Brian Sadler Archaeological Mysteries BoxSet

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Brian Sadler Archaeological Mysteries BoxSet Page 40

by Bill Thompson

  Tomas smiled back. “I do in fact have some rum and you and Mr. Buncombe are welcome to join us. I look forward to getting to know you better, Miss Parker, and to find out what a beautiful woman such as yourself is doing so high up a mountain in the Guatemalan rain forest.”

  “Likewise, Senor Rodriguez. I can’t wait to learn what you fellows are looking for up on the mountain.”

  “Call me Tomas, I insist.”

  “You got it, Tomas. And I’m Lynne.” She turned to the others and got their names, pausing afterwards to point to each and say “Brian, Sam, Alfredo, Tomas,” to ensure she had the right name with the right man. “Wow, we haven’t had this many people at one time since I’ve been here!”

  While Brian, Sam and Alfredo unpacked their packs and chose bunks Tomas stood at the edge of the clearing far away from them, talking on his phone. His worry was evident – his face was serious and his jaw set. He looked angry and spoke at length in a voice too quiet for Alfredo to hear.

  “It’s obvious something’s gone seriously wrong,” Sam said. “I just hope that Nicole’s…” He stopped. “Sorry, Brian. I don’t want to put negative thoughts in your space. I know she’ll be fine. You’ve told me what a fighter she is in the courtroom and I bet she can handle herself just fine against a bunch of illiterate thugs.”

  Brian couldn’t reply. He held back tears as he thought of the ordeal Nicole might be going through this very moment. They could be raping her or they could have killed her for what she did to one of their own. He turned away from Sam and put his gear on the bunk.

  Sam patted him on the arm. “She’ll be OK. Let’s be positive about this. It does us no good to think negatively. We have to work on one major thing – we have to get that sat phone away from Tomas long enough to see if we can find out anything about Nicole.”

  Through the open holes that served as windows they could see that Tomas had finished his call. Brian left the bunkhouse and walked over to where he stood.

  “You said the five of us are going up the mountain. What about you?”

  “I’m going back. I never intended to make the trip with you. I have Nicole, therefore I have no fear that you will continue the quest for Jack Borland. When you find what you are seeking I will be happy to assist you in claiming it. You and your two friends need to concentrate on getting your goal accomplished as quickly as possible so your pretty little girlfriend won’t be simply a plaything for my men.”

  “Something’s gone wrong, Tomas. Want to tell me what it is or should I just guess? Has Nicole escaped? It’s obvious you’re really worried about something. Has my ‘pretty little girlfriend’ outsmarted your men? Are you in trouble with your boss?”

  Tomas snarled, “Everything is under control, Mister Sadler. Don’t let your mind fantasize too much about how you would like things to be. Concentrate instead on finding the treasure Jack was seeking. That way everyone will be happy. Including you and Nicole Farber.” He strode across the clearing to the office and went inside.

  For most of the afternoon the two Belizean guides went through all the gear they had brought up plus what Tomas had provided. They laid everything out to determine how best to carry it. A plastic bladder of rum and a liter of Coke were chilling in Lucky’s old icebox in anticipation of happy hour later on. Brian watched Tomas closely – after his long conversation earlier the regular check-ins had stopped. He was no longer calling at periodic intervals. Brian didn’t know what to make of that.

  Sam sat in a chair outside the bunkhouse, lost in thought. Brian pulled up another chair and sat next to him.

  “Lynne Parker has a cell phone,” Brian said quietly. “After lunch I asked her and she said she did and why didn’t I have one too. I told her we’d lost our phones. It was a pretty lame story, all three of us losing our phones while Tomas still has one, but it was the best I could do on short notice. I don’t think she believed me – she said she wanted to know what we were doing at Jaguar’s Call before she did us any favors. Point is, we have to get her to let us use that phone.”

  “You actually think a cell phone will work up here?”

  “Lynne says the phone company installed a cell tower twenty miles south of here to boost signals from town to town through the mountains. It’s not perfect and it doesn’t always work but she says it does the job at least half the time.”

