Lost in the Maze

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Lost in the Maze Page 5

by Gary William Ramsey

  There, directly in front of me, drinking from the stream was a very large animal. It had a compact body, a broad head, and powerful jaws. Its coat was yellow and tan. The spots on the coat were more solid and blacker on the head and neck and became larger rosette-shaped patterns along the side and back of the body.

  I recognized it as a jaguar. I felt my muscles go tense. He turned his head toward me. A low guttural growl filled the air again, coming from deep within his throat. He crouched and advanced toward me.

  I froze.

  Chapter 8

  FBI Special Agent in Charge Gerry Stewart lounged in a hammock on the Patio at his beach house in Galveston, Texas with his wife Susan. Five years had passed since he won his battle with terminal cancer and finally put to rest his search for the Bloodletter, the serial killer who murdered his first wife. The maniac was dead and it took him a couple of years to overcome the emotional turmoil caused by the final confrontation.

  His life with his wife Susan was happy and comfortable. During their five years of marriage, he and Susan were blessed with three beautiful children.

  Being the Special Agent in Charge of the Houston Regional FBI offices, he was considered one of the best in the country. His Presidential Commendation for the elimination of the Bloodletter had led to several promotion offers. The most recent was to be the Deputy Director of the FBI in Washington, DC. He graciously turned down the offers. He was happy with his life in the River Oaks area of Houston with his wife and children.

  Two years earlier, he and Susan purchased a beach home at Point West Beach Club in Galveston. They enjoyed the ocean and the relaxation provided by this lovely seaside setting. This weekend was a celebration. Susan announced to him that she was pregnant. Both were delighted with the pregnancy.

  He and Susan were enjoying the magnificent sunset when his cell phone rang.

  “Don’t answer it Gerry. We don’t want to ruin this beautiful evening. I’m having such a good time,” Susan said.

  Gerry looked at the phone. The call was marked urgent from The Director of the FBI, Harold Stancil.

  “I’m sorry honey, I have to take this.”

  “Yes sir, what’s the problem?”

  “Gerry, I realize that you’re taking a few days off, but I have an urgent situation that I want you to handle personally. I just received a conference call from the President and the Attorney General. The Captain of a Carnival Cruise Ship notified the Secret Service of an urgent situation. The Secret Service called the Attorney General, who notified the President. Neither the press nor anyone else knows about the situation at this time. The Captain was ordered to lockdown the ship and allow no one to enter or exit. The passengers had already disembarked when the problem was discovered.”

  He hesitated, took a deep breath and continued. “Here’s what we have. Senator Michael Roberts from North Carolina, his wife Susan, and daughter Lisa were on a seven day cruise from Galveston, making stops in Grand Cayman, Montego Bay and Jamaica. It appears that the Senator and his wife were celebrating a wedding anniversary. His eighteen-year-old daughter Lisa accompanied them. The last time they were seen was just before the Ship left the Cayman Islands for the trip back to Galveston. After all the passengers departed the crew began checking and cleaning the cabins. When they checked the Senator’s cabin they found his wife, beaten and stabbed. She had been dead for several hours according to the ship’s Security Chief. There may have been drugs involved. The Senator is missing and so is his daughter. The crime scene has been secured. At this point I don’t know why the Security Chief, a man named Henderson, called the Secret Service rather than the police or the FBI. The notification occurred less than an hour ago. I knew you were in Galveston and I need you to get to the port immediately and assure that scene is truly secured. Notify your office and get the forensic team there a.s.a.p. You’ll also need several agents to assist you. I’ll leave the specifics up to you. Call me when you get there. This is a bag of worms Gerry.”

  “I’ll be there within thirty minutes. I’ll need a description of the Senator and his daughter and pictures. Can you send them to my phone?”

