What a Devilish Duke Desires

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What a Devilish Duke Desires Page 25

by Vicky Dreiling

  “Focus on your grandmother,” he said. “She’s had a nasty shock and needs you. Let the servants take care of things; you take care of your grandmother.” When she looked as if she meant to argue, he added, “Your grandmother will feel more reassured if you are by her side.”

  “You’re right, of course. I just could not think properly. There’s so much to be done. I don’t even know where to start.”

  “You and your grandmother are suffering from vexation. I’ll stay in the hotel as well in case you need me.”

  “What about Bandit?” she said. “Someone must care for him.”

  He smiled a little. “I’ll send a message to Barlow. He’ll look after Bandit.”

  “I fear Buckley will return.”

  “We’ll discuss what must be done tomorrow. Now go pack the valises for yourself and your grandmother.”

  She reached beneath the bed and pulled out the two small valises.

  When she opened the cupboard in her room to retrieve her clothing, she saw the empty wooden box. Her eyes filled with tears. She covered her mouth.

  Harry strode inside her room. “Lucy, what is wrong?”

  “It w-wasn’t enough for him to destroy our meager b-belongings. He took all of m-my money.”

  He held her against him. “Lucy, I know it seems bad, but I will help you. You are not alone.”

  “I worked so hard.”

  “I know, sweet girl. I know. You will come about. I promise, and I will be there every step of the way.”

  Buckley chuckled to himself as he strode along Covent Garden. He’d roughed up the old lady and best of all, he’d found money in one of the cupboards. He strode inside the apothecary’s shop and slapped Lucy’s coins on the counter.

  “What about the girls?” the apothecary said.

  “I need my tonic first.”

  The apothecary snorted and pushed a bottle across the counter. “I’ve put out the word there will be whores. You better bring ’em. I want my share of the takings. No hags.”

  Buckley guzzled his laudanum. “I’ll bring the whores, don’t you worry.” He would snatch a couple of ’em tonight.

  “Where’s the redhead you promised?”

  “I’ll bring her next time.” He’d missed his opportunity today, but he’d get another. Too bad he’d missed his opportunity to nab Lucy, but he’d catch her off guard soon enough. He’d make the bitch pay for stealing his clients.

  Buckley swigged from his bottle again and limped out the door. He stood in a dirty old alley waiting for his prey in the dark. A woman wearing an apron stepped on the cobbled pavement. He tripped her with his foot. When she stumbled, he covered her mouth and dragged her deeper into the alley where no one dared try to rescue a screaming wench.

  Lucy held her grandmother’s hand as the carriage rolled along the streets of London. “All will be well, Grandmama. We will stay in a fashionable hotel.”

  “I’ll see that supper is ordered in a private dining room,” Harry said. “I’ll make sure our rooms are adjacent in case you have need of me.”

  “You are v-very kind,” Mrs. Longmore said.

  “I assure you I will hire people to hunt this man and bring him to justice. Meanwhile, you are both under my protection and safe from harm.”

  “You do not have to stay,” Lucy said. “I’m sure we’ll manage.”

  “I would not rest easy,” he said.

  When he escorted them inside, Lucy drew in a sharp breath. There was a huge, tiered crystal chandelier full of lighted candles hanging in the foyer. Their shoes clipped on the marble floor and the mahogany tables attested to expensive furnishings. “This is too luxurious,” she said under her breath. “We can make do in a small inn.”

  He shook his head. “Take your grandmother to the settee while I procure rooms.”

  “Do you think they will have any available?” she asked.

  He smiled a little. “I imagine they will.” The staff always reserved the best rooms for prestigious guests. Being a duke had its advantages.

  A few minutes later, a porter appeared and took their spare belongings up the stairs. Lucy was embarrassed that their valises were worn and frayed. She would have felt far more comfortable in a modest inn.

  Lucy held her grandmother’s hand as they waited for Harry to make the arrangements. Later she would inquire about the expense of the room. She had no idea how she would repay him, but she must find a way.

