The American Terrorist

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The American Terrorist Page 13

by Ron L. Carter

While he was home, Doug turned his attention to his next two targets. He started reading everything he could about the mosques in San Diego and Los Angeles. He found there are sixteen Muslim Mosques in San Diego alone and although some have suspected ties to Hamas and the Algerian Islamic Group there was one that stuck out in Doug’s mind that he wanted to target. The leader of the mosque is an American born Iranian Muslim named Aftell Taldo-allid. He is in his mid to late forties, tall and thin. He has long black and gray hair with a black and gray beard and mustache. He is well-dressed and very articulate in his speeches to the public and members of his mosque. For several years the FBI and CIA has proclaimed that Taldo-allid has suspected ties to the Hamas and that he has been sending money to the Hamas organization in Palestine. He has made numerous trips to Palestine but the FBI and CIA has not been able to tie the money flow directly from him or his mosque to the Hamas organization. Doug read that he is on the most watched list of the CIA and FBI. He decided he would target just the one individual leader in San Diego instead of an entire mosque. He figured if he could kill the leader of the mosque it might slow them down from sending money to the terrorist organizations in Palestine and bring the FBI in to investigate his mosque.

  Doug read that until recently the biggest threat Hamas posed in the world was to Israel, but now it is to the United States as well. In a 2004 press release it was announced, “Hamas considers the U.S. as an enemy and as an accomplice to the Israeli enemy aggression against the Palestinians.” It said, “The U.S. will face responsibility for its position as an accomplice with Israel.” In America the Hamas organization has been aided by bogus charities and organizations sympathizing with the Palestinian cause. In 2008 the United States finally declared the Hamas as a terrorist organization. (17)

  In the Los Angeles area there were tons of mosques but the one Doug wanted to blow up was the Omir Del Al-Panton Mosque in western Los Angeles. This mosque has been criticized by the United States government as spreading leaflets and other material that said, “Kill the Jews and Christians.” Because of their outright call to kill Americans they were Doug’s number one target in Los Angeles. In 2004, a Foundation that was based in Saudi Arabia with branch offices in the United States which this mosque supported had its assets blocked by the FBI after finding that it was directly funding al-Qaeda.

  A few days went by and Doug was on his way to San Diego to pay a visit to his target, Taldo-allid. He had found some reports regarding Taldo-allid and knew what he looked like and where his mosque was located. When he arrived in San Diego, he knew he was going to stay a couple of days at the Bahia Resort Hotel on the bay. They had a nice ferry boat that takes you across the bay to Old Town San Diego. He had taken the ferry boat once before with Shirley some years ago when he was at a physician’s conference. Just like the last trip to San Francisco it wasn’t quite the same without Shirley. Once he arrived he checked in under a fake name and gave the clerk enough cash to cover extras he might need.

  After Doug settled into his room and he was comfortable with everything he decided to check out the mosque and see if he could find out anything he needed to know about his target. He drove to the mosque and after being there several hours, he spotted the leader. He thought he would wait and follow him home and maybe kill him at that location. Once Taldo-allid was finished for the day Doug followed from a safe distance but when he arrived at his home Doug drove on past it a few blocks. He watched as Taldo-allid pushed his garage button and drove into the garage and shut the door down behind him. His house was on the side of a hill across the road from a city park. Doug thought this would be a perfect place to take out Taldo-allid with his sniper rifle. The park was about two hundred yards wide and about four hundred yards long. He parked his car on the other side of the park and walked along slowly until he found a clear view of Taldo-allid’s house. The park seemed to be pretty busy with joggers and walkers and because of all the activity going on in the park Doug thought he would have to shoot him at night. He would be a difficult target since he parked his car in the garage. After studying the location and contemplating his options he thought, this isn’t going to work, the risk is too high and the chances of hitting him are way too small. I wouldn’t have enough time to site in my rifle and kill him before he was in his garage and the door was closed.

  Doug drove back to the mosque to view the surrounding areas and see where he could set up a firing position. Because the economy had been so bad the past couple of years, there were a few commercial buildings, about a quarter mile away that were not occupied and for rent. He made up his mind that he would try to take out Taldo-allid from the top of the roof of one of those vacant buildings. There was an alley that ran down the back of the buildings so it would be easy to shoot his target and then escape in his car. He found a place that had easy access to the roof so he made up his mind this was the best spot. Once he was satisfied with his choice he left and went back to the hotel to relax for the evening.

  The following night, Doug put on his black pullover sweatshirt and wore his baseball cap. When he arrived at the vacant building he parked his car in the alley, grabbed his rifle, crept to the top of the building, and took up his shooting position. He sat hidden on top of the roof and waited for Taldo-allid to come out of the mosque. He waited patiently fighting the cold night air and as soon as Taldo-allid stepped out of the mosque Doug had an aim on him and fired. The bullet hit him in the middle of the chest and he immediately went to the ground. Doug hadn’t noticed that a man was walking on the other side of the street across from him. As soon as he heard the puff of Doug’s rifle he yelled something at Doug. In a short second Doug pointed his rifle at him as if he was going to shoot him. The man took off running when he saw that the weapon was pointed at him. Doug immediately grabbed the spent cartridge and scurried down the walls of the building. He threw his rifle in the back seat of his car and took off.

  After he drove a few miles to a secluded area he got out and put his rifle under the back seat. He took off the sweatshirt and baseball cap and also put them under the back seat. On the way back to the hotel he was wondering what the witness might say to law enforcement when he talked to them. He knew it was too dark and he was too far away for the witness to describe him.