  “Yes, it’ll take me a little while on the pictures, so until then I can provide descriptions. I’m sure you’ve seen the Senator on TV, however, he stands 6 ft. 3 inches with short black hair and distinctive light blue eyes. He’s former military and has a muscular build. He holds some resemblance to the actor George Clooney, I’m told. His daughter Lisa is about 5 ft. 7 inches tall with blond hair like her mother. She has a dancer’s build, slim and agile. Eyes are blue and she has a small scar on the top of her left wrist from a bicycle accident when she was a child. I’ll get the pictures to you as soon as I can. Get going. As you can imagine there is extreme urgency here. The Senator was favored to win the Republican nomination for President in the upcoming elections.”

  “Yes Sir, thanks.”

  Gerry shook his head and walked back to the patio. “Honey, I’m so sorry. An urgent situation has materialized and I must go to the Galveston Port right away. A prominent US Senator is missing and his wife is dead. Her name is Susan also.”

  “Oh my god,” Susan replied. “I understand. Don’t worry about me.”

  Gerry quickly dressed in a blue suit, grabbed his suitcase and proceeded to his black Lexus parked in the driveway of the beach house. He cranked the car, and activated his cell phone. “Call Brenda,” he said. Brenda, his executive assistant, answered on the third ring.

  “Yes sir, what do you need?”

  “Brenda, we have an emergency situation. Call Dan Garcia and have him and his forensic team meet me at the Galveston Port. We have an alleged murder and missing persons on a docked Carnival Cruise Ship. Also call Mitch Ratliff and have him assemble a team of four agents and meet me at the same location.”

  “Yes sir,” Brenda replied, and hung up.

  Agent Stewart disregarded the speed limit as he raced to the Port. He arrived in less than fifteen minutes. He knew his team would take an hour to get there from the Houston downtown area. His first order of business was to assure that the crime scene was secured.

  To his amazement, he observed a hoard of reporters, two TV trucks, and there was a news helicopter hovering overhead. Some fool has leaked it to the press, he thought. He exited his car and pushed through the mob toward to entryway of the ship.

  “Who are you and where’s Senator Roberts?” bellowed several reporters.

  Agent Stewart ignored them, walked up and banged on the door. “FBI let me in,” he yelled.

  The door cracked open and he flashed his badge. The shouting of questions increased when they heard him say “FBI.” He squeezed through the door. A short bald man slammed the door and locked it.

  “I’m Harold Todd, Head of Security for the ship. It took you long enough to get here. I don’t know how long I can hold off the press.”

  “Get me to the crime scene,” an aggravated Stewart replied. “My team is on the way. Who in the hell called the press?”

  “The public has a right to know. I called them.” Henderson murmured.

  “You’re an asshole. Lead me to the crime scene, and then get out of the way,” Stewart indignantly replied.

  Todd’s eyes widened. He kept his mouth shut and guided Agent Stewart to the Robert’s cabin. The door was wide open. “I thought the crime scene was secured.”

  “Just the cleaning crew and I have been in,” Todd replied.

  “Get me the key to this stateroom and wait at the door for my Forensic Team. I also have four additional FBI Special Agents on the way. I hope to hell that you didn’t disturb the evidence.”

  Todd stomped out. Immediately upon the arrival of the other FBI Agents, he planned to hold a press conference. “Screw Special Agent Stewart,” he said aloud. This is my chance to be famous. I may be able to get a book deal over this, he thought.

  Chapter 9

  The Islamic State (IS); is formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or the Islamic State of Ir
aq and Syria. In its self-proclaimed status as a caliphate, it claims religious authority over all Muslims across the world and aspires to bring most of the Muslim-inhabited regions of the world under its political control beginning with Iraq, Syria and other territories in the Levent region, which includes Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Cyprus and part of southern Turkey. It has been designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, and has been described by the UN and Western and Middle Eastern media as a terrorist group. The United Nations have accused the group of grave human rights abuses.