  When Harry was done, he walked over to Lucy and her grandmother. “I sent a message to Barlow. We’re all set now. The rooms are on the first floor. It will be very private.”

  They walked up the stairs slowly to accommodate Mrs. Longmore’s affliction. When they reached the corridor, a maid stood at the door. Lucy walked inside and regarded the room wide-eyed. The four-poster bed had crimson hangings and numerous pillows for comfort. There were beautiful night tables with gold fixtures and a dressing table as well.

  The maid turned down the covers on the bed. At first, Lucy felt like an imposter. She thought of all the linen sheets she’d changed at the Albany, but the maid lit half a dozen beeswax candles that smelled heavenly and reflected in the mirror above the dressing table.

  Lucy led her grandmother to a chair, wrapped a shawl around her shoulders, and set her feet on a stool. “Do try to relax.”

  The maid filled the pitcher and curtsied. “Madam, there’s a cake of rose soap by the pitcher and bowl.” Then the maid laid a folded blanket across the bottom of the bed. “I’ll bring a hot brick after dinner tonight. Will there be anything else, madam?”

  She didn’t tell the maid her correct address was “miss.” “No, thank you.” She was horribly embarrassed because she had no coins for the maid.

  After the maid left, Lucy knelt beside her grandmother. “Are you unwell?”

  “No, just a little shaken.” Grandmama clasped Lucy’s hand. “I’m so sorry. I should not have opened the door to that man.”

  “You are not to blame,” Lucy said, smoothing her grandmother’s gray hair from her temple. “He is a horrible person.”

  A knock sounded. When Lucy opened the door, a different maid entered with a tea tray. “Compliments of the establishment.” While the maid set the tray on a small table, Lucy caught sight of her mussed hair and wrinkled gown in the mirror. She straightened the bodice, but the curls that Mary had carefully arranged were limp. She lowered her eyes, because she was mortified that the maid had seen her bedraggled appearance.

  “Will there be anything else, madam?”

  “No, thank you,” Lucy said.

  After the maid bobbed a curtsy and quit the room, Lucy saw Harry standing outside the door. She motioned him inside. Heat suffused her face. “I had no coins for the maids,” she said under her breath.

  He leaned down. “Don’t worry. I left vails for the staff at the desk and instructed them to bring dinner in one hour.”

  “Oh, that is wise.” She felt gauche, because she’d never stayed in a country inn, much less a refined hotel like this one.

  He stood with his hands behind his back. “It would not take above half an hour to summon a doctor for your grandmother.”

  “No,” Mrs. Longmore said. “It is only a bruise.”

  Lucy winced at the purple and green bruise on her grandmother’s arm.

  “I think tea is in order.” Lucy poured and handed the dish to her grandmother. “It’s plenty warm,” she said.

  “If you have need of me, my room is just beyond the dining parlor,” Harry said, opening the connecting door.

  “We could have made do with a lesser establishment,” Lucy said.

  He grinned. “Yes, but the food is better here.”

  She clapped her hand over her mouth. “How do you manage to make me laugh in the face of disaster?”

  “It is not disaster,” he said. “I promise all will be well. There are a few advantages to being a duke,” he said, grinning.

  Her brows arched. “Oh, what are they?”

��People tend to do my every bidding.”

  Of course it was a disaster. Her home was wrecked and she was penniless, but he had made sure they would be in a safe place tonight. “Thank you,” she said.

  He took her hands and kissed them. “I understand you’re worried, but we’ll discuss options tomorrow.” He spoke under his breath, “Darling Lucy, you’ve nothing to fear. I will be by your side the whole time.

  “You are safe now, and so is your grandmother. We will both ensure she is comfortable. If there is anything you need, please tell me.” He cupped her cheek. “I would do anything for you, Lucy. Anything. I promise from this moment on that you will never want for anything or ever be scared again. Now, have a cup of tea with your grandmother, and I’ll see you when the meal arrives.”

  She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “What would I do without you?”

  He framed her face. “Darling girl, I’ll never abandon you.”

