Lost in the Maze

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Lost in the Maze Page 17

by Gary William Ramsey

  The long, narrow building sits on what was a horse farm and rises from the edge of a residential neighborhood, and a scattering of strip centers near West 43rd Street and the Northwest Freeway.

  Stewart was the highest-ranking Agent in the building and controlled one of the largest FBI Regions in the country. He was often mentioned as next in line for the Directorship.

  He smiled at his Executive Assistant Brenda as he passed and settled behind his desk. Brenda followed him in and set a steaming cup of black coffee in front of him.

  “To be honest you look like you haven’t slept for days. Is the Senator Robert’s case getting to you?”

  “I’ve spent most of my time on this case and it’s especially disconcerting.” He took a sip of the coffee. His private secure line rang. Brenda nodded, left the room, and closed the door.

  “Yes Sir Director,” Stewart answered.

  “Gerry, I’ve been assigned to a Select Committee by the President. Our job is to get to the bottom of the threats uncovered concerning an attack on the Government. I don’t know who to trust, so I’m limited on how much information I can share with the Committee. As you are aware, Special Agent Aaron Howard was outed and beheaded. I have one additional Agent embedded with the Russian Mafia who has reported valuable information on the plot. I think she’s on the verge of breaking the case. I mentioned to you earlier that she was with the Senator’s daughter.”

  “Yes sir you did Director.”

  “Well my Agent has been able to place the daughter in the hands of retired Agent Russ Brennan on the outskirts of New York. She accomplished this at great risk to her undercover position. I’m going to ask you to do a very unusual thing for me.”

  “Anything you want, Sir,” Stewart replied. He perceived a strange quality to Stancil’s voice. It was anxiety mixed with desolation.

  “I want you to officially take the next two weeks off. You haven’t taken a vacation for the past two years, so as far as anyone is concerned you deserve it. I want you to go to New York. A plane ticket can be traced, and I don’t want anyone to know where you’re going or what you’re doing. I’m going to make arrangements for a private plane owned by my brother David. Meet him at Ellington field at seven am. You can trust him. When you get to New York, a car will be waiting for you at the private airport. I want you to visit with Russ and personally question the girl. Maybe she can shed some light on the situation concerning her mother and father. I will inform Russ that you’re coming. I’ll also need you to transfer her to a safer location. My brother will be at your disposal.”

  “I understand, Sir.”

  “Call your assistant at home tonight and tell her you’re leaving on vacation, departing tomorrow morning. I’ll provide Russ and David with your cell number. While you’re traveling, Russ will phone you with directions to his place.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “Gerry, there’s a couple in West Texas who have helped us in the past. He’s retired Special Forces and his wife is a former FBI Agent. Hamilton and Ana Burris have a ranch south of Pecos, Texas. He’s a crusty eighty-four-year-old and Ana is seventy-six, and served as a physiologist for the FBI. The girl will need a professional to deal with all that’s happened to her. Both of them are very active for their age, and I would put them up against anyone and pity their adversaries. I think it would be wise to transfer the Senator’s daughter there and keep her hidden until we can get more information on what’s happening. She doesn’t know about her mother’s murder or the information currently being reported about her father . I’ll call Ham and Ana and you can expect a call from them tomorrow so you can make arrangements for your visit. David will fly you to West Texas and provide an automobile to you upon arrival.”

  “I’ll be ready and will call you with any relevant information,” Stewart replied.

  “Gerry, this is a matter of National Security. I know I can depend on you.”

  He disconnected the call.

  Agent Gerry Stewart sat silently for a moment. He decided to send his wife and family to visit her relatives in the New York Area. He prepared a Jack Daniels and ginger ale and began packing.

  He had no idea what to expect next.

  Chapter 34

  Macy dropped her purse, placed her head in her hands, and sobbed. She collapsed on the black leather sofa just to the left of where Orin Sturgess was sitting in the executive airport office. No one else was present.

