Speak to the Wind

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Speak to the Wind Page 6

by Mary Tate Engels

  "Speaking naturally? Sounds like a minor miracle to me."

  "You're going to do great." She thought that if he appeared as he was today, so earnest and bold, and so damned handsome, he'd win on intent alone. "I realize the pressure's on me. I'm the teacher, and I’ll only feel I've done my job if you're elected, Joe."

  He laughed. "You sound like a very determined lady. What's the old saying about turning a sow's ear into a silk purse? But I'm sure glad you're on my team."

  As they waited for her luggage, Joe experienced her closeness in a strange way. He felt as though invisible ties were wrapping around them, drawing them together. This was the work of fate, to thrust them in the same path and put them to work on a joint project. This is where they belonged. He wondered if she felt the same, if she believed in fate.

  Or was he attracted to her because of her striking beauty and because she said all the right things? She certainly made him feel as though what he was doing was the most important thing in the world. That took a special skill and a very smart lady.

  When her luggage was finally stacked on the sidewalk, Joe dashed through the rain and returned in the car he'd rented.

  Maria laughed when she saw the bright yellow Volkswagen bug. "You're going to get all this in that little thing?"

  "Just takes some packing skills," he said as he tucked a bag under each arm. "I worked in the stockroom of a toy store one summer. I can arrange anything to fit." He hefted another bag and began stuffing them all into the tiny vehicle. When every spare inch was filled, he opened the passenger door and, with a flourish, made a mock bow. "Madam..."

  “I’m impressed with your packing skills," she said with a teasing smile and squeezed into her seat, arranging her long legs as best she could.

  "Sorry, but this car is all I could find to rent yesterday," he apologized as he slid in beside her. "They don't have a wide choice of rentals here. They like VWs. No leg room but cheap to run."

  "This is fine. Just another challenge. You've already met the first one by getting my luggage in here." She was well aware of how snugly they fitted into the small vehicle. Shoulders rubbing, elbows occasionally banging and knees separated only by the stick shift on the floor.

  "Actually, the first one was getting me in here," he said with a chuckle. Joe made a special effort to keep his eyes—and hands—on the gearshift as they took off through the rain. But he was acutely aware that the front panels of Maria's coat had fallen open and of the way her skirt had crept upward on her shapely legs. And he could hardly take his eyes off those long legs that were tucked so modestly beside his.

  Once, reaching for the gear, he brushed her leg with the back of his hand. He wasn't sure whether to apologize and bring attention to the incident or ignore it. He couldn't ignore the slide of his hand over her smooth leg, and he shifted clumsily so that the car lunged.

  In an effort to divert their attention, he related information about the area. "The airport is located between Guaymas and the beach town of San Carlos. Our villa is on the beach, but Guaymas is a larger city, well known for fabulous shrimp. If you like, we'll drive over there one day for some."

  "Love it."

  "You probably know that fish and seafood dishes are the main staples around here. Not so much of the hot chilies or what Americans think of as Mexican food."

  "Well, that makes sense, this being a seaport."

  "You'll have to try the seafood soup, too. It's great." He peeked through the narrow slot above her piled luggage. “Too bad you can't see the beautiful scenery as we drive to the beach. There are mountains on the right side of the road, the bay on the left. Flowers everywhere. It's beautiful."

  "Sounds like a lovely place to work," she said as they rounded a curve and their shoulders pressed together. His muscles felt hard and unyielding, and her fantasies of the man she'd met in the mountains returned full force. "What a good idea to come here to work." But suddenly she wondered if it was such a good idea. All she could think of at the moment was being alone with the man beside her.

  Joe grew silent as he concentrated on driving the rain-slick road to their Mexican villa. He realized his frustration with the rain and the delayed plane and even the modest little car were signs of how much he wanted this whole experience to be perfect for Maria. They could work in private almost anywhere. But to be alone in Mexico with her was the ideal, the reality of a fantasy, and he wanted it to be special for both of them. But she didn't seem to mind the inconveniences nearly as much as he.

