Speak to the Wind

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Speak to the Wind Page 8

by Mary Tate Engels

  "Fair enough." He motioned for coffee refills and sipped thoughtfully as he watched her finish her meal. Maybe Maria was on his side and would be more understanding of his dedication than anyone else could be. And what about fairness?

  She certainly sounded as though she knew exactly where he was coming from and what to do about it. She understood him, and that was extremely important to Joe. It occurred to him that perhaps it wouldn't be fair for either of them to resist the attraction they both felt. That could be something very good for both of them, too.

  Two hours later they sat in the middle of her living room floor, a cluster of empty luggage around them and various machines and equipment and books and notebooks piled on the tables.

  Maria smiled at Joe. "Thanks for the help. It was quite a job to drag all this stuff along."

  "Did you pack it all yourself?"

  "That part was easy. I had help from my office staff, and we did it over several days." This morning she'd seen another side of Joe, different from the serious, brooding man running for chairman of the Apache. This Joe was warm, had a sense of humor, and an occasional smile that was devastating. And he was honest enough to admit his insecurities. She liked that in a man.

  She opened them each a soft drink, then curled up on the sofa, Joe's open folder in her lap. "Ready to start on goals?"

  He sat cross legged on the floor and leaned his back against the chair opposite her. "As good a time as any."

  "I've filled out a fact profile on you that will include my evaluation. We'll go over that later."

  "Your evaluation? Mm-hmm—can't wait for that."

  "My professional evaluation. The goals we set today will be what you want to achieve in this course. I like my clients to tell me what they want to accomplish, or what they think they want. We'll discuss the options and how I can help, what I can and can't do. We'll also compare yours with mine. Then as the program proceeds, we can reevaluate and set different goals at any time."

  "Okay, my goals." He glanced up and motioned at her notebook. "How much paper have you got there? I have a list of goals as long as my leg."

  "Just give me a few of the main ones, as they might refer to this course."

  “This sounds hokey, but I want to be the best I can be," he said tightly.

  "Joe, I don't consider anything you say hokey."

  He studied her for a moment, nodded gratefully and continued. "I'm not trying to achieve perfection, but I think I have a lot to offer. I want the best of that. I also want to make my people proud of me. Now this has nothing to do with pride or arrogance, which is not the Indian way. I'm talking about being a man my people will admire, sort of like the way we try to please our fathers and make them proud. Do you understand what I'm trying to say, Maria?"

  "I think so. You want to be their champion."

  "Yeah, that's a good word. Champion." He propped one leg up at an angle and hooked an arm around his knee. “I want to do so many things for my people it's probably unrealistic to think I can do it all. But I'd like to try."

  "What are some of the most important things?"

  He looked up at Maria for a moment. Rubbing his jaw with one hand, he studied the blond woman who concentrated on her note making. She looked and sounded sincere, and he knew that at some point, considering his overwhelming feelings toward her, he'd have to trust her. The time might as well be now.

  "For the new Apache leader, there'll be some exchange, some possible business deals between the Indian community and Anglo businessmen. I want to make sure these deals are handled properly, in the best interests of my people. In the past, our way of dealing with situations that we didn't understand or trust was simply to reject them. But times are different. I want to learn to weigh certain situations and determine what's best. And to know what should be rejected. Are you following me?"

  "I... I think so." Maria realized she was being tested and that whatever he was talking about was very sensitive and private. "I can give you some general negotiating techniques, if that's what you need."

  He snapped his fingers. "Yes, that's it. Negotiating. In my business the deals are laid out and straightforward. You either want it or you don't. As chairman, my decisions will affect the quality of people's lives on a basic level. That's a heavy load."

  "Yes, it is." She made a mental note that he seemed somewhat relieved by her answers. Strangely, she felt as though she was the one being grilled, not him. But a degree of trust had to be established between her and any client. Because of their working so closely together and the power of sensual electricity between them, however, she figured their trust had to be complete. "Any other goals, Joe?"