  ISIS is the successor to Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn, later commonly known as Al-Qaeda in Iraq, formed in 1999, which took part in the Iraqi insurgency against American forces and their Iraqi allies following the 2003 invasion of Iraq. During the 2003–2011 Iraq war, it joined other Sunni insurgent groups and consolidated further into the Islamic State of Iraq. Violent attempts by the Islamic State of Iraq to govern its territory led to a backlash from Sunni Iraqis and other insurgent groups in 2008, which helped to propel the movement and a temporary decline in the group. ISIS grew significantly gaining support in Iraq as a result of alleged economic and political discrimination against Iraqi Sunnis. Then, after entering the Syrian civil war, it established a large presence in Syria. In June 2014, it had at least 4,000 fighters in its ranks in Iraq. It has claimed responsibility for attacks on government and military targets and for attacks that killed thousands of civilians. In August 2014, it was claimed that the number of fighters in the group had increased to 50,000 in Syria and 30,000 in Iraq. ISIS had close links to Al- Qaeda until February 2014 when, after an eight-month power struggle, Al-Qaeda cut all ties with the group, reportedly for its brutality and “notorious intractability”.

  ISIS’s original aim was to establish a caliphate in the Sunni-majority regions of Iraq, and following its involvement in the Syrian civil war this expanded to include controlling Sunni-majority areas of Syria. A caliphate was proclaimed on 29 June 2014, Abu Bakr al-Baghdad was named as its caliph and the group was renamed the Islamic State. ISIS considers the United States of America as “The Great Satan and has vowed to fly their flag over the White House. By its actions, it has declared war on the USA.

  Recruitment was conducted world wide through the Internet and through Muslim mosques in various countries, most importantly in the United Kingdom and the United States. United States recruits with passports are trained in bomb building and other lethal terror activities and sent back to the USA to form terrorist cells and conduct terror attacks killing as many Americans, men, women, and children as possible.

  The Chosen One, Aalim Mohammad Alam, the former Anthony Martin Jones, was recruited in a mosque in New York City. Aalim was born in Brooklyn to a teenage unwed drug addicted mother. His childhood was a nightmare of beatings at the hands of his mother’s prostitution tricks, and her selling him to gay street men.

  As soon as he became a teenager he joined the Cash Bama Bullies, a violet street gang. The young Tony Jones was able to avoid arrest and has no police record. His high intelligence level and organizational abilities quickly positioned him in a leadership position. He had murdered four men by the time he was eighteen years old. He stood approximately 5 ft. 10 inches tall and about 150 pounds. His almost feminine baby face and unusual green eyes gave him an innocent look that deceived his adversaries.

  At nineteen he met thirty-two-year-old Abdul Islick and was guided by the radical Muslim to the Islamic Society of the New York Mosque. He desperately wanted a family or an organization, which would satisfy his mind that he was a family member and could make a difference in life.

  The leaders of the mosque quickly radicalized him, made easier by his hatred for America that had built over his entire life. In his mind there was a psychopathic need to kill Americans to punish them for his crappy life. His religious mentors provided him with his Muslim name to purify his soul.

  Without a criminal record, at age 20, he easily obtained a passport. The mosque leaders provided him with money to travel to Syria and to an ISIS training camp. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, the former al Qaeda branch that was disowned by Al Qaeda General Command, created the “Zarqawi Camp” on the outskirts of the Syrian capital of Damascus. The Zarqawi training camp is named after Abu Musab al Zarqawi, the Jordanian jihadist who founded al Qaeda in Iraq, the predecessor of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham.

  Aalim quickly became a prize recruit and exhibited extreme abilities of comprehension. He exhibited skills far beyond the other recruits. Recognizing his outstanding aptitude, and his ability to easily get back to the USA with his passport, he was designated The Chosen One.

  The ultimate goal of ISIS was to obtain a nuclear weapon and detonate it, killing as many members of the USA power structure as possible. This would prove to the world their power and ability to penetrate and destroy Americans. Exhibiting this power over the USA would lead millions of radical Muslims to join then, and finally confront the world to convert or die. A nuclear bomb could easily be smuggled across the porous border between the USA and Mexico.

  After training, The Chosen One was ordered to fly back to New York City, recruit a terror cell, plan and execute the hideous attack under the guidance of the notorious Controller.

