeth. “I just need to see her. See if she’s conscious.” He crawled into the opening he’d made on the top of the car and leaned down towards her, the strong scent of her blood filling his nostrils. He touched her cheek and it was cold. “Babe?” He said softly. “My Firebird, please wake up. Can you hear me?”

  She groaned a low sound and when she parted her lips, blood welled up and spilled from the corner of her mouth. Damien’s stomach hit his feet. She was bleeding internally and he was suddenly painfully aware that she was dying. He was losing her. The first woman to ever pique his interest and she was slipping away; the only woman to ever mean anything to him, to really mean something to him.

  “Babe, please, I can save you.” He whispered. “I can turn you.”

  “NO!” She half shouted at him before being overcome with a fit of coughing which resulted in more blood and he felt the fine spray of her life force over his face as she coughed. “You promise me that you won’t turn me. I…I…don’t…want…to…be...a…vampire.” She gasped, more blood spilling from her. “Promise me.”

  Fuck her, why was she so adamant that she not be turned? “Why babe? Why? I can save you.”

  “I can’t live that lifestyle. I...we...we…aren’t…aren’t…not forever. We aren’t forever.’t...won’t...want...forever.’t...” She finally managed to gasp, her chest heaving as if every breath was agonising for her.

  “I can’t what babe? I don’t understand.” He tried to get her to clarify but her head slumped to one side, and he saw she’d passed out again. He took her wrist, the one he could reach since the rest of her was pinned by buckled metal, and felt for her pulse. He found it, but it was weak, really weak. He was going to lose her. She wanted to die more than she wanted to be a part of his lifestyle. That stung, really stung. It hurt to know that she didn’t want to be vampire; that she would sooner die than spend eternity with him. Fuck, when had he fallen in love with her?

  He climbed back out of the car, feeling almost numb. He thought he and Flame had reached an understanding. He thought they had decided to see how things went between them. Stupidly, he thought they might have a future together, but her vehement reaction proved she wanted nothing to do with him or his lifestyle.

  “Damien?” He heard a familiar voice and lifted his head to meet the concerned expression of his sire. “Is she dead?”

  Feeling almost detached from everything, Damien shook his head. “No, I just spoke to her.” He lifted his head when he heard the sound of sirens approaching. “Help’s here.”

  “Oh Damien, come, we have to let these humans do their work.” Sirene suddenly appeared. “What happened?”

  “The police were chasing this car.” He waved at the one half embedded in his sports car. “It ran the red light. I couldn’t get out of the way in time and it hit us. She’s bleeding internally and she’s going to die. She’s going to die. She won’t let me save her. I just...I just found her and now I’m going to lose her.”

  “What are you talking about Damien?” Sirene’s voice penetrated the shroud of pain that surrounded him.

  “She won’t let me turn her. I wanted to turn her. She’s going to die. She’s got blood everywhere and she’s coughing up blood. It’s bad in there. She’s pinned by bits of car.”

  They all turned when the emergency crew turned up. The cop who’d been there from the start asked them all to move out of the way. Reluctantly Damien stepped back with his sire and Sirene to watch as the crew of men began the process of trying to remove Flame from the wreck. They started by towing the remains of the other car away from Damien’s Lotus; the two cars parting with a shriek of grinding metal.

  “If she survives this, I need to turn her sire and don’t fucking tell me no. I’m not going to let her die. She’s not going to survive this. There’s so much blood, so much fucking blood.”

  “She doesn’t want you to turn her son. You told us that. If you insist on doing this, how will you control her? She could react badly and act out. As a young vampire she will be unpredictable, unstable. I can’t have that, I can’t risk exposure. Are you sure you want her vampire? You two don’t love one another. You have never been interested in a woman before Damien, so why now? What’s different about her?”

  Damien stared into his sire’s eyes and he thought about what Fabian was saying. He cared about Flame but did he want forever with her? Forever was a long time when vampire. The pain he’d felt when she’d begged him not to turn her; the pain he felt now at the prospect of losing her meant he cared. Was it enough? Fuck, he had no idea. He’d never loved a woman before, but if the emotions running riot in him now were any indication, he didn’t just care, he loved her.

  He thought she’d come to care for him too but obviously not enough. She’d just made that perfectly clear. Still, no matter what, the idea of watching the life drain out of her and for her to be gone forever didn’t sit well with him. No, he had no idea what the future held, but he ha
d to try and save her.

  “I’m not letting her die if I can save her sire. If you would prefer I leave with her, I will but let me try and save her, please. I will teach her the ways of being vampire and if she wants to move away once she’s learned how to control her blood thirst, then I will not hold her back if that’s truly what she wants. Hell, if she’s a problem, I will lock her in the dungeon, but I can’t just sit back and watch her die. If you could have seen her face before that fucking car hit. She and I were laughing and then…then, it was coming at us and she got this look in her eyes, like she was saying good bye. She knew she was going to die, but she doesn’t have to and I can’t let her. Please Fabian, don’t make me watch her die.”

  Fabian stared into his eyes for a moment and Damien could see the concerns he felt reflected in their strange pale depths.

  “Give him the chance Fabian.” Sirene touched his arm. “We need to get her away from the emergency crews somehow. There will be a lot to clean up from this but I can use a spell.” She reached up and kissed his cheek and Damien knew he was going to win this. No one could persuade Fabian to change his mind like Sirene could.

  “Very well my son. You have my permission to try and save her. Turn her vampire.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  It felt like an eternity before the emergency team finally cut Flame from the car and hastily placed her into the back of the ambulance. One of the paramedics asked if anyone was coming with her and Damien jumped up. “I’ll go.” He said.

  “You’re not going anywhere son; well you are, but not the hospital. I will mind control the paramedics and you’ll be going to our home. Sirene is going to make this all go away with a reversing spell. She is also going to put a blanket spell over the ambulance to mask it. Once I mind control the paramedics, you must commence the change while you’re in the back of the ambulance. I saw how bad Flame is. She won’t make it to any hospital alive; in fact she won’t survive even with every form of modern medicine thrown at her. She dies or you change her and even then she may still die son. She’s in a very bad way. You know what to do don’t you? You know how to begin the change?”


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