What a Devilish Duke Desires

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What a Devilish Duke Desires Page 27

by Vicky Dreiling

  “I’ll inquire with my solicitor tomorrow about a safe and private neighborhood. No one will ever know but us.”

  “What will you do with the town house once we leave? That is a big commitment for temporary lodgings.”

  “Not really. I can lease the town house and make a profit. My advisors have urged me to make investments. It is only for a short term,” he said. “Just until I’m sure that you and your grandmother are safe. Will you agree for me? Otherwise, I’ll be sick with worry for both of you.”

  “I will consult with Grandmama, but you’re right. I get ill thinking of leaving my grandmother in our old lodgings, knowing that Buckley might return.”

  “Let me speak to Mrs. Longmore about it when I return.” He kissed her cheek. “Now I’m off to inspect the work at your lodgings.”

  When Harry entered Lucy’s lodgings, the scent of paint permeated the place. His mood grew grim when he saw one of the chairs had a broken leg. The far wall now sported a hole. He fisted his hands. The bastard had set out to destroy as much as he could.

  There was still a great deal of work to be done to make it habitable. There was evidence of sanding on the far wall in preparation for painting. He scowled at a deep gouge in the small dining table. He would return in a few days to check on the progress again. Tomorrow, however, he meant to hire a Bow Street Runner to flush out Buckley. Harry wouldn’t rest until Buckley was apprehended.

  He found the knitting basket and carried it out to his carriage and directed his driver to take him to the Albany.

  After the carriage rocked to a halt, Harry managed to dodge a puddle and strode up the pavement. When he put his key in the lock, Bandit went wild barking. He let himself inside and bent down to ruffle the dog’s fur. “Hello, Bandit,” he said, pushing the dog away when he attempted to lick his face. “Ugh, dog breath.”

  “Your Grace,” Barlow said. “I took Bandit out not long ago.”

  “Thank you, Barlow,” he said. “I appreciate you looking after him in my absence.”

  “It is my duty, Your Grace. I delivered the messages earlier.”

  “Excellent,” Harry said.

  Not long afterward, Bell and Colin arrived. “What’s this about, old boy?” Bellingham said. “Did you promise me a cheroot?”

  Harry opened a silver case. “May I tempt you?”

  “You needn’t ask twice,” Colin said, lighting one from a candle.

  Bell lit one. “Ah, this is the life,” he said, blowing out a smoke ring. “My wife will kick up a fuss when she smells the smoke on me, but I’ll blame it on Harry.”

  “She won’t believe you,” Harry said.

  “I’ll seduce her to make her forget,” Bell said.

  “Does it work?” Harry asked.

  Bell arched his thick brows. “After she makes a few weak protests, yes.”

  Meanwhile, fastidious Barlow opened a window. “Your Grace, with your permission, I will walk Bandit,” he said in his usual monotone voice.

  No doubt his valet wanted to escape the cheroot stench. “Thank you, Barlow. I’m sure Bandit will enjoy another walk. It is merely sprinkling outside now.”

  After Barlow left, Colin said, “Harry, my fondest memory is of you passed out on that lumpy sofa with an empty bottle dangling from your fingers.”

  “I’m just a sentimental fellow,” Harry said.

  His friends guffawed.

  “Harry, you were stinking drunk the night I saved your sorry ass—and I literally mean you stunk,” Bell said.

  Colin snorted. “None of us smelled like roses that night we took baths in the Thames.”

  Bell sat in a cross-framed chair. “You didn’t invite us here to recollect the good old days. What is on your mind?”

  Harry inhaled and blew out another smoke ring. “I’ve been thinking.”

  “Let us know if your brain starts to hurt,” Bell said.

  “Ha!” Harry slouched on the lumpy sofa. “So what are the requirements for joining the old married men’s club?”

  Bell’s shoulders shook with laughter. “Damn, Laura was right. You’re smitten with the dancer.”

  “Have you proposed?” Colin asked.

