A Very Lusty Christmas [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Very Lusty Christmas [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 15

by Cara Covington

  His kiss tasted of hunger and need, and Kate sank into it, sank into him. His fingers caressed her slit, back and forth, using the dampness he found there to make his touch silky and slick. Her clit twitched, and he centered his attention on it at the same time he sucked her tongue into his mouth.

  Patrick moved in her, his thrusts no longer measured or shallow, but impassioned, jerky and deep. He let himself go, reaching for his climax, and Kate felt such soul-deep satisfaction in that—a dimension above the physical pleasure that now hurled her toward her own rapture.

  She released Gerald’s mouth and laid her head on his shoulder as her orgasm took her. “Yes, oh, Patrick, yes!” Bliss blossomed within her, as wave upon wave of ecstasy shivered over and through her, stealing every last bit of her strength.

  * * * *

  Gerald felt more settled now, now that he was here, in this bed, his woman close by and sated, her soft fragrance in the air and on his skin.

  With Kate between them, lying flat on her back, Gerald lay on his side, one hand supporting his head, the other gently stroking the left side of her body. He could feel the tension burning in Kate. She wanted more, and damned if that didn’t make him happy, and hard, as hell. They still hadn’t given her what she said she wanted—the both of them inside her at the same time.

  They would, and soon, but he wanted time for this, too—for just being together and sharing their thoughts as well as their bodies.

  She was right when she’d said they really had so little time.

  Patrick mirrored his actions on her right side. Despite what they’d said when they’d arrived, theywouldlet her sleep. In a little while, right after they took her together.

  He wanted to share some of himself—his past, his heritage. It was a gift he never thought to give to any woman before her, and it was a gift that, instinctively, he knew she would cherish.

  “We used to go camping, just the men,” he said. “I’m not sure when the tradition began, but when we were older, the grandfathers told us that in the beginning, grandmother would go with them.”

  “Sarah told me she used to like to sleep out under the stars,” Kate said. “She said it reminded her of the beginning, of the adventure she’d had after leaving her home in Chicago, and how she’d come to be with her men.” Kate paused and looked from him to his brother. “She gave me her journal to read.”

  “A sure sign she considers you a part of the family,” Patrick said. “As only the women of the family are allowed to read it.”

  “Only the women? Not the men?”

  Gerald chuckled. “No, not the men. I see that look of relief on your face, sweetheart. Just piques my curiosity more about what’s in that journal.”

  Kate grinned. “My lips are sealed. Well, about the journal, at least.”

  “I do know that Grandmother Sarah began to write it shortly after our mother came to Lusty,” Gerald said. “That it was meant to help women like her, women who suddenly found themselves in love with two men.”

  Kate smiled, and Gerald found himself entranced with the kiss of pink on her cheeks. She licked her lips and said, “The journal was…enlightening.”

  “So perhaps you understand why it is we’re pleased the folks are keeping an eye on you. We didn’t know about their decision to come here in the evenings, but we approve.” Patrick leaned over and gave her a kiss, a kiss Gerald could see was deep and passionate.

  He nearly laughed when he understood there really was no jealousy in him. Watching Pat kiss their woman just felt…right.

  Kate sighed. “I don’t think my mother fully understands how sometimes her words can wound. I really don’t believe her intention is to hurt me. She’s simply always been a little dramatic in her communication. Guilt has always been her tool of choice, whenever she’s wanted me to do anything. The thing is, she wants me to follow the same path in life as she herself did. She claims theonlyway a woman can truly be happy is to be married, and devoted to raising children.”

  “Kate…we would never tell you how to deal with your mother.” Gerald kissed her then, much the same as his brother had. “And we’re going to try very hard to reserve judgment, because sheisyour mother, and we know you love her.”

  “But the truth is, angel, she doesn’tsoundlike a happy woman,” Patrick said.

  “No, she doesn’t,” Gerald agreed. “And the only one who knows what will make you happy, love, is you.”