  They dined on succulent roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, but Lucy worried about Grandmama. She drank another cup of tea, but she had little appetite.

  “Mrs. Longmore, you look done up,” Harry said.

  “I confess I’m weary.”

  Lucy rose. “Let me take you to the room so you can rest.”

  When Grandmama did not protest, Lucy knew she was at the end of her endurance.

  Lucy closed the door and helped her grandmother into a nightgown. The maid brought the promised hot brick. Then Lucy tucked Grandmama into bed and sat on the edge of the mattress. “I will stay until you fall asleep.”

  Grandmama clasped her hand. “Enjoy the wine and dessert. The bed is soft, and I’m so very tired. I wish to sleep, dear. Go on now.”

  “I’m right next door if you need me.” Her eyes misted as she thought of that horrible Buckley hurting and frightening her grandmother. Lucy dashed her fingers beneath her eyes and kissed her grandmother’s cheek. Soon Grandmama’s breathing grew slow and steady. Lucy thought it best to leave her in peace.

  When she returned to the dining parlor, she found Harry in his shirtsleeves pouring wine. The connecting door to his room was open. His coat and cravat were draped over a chair in front of a desk.

  A knock sounded. When he opened the door, the maid entered with a tray and started stacking the dishes.

  “Leave the cheesecake and wine,” Harry said.

  The maid bobbed a curtsy and left.

  He patted the chair next to him. “Sit with me.”

  Lucy took a chair and ate a bite of cheesecake. She closed her eyes as the sinfully rich lemon custard melted in her mouth. When she opened her eyes, she found Harry watching her with a seductive expression.

  “Like that, do you?” he said, his voice rumbling.

  Was she imagining something suggestive in his words?

  He poured a glass of wine and inhaled the fragrance.

  “Is that claret?” Lucy asked.

  “No, port. Would you like to try it?”

  She sipped it and shuddered.

  He laughed. “It’s an acquired taste.”

  “I prefer cheesecake.”

  He looked at her from beneath his lashes. “Would you like more claret?”

  “A little,” she said, indicating a small amount with her fingers.

  When she sipped, she caught him looking at her mouth. “What is it?”

  “Your lips are red from the wine.”

  “So are yours,” she said. “Would you like more cheesecake?”

  “No, you’re sweet enough.”

  “Flirting again?”

  “Never,” he said in an exaggerated manner.

  Her smile faded. She toyed with her spoon, wondering how she would ever be able to leave her grandmother alone again, but she had no choice. She had to work.

  He clasped his hands behind his head. “You’re probably exhausted.”

  She was overwhelmed and felt as if she were moving through a thick fog. “I won’t be able to sleep. I keep thinking of how scared Grandmama must have been, and I wasn’t there to help her.”

  “It’s not your fault, Lucy.”

  She stood abruptly, turned her back, and covered her mouth, but a wounded sound escaped her.

  His chair scraped the floor. He set his hands on her shoulders.

  She turned in his arms and wept.

  “You’ve had a bad shock, but you’re safe now.”

  Oh God, she was so scared.

  “Please don’t cry, Lucy.” He tightened his arms around her. “I will never let anyone hurt you again.”

  To her mortification, she started trembling.

  “You need rest,” he said.

  “I don’t think I can sleep.”

  He lifted her in his arms. “Shhh.”

  He wanted to tell her that he loved her and wanted to marry her, but the time was all wrong. When he did propose, he wanted it to be as romantic as possible, for her sake. She deserved a fairy-tale proposal and wedding.

  He took her to his bedchamber. When he set her feet on the carpet by the bed, she inhaled on a shuddering breath. He rummaged in the pocket of his coat hanging over the chair and found a handkerchief. Then he blotted her face.

  “Harry, I don’t know what we would have done if not for you. He m-might have come b-back and h-hurt Grandmama again.” Tears sprang in her eyes again. “Thank you for taking care of us.”

  He held her tightly. “Lucy, the worst is over. You’re both safe now. I will protect you and your grandmother.”

  “I d-don’t know what we will d-do,” she said.