  Harry shook his head. “I want to think this through carefully.” He clenched his jaw. “You know the haughty people in the ton. I don’t want anyone to wound Lucy.”

  “I understand all too well,” Colin said. “I was very worried about Angeline after Brentmoor spread lies about her. I knew that marrying her would help to some extent, but I had to get rid of that fiend to restore her reputation.”

  Bell stubbed out his cheroot and sipped his brandy. “Laura is a vicar’s daughter, but she married Viscount Chesfield. However, Lady Atherton was her entrée into society.” Bell set his glass aside. “The problem is, Miss Longmore needs someone to champion her if society is to accept her. I’m certain Laura would be happy to help.”

  “I know Angeline will as well,” Colin said.

  “I want to say to hell with what anyone thinks,” Harry said, “but I have to think about Lucy’s sensibilities. I don’t want her subjected to some of the cruel matrons.”

  “You probably don’t want to alienate your family either,” Bell said.

  He knew his cousins would welcome Lucy.

  “It may be a bit rocky at first,” Bell said, “but my advice is brazen it out, and make it clear that she is above all others in your regard.”

  “She is,” Harry said. “Oddly, the ton will not be my biggest challenge.”

  Colin drained his glass. “You mean Mrs. Norcliffe, I presume.”

  Harry took a deep breath and released it. “No, I mean Lucy.”

  His friends stared at him.

  Harry cleared his throat. “She thinks that marrying me would hurt my cousins and all of my family. It’s foolish, but she believes it.”

  A slow smile spread across Bellingham’s face. “Old boy, I’m certain you know how to persuade a lady to do your bidding.”

  Harry laughed. “Good point, my friend. Good point.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  That same afternoon

  Mrs. Longmore thanked Harry profusely for bringing her knitting basket. “I am very glad to have an occupation,” she said.

  Harry sat next to Mrs. Longmore and told her about his proposal for the town house.

  Grandmama shook her head. “It’s too much risk to Lucy’s reputation.”

  His jaw tightened, and Lucy recognized his frustration. “No offense, Mrs. Longmore, but I believe my concerns for your safety and that of your granddaughter are more important. You’re not going to like this, but I must insist you allow me to relocate you to a safe place until that villain is apprehended. I’ve already notified the authorities.

  “Now, you can argue all you want, but I am determined. If something bad happened, I would never forgive myself. If you love your granddaughter, and I know you do, let me do this for both of you.”

  Grandmama was silent a moment. “You care very much for her,” she said.

  He looked at Lucy. “I thought it was obvious.”

  Lucy was certain her heart was twirling in her chest.

  “How goes the progress at our lodgings?” Lucy asked.

  “The cleaning is progressing, but there are a number of broken items that had to go in the dustbin. I am sorry,” he said. “The walls need repairing and painting as well.”

  “We will prevail,” Grandmama said, bringing out her knitting needles.

  Lucy knew it would be an uphill battle, but she couldn’t let herself worry about it tonight. She knew from experience that apprehension only made one anxious and unable to concentrate.

  When a knock sounded at the door, Harry answered it. “Thank you,” he said, breaking the seal on a letter. He stood still and read the contents. “Good news. My solicitor recommended a town house,” Harry said. “I’ll take you both there tomorrow morning if that’s acceptable.”

  “Yes, that will be fine,” Lucy said. “Afterward, I
must report at the Albany.”

  His expression was a bit guarded.

  “Is something the matter?” Lucy asked.

  “Not at all. Hopefully you’ll approve of the town house.”

  Lucy started to tell him that it wasn’t her place to approve or disapprove, because it was only a temporary arrangement, but she realized he’d only wanted to please her.

  Afterward, Harry read articles from the newspaper to them until the maids arrived with dinner. The dishes consisted of an aromatic stewed beefsteak, salmon, stewed sole, potato pudding, glazed carrots, and scallops. Lucy tasted a small portion of everything, but she knew she’d be miserable if she tried to eat more than a few bites during the courses. However, when the trifle was served, she polished it off quickly.