  He jumped up, went to her side, and sat down. Macy put her head on his shoulder and hugged him, purposely smearing blood on his white shirt.

  “Oh Orin, they hurt me and took the girl.”

  “My God Macy,” he said. “I’m going to the bathroom and grab a wet towel to clean you up.”

  He lurched up from the sofa and hurried to the bathroom. Macy sat up, pulled a handkerchief from her purse, and dried her eyes. She made no attempt to clean the blood from the self-inflicted wounds. She scratched on the wounds, yielding more blood to her forehead and face.

  Sturgess returned with a wet towel and a dry one in one hand, and a first aid kit in his other hand. He placed the first aid kit on the sofa cushion. Handing her the wet towel, he proceeded to dab the blood from her face. When the bleeding stopped, she used the wet towel to wipe the dried blood from her arms and hands. Sturgess dabbed the cuts with antiseptic and covered them with Band-Aids.

  “Now tell me what the hell happened to you,” Sturgess said.

  “Oh Orin, I think the whole thing was set up by Sonny. When we arrived in New York, rather than going to meet Nevsky, he stopped at a motel. I thought he was going to rape me. He left the girl and me in the vehicle, took the keys and made a phone call. I would have tried to escape, but I didn’t want to leave the girl.”

  “Sonny’s a trusted cohort of Dubov. He would never go against the Russian. He knows it would be certain death,” Sturgess interrupted.

  “Well Orin, a few minutes after he made the call, two Mexican men showed up. They dragged me out of the vehicle. I fought them hard. They punched me several times, and took the girl. They hurled her in the back of a white van. While they were securing her, I kicked Sonny in the balls, and he dropped the keys to the SUV. I jumped in the vehicle and escaped. I drove straight here. We should be prepared. Sonny knows where I was going and he may show up. They’ll probably demand ransom for the girl from Dubov or from Nevsky. He surely will kill me.”

  “Dubov is going to be furious. We better leave immediately. I’ll call flight control and get clearance. Let’s go to the plane and I’ll prepare it for takeoff.”

  They proceeded to the hangar. The jet was parked just outside with the steps pulled down. Sturgess entered the cockpit and instantly got on the radio. Macy settled in the back of the plane.

  Within minutes they were in the air on route to Chicago. In just under two hours Sturgess landed the plane at the executive hangers near O’Hare.

  Macy sat in the back of the plane wondering how to handle Dubov. Sometimes his temper could not be contained.

  “Okay Macy, the limo is outside where Sonny left it. I’ll drive. Dubov is going to shit straight up.”

  Without speaking to Sturgess, Macy exited the jet and got into the back seat of the limo. Her face was swollen and was turning a blue-black color from the extensive bruises. She was in deep thought and ignored the pain.

  A downpour of rain pelted the windshield of the black Limo. Sturgess grunted but said nothing to Macy. She knew he was in fear of Dubov’s temper when something went amiss in his planning.

  The rhythmic pounding of the wipers frayed Macy’s nerves. She was so close to breaking this case. She knew that Director Stancil was depending on her.

  More important than that, she was terrified for the country that she loved. With hard work and a tremendous amount of the eliminating of red tape, she was successful in bringing her parents to the USA from India. They were the happiest they had ever been. She also thought of her former husband.

  During their years together in Vi
rginia, she had a difficult time adjusting. She missed the excitement of the FBI, and her contribution to the welfare of the country. With regret, after a few years, she ended the relationship, and returned to the FBI. However, she still had concern for her former loved-one’s safety.

  Macy knew that Dubov and Nevsky were implicated in a plot to overthrow the US Government. Dubov was a facilitator, whereas Nevsky was the primary connection to the principal conspirators.

  As far-fetched as this notion of overthrowing the government was, Macy knew that the United States was in a state of confusion. The politicians regularly lie and the public accepts the falsehoods. They simply tell the people what they want to hear.

  The press never does any investigative reporting, as was the norm during the Watergate era. Macy’s mind drifted to the present state of affairs in the USA.

