Speak to the Wind

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Speak to the Wind Page 14

by Mary Tate Engels

  There were no answers. No easy answers; no easy love.

  When Joe awoke and didn't find her, he didn't panic this time. He knew where she was. He dressed quickly and followed her at a jog, catching up before she reached the lava rocks at the point. Silently he took her hand, lacing their fingers. She smiled up at him, her face shadowed and strained.

  "Look, I found a perfect whelk." She held it up for him to see.

  "What? No brass trumpets? No band salutes? No wild applause?" He examined the shell with its brilliant color, unbleached and pointy edges unspoiled. "Very nice. How did this phenomenon happen?"

  "I just looked down and there it was. Sometimes when you least expect it, you find what you were looking for all along."

  "Sometimes when you least expect it, you find something or someone very beautiful." His ebony eyes were serious. "You're like that for me, Maria. You came to me in a time and place that I least expected. And you've become very special to me. I need you."

  "Not anymore." Tears glistened in her big brown eyes, and her smile was tremulous. "I'm proud of you, Joe. You've absorbed everything I've taught, better than any other client. Honest. I'm convinced you'll do fine in the election. I'll look forward to seeing you on TV."

  "Maria, I... you understand... there are... certain risks if it's known that I have an Anglo lover right now."

  "I agree." She said the words with conviction, although her heart was falling apart. But he was right. "The private life of anyone running for election is up for such scrutiny these days that you have to be above reproach in everything. You know I would never do anything to jeopardize your winning the election, Joe."

  "I want you to know that I don't intend for this to be the end of us, Maria."

  "It's been wonderful. I'll never forget this. . . what we've had here in Mexico. But you have your job, your life. I have mine. I understand that."

  "We'll work something out... sometime. I swear."

  "Maybe another time we can meet in Mexico."

  He took her in his arms and held her close to his heavy pounding heart. He had no idea their parting would feel this way, would hurt like this.

  She pressed herself to him, wishing she could imprint him on her soul, afraid she would never get him back again. But she tried to convince herself of what they both had voiced.

  "Oh, Joe... your destiny is foremost. It's greater than either of us. I believe it."

  "Maria, I hate this part."

  Her heart pounded against his. "So do I."

  Chapter Ten

  Three months later Maria sat before her TV set in Phoenix, hands clutched nervously in her lap. She was as jittery as a playwright on opening night. The performance wasn't hers, but she felt responsible for the show. And she cared about the critics' reviews—and the results. God, how she wanted Joe to do well.

  In the past few weeks Joe had done several spots on the Phoenix noon news, and a couple of five minute interviews in Tucson and Flagstaff. But this was the first time he'd made the Phoenix evening news. The big story was the proposed McAndrew condo project on the High Meadow Apache Reservation. When McAndrew and Company found that Joe wouldn't play the game their way, they had purposely muddied the political waters by making it one of the issues.

  Neither Apache candidate fully endorsed or rejected McAndrew's proposal, although the incumbent was most critical. Joe's tactic had been to try to de-emphasize it, indicating that the Apache tribal council would study it and the people would eventually decide. It was accepted knowledge, however, that the economic future of the tribe might well be affected by the decision, and the news hounds refused to let it drop. This was McAndrew's real purpose of revealing it at this time.

  Maria watched with pride as the camera moved in on Joe. His face was handsome and strong. Even the bright lights in the studio didn't diminish his copper complexion and the sharpness of his ebony eyes. His broad shoulders were squared in his navy jacket; the pale blue shirt and red tie completed the attire of a well-dressed businessman.

  At her suggestion, he'd kept his dark hair slightly longer than the current mode, just barely edging his collar in the back. It gave him a somewhat rugged appearance, not too slick. She relaxed a little and admired him. Yes, the image was right and contrasted with that of the older incumbent.