  He looked at her pointedly. "To learn to speak well. I have a lot to say, and I don't want it lost. I want it to reach everyone, as if it were carried on the wind."

  "Quite a challenge. But you have good goals. Difficult, but not impossible." She leaned back and studied the handsome man sitting on the floor. "Now let me tell you some elements that I think will work in your favor. This is my professional viewpoint, you understand. Your opinion about your position of leadership is that it's extremely important. That opinion shows in your attitude, Joe."

  "Sometimes I know I take it too seriously."

  "Actually, that's good. If I see it, others will, also. That's something that can't be taught. You either have it, or you don't. Your sincerity will shine through your efforts, Joe. For a politician that's crucial."

  He nodded. "When I was approached, I felt it was a challenge and an opportunity that I couldn't refuse. They need so much in a leader. I just hope I'm the man to give it to them."

  She reached down and pressed his hand in a gesture of affirmation. "Yes, you are, Joe. You're exactly what they need."

  He turned his hand over so that their palms matched. Her hand seemed small in his as his long tanned fingers laced with her pale elegant ones. For a mind-spinning moment he was caught in her spell. The sincerity in her eyes, the forward thrust of her breast against her blouse, the sexy way her hair fell over one side of her face, all tantalized him.

  “Am I what you need, Maria?” He reached up with the other hand and trapped a silky curl between two fingers. "Maria, I think you are exactly what I need. Now."

  He rose to his knees and pulled her up until their faces were suddenly level. She didn't draw back, even though his intention was obvious. His eyes darkened and the lids lowered sensuously.


  "Let me kiss you, Maria...."

  Although she knew better, Maria couldn't move. She wanted that kiss more than anything in the world. She drew in a shallow breath through slightly parted lips.

  As if in slow motion his mouth moved closer to hers, hovered for a second as he savored their closeness, then claimed the moist prize waiting for him.

  In that magical moment Maria dropped her pen and let the folder slide from her lap and from her thoughts. All her consciousness was directed to the sight and touch of Joe and how spontaneously her body responded to him.

  From the mere touch of their hands, palms pressing, expressing deeper desires, Maria felt her reserve melt away. Then with the kiss, one simple little kiss, she felt a swirl of joy, spiraling her feelings out of control. She wanted more than a kiss, wanted to touch him, wanted him to touch her. She pressed forward, inching her hands along his chest. His muscles tensed beneath her fingers, and she clutched his shoulders as if she might fall from his embrace.

  But Joe had no intention of letting that happen. He wasn't about to let her go so soon. His arms swept around her waist; his chest pressed to her knees. He had her right where he wanted her, where he'd dreamed of having her since their first kiss in the mountains.

  His lips played with hers, lessening the initial force of the kiss, sipping gently at the top lip, then the bottom one. His breath was hot and sweet on her lips, and she opened her mouth for the intrusion of his tongue. Maria felt a flush of heat as he continued his sensuous exploration.

  Slowly his tongue
outlined the shape of her lips, then slipped inside with a gentle thrusting motion. Just when she thought she would die of these prolonged pleasures, his lips captured hers with renewed force. She wanted to allow him to move closer, but she became preoccupied with the subtleties of his kiss.

  Her body grew slack, and he pressed his thighs against hers. She could feel his broad chest crushing her breasts, and automatically she opened her legs to embrace his. A delightful erotic swirl rose from the center of her being and pulsed hotly through her. Heart pounding and passion aroused, Maria could only think that she wanted to pull him closer. Closer into her.

  There was no more denying to herself—or to him at this point—how she felt whenever they were close. And now, as his lips molded sensuously to hers, as his body sought hers, Maria felt as though everything they'd said and done had been aimed at this glorious moment when they connected. And she never wanted it to end.

  Joe lifted his head first. "Oh, Maria, the things you do to me.... I seem to be out of control."

  "Both of us lost a little control, Joe."

  "Lost? Or gained it?"

  "I told you I think it's risky."