  “Who’re you going to call?”

  “I want you to call Odette. If Nicole can communicate at all she’ll talk to Odette once she realizes she can’t talk to me. I’m going to tell Lynne what’s going on so I can persuade her to let me use the phone. But I have to make sure she doesn’t tell Tomas what I’m doing.”

  They discussed how little information they’d have to reveal in order to get her to hand over her phone. The biggest problem would be explaining why they didn’t just use Tomas’ phone.

  Suddenly they heard a familiar sound – the ring of his satellite phone.

  Tomas walked out of the office with his phone to his ear. He walked away from them but as he passed they heard him say, “No hay problema, el jefe.”

  Brian pulled out his pad of paper and wrote something down. “I’m going to ask Alfredo what this means,” he said as he jumped up.

  “I know a little Spanish,” Sam said. “What did you hear him say?”

  “He said something like ‘No eye problems, el Heffe.’ Does that make any sense?”

  “He said, ‘No hay problema, el jefe.’ Is that what you heard?”

  “Yes, that’s it. What does that mean?”

  Sam looked concerned. “It means, ‘there’s no problem, boss.’ He’s not talking to someone named Jeff. He’s talking to his employer – his jefe, his boss. And obviously there is a problem.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Brian walked into the office. Lynne and Lucky sat at a table they both used for a desk. “I need to tell you both something,” he began quietly. “We’re prisoners of that man out there who calls himself Tomas. I know it doesn’t look like we’re his captives but he’s holding my girlfriend hostage until I find a treasure he thinks is on the mountain. You have to help me – I have to use a phone. He took ours…”

  Suddenly Tomas walked in. The talk abruptly stopped and they all looked up in surprise like burglars caught in the act.

  “My, my, what is going on?” Tomas shouted. “It appears I have walked in on a very private conversation. I apologize. Do go on and don’t worry about me.”

  “No problema,” Brian said emphatically, using the words he had heard Tomas say on the phone call. “No hay problema, el jefe.”

  Tomas’ face was red as he spat his response. “Mr. Sadler, you know very well it is a problem if you and I don’t see eye to eye on absolutely everything. There’s no need to involve these people in our affairs. Actually it’s better for you two,” he looked at Lynne and Lucky steadily, “if you don’t know much. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, they say. I will tell you that Mr. Sadler here is in a bit of trouble with the authorities, something about an assault on his girlfriend whom he brought to Belize with him. So although he is on a legitimate quest up this mountain he also is trying to stay out of sight of the local police. I’m sorry to have to tell these nice people your secrets, Brian, but apparently you were saying something to them – undoubtedly not the truth. Our friends must recognize the good people from the bad.”

  Tomas smiled at Lynne and continued. “Mr. Sadler will not be a danger to either of you. If I had thought he would be I would never have brought him here. He is on a mission for me; I have incentivized him greatly to be both prompt and diligent in his quest. And I am confident that he will.”

  Lynne glanced at Brian, concerned about the conflicting stories she’d been told. She turned to Lucky.

  “I…Lucky, are you OK with this crew staying here a couple of nights now that we know all this?”

  Lucky leaned back in his chair confidently. “I think we can pretty well take care of ourselves here, Mr. Rodriguez and Mr. Sadler.
I get a lot of people here who are searching for something, or running from something, or both. It’s really none of my business so long as nobody gets me involved in his affairs. You boys play nice and keep things between yourselves and I don’t give a rat’s ass what secrets you have. You mess with me and maybe you’ll wish you hadn’t. Know what I mean?”

  Tomas smiled and said, “Of course, Lucky. We don’t intend to get you involved with us, do we Brian? Come on, we have work to do.” He ushered Brian out of the building before him.

  Outside, Tomas grabbed Brian’s arm roughly and swung him around. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Do you care so little about Nicole that you will jeopardize her life? You have one mission and one mission only. Find the treasure and I will be out of your life forever. Fail and it will be fatal. For both of you.”

  He turned and walked away.

  Happy hour was anything but happy. Tomas seemed troubled, deep in thought, saying very little. Lucky made small talk with Sam about how things were in San Ignacio. Lynne sat next to Brian sipping a beer and making small talk.