  When they arrived at the villa, Joe insisted that she go on in while he unloaded her luggage in the rain. Reluctantly Maria complied. She found a glass for the rose in the kitchenette and placed it in the center of a round pigskin table by a window. Vaguely she wondered about the view. Joe had said they were right on the beach, but all she could see were gray storm clouds.

  Wandering through the casita, Maria found it to be first class with all the modern conveniences, tiled floors and bath, a sliding glass door in the bedroom that opened onto a garden patio, a kitchenette and a living room. She hung up her raincoat, freshened up a bit and returned to the living room.

  Joe was ordering room service by phone. "Hot coffee for two, por favor. With lots of cream." He looked questioningly at her. "Anything else? I'm starved. Didn't have lunch, you hungry?"

  She shrugged and remembered she hadn't eaten, either. "Anything," she whispered.

  "And a basket of sweet rolls," he added, then caught her eye again. "Would you rather have a drink. Wine or—"

  "No. Coffee's fine, thanks." Maria stepped around the pile of luggage Joe had left in the corner.

  "And some cheese soup and tortillas," he continued, then hung the phone up slowly, his eyes glued to her, his mouth slightly open. She was stunning in a pale pink knit dress with matching shoes. And oh, those legs! This was a different Maria from her blue-jeaned casualness in the mountains. Different, but just as fabulous.

  Eyeing the pile of baggage that filled the corner, she groaned aloud. "I see I have my work cut out for me."

  "Not now. You're in Mexico. That job can wait until manana." He waved her toward the cozy seating area that consisted of a small sofa and two chairs flanking a low wooden table.

  “I’ll need to unpack them before we can go to work."

  "There's plenty of time for that. Come on and relax now. The coffee and pastry will be here soon. We can unpack tomorrow. I’ll be glad to help you." He didn't want her to feel pressured into working right away. It was the only way he could make up for the day's inconveniences.

  "Joe, are we the only ones here?"

  "For now, yes."

  She walked slowly toward where he sat. "You mean you don't have anyone in your, uh, camp? No one came with you to work on political moves or the campaign or.. .anything?"

  "My brother, Josh, is coming down in a week or so. Does it bother you that we're alone?"

  Her eyes met his. "No..." Even though she denied it, there was doubt in her tone. “Not really.”

  "I came down here to get away before the push of the election. And to concentrate on our work together. I thought you understood that, Maria."

  She sat down opposite him, her hands in her lap. They were alone in Mexico. It hadn't occurred to her that they'd be completely alone here or how she'd feel about it. This training session was very private, indeed. In fact, it was beginning to look more and more like a rendezvous. "But we are going to work—"

  "Absolutely! But later. I figured you'd need a little time to rest after arrival. Tomorrow will be soon enough. And even then I hope it won't be a big push. We're in Mexico, remember. Everything's laid back here."

  Maria smiled, vaguely thinking that concentrating on work with him would take some doing on her part. "Of course."

  "In case you're wondering, I'm staying in the next casita," he said, motioning with his thumb. "But there'll be no problem with privacy, if that's a worry. Our doors don't join. We’ll have to hike over the sand to get together, uh, to meet for
work." He nodded toward her bedroom. "Did you look around? Does the place meet your standards?"

  "Oh, yes. It's very nice."

  "I figured a casita with a kitchen would come in handy. That way, we, er, you can fix some meals. But my campaign will pick up the tab, whether you eat here or out."

  "That's fine."

  He leaned back. "Relax, Maria. You've had a tense day, but you're here now and everything's okay. Mexico's a good place for unwinding. It's a state of mind, so they say."

  Maria sighed. "Yes, a long day." He was right. She was tense and it always showed. Some of her Speechcraft strategy was to teach clients how to release their tension. She wasn't very good at practicing what she preached. At least not today.

  Looking at Joe, she wondered if he even needed a lesson. He was so damned magnificent sitting there on that sofa with his arm stretched across the back of the empty seat next to him. He looked very relaxed, she admitted privately. How she'd like to curl up beside him in the shelter of his arm.