  He was shaking from the excitement as he drove back to his hotel and took a shower. After he was dressed and relaxed he went and caught a ride on the ferry boat to Old Town. He was still thinking about Taldo-allid and the witness that had seen him. He sat on the ferry boat deep in thought and was wondering how Michael might feel about what he was doing, I guess it doesn’t really matter now Michael, the mission to destroy the terrorists has begun. He rode across to Old Town and had a nice quiet dinner alone and then ferried back to his hotel a few hours later. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake the anger and loneliness he felt deep in his heart.

  The following day Doug checked out of the Bahia Hotel and headed to west Los Angeles to his next target. He got a room at the Hilton Hotel at Universal Studios. He figured it would be a good cover for him and it was several miles from his next target. Again, he checked in under a fake name and paid in cash. It was about a thirty minute drive to the mosque he wanted to blow up and when he arrived there was a lot of activity at the mosque. Walking around in his Muslim disguise he began talking with the people and soon he knew this was the correct target. He spent about thirty minutes just looking around and making small talk with some of the men that were standing around. He finally spotted a place he believed he could plant a bomb without it being seen. Satisfied with his decision, he went back to his hotel and waited until late that night and drove back to the mosque. No one was around so he took the bomb from under his clothes and planted it in the dirt under one of the front windows.

  The next day Doug spent the entire day at Universal Studios just taking in all the activity and trying his hardest to enjoy himself. No matter how hard he tried, it all had empty m
eaning to him. Around 3:00 p.m. he went back to his room and took a nap for a few hours before having an early dinner in the hotel restaurant. By the time he got back to the Mosque later that evening there was a lot going on in and around the mosque. He had once again put on his disguise and walked toward the mosque. When he got within range of his terrorist target he pushed the button and the mosque exploded in a ball of fire. He just turned and calmly walked back to his car. He drove to a secluded area and took off the disguise and put everything under his back seat. Now his two targets had been blown up and his mission in San Diego and Los Angeles was completed.

  The following morning Doug checked out of the hotel and drove back to Visalia. To his knowledge no one ever knew that he had been gone for five days. Once he was home again he put everything away and took his rifle into his shop to make sure he cleaned it before he used it again. He was able to finally relax as he sat down and turned on CNN and FOX news stations to see what they were reporting. He flipped from one channel to the next to see if there was any information about the attacks. The news reported that fifteen Muslims had been killed at the mosque in Los Angeles and fourteen were wounded. Of course there were all kinds of uproar over the Muslim leader in San Diego. After watching some of the Muslim protests he thought, some people of America may have thought the leader killed was some nice upstanding patriot of America. If so they didn’t know the real goals of the man like the FBI, CIA, and I did. He knew the more law enforcement dug into the material they found at the exploded mosque in Los Angeles the more information would come out about the true Muslim terrorist activity that was going on inside the mosque walls.

  Every time Doug went into Michael’s room and looked around, the more he missed Michael and the more he felt justified in the mission he was on and his act of vengeance. Soon some of the news agencies were referring to him as the “The American Terrorist.” They still didn’t know if it was an individual or a group of people that were targeting the Muslim organizations. All they knew is that an American terrorist was blowing up mosques and killing Muslim people in America. Doug didn’t feel like these were just Muslim people, he was convinced in his own mind that they were terrorists.

  Doug spent about two weeks packing his motor home and getting everything ready to leave Visalia permanently so he could continue his mission in other parts of America. He went to the bank and pulled out a large amount of cash, destroyed the hard drive to his computer, and made sure he got rid of any evidence, including books, magazines, pamphlets and anything else that resembled Muslim or terrorist information. He also got rid of the entire bomb making material that was in the shop. He vacuumed every inch of the building to make sure there was no evidence or residue anywhere to be found. He dumped the vacuum bag and its contents in the trash bin several miles away and put a new bag in the vacuum cleaner a few days before he left.

  He called Michael’s best friend Gary and told him that he was giving Michael’s Ford Mustang to him because Michael would want him to have it. Doug didn’t have any use for it now that Michael was gone. He had Gary meet him the following day at his house and he signed over the title to him. Gary was both excited but sad because this was the vehicle that he and Michael shared so many good times together. Doug told him that he was going to take his motor home and go see different parts of America. He wished Gary well and said, “Thanks for being such a good friend to Michael and to me over the years.” Gary was so choked up that all he could do was nod his head to thank him. He shook Doug’s hand and gave him a big hug before he left.

  When he was convinced he had everything he needed he met with Randy and Karen and gave them the keys to the house and shop. He also signed over the title to his boat to Randy since he had no more use for it. Randy didn’t really know what was going on with Doug but he thanked him and said, “Take care of yourself brother and we will see you when we see you. Just remember that I love you.” Doug said, “I love you too brother,” as they hugged, shook hands and said their good-byes.

  The next morning as he was leaving Doug finally broke down and cried as he went into his bedroom and got down on his knees and told Shirley how much he loved her. He then walked into Michael’s room to say good-by. This was a room that he had gotten very acquainted with over the past few months. He had several one way conversations with Michael in the room since he was killed. Even though this had been Doug’s home for many years, his strong desire to fulfill his war against the radical Muslim terrorist organizations outweighed his desire to stay. He had tears in his eyes as he looked over at the house from the motor home for the very last time. He reached down and rubbed Michael’s dog tags that surrounded his neck. He had the motor home loaded down and his Mercedes was in tow as he quietly said good-bye and pulled away.

  * * *

  Chapter 14 – Doug’s on a Mission


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