The American Terrorist

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The American Terrorist Page 17

by Ron L. Carter

Doug wasn’t spending a lot of leisure time in between his targets in the South. He figured he better hit them hard and fast and then he could head north to his next targets. He believed by the time law enforcement agencies started doing thorough investigations of the camp he would be at his next one and blowing it up. During his next attack he was going to stay at an RV park in Lexington, Virginia which is about seventy miles from the “Pink House.” It was about a two hour drive to the camp. His target was a forty acre parcel eleven miles south of Benmatox, Virginia. He loved this part of the United States because the rolling hills were so lush and green and filled with wildlife. When he arrived at the camp he could see shacks and trailers throughout that were believed to serve as safe houses for Muslim Islamic terrorist. He had read some real bad things about the “Pink House.” He read that they have a compound like “Islamtown,” which contains an underground bunker system that could be used for training and possibly harbor deadly weapons, maybe even radiological and nuclear devices for use in the great Jihad against the Christian and Jewish people.

  In the past the leader of the compound, his wife, and another Muslim leader were arrested for illegal arms purchases. Over the years twenty four members of this compound have been arrested for trafficking in illegal weapons, including ammunition for AK-47’s. It is believed that the “Beltway Snipers,” took refuge in the Pink House compound between their terror attacks. It was reported that members of the Pink House were involved in a giant fraud scheme right here in America to defraud Americans of their money. The compound regularly receives visits from suspicious guests from Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. (23) Doug believed this was one of the worst compounds he has come across in his quest to blow up his targets. He had to do something to stop or slow them down. After thinking about it he decided he would try to beat the terrorist at their own game. Since they were receiving incoming and outgoing personnel he would dress up like a Muslim and try to go into the camp and plant a few bombs. He just had to take his time and figure out a way to do it.

  Once Doug had a plan in place he drove around Lexington looking for cars to buy and he found a 2003 Toyota Camry that was for sale by owner parked along one of the streets. It was only a few miles from the RV Park where he was staying. He gave the owner the money and a fake name and signed the needed papers to transfer title. The owner quickly signed over the title to him. After he had the car in his possession he did some driving around and found a parking area where people left their cars all day and sometimes overnight and rode with other drivers into one of the larger cities. He took off his Muslim wear and put it in the trunk of his newly purchased car, locked it and walked back to the RV Park. The next morning he went back to where he had left the car and put the Muslim disguise back on and headed to the “Pink House Compound.”

  When Doug arrived at the entrance, he spoke to the guard at the gate in Arabic and told him that he was from Kabul, Afghanistan and needed a place to stay for a days. The guard didn’t understand Arabic so he told him again in English. He told the guard that a Muslim from another mosque said he may be able to stay a few days at the compound while passing through. The guard told him to go check in with the people at the first trailer on the right. He parked his car, went inside the trailer and repeated the same story he had told the guard. The man in charge asked Doug several questions about his connection to other Muslim organizations. Doug told him ok that he was passing through on his way to Islamcity to see his brother and answered all the man’s questions. After he was satisfied with Doug’s answers he told him to go and knock on the door of a little shack about two buildings down. He told him to tell them that Hassib said that it was okay if he stayed a few days. Before he left he told Hassib that he had business in town and that he would have to drive into town the next day if that was alright. Hassib just nodded ok.

  Doug moved his car to the shack and went to the front door. He had his copy of the Qur’an in one hand and a prayer rug in another. When he knocked on the door someone said come in in Arabic. As he stepped into the room he took off his shoes and closed the door. It was one big open room with several six inch mattresses on the floor with blankets on top of each mattress. There was a door that led to a bathroom in the back of the room. There were three men that were lying around just relaxing so he asked them which bed he should take. One of the men pointed at an empty bed near the bathroom door.

  Doug spent that afternoon lying around and making small talk with a few of the men but after a while told them he wanted to take a walk. While walking around the camp he found out where he wanted to place his next bomb. There was one main building across from where he was staying that looked like a meeting place and they were having a meeting the next evening. He decided it would be his target. The guards were keeping a close eye on him and everyone else the entire time he was in the camp.

  He spent a restless night trying to sleep and the next morning got up early and drove the Camry back to where he had parked his Mercedes. He took off the Muslim attire and put it under the back seat. He drove back to the RV Park in his Mercedes and spent some time in the park so that other campers would see him. After lunch he put some of the C-4 and detonators in a grocery bag and put it in his Mercedes then drove back to where he had the Camry parked. He transferred the C-4 and detonators from his Mercedes to the Camry trunk. He left his Mercedes parked in the parking area and took the Camry to an isolated area in the woods. He put on a pair of gloves and attached the C-4 with detonators to four places on the frame under the car. After he had all four blocks of the C-4 firmly attached and out of sight, he dressed up again in his Muslim disguise and drove back to the “Pink House.”