  Her expression softened as she began to relax. She took a deep breath, leaned back and crossed her legs, then noticed her wet shoes and sat upright again. How could she have forgotten them? She'd have to blame her preoccupation with her newest client. "Oh, damn! Look at my new shoes! They're soaked! I’ll bet they're ruined."

  “Take them off so they can dry. Maybe we can get someone around here to work on them." He leaned over and easily tugged one high heel off, then wrapped both large hands around her damp, cold foot. "Your foot's like ice."

  Her mouth went dry. "Your hands are warm." A cocoon of heat from his hands embraced her foot immediately, and a tingle of electricity raced up her spine. "Ohhh, nice..." Her breath caught in her throat as energy radiated from him to her miserable foot and up her leg. His action left her rattled, and her own sudden reaction to his erotic touch was startling. She hadn't been shaken like this since her days with Wayne, and it was unnerving. Yet she couldn't move away.

  "You'll get sick sitting around with cold, wet feet," he admonished in a gently commanding tone. “Let’s take your other shoe off. Come on, give me your foot."

  Obligingly she switched legs so that he could remove her other shoe, which he did after tucking the shoeless foot next to his thigh.

  "Doesn't that feel better?" He had stripped off the offending shoe and was massaging the toes and arch of her chilled foot. "Move it around. Get some circulation going for warmth."

  Maria took a shaky breath and wiggled her toes. Her foot began to tingle. "Yes... yes, it feels much better."

  While one large hand cupped her heel, the other rubbed every inch of her slick, stocking foot. It was heavenly. As the feelings in her foot returned, she became aware of the strength and heat of his muscled thigh, where the other foot was snuggled. For a wild moment she had an intense longing to inch that foot further up his muscular leg.

  She leaned back again and tried to breathe normally while his hands manipulated first one foot, then the other. It was seductive and she was all too receptive.

  "How's that?"

  "Wonderful." She struggled to maintain a sensible conversation as the tingling sensations crept up both legs. "I waded through ankle-deep water at the airport."

  “Too bad they didn't have jet bridges straight from the plane to the terminal to keep you dry." His fingers circled her ankle and pushed up toward her calf.

  She swallowed hard. "Actually, sometimes I think we're spoiled in the city with everything so convenient. That's one reason I like to go to the mountains occasionally. It's good to get back to the basics. Makes you appreciate everything more."

  His dark eyes smoldered with passion as he continued to hold her feet in a cozy bundle. "Sometimes it can be refreshing. Other times, terribly harsh. Like now. I wanted the casualness of Mexico. And the sunny beaches. But I hadn't planned on this rain."

  His palm pressed the length of her foot, and the pressure spiraled to her rapidly pulsing heart. "What had you planned on, Joe?"

  "I wanted it to be special for you. And nice."

  “It is-"

  The moment was shattered by a knock on the door.

  Maria was torn between wanting his ministrations to end quickly and a wild yearning to scoot closer to him. No, it had to end. They were there to work.

  "Must be room service," Joe muttered, reluctantly releasing her feet. "Do you have some warm slippers?"

  She chuckled. “Some huge yellow fluffy things that make my feet look like Big Bird's. They're not very glamorous."

  "Are they warm?"

  She nodded, thinking nothing could possibly be as toasty as his hands on her feet. "They're fuzzy inside."

  "Get them, then. I don't care about glamorous. How does coffee sound right now?"

  "Like heaven." Maria scurried across the cold tile to find her slippers while Joe answered the door. She'd lied. His hands were like heaven; coffee was a poor substitute.

  He set the tray on the table between them and poured them each a cup of coffee. Soon they were hungrily munching the various types of sweet rolls and sipping cheese soup.

  “It's great, Joe. Every bite is delicious. I didn't realize how hungry I was."

  “This is more like it." He helped himself to another golden baked, fruit-filled empanada. “This is what I had in mind for you. For us. To enjoy."