  Harry winked. “You like sweets. I’ll have to remember that.”

  “Oh dear,” Grandmama said, putting her hand on her stomach. “I ate too much.”

  “Ladies, will you mind if I drink my port?”

  “Not at all,” Lucy said.

  Grandmama yawned. “Oh, I should not have eaten so much.”

  Harry grinned. “You will notice I ate large portions of everything.”

  “You’re a big man and have more room for food,” Lucy said.

  “And you are very petite. The top of your head doesn’t quite touch my chin.”

  The maids returned to remove everything except Harry’s port.

  After they left, a soft snore alerted Lucy that Grandmama had fallen asleep on the chaise.

  “I had better see her to bed,” Lucy said.

  “Will you join me afterward?” he asked.

  She met his gaze, unsure if he meant sharing his bed. “I’ll return,” she said. Then she roused Grandmama.

  “Oh, I must have fallen asleep,” Grandmama said.

  “Let me take you to the room,” Lucy said.

  She helped her grandmother undress and slid a night rail over her along with her nightcap. A knock sounded at the door. When Lucy opened it, a maid brought in a hot brick for the foot of the bed. Lucy meant to enjoy the luxury of having a maid pamper them.

  Lucy tucked the blanket up to her grandmother’s chin and kissed her cheek.

  “Don’t stay up too late,” Grandmama said.

  “Good night, Grandmama,” Lucy said, and quietly closed the door behind her.

  Harry stood and took her hands. “It makes me happy to have you with me.”

  She stood on tiptoe and kissed him. “You are so good to us.”

  He drew her down onto the chaise with him. Then he leaned down and kissed her softly. She had every intention of leaving it at a kiss, but he pulled her onto his lap, leaned over her, and kissed her as if he were starving. She couldn’t help parting her lips for him. He plumped up her breasts with his big hands and teased her nipples through the fabric of her bodice. Rivers of pleasure flooded her veins. She’d fallen into his arms with nary a thought, but her grandmother’s admonition yesterday made her feel guilty.

  She caught his hands. “Harry, we must talk.”

  He frowned. “Is something wrong?”

  “Yes, and no.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Yesterday my grandmother reminded me to be careful of my virtue. If I were to let you make love to me again, I would feel terrible.”

  “You’re a grown woman. What is between us is private.”

  “But I will know,” she said.

  He sighed. “Lucy, I am serious when I tell you that I won’t lose you and I will never give up on us. If you wish to wait, I will wait, but I want you to know that you mean everything to me. There are things that I want to say to you, but I need more time to prepare. I’ve been thinking about this for weeks now. There are some complications, but I have supporters whom I know will be on our side.”

  “I’m not sure I understand,” she said.

  “I need you to trust me for now,” he said, “but this much I swear to you. I will never let you go. Not ever.”

  She wanted to believe that he could remove all the barriers, but she knew what stood between them would not open like a magical door. She dared not allow herself to believe in the impossible. When she started to speak, he put his finger over her lips. “I can and I will make you mine. Will you trust me?”

  She cupped his face. “I trust you,” she said. But she didn’t trust herself, because she was weak where he was concerned. She wanted more time. In truth, she wanted the fairy tale, but this was real life, and she must do what was best for him.

  “Will you give me a good night kiss?” he asked.

  Lucy wrapped her arms around his neck and opened for his hot, wet kiss. She clung to him, wishing they could be together always, but this was only a respite.

  They were both breathing faster when the kiss ended.

  “This is hell,” he said. “Yet, I should never have touched you in the first place.”

  “I needed you that night,” she said, “and I will always cherish it.”

  He held her and kissed her forehead. His groin tightened, and he wanted to take her to his bed and use his hands and tongue to stir desire in her. When he kissed her again, he used his tongue to imitate lovemaking. A feminine sound came out of her throat, and he knew she was aroused, too. He was breathing harder as he broke the kiss. “I will abide by your wishes.”

  She looked into his eyes and knew this would very likely be the last time. Tomorrow she and Grandmama would approve the town house and reside there temporarily until repairs to their lodgings were completed.

