Genesis: War Mage: Book One (War Mage Chronicles 1)

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Genesis: War Mage: Book One (War Mage Chronicles 1) Page 7

by Charles R Case

  “Obviously, in that case, you would be pulled out immediately and reassigned to another ship. There are several coming out of the yards in the next month,” Commander Gregson said, looking at the Elif with a face that said he would not let his recruits be harmed.

  The Elif smiled and nodded. “As the commander says. There is very little risk to you, beyond the danger the nature of the solo operations would entail. If I may, this is an extraordinary opportunity for the both of you. Your records and performance evaluations have been thoroughly studied, but our final decision to choose the two of you came when your final exam footage was reviewed.” He smiled and leaned back to appraise them. “Did you know, of all the students to take that particular exam, you were the only examinees who actually destroyed the Teifen carrier? Most of the captains in service right now either ran long enough for support to arrive, or were destroyed themselves. It’s a very hard test; one would say it’s nearly impossible to actually destroy a carrier with nothing more than a corvette.”

  Sara blushed at the compliment. “We were really the first to defeat the enemy on our own?”

  Commander Gregson barked a laugh. “Captain Sonders, you two are some of the most accomplished students I’ve ever had at this academy. I would have been surprised if you didn't do something extraordinary in your exam.”

  “The commander is right. You two are exceptional. That stunt you pulled is exactly the kind of thing we need when it comes to the Raven.”

  Sara looked to Cora, who gave her a nod. She was in.


  “Sir, this sounds like an excellent opportunity. We would love to take you up on the offer. Where do we sign?” Sara said, hoping to god they would have a few days to figure out the magic glitch she was experiencing.

  The Lieutenant smiled broadly and reached over to point at the bottom of the tablet. “Cora Sonders will sign here, and Sara Sonders, here.”

  It took Sara a moment to realize he didn't know which of them was which, and it made her want to giggle. She took the tablet and signed where he had pointed for her, then passed the tablet to Cora. Cora, instead of just signing, read the fine print beneath.

  “Excuse me, Sir, but it says here that I will be the controller and Sara will be acting captain. We were under the impression that I would be captain, and she would be controller.”

  “We are aware that that was the understanding, but in light of the final exam, and Sara's deep knowledge of tactics—along with your own knowledge of spell theory—we decided it would be a better fit to reverse the roles. There will be a need for much more inventiveness than flying in formation and using the standard spells. Do you still want to participate? Obviously, both of you must agree, if the Raven is to be yours.”

  Cora took a beat, not even looking at Sara, and signed her name.

  Sara opened her mouth to protest, but Cora shook her head. “They’re right. You’re the best choice to take the lead on this one. Maybe I’ll take the next.”

  Sara appreciated the words, but she caught her sister’s crestfallen smile.


  They boarded the shuttle the next morning. The trip up to the shipyard in orbit had taken half an hour, and they were on final approach to their new ship.

  “She’s bigger than Hilf made her sound,” Cora commented as they took in UHS Raven.

  “Not in comparison to that behemoth,” Sara said, pointing to the cruiser next to the Raven. “I hear they are starting construction on a capital ship this year. It’s supposed to be five kilometers long and need over a hundred mages to power it.”

  Alister pressed his furry head to the window and watched the cruiser disappear below them.

  The Raven was different than anything they had ever seen. True, it was built on a Corvette frame, but the heavy modifications made the relatively small ship look dangerous. There were gun ports sprouting from bulbous sections all across the hull, and two Aether cannons protruded from side by side turrets, allowing them to be aimed independent of one another.

  The hull itself was matte black, unlike the silvery gray of the other ships in the fleet. The coating, according to the report they had both read the night before, was a kind of Aetherically sensitive material that would give Cora greater insight with her scans.

  “It looks formidable,” Cora said.

  “It looks sexy,” Sara said, and meant it. She felt a flutter in her stomach as the sight of the ship made the reality of their commission more real.