  When he spoke, Joe talked of the spirit of his people and how they would work together for the good of all. He tried to downplay the weight of a singular condo project by claiming there were other areas of equal importance, such as improved health care and education. His opponent had no real solutions but revealed distrust of outsiders' plans. When it was over, the camera moved back, showing both candidates. Joe looked strong, sure, secure.

  Maria smiled and heaved a sigh of relief. He'd been magnificent, without a flaw. No spluttering, no uncomfortable gaps of silence, no negativism like his opponent. He'd relayed positive information, and he'd been good. Damned good.

  She rose and flicked the TV off, then walked into the kitchen to finish making her favorite, Chicken Colorado, which she would serve on rice. She prepared two salads and refrigerated them. She checked the table, already set with china, silver, wine goblets and candles on ecru linen with chocolate-colored napkins. The channeled whelk and several other "perfect" shells gathered in Mexico were piled stylishly in a basket as a centerpiece.

  She nodded with approval. He would be here soon.

  They might have a glass of wine on the patio if the weather permitted. They would eat slowly and talk about what had happened since they were last together. They would share their frustrations and joys. They would confess their love and how much they missed each other.

  Later they would retreat to her turquoise-and-beige bedroom and make love. Wild, passionate, sweet. Finally they would sleep, holding each other. And tomorrow he would leave. He had his busy world; she had hers. It had been this way since they'd returned from Mexico. Not very satisfying for either of them, but it was the way it had to be. For now.

  Joe knocked lightly and without hesitation inserted his key in the lock. He stepped inside and loving strands of Bocelli filled the air. The candles were already lit, flickering a romantic welcome throughout the room. He paused and let the atmosphere surround him, engulf him, draw him in. For a few blissful hours he was transported to another world, Maria's world.

  Yes, he thought. This was where he belonged. What had taken him so long to get here tonight? She was so good for him. She was what he needed, his refuge as well as his source of strength. He missed her terribly. He wished his life weren't so complicated.

  Then she was there, in his arms, pressing her slender body to his, hands clutching his back beneath his coat, her face lifted, her lips slightly open, begging to be kissed. And his lips closed over hers, seeking their sweetness in an almost desperate fierceness.

  When they finally parted, both were breathless.

  “You're beautiful, Maria. I can hardly wait to see you each time."

  "Sometimes the weeks go by so slowly without you, Joe."

  "How are you? How's work?"

  "Okay." She shrugged. “I’ve just missed you, that's all."

  He shook his head. "I've been unbelievably busy."

  "I know." She began sliding his coat off his tightly muscled shoulders. "I saw you tonight on TV."


  "You were..." She loosened his tie and unbuttoned the first two buttons of his pale blue shirt.

  "Yes, teacher?"

  "Magnificent!" she whispered and kissed the warm pulse spot on his neck.

  "I had a good teacher." He lifted her chin with a finger and kissed her lips. Then he planted kisses along her nose and on the paper-thin skin of her closed eyelids. "My teacher is also the perfect lover. Do you know how much I enjoy coming here, Maria? This place, and you, are like a little haven away from my crazy, hectic world."

  "I'm glad, Joe. I look forward to your coming so much."

  “I’ll be glad when this running around is all over."

nbsp; Maria held the singular question, ‘then what?’ on the tip of her tongue. She didn't know what the future held for them. Joe hadn't made a commitment, but neither had she. He couldn't halt everything in his life and move to Phoenix for her. And she couldn't imagine trailing after him on the campaign and in the White Mountains. They had both agreed to keep their relationship private, at least until after the election. Actually it gave them some time and space, which they both needed to understand and sort out feelings and emotions.

  “I’ll bet you're tired," she said gently. "Get comfortable, and I'll pour us some wine."

  In a few minutes she curled up beside him on the sofa and snuggled into the curve of his arm. She rested against his solid body, relishing his steely strength. They sipped their wine quietly and listened to the words of Bocelli and Dion singing “The Promise.”