  The paramount problem is that only a few citizens care about what’s going on in the political spectrum. The majority of the residents are on the government payroll with food stamps, welfare, or disability. Unemployment insurance is paid for up to three years, keeping people at home on the couch watching “Reality TV”.

  Record numbers of people have just dropped out of the workforce at the highest rate in recorded history. As long as the government takes care of them, they don’t care who is in charge, nor do they recognize the general dramatic decline of the United States of America at home and on the world stage.

  The once proud and powerful United States of America is prime for a government seizure by outside forces. As long as the participants of the Coup promise the multitudes that they will be taken care of, the lazy masses don’t give a damn.

  Macy was saddened by this state of affairs, but she was determined to give her life if necessary to prevent the total destruction of the country that she loved.

  The tires screeched to a stop on the wet pavement in the turnaround in front of Dubov’s mansion. The pouring rain cascaded in streams off the limo.

  Dubov was standing on the covered front porch when Macy opened the vehicle door. She neglected to take an umbrella, and walked through the torrential downpour to the front porch. Water was streaming down her battered face when she faced Dubov.

  He stared at her face and ran his hand over the lump that had risen on her forehead.

  “Who did this to you. I will kill him. Did Sturgess have anything to do with it?’ He looked wildly around for Sturgess.

  Macy grabbed his arm. “No wait, Sturgess had nothing to do with it. It was Sonny.”

  “Where is he?” Dubov bellowed. “He’s a dead man!”

  “Ivan,” Macy whispered with tears forming in her eyes, “He stopped by a motel on the way to Nevsky’s house, called in a couple of Mexicans, attacked me and took the girl.”

  “What?” screamed Dubov. “Why did he take the girl?”

  “I can only assume that he will hold her for ransom,” Macy replied. “There is one other possibility.”

  “What?” Dubov roared again.

  “If he doesn’t ask for ransom, he may have been an undercover Agent for a law enforcement agency, maybe the FBI.”

  “That son of a bitch. We caught one of their informants and the bastard was beheaded. Nevsky called and notified me that his government contact said that there was another FBI informant in the organization. I assured him that it wasn’t in my group. I need to call him immediately and inform him that Sonny has never been in the position to know anything about our plans.”

  “He had me fooled too,” Macy said.

  Sturgess was standing at the corner of the porch listening. No way in hell was Sonny an undercover agent, he thought. He decided at that moment to keep an eye on Macy. She was too slick and Dubov was blinded by his sensual passion for the erotic Indian woman.

  Sturgess made up his mind that he would watch her closely and catch her in a lie. If he discovered anything about her that proved that she was not who she said, he could move up the ranks in the Russian Mafia. He was tired of being just a transportation guy who no one respected.

  Dubov rushed into the mansion to call Nevsky. He knew he must find another virgin for the Pakhan, and he must cover his ass about the turncoat Sonny.

  He looked back at the sensuous Macy. She looked like a wet puppy standing there, soaked to the bone. That excited him even more. Regardless of the injury’s, he intended to have rough sex with her tonight. She had put him off much too long.

  Chapter 35

  The Chosen One, Aalim Mohammad Alam, completed the recruitment of his sleeper cell. The Controller’s Master Plan called for six additional jihadists, other than him, to complete the task that had the blessings of Allah. He had been trained well and never allowed all his recruits in the same room simultaneously. With the exception of Abdul Mohan Islick, who was thirty-two years old and a long-term jihadist trained by ISIS, the remainder of his team was young and had been radicalized in the Washington mosque. Abdul had contacts in the government. He worked as a staffer for a high-ranking American government official. He would be key in delivering the nuclear bomb to its appropriate destination.

  Abus Salaan Azad nineteen, was a star soccer player whose father was killed by an American drone strike in Pakistan. His father was deemed collateral damage. Abus declared allegiance to Allah and swore that he would kill American infidels to avenge his father’s murder.