  Everyone’s afraid to ask anything about anything, Brian thought. Tomas has everyone spooked.

  Tomas’ phone rang again. As he walked away Lynne put her hand lightly on Brian’s arm, moved closer and said, “So what are you after up there on the mountain?”

  She was so close Brian could smell her hair. It was nice but it made him feel as if he were betraying Nicole somehow.

  He moved his arm and replied, “Do you remember Arthur Borland, a man who came through here several months ago looking for his father, Captain Jack?”

  Lynne looked at Lucky. “I haven’t been here that long but I’ll bet Lucky remembers.”

  Lucky nodded. “Everyone knows Captain Jack. And I spent a long time with Arthur when he came through here, both on his way up and his way back down.”

  “I’m here at Arthur’s request. I’m looking for Captain Jack but also for the ancient library of the Mayas. Have you heard anything from Jack since Arthur last saw you?”

  “Sadly, no. So he’s still missing? That’s a damned shame. I told Arthur he might have gone back down the mountain another way but I haven’t laid eyes on him since he left my camp on his way up. That was months ago. I also told Arthur if anyone could survive it would be Jack. But if there’s been no word, he may not be alive. That would be a tragic loss. Jack Borland is, or was, a remarkable man. That’s for sure.”

  Brian glanced at Tomas, who was deep in conversation. He whispered to Lynne, “I have to use your phone tonight. Get with me after everyone goes to sleep.”

  “Why sir!” she whispered back, smiling. “Are you inviting me to your boudoir?”

  He snapped, “This is no joke. I’m the good guy here and Tomas is a kidnapper. I have to do what he says because he’s holding my girlfriend. I have to see if anyone’s heard from her.”

  “OK. You have to tell me what’s going on first. I want to know what you’re looking for. You give me what I want, maybe you get what you want. And in the deal maybe we both get a little extra we both might want. From each other.”

  Lucky heard her. What she said both angered and saddened him but his face remained impassive. She wasn’t his property, although losing her would be tough after all this time.

  Brian started to respond but saw Tomas striding back and watching the interaction between Brian and Lynne closely.

  Brian changed the subject, saying to Lucky, “Arthur has high hopes we can find his father alive.”

  Lucky picked right up. “How do you think you can find anything up there? Arthur tried and got nowhere. Jack had to have taken the map with him. Without it, how do you even know where to start?”

  Tomas leaned forward, waiting for Brian’s response. “I know which way Arthur went, and I know it was the wrong way. Our two guides also accompanied Arthur. I think they can help figure out where he went wrong. My goal is simply to see what I can learn. Any clue that will ultimately help find Captain Jack will be a success in my books.”

  Lucky stared into space for a minute, then spoke. “You know Jack Borland thought there was an ancient city up there. He talked like he was the next Hiram Bingham, walking up the mountain and finding another Machu Picchu lying there undisturbed and waiting. As dense as this jungle is, that’s always possible. Unlikely, but possible. Jack wanted to find that Mayan trove of information – the Ancient Library, he called it – the codices that would unlock the secrets of the Mayan civilization. If he found that he knew he’d be famous. Rich too, I guess, although it might take more than a bunch of old books to make all that happen. Jack figured it would take finding Mayan gold too. He believed that was of the realm of possibility.”

  “Enough speculation,” Tomas said, abruptly closing the subject. “When do we eat?”

  After dinner Sam, Brian and Tomas sat around the campfire drinking coffee. Alfredo and the Belizean workers talked quietly among themselves as Lucky and Lynne washed dishes in the dining hall.

  As they stood at the sink Lynne quietly said, “Lucky, tell me more about Jack Borland. I want the whole story so I can figure out what these guys are doing.”

  Lucky told her everything he knew, all the things he had heard both from Captain Jack himself and later from Arthur.