  He turned to her, sliding his hand beneath the silken weight of her hair. It looked golden in the soft light. “These nights with you are better than I ever dreamed they could be." His lips brushed her ear with sexy whispers as he kissed her temple, then her cheek. "Hmm, you smell delicious... taste fantastic."

  He nibbled sweet moist kisses over her face and lips. She closed her eyes and let his kisses take her away, slipping to ecstasy. Just being with him, feeling him next to her, lifted her spirits and renewed her hopes that someday they would be able to live like this every day. Every night. A routine of beginning and ending each day together sounded heavenly but seemed remote at the present.

  Joe shifted away from her and lay back with a heavy sigh. He reclined his head on the sofa, stretched his long legs out and propped his feet on a cushioned stool. Then he took her wineglass and set it on the side table and pulled her head gently down to his lap. "Closer," he mumbled.

  She rested on the sinewy cushion of his thigh and couldn't help wondering if she was taking a chance with her heart. But she was helpless to change a thing. She wanted him, any way she could get him.

  When Joe touched her, though, and held her in his arms, Maria was convinced there were no risks for her heart. He had to feel the same as she did or he couldn't react to her so positively. And he wouldn't still be finding time for her in the midst of his hectic schedule. Like tonight.

  He moved one hand caressingly over the curls at her forehead and temple. It was soothing, yet sensuous. He let his other hand rest on her rib cage. Occasionally he stroked her breast, as if to reacquaint himself with her softness, her femininity. The unobtrusive motion was quietly erotic and alerted her senses that more would follow.

  "This McAndrew thing is getting more complicated," he said finally.

  "I know the media is trying to play it up. You handled it well tonight, saying other areas are important, too."

  "Well, they are. I really believe that without proper health care, improved facilities and skilled professionals, my people's health will decline. We have some specific problems that I intend to address when I'm in office. And I feel strongly that education is the key to the future. We have to improve that, as well."

  "Nobody could argue with those points. They're pretty general."

  "But I can't deny the importance of economic development for my people, particularly on the reservation. And McAndrew is offering a tempting opportunity. It looks good on the surface."

  "What about beneath the surface, when you dig deeper?"

  "Problems. Good and bad. Pros and cons."

  "What are they? List them, Joe. Sometimes it helps to write them out, look at them, study them. Weigh them."

  He sighed and began to recite what he'd reviewed in his mind numerous times. "First, the pros. They'll provide jobs for my people. Good jobs. They'll be hiring construction workers, large equipment operators, bricklayers, electricians, carpenters, interior finishers and designers, everything that goes with building a large project. Even engineers."

  "So they claim."

  "We'd cover it by contract to make sure they hired Apache first and foremost."

  "Good point. But do you have the skilled workers for that?"

  “There’s the rub. On the other hand, when the project's finished, there would be other jobs available for locals. Maintenance, cleaning, possibly even lower level administration."

  "Sounds pretty good so far, Joe."

  "Yep." He sighed and curved his hand around her face. "And I'm not denying that we need those jobs. Damned bad."

  "Okay, what are the cons?"

  "We'll have a major business on our reservation over which we won't have complete authority. There are potential problems in the future with something so large and so long lasting that we don't own. My people are disturbed by that. You can't blame them for wanting controlling interest in any large industry located on the reservation."

  "Perhaps the tribe could buy them out eventually."

  "It's possible, I suppose. But that's still questionable. It would take an amount of money the tribe doesn't have right now and may not have in the future. Anyway, that's a highly doubtful speculation. What if McAndrew doesn't want to sell? Or circumstances and policies change? We could do nothing about it except take him to court—another expensive endeavor."

  "Even though it isn't likely, it's always possible."

  He caressed her cheek. "So why set ourselves up for potential problems? The other major objection is that McAndrew insists these condos be built in the high country. The forests are thicker, making the entire site more appealing. The views are doubly spectacular, and the commercial possibilities of promotion and marketing will be greater."