  “Shhhh. We’ll figure all of that out later.”

  He wanted to tell her what was in his heart, but now was not the right time. She was overset and frightened half to death, poor girl.

  “You’re vexed and need rest.” He frowned. “I could ring for a maid, but I fear it would wake your grandmother. If you will allow it, I’ll untie the tapes of your gown and unlace your stays so that you’ll be comfortable while you sleep.”

  She nodded.

  When her neckline gaped, he helped her step out of the gown and petticoat. Then he laid them over a chair in the corner.

  She stood with her head bowed as he loosened the laces of her stays and drew them off. There was a fire, but chill bumps erupted on her skin, and her nipples showed through the thin fabric of her shift.

  He drew in a long, slow breath. Then he helped her up in the bed. He sat beside her and kissed her tenderly, but she parted her lips for him. When he swept his tongue inside, she clutched him hard as if she were afraid he would leave her. Eventually, he broke the kiss, and both of them were panting.

  One of her hairpins fell on the counterpane.

  “I will let you sleep now.”

  “No, don’t leave me. Please don’t leave me.”

  He held her hard against him. God in heaven, what would have happened if he’d not been there? He swore to protect and love her no matter what happened. He would never let her suffer again.

  “Take your hair down,” he said.

  She took out the pins, one by one, until the braid wrapped around her topknot slipped down her back. Then she shook out her hair. It fell to her waist. He was mesmerized watching her, but the hour was growing late. “I’ll take you to the other room.”

  “Stay with me for a little while, Harry.”

  “I will. Lay back and rest.” When she complied, he set his hands on either side of the pillow and kissed her gently on the lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Don’t leave me.”

  “I won’t leave you,” he said. When he kissed her again, she opened her mouth for him, and he could not resist the invitation. As he tasted her, he imagined what it would be like to make love to her without any constraints, but he would not take advantage of her vulnerable state. She’d been through too much this day.

  He kissed her cheek. “Lucy, you need sleep. I’ll take you to your grandmother.”

  “Don’t leave me.”

  “I’ll stay for a little wh
ile longer. He pulled his boots and stockings off. Then he caressed her soft cheek.

  “Harry, I’m so grateful. If not for you, I don’t know what we would have done.”

  “Shhhh. All that matters is that you and your grandmother are safe.”

  “‘Thank you’ seems inadequate.”

  “Darling girl, all I want is to see you safe and happy. I promise from this night forward you will never be scared or feel threatened again. Close your eyes and try to sleep.”

  “I can’t sleep. Please stay with me.”

  “I’ll stay until you fall asleep.”

  “No, stay, please stay.”

  “You’ve had a terrible shock. I don’t want to take advantage of you when you’re in this vulnerable state.”

  “I need you,” she said.

  He kissed her gently on her cheek. “I need you, too, Lucy.”

  She stunned him when she knelt on the mattress and attempted to pull his shirt over his head. A huff of laughter escaped him as he took it off and tossed it over the chair. “Sorry, I don’t have my banyan.”

  “I’m glad.” Lucy set her palms on his chest and kissed the sparse dark hair in the center of his chest. Then she looked up at him as she slipped one button free on the falls of his trousers. “You are the only one and always will be,” she whispered.

  He hugged her hard, and his breathing grew ragged. “Lucy, you’ve had a difficult day. I can’t let you do this.”

  “Please.” She undid another button. His groin tightened. The tight trousers could not hide his growing erection. As her fingers swept over the nankeen fabric, he hissed in a breath. Slowly, one by one, she unbuttoned both sides of the falls.

  “Lucy, you shouldn’t.” He wanted her too much.

  She shoved his trousers to the floor. With another huff of laughter, he stepped out of them, kicked them up off the floor, and tossed them to the foot of the bed. “Now we really must stop.”

  “Kiss me,” she said. When he did her bidding, she reached between them and untied the ribbon on his drawers. He inhaled sharply when she measured him through the linen fabric. He caught her hand and groaned. “My restraint is limited.”


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