  Brian confronted Nicole’s kidnapper. “What’s going on, Tomas? You obviously have a problem. You haven’t been your usual cheery self all day and suddenly you’re receiving phone calls instead of making them. Now you’re talking a long time in private instead of having your one word ‘check-ins’, as you described those little quickie calls. I want to know what’s going on. I’m beginning to think maybe you don’t have Nicole at all. I want proof.”

  Tomas snapped back, “You are in no position to make demands. Concentrate on your job and I’ll do mine. Nicole needs you. In fact she can’t survive without you. The day after tomorrow you will continue Jack Borland’s quest and if you’re lucky you will find out what happened to the old man himself. I could personally care less about him but my employer and I want the fruits of your labor – the Mayan gold. Just think of Nicole lying naked out there in the jungle somewhere, tied to a table and watched by some men whose carnal instincts are just beneath the surface. You must be successful in your quest so your girlfriend’s beautiful, totally nude body can get back home to you safe, sound and unblemished.” He smiled maliciously. “And maybe you had better think more of Nicole’s welfare than the charms of this anthropologist you just met. Don’t get too chummy with her. You have enough problems as it is.”

  Brian didn’t reply. Lynne was a source to get a phone – nothing more. It would be fruitless to argue with Tomas, even to dignify his comment with an answer, and Brian had other ideas anyway. The rest of the evening was spent double-checking the equipment the men would be taking up the mountain. Alfredo told Sam and Brian that tomorrow he and the workers would go over everything one last time and then load the backpacks. Since Tomas was leaving there would be five men going up.

  Everyone turned in at ten o’clock. Brian lay in his bunk watching shadows on the ceiling as the campfire flickered outside. He had to get Lynne’s phone, no matter what. At some point he fell asleep then awoke suddenly, aware that someone was kneeling next to his bed.

  “Shh. Don’t say a word.” It was Lynne and her fingers were lightly pressed to his lips. “Come with me.” She tiptoed out of the bunkhouse.

  Brian was careful to make as little noise as possible. He was wearing just boxers and he thought how strange he must look as he put on his shoes to go outdoors. Lynne stood near the office twenty yards away. In the moonlight he could see that her tiny t-shirt was frayed – it was so torn it barely covered her breasts. Her bare midriff was taut and solid all the way down to the tiny bikini panties she was wearing. She looked incredible and he found his mind wandering. He focused back on Nicole and his situation.

  Once they were in the office she whispered, “I’m taking a huge risk here. I don’t know who to tr
ust but I think Tomas is creepy so I’m going to take a chance. We have to be careful, Brian. If your girlfriend is really his hostage he won’t be happy with either of us if he finds out you’ve used my phone. Before that I want to know everything you’re doing. Lucky told me about Captain Jack’s last adventure and his hope to find the ancient library of the Maya. He also said Jack had information he located in Spain, including a map he took with him. Lucky said he thinks Jack had gold in a box. Mayan gold. What do you know about that?”

  “I’ve seen everything but the map. And I authenticated it all. As far as my experts can tell the gold is real. But you’re an anthropologist. Why are you so interested in the gold when your search should be centered on the civilization?”

  “I’m way more interested in the ancient library and the possibility of finding Mayan codices than I am the gold. Plus your buddy Tomas may end up taking the gold anyway. Although if there were a little left over it wouldn’t hurt the career and the bank account of a starving anthropologist from UCLA. My job doesn’t pay much. I could stand a little boost of fame and fortune. Now tell me more about the gold. Was it Spanish coins you saw?”

  Brian explained that the gold was in small square sheets. He presumed it had been removed from the outside of a building where it had been used for decoration.

  “There’s no direct evidence that the Maya had buildings covered in gold,” Lynne remarked. “That sounds more like the Inca. The pictographs on the sheets – they were definitely Mayan, right?”

  “Absolutely. They matched some of the pictorials in the Popol Vuh.”

  “OK. Just because no one ever heard of the Maya covering buildings in gold doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Maybe we’ll be the first to find it.”

  “We?” Brian said. “What do you mean, we?”

  “I’m going with you,” she answered with a grin. “You need an anthropologist. More importantly, you need my phone. You have no choice, my friend. Lynne Parker is suddenly a part of your team.”


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