  “Sexy and fast. The thin profile looks like it could cut through atmosphere if it needed to.”

  “The ship is rated for atmospheric flight if need be, but the three dropships should keep you in space. Though seeing that thing screaming down from orbit would make even the toughest Teifen soil themselves, I suspect,” Sara chuckled.

  “Let’s hope this tank system is all they say it is. I want to do a beautiful piece of machinery like that justice,” Cora told her.

  Sara rubbed Cora's back in a familial way, “You’re going to do great.”

  “It’s not me I’m worried about,” Cora said, flicking a glance at Alister.

  Sara reddened a little. She and Alister had practiced all through the night; at least, Sara had tried to practice. Alister just sat there, looking at her like she was crazy, until he gave up and fell asleep.

  “I’m getting better,” Sara lied.

  Alister gave her a stern look that didn't escape Cora’s notice.

  “ ‘Better’ is not good enough. You can't put our people in danger out of pride.”

  “It’ll be fine. I can feel it. Alister made it clear that it would take a few days, and it’s only been two. I’ll let you know if it’s not happening.”

  Cora didn't say anything, and Sara didn't want to keep this line of talk going, so she shut up and watched out the window until they were bumping up against Raven’s docking clamp.

  Alister had curled up on her lap and fallen asleep. Sara thanked the cat gods that he didn't throw her any more looks for Cora to pick up on.

  “Whose side are you on, you little shit?” Sara whispered to the small cat.

  Alister flicked an ear in reply.


  The shuttle airlock opened to an older man in dress uniform who Sara recognized as Colonel Grimms.

  She had read his file on the shuttle ride up, trying to familiarize herself with her staff. He was an ex-SEAL in the American Navy, in the time before the arrival of the Elif.

  He snapped her a crisp salute, which she and Cora returned.

  “Permission to come aboard, Commander,” Sara said formally.

  “The ship is yours, Captain Sonders,” he finished the tradition.

  Sara reached out and shook his hand as she stepped into the white corridor, “Pleasure to meet you, Commander Grimms. I am sorry we did not have a chance to meet earlier, but forty-eight hours ago, we had no idea we would be here. This is my sister, Captain Cora Sonders. She will be working as our controller.”

  Grimms took Cora's hand. “A pleasure, Captain. I, too, regret not being able to meet earlier, but it seems the United Human Fleet already has a mission for us. The orders just came in twenty minutes ago, and I’ve sent the details to your tablet. As soon as the ship is buttoned up this evening, we are to make way,” he said.

  “So soon? I thought we would have a day or two at the least,” Sara said with trepidation. This was moving too fast. She had gotten a taste of her ability back, but a taste would not shield them from weapons fire.

  Commander Grimms turned and motioned for them to walk with him. “That was the plan, but it seems an Elif research colony has spotted a Teifen scout in the area, and they are worried that they will be attacked. We’re to move into orbit and guard the planet until the Elif can evacuate to the Raven.”

  Sara was surprised she didn’t see anyone working, preparing the ship for its maiden voyage, as she walked down the corridor. “Commander, where is everyone?”

  Grimms looked to see if Sara was joking. “They
are in the docking bay, Sir.” When that didn't garner a response other than knitted eyebrows, he clarified, “They are waiting for words and introductions from you.”

  “Oh, right. Sorry, Commander. My mind has been a little frazzled from the quick pace of our move. Please, lead the way.”

  Cora gave her a ‘you knew this was coming’ look, and all Sara could do was shrug. She had known, but had not thought about what to say to her first command. She started making notes in her head as they walked.

  “It’s fine, I understand the last few days have been hectic for you. It has for the crew, as well. We’ve been pushing hard to be ready to quickly make way. I’m sure the crew will be excited to hear what you have to say,” Grimms said, coming to a large double door. He handed Sara and Cora each an earpiece, showing them how to put them in. “These are your onboard comms and will allow us to amplify your voices. I’ll announce you, then please come in and say a few words.”