  The leaders of ISIS were negotiating with Kim Jong-un of North Korea to secure the nuclear weapon, and the deal was near completion. The small nuclear devise desired could wipe out a city.

  The Chosen One, Aalim Mohammad Alam finished his special training and was anxious to get back to his hated America, to kill with the nuclear weapon and go to Allah to claim his 72 virgins.

  As Aalim waited to fly back to America, he had his first contact with the Controller. The Controller would supply the cash and inside governmental information to insure success. Aalim awaited orders from his Master.

  Game on.

  Chapter 10

  Lisa Roberts was terrified. The bruises on her arms and legs from being stuffed in the trunk were throbbing. She had no idea what had happened to her mother and mather. Her head was aching from the drugs the two men had forced in her that kept her unconscious. She could only assume that she would eventually be killed.

  Being the daughter of a US Senator, she was briefed about the possibility of attempted kidnapping for ransom. She was told to say as little as possible and comply with the request of the abductors. Lisa realized that she was on a plane and had flown for more than an hour. The only person who was decent to her was the lady they called Macy.

  Now another strange thing occurred. The two men with Russian accents who had abducted her left the plane and had not returned. The plane was airborne again. During the short conversation with Macy, she deduced that the Indian woman was surprised that she was Senator Robert’s daughter.

  “Macy, Macy,” Lisa yelled. “Please help me!”

  The tall slim Indian women came out of the cockpit and walked to her side.

  “What’s wrong Lisa? I told you that the Russians are gone. They can’t hurt you anymore. Are you hungry or thirsty?”

  “Please tell me where you’re taking me and what happened to my mother and father.”

  “Listen, I honestly don’t know what happened to them. I was unaware that you were kidnapped. We’re headed to Chicago. It’s my understanding that you will not be harmed. Wait, I’ll get you a bottle of juice.”

  “Get your ass back up here Macy, You’ve got a call from Dubov,” Sturgess bellowed.

  “I’ll be there when I’m finished here,” she yelled back, walked to the galley and returned with a bottle of orange juice. “I’m going to free your hands. Be calm and don’t do anything stupid. Lisa, I will help you.”

  Lisa watched as Macy went back to the cockpit and picked up the phone. She disappeared into the cabin. She could clearly hear Macy’s side of the conversation.

  “Listen Ivan, you told me nothing about a kidnapped Senator’
s daughter. I thought I was going on this trip with the asshole Sturgess for a drug run and to protect your interest.”

  Of course Lisa couldn’t hear the replies.

  “What are you going to do with the girl?”

  “You are not going to give her to that bastard Nevsky. He’ll rape her and sell her into the sex trade.”

  “How long will she stay with us in Chicago until you turn her over?”

  “To hell you say,” she said angrily, and hung up the phone.

  Macy walked back to where Lisa was sitting.

  “The situation is dire. Just trust me and I’ll get you out of this.”

  Lisa Roberts had no idea why this woman said what she did, but there was something in her eyes that was calming and reassuring.

  Macy returned to the cockpit. Lisa closed her eyes and fell asleep for the first time on her own since her ordeal began.

  Chapter 11

  The big cat lowered his body into a crouch as if he was stalking prey, and moved toward me. I remained perfectly still. I had nothing to defend myself with. I thought about the penknife, and grabbed it from my pocket. I opened the blade and prepared for the attack. In my condition, running was not an option.

  After surviving the ocean, it infuriated me that I was going to die this savage death. Knowing that I didn’t have a chance against the Jaguar, I still prepared myself to fight. Maybe I could stab him in the eyes.

  Abruptly the Albino monkey screamed. I had forgotten that he was sitting on the ground beside me. He jumped up and down and continued shrieking. The Jaguar turned his attention to him. I heard a rustling in the trees and looked up. At least fifty monkeys were there.

  Another scream from the Albino and all of them joined in, and repeated the identical sounding shriek. The noise was deafening. A group of about twenty monkeys joined the Albino on the ground. They were squealing and bearing their teeth.


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