  He moved back to gaze at her. His dark eyes seemed like ebony on fire. "It wasn't so bad, was it?"

  She smiled faintly. "It... it was very good, Joe. But I'm afraid there's no future for us. We both have other commitments that—"

  He pressed a finger to her lips. "No, don't say it. The future will take care of itself. Let it happen, Maria."

  "I don't know...."

  "Then don't close that door on me before you know for sure." He leaned over to pick up her pen and folder with his name typed on the raised tab. "You might be missing something damned good. I know I will."

  She took the folders from him, making a big deal of rearranging her papers. "We have a long way to go down here, Joe. We'd better slow down."

  "I was just thinking we didn't have much time." He touched her cheek with such longing that his feelings were obvious to both of them. "Resisting you is more difficult than I thought it would be, Maria. Maybe I'd better go for now."

  "For a first day I think we've accomplished a lot." Maria felt flushed and breathless as she followed him across the room. "And thanks for helping me unpack."

  "I'm looking forward to lesson two."

  "What time do you want to get together tomorrow? I'll set my alarm so you won't have to wake me up."

  "How about tonight?"


  "Dinner. I hear the Marisol Cantina fixes great Margaritas and shrimp tacos to die for."

  "Well, I,uh..."

  "Unless you have other plans."

  "No, of course not. What plans would I have?"

  "Around seven, then?"

  She nodded, unable to say no and not really wanting to. But she wondered how she'd make it through more hours with him.

  Joe reached for the door, then turned back to her. His dark eyes captured her in their imploring depths. "I want to explain why I responded so sharply about the Apache runners this morning. As a young athlete I was one of those Apache runners in ceremonies on the reservation. I guess your comment hit too close to home and I have no sense of humor about that. But mostly I hoped that you would forget about my heritage when we were together."

  "I don't know why I said that. You must know it doesn't matter to me, Joe."

  "I want you to think of me as a man first. Just a man."

  "I'm afraid... that I do, Joe."

  "Good." He lifted her chin with two fingers and caressed the tiny indentation in her chin with his thumb. "Don't be afraid of what's happening to us. It can't be bad. It's too good with you, Maria." He lowered his head for another quick kiss. "I've got to go. While I can." He turned. "See you tonight."

  "Yes. Tonight..." She watched him leave, his arms swinging, his powerful legs propelling him across the sand.

  Finally she turned away and squeezed her eyes shut. In those few minutes when they'd touched, when they kissed, she'd wanted that man as she had wanted no other in years. She wanted Joe to take her in his arms, to lay her down right here on the floor and make love to her until she cried out. She thought she'd scream watching him leave her. She wanted to call him back. Wanted him completely.

  Well, she'd see him in a few hours. Dinner and then what? She pressed her fist to her forehead as if trying to force the raging thoughts and feelings from her head, from her being. But it was impossible. Her heart was in control.

  Chapter Six

  After dinner they strolled along the brick sidewalks that laced through the resort. The impact of their earlier kiss lingered, and as if to guard against it happening again, they held hands with fingertips loosely entwined.

  Yet even such a light contact sent Maria's senses soaring, and she fought a private preoccupation with Joe Quintero's fingers. They ended up back at the casitas that lined the beach. The moon was visible as a thin, translucent disk, its silver glow reflected in the black night sea.

  "Want to walk some more?"

  The thought of continuing to move in step with him was somehow provocative and unnerving. But then, to her everything about Joe was provocative—downright sexy. She smiled with an unavoidable eagerness. "But not in these high heels."

  "We can fix that easily enough." Joe sat on her porch step and began peeling off his shoes and socks. "Oh, this reminds me. I left your pink shoes at the front desk. Manuel said his sister-in-law could fix them as good as new."

  "And I thought they'd never be the same."

  He reached for her hand and urged her to the step beside him. "After Mexico nothing is the same."

  She gazed into his ebony eyes and saw the dancing light of desire. "Nothing?"

  "Nothing or no one is the same after being under this moon. But don't expect to get your shoes back soon. Maybe before we leave."