  “Thank you, Commander,” Cora said as she wiggled the earpiece into place.

  The Commander walked through the doors as they slid open at his approach, then they closed behind him.

  They heard his words to the assembled crew in their earpieces.

  “Attention! Ladies and gentlemen, you have worked hard to prepare this ship for her captain and our impending mission. The final two pieces of this great warship are now onboard and eager to meet you all. Ladies and gentlemen, I present Captains Cora Sonders and Sara Sonders.”

  Sara gave Cora’s hand a squeeze then walked up to the doors. As they slid open, she could see a raised platform where Commander Grimms stood at attention, holding a salute. She walked up the few steps to the platform, closely followed by Cora.

  The bay was large enough that the entire crew along with the three large dropships could fit with some room to spare. The door to the bay was open, a shimmering energy shield keeping the atmosphere in, and looked out on a view of the shipyard spreading out like a metallic lily pad in the ocean of space.

  The assembled crew stood in rank and file. She knew there were nearly twelve hundred Marines and crew aboard ship, but seeing them all at once was a sharp reminder of her responsibilities. Every one of them held a rigid salute.

  Looking over the assembled crew, Sara felt a stab of fear that she was making a huge mistake; she pushed that fear down into a little box labeled ‘too late now’ and put a smile on her face. She knew these people were putting their lives in her hands, and she was determined to do her best for them.

  She and Cora snapped to attention, executing sharp salutes in return.

  “At ease,” Sara said, taking the initiative and stepping up to the podium in the center of the platform.

  Everyone stood at parade rest, awaiting her words. She looked over the crowd. Every eye was on her, every attendee no doubt wondering how a tall, thin, twenty-six-year-old, neon-red-haired woman achieved the exalted rank of captain. Then they looked to Cora, her identical twin standing a step behind her, and they knew the answer.

  They were not just some young women; they were twin mages. By definition, powerful mages. Sara was determined to let her new crew know that she and Cora had earned their rank, and would work hard to make the Raven the best ship in the fleet. A twin set was needed to make a warship something more than hundreds of tons of metal. Their presence would elevate this hunk of steel and plastic into a warship unlike anything humanity had ever seen before.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Captain Sara Sonders. I apologize that we have not had the time to learn all your names just yet, but be assured, Cora and I will endeavor to do just that. We are honored to serve with you, and we would like you all to know that we appreciate every one of you, and the efforts you have already put forward.

  “This ship is the most advanced in the fleet. So much so that we are tasked with a unique set of parameters. We are a lone operator, out in the abyss. We are a one-ship line in the proverbial sand. The enemy will cower in fear when our outline comes over the horizon. They will know that this ship is the best and is crewed by the best.

  “Know that my door is open. You have all been trusted to run and maintain this ship, and that means I value your input. If you have concerns, come to me or send me a message. We are a relatively small crew and will be working closely together for long periods. I am your ally, and will do everything in my power to see you all home.”

  Sara began to take a step back when something occurred to her. She stepped up to the podium once more and opened her shoulder bag, motioning for Alister to jump up on her shoulder. He gave her a disapproving look, but she was insistent, and he finally relented and jumped from the bag to her shoulder.

  Some of the crew let out gasps at the black form shooting from the bag.

  “This is Alister. He is my…” She hesitated then continued, “Pet, and will be granted full access to the ship. He will be wherever I am; don’t be surprised if you happen across him in a corridor.”

  She stepped back to let Cora take the podium, as the crew applauded and murmured about the cat.

  They quieted, and Cora began her speech. “I am Captain Cora Sonders, your new controller. This ship is set up a little different than all the others, as I’m sure you have all become aware of. I will be interred in a tank that will provide me with an unparalleled connection to the Aether. Because of this semi-permanent arrangement, I will have many of you taking care of me personally as I take care of you. I want to thank those who will be my caretakers in advance. I am sure we will have many conversations in our time together.