  As Doug arrived back at the camp the guard recognized him and just waived him on through. He parked his car as close to the main meeting building as he could get. He went back to his shack and started to relax. It was about an hour or so later when one of the guards came in. He looked around the room and when he saw Doug he asked him if the Camry parked outside was his car. As he slowly stood up his heart immediately went up into his throat and he thought he had been caught. He sheepishly said, “Yes, it’s my car,” as he felt the blood rush to his face. “Is everything ok?” The guard seemed impatient and agitated. He had an angry look on his face as he said, “No, you have to move it now, we are having a meeting tonight and we need that parking space.” Doug told him he would move it right away and asked the guard where he wanted him to move it to. The guard said with disgust, “Just move it about twenty yards down from where you have it parked now. Just get it out of the way.”

  Once he delivered his message the guard quickly turned and went outside. Doug quietly let out a big sigh of relief, quickly put on his shoes, went outside and moved the car. Going back to the room he was thinking, I thought they had caught me with the C-4 attached to the car. I thought I was done for. What if they would’ve found it? They probably would’ve cut my throat right then and there. That was a close call and a good lesson to learn. Once he was done with this target he wouldn’t try this approach again. He was too vulnerable in this position. He became very anxious and restless for the rest of the time he was at the camp, afraid someone might inspect the car and find his bombs.

  He felt like he had to get out of there as soon as possible but he had to wait until later that day when one of the other men was leaving the camp. Doug asked him for a ride into town and told the driver he would pay for the gas if he would give him a lift. The guy was happy to oblige. Doug was relieved to finally be off of the compound because he couldn’t take waiting much longer. Once they got into town he gave the driver ten dollars and thanked him for the ride. He quickly caught a cab and had the cabbie drop him off down the road from where his Mercedes was parked. It was just about dusk when Doug finally made it back to his Mercedes. He made sure his remote detonator was strapped to his chest as he headed back to the compound once again. When he arrived at the compound, he drove
past the entrance to see if the meeting was still going on. He parked up the road from the entrance to watch for the meeting to end. As soon as the meeting broke up and a few cars started to leave Doug figured this was the perfect time to blow up the Camry. There were men standing around talking in the parking area as he drove past the gate and detonated the C-4 bombs with the detonator. All four of the C-4 bombs went off almost simultaneously and there was a huge explosion. He just kept driving down the road toward town, as though he didn’t hear or see anything. On his way back to the campground and his attack was completed he thought the plan had been a little too risky. He knew that if the terrorists would have found his bombs attached to the Camry he would have been killed. He wasn’t ready for that; he had more terrorists to destroy!

  When he arrived in town he pulled over in a dark area, took off his Muslim disguise and put it, the detonator, and everything else under the back seat and drove back to the RV Park. The next morning he got up and made himself breakfast and walked around his campsite enjoying the day. After a few hours, he hooked up the Mercedes to the motor home and was on his way to his next destination. He was heading to Washington D.C. to see the Vietnam Memorial.

  As he drove along the highway he turned on the news and there was a report of a huge explosion at the “Pink House” in Virginia. The news reported that twenty one Muslim people were killed and eighteen wounded in the camp. Doug kept both hands on the wheel as he just smiled and thought, Thanks for all the southern hospitality you scumbags. That one was for Michael. For the first time, the news media reported that people in the South and other parts of the United States were carrying signs that said, “Go home you Muslim Terrorists,” “Get out of our country,” and “Thank you American Terrorist.” Doug thought it is working; the people are starting to wake up.

  There was also a report of a similar bombing at one of the Muslim mosques in Dallas, Texas but Doug knew it had nothing to do with him. It appeared that there were now other people in America that felt the same way as he did and were getting on his band wagon. He was happy that this might lead law enforcement away from him for a while but he was also a little worried that the people who had done the bombing in Dallas might have killed a lot of innocent people. He didn’t want “The American Terrorist” to get the reputation of killing innocent women and children.

  By now, many of the Muslims all over the United States were outraged. Some of the extremist were starting to show their true hand. The National Guard had to be called in to calm things down in Tennessee between the Muslims and American “rednecks.”

  Doug laughed and was thinking, man, I sure opened up a whole new can of worms and that is exactly what I wanted. Maybe now America will see the terrorist threat is real right here at home. Maybe we can start bringing our soldiers home from Iraq and Afghanistan? Maybe we can concentrate more on our own homeland security and not the foreign countries. Deep inside he knew that wasn’t going to happen but he thought at least it could be a nice dream.

  * * *

  Chapter 18 - Washington D. C.


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