  “Joe." Maria's brown eyes met his with a sudden intensity.

  "Yes?" He took a bite of the fruit pastry.

  "You set this up, didn't you?"

  He finished chewing. "Hmm?"

  "You know what I'm talking about. This... this rendezvous in Mexico. It was your idea for us to be alone, wasn't it?"

  "How else could I get you to make me over and turn me into an orator?"

  "We didn't have to come to Mexico for that. I thought I was here to do a job."

  "You are. So am I. Look, Maria. There was no other way. Don't you see that?"

  "No other way?"

  "Of getting to know you and still accomplish my goals."

  She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Somehow I feel I'm one of those goals."

  He sat forward and leaned his elbows on his knees. "Not so. I hired you to help me accomplish something bigger than either of us. If you don't feel that way about my challenge, maybe we'd better get it straight now."

  She watched the intensity grow in his ebony eyes. "Frankly, Joe, I think you can do whatever you want to, with or without me."

  "Maybe. But I'd rather not. I happen to think you can help me where I'm weak."

  "Weak? You, Joe?"

  "We all have our weaknesses. One of mine is in the area you know so well. Public communications. My other weakness happens to be you, Maria Eden. I think... you're beautiful." He pushed himself away from their cozy setting and walked to the window, which was dark by now. "I'm only human."

  "So am I," she responded quietly. "Joe, you realize this could be dangerous, mixing business and our personal lives."

  “It could be." He turned his head and gazed steadily at her, his eyes demanding an answer. "Can you deny that you feel anything when you're with me?"

  Her eyes met his, and she knew she had to be honest with him. There was no other way with Joe. "No denials."

  His sigh of relief was barely audible. "Good start."

  She shook her head. "Risky business."

  "Even if there are no obligations beyond our business together? And no demands, I promise. Volunteers only."

  She looked at him doubtfully, then a smile slowly spread across her face. "Volunteers?"

  His expression was quite serious. “Two volunteers. One won't do. Not for me, Maria. We both have to agree to. . . whatever happens between us."

  "Sounds fair."

  He smiled and seemed relieved. He walked back to where she sat and poured more coffee. "Let's get one thing straight, Maria. I need you. I'm not ashamed to admit it. I need what you can teach me. I'm looking forward to it. I hope you are, too."

  "I am." Her voice was low and s
omewhat strained after their exchange. "That's why I came here in the first place. I was intrigued with the nature of the job as well as the client."

  He smiled and rose again. "I'm going to leave and let you get settled and warm. I recommend a hot bath." He picked up her wretched pink shoes, suspending them from two fingers. "I'll see what I can do about these."

  "Thanks." She stood and approached him slowly. "Just volunteers, right?"

  He nodded. As she drew closer, he could feel her presence closing around him. And he had to fight to keep from pulling her into his arms. "Right."

  She reached out and touched his arm. Then she went up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Tomorrow we work. Then we’ll see what happens."

  "Okay." He bent forward and caressed her lips lightly with his, fighting all the while to keep from hauling her against him and devouring her with his desire. As he moved away, his eyes met hers, barely concealing the passion he held in tight control. "Buenas noches, Maria."

  "Good night, Joe."

  Joe hunched, elbows on the bar in the restaurant that was attached to their little resort. He drank Bohemia beer from the bottle and toyed with the idea of asking Maria to dinner. But he decided against it. Too much, too soon. He had to think. And she needed time to decide.

  Spontaneously, he ordered a bottle of wine sent to her room.

  He tried to keep his emotions from ruling his head. What he wanted from Maria was all of her, selfishly to himself, her complete attention and affection. And he knew that what he wanted was the impossible.

  She had her career and her life, both of which were so different from his. He wanted his new career challenge and her, too. Impossible.

  If he'd had any reservations about her, he'd received his answer today. The bolt had hit the minute he saw her in the airport. And after spending just a little time with her and even kissing her briefly, he knew the flames kindled inside him were definitely greater than a spark.


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