  "He's probably right. Is this on presently undeveloped land?" She caught his wrist and moved his palm over her mouth so she could kiss it.

  "The area is uninhabited by humans. But the tall trees, high in the mountains, are the nesting grounds of the bald eagles. You know what importance the Apache place on the eagle. Building anywhere in the area could drive the birds away. Or eventually destroy them completely. My people are disturbed about this."

  "I can understand why." Maria thought of the great bald eagle, extinct in much of its former habitat in the U.S. How beautiful and majestic it was in flight. She also knew the Apache used the bird's feathers in certain ceremonies, so it had religious significance.

  Joe continued. "On the other hand, should the future and potential of people be pushed aside for the welfare of a creature? Is a bird, even a rare one, more important than people's needs?"

  "You aren't asking me to answer that, are you?"

  "No. Of course not. I'm mulling all the possibilities and options over in my mind. And I appreciate your listening. Actually, there are no easy answers here, and I don't expect you to come up with any. There are definite pros and cons; and there are strong reasons to consider this project, even though I personally reject McAndrew's approach and methods."

  "Then it isn't all bad."

  "No, nor all good. The bottom line is what's best for my people. And a decision won't be made finally until after the election. It will be a joint decision and eventually be put to a vote, but people are looking to me to lead them in the best direction."

  “I’m sure you'll figure out what's best for your people, Joe."

  "Maria..." He touched her breast, then slipped his hand beneath the thin material of her wraparound dress. The soft mound grew taut, the nipple button hard. He rubbed his palm across the pebbly tip, then sought her other breast. When it. too, responded, he whispered, "Maria, what's best for me is you. Make love to me."

  Eagerly she led him to the bedroom and quickly undressed him, caressing, stroking, kissing. Seductively she dropped her dress and panties at her feet, undulating her hips even as she joined him on the bed.

  Joe lay back, thoroughly enjoying Maria's sexual aggressiveness. She kissed his lips and chin and chest, letting her tongue trail sexily over him and travel lower to his flat belly. Joe found that it was all he could do to remain still as she continued her maddening advances.

  Finally she lowered herself over him until they were joine
d intimately. Sensuous, heated, breathing strong, passionate, hotly pressed together, touching, caressing, loving, softly murmuring.

  Suddenly the fervor that drove them together increased in intensity, and he surged with an almost uncontrolled speed and force. She received him with a responsive, erotic eagerness. They rocked, matching thrust for thrust, in a wild fury. Passion swirled them in a fierce, voracious frenzy and slowed only when they climaxed and she slumped into his arms.

  She awakened to his tenderly stroking hand. "Maria, I'll be so glad when this whole thing is over, and we can be together all the time."

  "Will we?"

  He stared at the ceiling. "We'll figure out a way."

  "I hope so, Joe," she whispered and started to get up.

  But he reached out and pulled her to him. "Don't go yet," he whispered. “I love feeling you close to me.”

  Maria rested her head on his chest, pressing her knees together, trying to retain the feelings of having the most intimate part of Joe within her. And she knew she was trying desperately to hold on to him, to eliminate the fear she would lose him in the end.

  Joe felt relaxed and sated. He relished their physical relationship; it was good and satisfying. But it wasn't enough. Not now. Sex was fleeting. He wanted her with him all the time.

  His stomach growled and she chuckled. "Anybody hungry? I have a wonderful meal all warm and waiting. Pollo Colorado con Arroz."

  "Sounds sensuous to me. Especially the arroz part."

  "Could be."

  "Then let's try it."

  "I knew you couldn't refuse sex or food."

  He patted her lightly on her derriere. "Not if you're serving up the feast, my love."

  Maria smiled and held his last words in her heart.

  The next morning Joe was already awake and having coffee when Maria's eyes popped open. It was later than her usual rising time. As she padded through the living room in her old yellow robe and matching scuffs, she noticed a sheet of paper with lists of pros and cons lying on the coffee table. She knew he'd been up early stewing over his decisions.


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