  Kate sighed. “I know. Just as I know I’ll have to talk with her at some point.” Kate laughed, but it didn’t sound full of humor. “She’s been nagging me since I decided to become a nurse that I should be out ‘finding’ a husband instead. I wonder what she’ll say when I bring her not one son-in-law, but two?”

  “I have the feeling that particular conversation likely won’t go well,” Patrick said.

  Kate grinned. “You’re probably right.”

  “We don’t want to be the cause of a rift between you and your mother,” Gerald said.

  Kate shook her head. “You’re not, neither could you ever be. There’s been a rift between us for years, and we put it there ourselves.” Then she sighed. “I decided long ago that I couldn’t live my life for her. That’s not what this country is about, is it? I have to choose my own path, and do what’s right inmyheart.”

  “I love you.” Gerald bent over her and kissed her, putting every bit of the emotion inside him into his kiss.

  One delicate hand caressed his cheek, and he was lost. The taste of his woman filled him, uplifting him and humbling him at the same time. He brought his free hand up from her breasts to return the gesture, marveling in the softness of her cheek. Then he lifted his mouth and simply looked at her.

  “I love you, too,” Kate whispered. She turned to look at Patrick. “I love you both more than I ever believed I could love. And I very much need one more thing from you both tonight.”

  She didn’t have to elaborate. He said, “If you’re sure, sweetheart, then I need you to do something for me.”

  “And that would be?”

  “Straddle Patrick and take his cock into your pussy. Then lay your head on him with your ass in the air.”

  Kate shivered, clearly aroused by the suggestion. Her nipples beaded, and her breathing hitched. His gaze never leaving hers, he moved his hand down her body until his fingers stroked her pussy.

  As he suspected, she was very wet. He extended his touch until he spread some of her juices in the crack of her ass and over her anus, touching her so that she would know what he meant when he asked, “Are you sore?”

  “A little. But not sore enough to stop me from taking you.”

  “Sweet Kate, I doubt you would tell me if you were. The salve will help.” What he didn’t tell her was that likely her anus would stretch easier, having just done so not that long ago. But he’d give her some aftercare, and do all he could to ease her discomfort.

  He kissed her, drinking in the taste of her passion. He lifted his lips from hers, and looked over at Patrick.

  His brother’s relaxed, satisfied smile was all the confirmation he needed. Patrick clearly felt the same way about having Kate between them as he himself did.

  Gerald gained his knees, just as Patrick scooped their woman and brought her to lie on top of him. He grinned when he realized neither of them had to tell Kate how do ride the top. That new position, like so much else, seemed to be instinctive to her.

  He reached to the bedside table and latched onto the tin of salve. Kate started, just a little, when he began to spread the gel on her.

  “Relax, darling,” he said.

  “I can’t relax. I’m just too excited.” She moved on Patrick, stretching up, riding him with a grace he found both beautiful and arousing. Kneeling on the bed close behind her, he reached forward, showed her how to arch her back so that she could change the angle of penetration, and planted a very quick kiss on her lips.

  “We’re excited, too, if you haven’t noticed. Now do as you’re told, young lady, or
I’ll paddle your ass.”

  Chapter 15

  It was probably the most outrageous thing anyone had ever said to her, and she didn’t know what to think of her reaction to those words.

  Kate looked over her shoulder and watched as Gerald stroked his cock, spreading more of that salve on himself. When he caught her watching him, she grinned and didn’t need a mirror to know the look she gave him was a sexy one.

  “Darling, if that was supposed to be a threat, I have to tell you, it didn’t have the desired effect.”

  “Sweetheart, that wasn’t a threat, it was a promise of delights to come.”

  The expression in his eyes told her he knewexactlywhat his words had done to her.

  “We’ll talk about that later,” he said. “Put your attention on Patrick, please. It would seem the polite thing to do, since his cock is in your cunt.”