  "We'll be here three weeks. Is that long enough?"

  "Sometimes one day is long enough for the change. Or one night."

  "I'm talking about the shoes. Long enough to repair them."

  "Oh." He grinned. "Probably. I'm sure you won't need them around here. You won't need anything...." He knelt barefoot in the sand before her and grasped one sandal heel. "Like now. These things must go. A person should never walk a beach in shoes. You've got to feel that gritty sand against your arches and between your toes." His fingers stroked the erogenous areas as he mentioned them. Then he went to her other foot, creating the same havoc with her libido. "What's this? The businesswoman has discarded her hose?"

  "We're in Mexico, land of sun and sand." She felt breathless and wondered how the simple act of removing shoes could send her into such a spin. "The brochure said ‘leave your inhibitions at home’."

  "Great." He laughed. "You did read the brochure, after all. Now if I could just get you to discard these high-heeled civilized trappings altogether, we'd be all set."

  "I don't want to be too casual with a client. I’ll ruin my professional image."

  He took her hands and pulled her to her feet. His lips were alarmingly close to hers as he whispered, "You know what I say to that? To hell with image."

  She smiled. "Why, Mr. Quintero, is that any way for a candidate to talk?"

  "I wasn't talking. I was whispering something privately to a lady. Now would you like to walk, or go inside and talk further about private matters?"

  They looked into each other's eyes, and the air seemed charged with electricity. Joe wanted to take her in his arms. But the expression in her eyes—was it apprehension or fear?—held him back.

  "I think we'd better walk." She moved him toward the beach.

  Discarding their shoes seemed to be a symbolic act, and they both began to shed any earlier reserve. Joe held her hand solidly, warm palm to warm palm, as they walked barefoot in the sand, letting the grains slide between their toes and push against their arches.

  Their pace was leisurely, allowing Maria to search for shells in the moon's pale glow. Occasionally she stopped to pick
one up but always sailed it into the water when she discovered a flaw.

  "Still searching for perfect whelk shell?"

  She tossed her hair in the gentle night breeze. "Always."

  "What if it doesn't exist?"

  "I'll just keep searching."

  "I can't imagine searching for something that might not be found."

  "But I never lose hope."

  "No matter how long it takes?"

  "I know it's there, out there somewhere, for me."

  He halted and she altered her step beside him. They were still holding hands, standing close. He looked into her brown eyes, so like his yet so different. "Maria, what are you really looking for?"

  "I told you. The perfect..."

  He turned his body toward her, and his hands eased up her bare arms. She shivered beneath his feathery touch. "Is anything perfect? Maybe this..." Two fingers lightly touched one breast, stroking its rising slope all the way to the tightening tip.

  Maria held her breath and tried to keep from responding to his magic. She hoped he couldn't feel her nipple's sharp contraction inside her thin, lacy bra. Suddenly, wildly, she wanted to fling the constricting garment aside and open herself to Joe. But she couldn't. Not yet. She shuddered. "No..."

  "Maria, you are a perfectly beautiful woman. Perfect in so many ways."

  "You don't know me very well if you think that."

  "I want to know you... all of you." He took a step forward, allowing the entire length of his body to mold to hers. He lowered his head, letting their lips merge into a very gentle kiss. His hands came up to rest high on her rib cage while both thumbs massaged tiny circles around her tautly crested breasts.

  She couldn't hold her breath forever, and as she released pent-up air, her breasts expanded against his chest. The turmoil within her body grew as desire swirled stronger and faster. She knew she had to stop or go all the way with him right here, right now. She pushed on his chest. "Joe, you’re tempting. . ." she murmured and stumbled away from his clutch.

  He steadied her immediately with an arm around her shoulders. They walked in silence as Joe wondered why she continued to hold back when he knew how she'd responded to him. And he'd made sure she knew of his bold response. The tension was interrupted when he stumbled on a knobby shell and began hopping around, emitting several expletives. "Nails! Or glass! This place is dangerous in the dark!"


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