  “I want you, Harry. I don’t care if it’s wrong. I want you.”

  He stood and lifted her in his strong arms as if she were as light as a feather. When they reached his room, he nudged the door shut with his boot and carried her to the bed. He unwound his cravat, stripped off his coat, and pulled his shirt over his head. He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled his boots off. Then he stripped her of the gown, stays, and petticoat. “Lie back,” he said, his voice low and gruff with desire.

  She sat up and watched him shove off his trousers and drawers. Then she slid her finger down the length of his fully erect member. She swirled her finger around the bit of moisture on the head.

  He inhaled deeply. “I love your soft touch.” He’d lain with many women over the years, but it had been nothing more than pleasure. With Lucy, it was truly lovemaking.

  She kissed him there.

  “Oh God, do it again,” he said.

  She circled her finger around the head of his member. “You like that?” she asked.

  “Yes.” He grew bolder. “Use your tongue.”

  She knelt before him, widened her eyes, and then she licked the long length of him over and over and over again.

  This time he sucked in air between his teeth. “Your turn,” he said in a gruff voice. “Lie back.”

  When she did, he slid his hands beneath her bottom and tilted her up. Then he slowly licked the length of her folds.

  When she gasped, he whispered, “Quiet.” Then he slowly drew his tongue along her again, and she whimpered. Moments later he focused all of his attention on one spot. When she whimpered, he slid two fingers inside of her and discovered she was soaking wet. She reached for his cock, and he almost spent his seed. But she was guiding him to her, and she was arching up to him. He thrust inside of her with a groan and reached between them to rub her in that special place. She was arching up to him, but he rolled to his back, taking her with him. “Guide me inside you,” he said.

  She took him inside by slow increments. When she was fully seated, he pulled her forward. “I’m going to suck your nipples while you ride me.”

  He took her in his mouth while she moved atop him. She was open to him and every movement brought delicious friction. His mouth was hot as he suckled her, and she felt the pleasure building and building inside of her.

  When her eyes closed, he said, “Look at me, Lucy.”

  She gazed into his blue eyes, wishing she could awak
e and see them every morning. Then her inner muscles contracted around him. She pressed harder against him. He rolled her to her back and thrust inside of her. “Tighten around me,” he said. When she did, she had to bite her lip to keep from moaning with the ecstasy. He kept pumping faster and faster. Then suddenly he withdrew and spent himself on her stomach.

  He was still breathing hard, his eyes a little glazed. “Don’t move,” he said.

  He found a towel and applied it to her and then himself.

  God, she ought to be embarrassed and cover herself, but she didn’t have the strength.

  He sat next to her. “I will never get enough of you. How are you?”

  “I’ve become a wanton,” she said, still breathing hard, “and I cannot resist you.”

  “No, you are a woman, a very desirable and beautiful woman.” He kissed her cheek and her mouth. “You are my woman.”

  She held his dear face in her hands, wishing with all of her heart that he could be her man forever. He lay on his side and pulled her into the curve of his big body. He cupped her breast and nuzzled her neck. “I must leave you soon,” she said. “I don’t want Grandmama to know.”

  “Just a little longer,” he said, “and then we’ll both dress.”

  There was a part of her that still wanted to hold on to the hope that he could knock down all of the walls that separated them. She’d let herself hope even though she knew she was destined for heartache. She brushed it away like cobwebs from her thoughts. Her time with him would end soon enough. For now, she must soak up every moment. She would memorize his deep-set blue eyes and the smile that weakened her knees. For this moment, she would forget about the end of the season and parting from Harry. Tonight he was hers.

  The next day

  Harry escorted Lucy and her grandmother downstairs and into his carriage. “I think you’ll like it very well,” he said. “It’s fully furnished and there are four servants.”

  Lucy’s lips parted. “You hired servants?”

  “Yes, you are busy with your dance instruction and at the Albany. This way, you may spend more time with your grandmother as well.”


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