  Kate shivered because the crude words seemed to just add to her arousal. She turned her attention to the man whose cock was indeed lodged in a very delightful manner in her cunt.

  “Sweetheart, your brother is very bossy.” And she gave him the same kind of squeeze she’d given Gerald earlier.

  “Mmm, yes, he is. Well, he is the oldest, and as you undoubtedly by now know, will be the head of our little family, eventually.”

  “Eventually?” Gerald’s voice sounded silky smooth with just an edge of authority. That made her shiver, too, and Kate saw, by the twinkling in Patrick’s eyes, that he’d done that on purpose.

  “We’re a family already, the three of us, and I’m in charge of things now.”

  “So we are, and so you are,” Patrick said.

  His tone told her that he was very much enjoying himself at the moment. He reached up, took her breasts in his hands, and squeezed.

  “Baby, lay your head down on my chest, now. Let Gerald have that wonderful ass of yours.”

  Kate could hold her own with them, and likely would in the future. She knew for a fact that neither man wanted an acquiescent wife.

  But for the moment, what they wanted her to do was exactly what she needed to do. Patrick thrust up in her when she did as he asked, and then held himself still inside her.

  She inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of his sweat and the soap he’d used just a half hour before when he’d showered.

  His hand stroked her upper back and shoulders even as Gerald’s fingers stroked up and down her anus, spreading more of the salve, and, she thought, spreading more of the arousal that burned over, through, and in her.

  She felt him move, felt the heat from his body so close to her own, and knew he knelt there on the bed behind her.

  He continued to stroke her with his fingers, and then pushed. His finger entered her without much of a burn at all.

  “Look at me, baby.” Patrick’s plea drew her attention, and her gaze sought his, almost without her conscious thought.

  “Yes, I can see your pleasure on your face. Squeeze me again. I liked that.”

  Kate did, at the same time she acknowledged to herself that Patrick had just checked to ensure Gerald wasn’t hurting her. Deep inside her, shivers began to travel all through her, and she knew her arousal was nearing heights she’d yet to scale. Where Gerald’s finger reamed her, the nerve endings tingled. Kate needed like she’dneverneeded before.

  She stretched up, kissed Patrick, and flexed those inner muscles again. Then she looked over her shoulder at Gerald once more.

  “Please fuck me. I need your cock inside me. I can’t explain it, that’s just the way it is.”

  “Christ, woman, you push me to my limits, don’t you?”

  “No, my love. I just trust you to give me what I have to have…to give us all what we have to have. Please.”

  “Hang on, sweet.” Gerald inched closer, then took his finger from her and used both hands to spread the cheeks of her ass.

  Patrick eased her head back down onto his chest. His hands stroked her back again, the gesture meant to be one of comfort. Yet Kate found it highly erotic, especially considering the tremors she felt cascading through him.

  Or was that just her?

  Gerald pressed against her, the head of his cock hot and hard and deliciously insistent. Kate moaned. Both men reacted to the sound by holding her more securely.

  “Don’t move, Kate. Let me get inside you, first.”

  Oh, God, she could feel herself opening, unsurprised when the burn came, and the pain, but not caring. With that pain came a deeper kind of tingling, a more solid kind of arousal that seemed to connect her nipples to her clit to her ass.

  Then Gerald slid into her and Kate whimpered, because she felt full to bursting and so very, very close to coming.


  “So…oh, God, sogood. But I need…I need…” Kate couldn’t even form the words as tiny inner shivers seemed to overtake her—heart and mind, body and soul.

  “Take what you need, woman.” Gerald caressed his hands over her hips. “Fuck us, Kate. Fuck us the way you need it done.”

  He wasn’t making sense—at least not to her mind. Her body, however, seemed to know exactly what to do.

  She pushed down and inward, then up and back, just tiny, jerky little movements that didn’t feel graceful, or coordinated. And yet.

  And yet, each time she moved they all three of them moaned, feral-like sounds that spoke of pleasure and the need for more.