  “This is a new venture, and one that I must say has me excited for the possibilities. I will do my utmost to protect you all in my time as the heart of this ship.”

  She stepped back, and the crowd once again applauded.

  Commander Grimms stepped forward. “You have all been given your orders. We ship out in eight hours. Dismissed!”

  The crew saluted in unison, then began to disperse through the many doors into other parts of the ship.

  Grimms turned to the two. “Captains, I realize you have just arrived, but we are scheduled for departure in just under eight hours. I’ve taken the liberty of having a meal prepared for the three of us in your quarters; I am told it will be your last meal together for some time, so I had the cook make something special. After dinner, we will make our way to the controller’s room. We need to get Captain Cora in the tank, and test her connections.”

  They walked from the hangar, Alister following close behind.

  Sara caught a glimpse of the remaining crew regarding her as they left. She was sure the looks they were giving her were not ones of confidence. Why did she have to fuck up her speech by introducing a pet?

  Rookie move, Sara.

  A rather large dark-skinned man with stark white hair caught her eye. He gave her a sympathetic smile and an easy salute just before the door slid closed behind her.


  Grimms showed them to Sara's new quarters, and they ate a meal together in her small dinette, served by a slight female ensign by the name of Boon. Grimms went over the improvements the Raven possessed, relative to the other ships in the fleet, as they shared a bottle of a wine over their roast beef and steamed vegetables. It was information that the twins had already reviewed, in the day before they were shipped out, but it was good to hear what the commander thought was important.

  Eventually dinner ended, and it was time to get Cora into the tank. They were scheduled to depart in a little over six and a half hours, and extensive testing needed to be done before that time.

  Grimms handed Cora a box that contained her suit, and told the twins he would wait outside Sara’s quarters while Cora got ready.

  The door slid shut, and Sara looked to Cora, her eyes beginning to well with tears.

  Cora gave her a half smile. “It’s not like I won’t be able to talk with you. If the specifications for the tank are correct, I’ll know more about what’s happening with you than ever before.”

  Sara nodded. “I know, but you won’t be here in the room with me. It’s going to be lonely, without you snoring in the next room,” she said, giving a halfhearted smile of her own.

  “Alister will be with you. I’m sure you two will be fine.”

  Alister jumped up on the table and started sniffing at a piece of roast and batting at it with a tiny, black paw.

  “Yeah, we’ll be great,” Sara said sarcastically.

  Cora laughed at the cat. “Well, he may not be a stimulating conversationalist, but that’s what I’ll be here for.” She reached out and engulfed Sara in a long hug.

  Sara was going to be in trouble, without her sister there to pick up her slack; she was frightened that she would mess everything up for the both of them. She trusted Cora with her life, and the least she could do was give Cora the same reasons to trust her. She hugged her sister back hard, and quickly wiped a tear away before Cora could see it as they separated.

  Cora opened the box with the suit in it and stripped out of her clothes to pull the bodysuit on. It covered her from toe to neck. The silvery, skintight material was similar to spandex, with a metallic element to it.

  “What is that thing made of? Is it comfortable?” Sara asked, feeling the slick material between her fingers as Cora pulled it up the last few inches.

  “I’m not sure what it’s made of, but it sort of feels like tights. If I don't think about it, it doesn’t feel like I'm wearing anything. It’s actually really comfortable,” she said, rubbing her hands over her opposite arms, feeling the slick material.

  “Well, I must say you look pretty good in it. All those PTs really show in that thing. Do I look that good?”

  Sara laughed at the deadpan stare Cora gave her.

  “We look identical, you idiot. Of course you would look good in this,” Cora said, shouldering Sara affectionately. “Come on, we need to get this party started. We have a galaxy to transverse in a few hours, and I want to get acquainted with my new home.”


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