  Dahi Fawzi Dajani was a student from Afghanistan. His shaved head and piercing brown eyes were usually covered with a hood and sunglasses. He linked with ISIS before coming to America. He was an angry young man who followed any strong-minded person with a cause.

  Labib Yafi Laham was in the county illegally. ISIS trained him in Kuwait. He stood five feet tall and weighted about 120 pounds. His small size would aid in completing his assigned task.

  Papak Luay Mian was a brilliant student at American University in DC. He was studying Economics and was angry that the USA dominated world finances. He had a warm smile and an engaging personality. Papak was well liked by everyone. He concealed his intense hatred for all Americans.

  The one female in the group was Aabish Lini Malik. She was twenty-two years old and a strikingly beautiful girl who also attended American University in DC. She was in love with the Chosen One and was radicalized by him. Her parents were college professors in Iran. She stood five-feet three inches tall and had unusually large breasts for a Persian girl. Her big brown eyes, olive skin, and full lips turned men’s heads in any room she entered. Even though it was considered disgraceful in her religion, she dressed provocatively. This action was planned to assist in her assignment. It was in the service of Allah, therefore it was forgiven.

  Aalim used her to seduce a Secret Service Agent, Josh Hammond, who was assigned to the Chamber of the US House of Representatives. Aabish was key the implementation of the Controller’s Master plan. The Chosen decided that he would allow her to be a martyr.

  Muslims observe five formal prayers each day. The timings of these prayers are spaced fairly evenly throughout the day, so that one is constantly reminded of God and given opportunities to seek his guidance and forgiveness. Muslims observe the formal Morning Prayer at Fajr (pre-dawn): This prayer starts off the day with the remembrance of God. It is performed before sunrise.

  Aalim experienced a warm sensation of fulfillment as he completed his morning prayers. He gazed out the window and observed the enchanted sunrise. As he regarded the splendor of dawn, a bizarre devilish smile curled his lips. Soon he would instigate great harm to the American infidels and kill hundreds, maybe even thousands. Surely he would join his seventy-two virgins in heaven soon thereafter. He looked forward to the day that he would become a martyr, enter heaven, and receive his reward from Allah.

  After folding up his embroidered prayer rug and storing it, Aalim went outside the mosque. He had a date to meet Aabish and Papak for breakfast at IHOP.

  He hesitated when his cell phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at the caller ID. It read 786. That was the code number
of The Controller. He immediately answered.

  “Sabaah al-khayr.”

  “As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu,” The Controller answered.

  My son the time is getting near for you to execute. Do you have your team in place?”

  “Yes my Leader, they are awaiting orders. Everyone is willing to perish for Allah.”

  “Does the girl have the confidence of the Secret Service Agent?”

  “Yes, he has professed his love for her.”

  “Within days, I will inform you of the details of the plan. Each member of your cell has a separate and important role to play,” The Controller said. “Abdul will be calling you personally for training on arming and activating the nuclear device. Do not inform your cell of this activity until time to execute.”

  “I will abide by whatever you ask,” replied Aalim.

  When the call ended Aalim proceeded to the IHOP. He was in the mood for a Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity stack of pancakes and a bowl of hot grits with salt, pepper and a big glob of butter.

  Anthony Martin Jones still existed in the darkest corner of Aalim’s mind. His infidel mother loved grits and IHOP.

  With two stabs from a butcher knife to the heart, he put her in her grave after he returned from ISIS training.

  Althea Jones was in infidel and she did not deserve to live.

  Chapter 36

  From my vantage point behind the building, I observed Gimble carrying a rifle and a folding chair, and heading to the entrance of the camp. Apparently he was the designated guard.

  “Hey Gimble, hold up,” I heard Mike yell. Gimble turned and walked back toward him. Mike stood between the trailer and the building I was behind. They were not seven feet from me.

  “What?” Gimble moaned, irritated that he was stopped.

  “Mary just received a call from the Boss. Before we kill the interloper, he wants us to question him and find out how he got here. He also wants to know if anyone else knows about the island and our drug operations.”


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