  With gasps and sighs and deep, heartwarming grunts, her men told her how much they enjoyed her movements. She’d never felt so full, so aroused, but it was certainly more than that. She feltcomplete. Almost as if she’d waited her entire life for justthis. In this moment, the emotional and the spiritual nearly overshadowed the physical.

  Kate Wesley was connected and complete and exactly where she needed to be.

  The climax came, its own master, exploding over and around them, showering them with the deepest pleasure, the strongest spasms of delight. Kate cried out, unable to hold back the sound, her men’s shouts of completion the perfect bass notes to complement her own soprano song.

  * * * *

  Kate counted it a blessing that the first person she encountered upon entering the kitchen the next morning was Miranda Kendall. Apparently, Miranda had arrived bright and early, organized the breakfast, and informed all of the residents—the noun Kate had recently decided to use to refer to the men who were under her care—that Major Wesley was on leave for the day.

  According to Miranda, most of the men seemed to think she’d been due a day off for some time.

  Her men had slipped out her private door just after sunrise, with kisses and the promise that they’d return soon. They, too, were on leave and intended to spend the bulk of their time on this beautiful autumn Saturday with her.

  “Are you all right?”

  Miranda’s question had been whispered, and Kate wondered how long it would take her to lose her maidenly blush. She supposed the fact that she’d stopped in midsentence and stared off into space had prompted her friend’s inquiry.

  “I’m considerably better than all right, thank you.” Her cheeks felt as if they were on fire, and Kate could only shrug.

  Miranda grinned, and although her friend had been married a few months, clearly she was just as embarrassed by the nuances of the topic under discussion.

  Then Miranda blushed when she said, “Perhaps, if I may suggest it, you should indulge in a nice, leisurely hot bath.”

  “I had one last night, before…well, before I settled down to sleep. Itdidhelp.” As did the cool compress that Gerald so thoughtfully applied to her tiny rosebud after he’d gently cleaned the salve from her. However, she declined to mention those details.

  Surely some information was a bit too personal to share, no matter how modern one was.

  “Then come and have some breakfast. I made pancakes and sausages this morning, and I saved you some.”

  Kate sat down in the kitchen and discovered her appetite was quite healthy. She ate slowly, and savored her coffe
e. The men would be back soon. They’d asked her if she wanted to go into Waco and shop, or just go for a ride and a picnic. When she’d mentioned that horseback ridingmightnot be the best idea all things considered, but that she had no desire to go into town either, they nodded in understanding.

  She had no idea what they were planning, but thought that if she could trust them with her body as she had so completely done last night, she could certainly trust them to plan her day off.

  She set her cup down and looked at her friend. “Thank you for being here. Not just for pitching in so I could have some time off, but for being a friend to me, at this time and in this place.”

  “You’re very welcome. Our friendship goes both ways. I’m grateful to you, too. We’re practically the same age, and that’s a blessing. Of course, I adore my mother-in-law and all the women here, especially Amanda and Sarah…”

  “But it’s nice having someone your own age, too.”

  “Yes! That’s it exactly. My husbands don’t have any sisters, but your men do.”

  “Sarah, named for her grandmother.” Kate nodded. “I haven’t met her yet. Mattie mentioned she’s in Washington, working as an aid to Congressman Bennett.”

  “I met her briefly, at our wedding,” Miranda said. “She seems very nice, smart as a whip.”

  “I think her family misses her.” Kate had noted the wistfulness in Mattie’s voice when she’d spoken of her daughter.

  “There are a fair number of family members overseas,” Miranda said. “Of course, some couldn’t go, as with those who are busy with the farming and ranching and various other industries that are considered vital, and needed for war effort.”

  “I guess it is hard on the parents.” Kate recalled the conversation she’d had with Charles Benedict in the stables. She also thought about the way, around the dinner table, news would be shared from letters and the looks on the faces of the mothersandthe fathers as they did so.


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