Lost in the Maze

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Lost in the Maze Page 20

by Gary William Ramsey

  “I sincerely appreciate your help. May I make a private phone call?” I knew Brenda would be worried and I needed to get back to her.

  “Sure,” she replied, and left the room.

  I punched in Brenda’s number and waited for her answer.

  “Hello Michael. Is it you?” Her voice was trembling again.

  “Yes Brenda, I’m sorry. The news about Susan and Lisa was devastating.” I hesitated for a moment trying to regain my composure. “I want to give you all the details about my ordeal, but first I want you to call the Director of the FBI, Harold Stancil. I’ve worked with him on many occasions in the past, and I completely trust the man. Tell him I didn’t kill anyone. Someone clubbed me and threw me overboard. Miraculously I survived and was washed up on an island in the Caribbean. It turned out to be a drug plantation, but I was able to take their boat and escape. I’m now in Barbados. Wait; don’t tell him where I am yet. I really don’t know what to do now. Can you do this for me and ask him how we can arrange a way that I can surrender to him personally. I want you to evaluate for me his acceptance of my side of the story. If he is convinced of my guilt, I won’t surrender until I have a chance to prove my innocence.”

  I checked the phone again and gave her the number. “Please call me back as soon as you can.”

  I still felt dizzy, so I lay back down on the bed.

  Thoughts of Susan and Lisa filled my mind with unbearable sorrow.

  Chapter 41

  Agent Gerry Stewart’s eyes were open when the alarm went off at five am. He jumped out of bed after only sleeping a couple of hours. It weighed heavily on his mind that the Director was convinced that a plot to overthrow the US government was in progress.

  Following his review of all the facts of the Roberts case, he was convinced that the Senator was set up and framed for his wife’s murder. However, the press and other law enforcement agencies were determined that he was guilty, and they swayed public opinion to their position.

  Stewart showered, dressed in casual clothes, and prepared buttered grits and toast for breakfast. He looked out the window and saw the Mexican Fan Palms swaying in the wind. It’s going to be another windy day in Houston.

  He wolfed down his breakfast, grabbed his suitcase and headed out for Ellington Airport to meet the Director’s brother for the flight to New York. His black Lexus wavered as the wind peaked at thirty miles an hour. A few raindrops hit his windshield.

  With the Bluetooth engaged, his cell phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Dan Garcia, the head of the forensic investigative arm of the Regional FBI offices in Houston. He pushed the talk button on his steering wheel.

  “Gerry Stewart here. What’s going on Dan?”

  “Sorry to bother you this early but I’ve have some critical information in the Senator Roberts’ case. It was developed late last night. If you come by the lab this morning I’ll detail it for you.”

  “Sorry Dan, I’m going to be indisposed for a few days out of town. Brief me here.”

  “You know we recovered cell phones at the crime scene on the ship that belonged to Roberts and his wife and daughter. We found nothing unusual on them, however late last night someone left a message on both phones. The caller’s phone was traced to a Mary Savero. Her last known address was Havana, Cuba. We are still investigating her and will have more information later. Checking the cell towers revealed that the call came from Barbados.”

  “What was the message Dan?”

  “Gerry, you won’t believe this. This is the message on the wife’s phone and almost an identical on the daughter’s phone. These are the exact words.” He hesitated and then repeated the message.

  “Susan this is Michael. I don’t know what to say. I am alive. Call me and I’ll explain. I love you.”

  Stewart was stunned. “Say Again.” Garcia repeated the message.

  “Gerry, we used our voice recognition equipment and it’s eighty percent certain that the voice is that of Senator Michael Roberts.”

  “And you confirmed that the call was made last night?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “Give me the number of the phone he called from.”

  Garcia relayed the number.

  “Don’t do anything with this until I notify the Director. Keep the phones in your possession at all times. How many of your men know about this?”

  “Just two other than myself, Diane Quick and Thomas Watkins.”

  “Personally meet and advise them that this information can not be shared with anyone.”

  “I trust them, and will do.”

  Hanging up with Garcia, Stewart called Director Stancil’s private cell number. On the third ring Stancil answered.


  “Sir, I just received information from my forensics department which indicates that Senator Roberts is alive and in Barbados as of last evening. He left a message on his wife and daughter’s cell phones. I do have the number of the phone he used to make the calls.” Stewart gave him the number.

  “That’s almost impossible to believe. Are you sure?”

  “The voice recognition experts put it at eighty percent that it was his voice on the call.”

  There was silence as Harold Stancil absorbed the information. “Gerry, don’t share this news with anyone. Honestly I don’t know who to trust in the government. I’ve worked with Michael Roberts on several projects between the Senate and the Bureau. I’ll call this number and try to make sense out of what happened and be in touch with you.”

  “Sir, I’m near Ellington field for the flight to New York to talk to Lisa Roberts. May I share the information with her? It may soften the blow when I tell her that her mother is deceased.”

  “Okay, stick with the original plan and we’ll talk later,” the Director replied and gave Stewart the cell phone number of Russ Brennan.

  Stewart turned on Old Galveston Road and drove to the private jet area of Ellington Field. A Gulfstream G200 was parked outside the hanger.

  Stewart parked his Lexus in the visitor lot and entered the lounge area of the hanger. Two men were sitting there, one heavy set, bald, older fellow drinking coffee and watching the TV, while the other one was reading a newspaper. The man reading the paper looked up as Stewart entered. He appeared to be in his mid forties with brown hair in a buzz cut, blue eyes, and tattoo of an eagle on his right arm just below the shirtsleeve. He smiled and got up from the chair.

  “I’m Jim Stancil,” he said, holding out his hand. “Are you Agent Stewart?”

  “Yes,” Stewart replied shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you Jim and call me Gerry.”

  “Gerry, use the facilities and get a cup of coffee while I warm up the jet. That’ll take about ten minutes. I’ve already filed a flight plan to Tetterboro and we can leave in less than thirty minutes. We can talk about other details on the plane.”

  Stewart used the bathroom and grabbed a cup of steaming black coffee. He walked back to the parking area, got his suitcase from the trunk, and walked up the steps to the plane. The jet engines were roaring.

  Jim secured the steps, locked the door and placed the suitcase in the back storage area. “Listen Gerry, Harold didn’t tell me what this is all about and I don’t want to know. I own a charter jet service and I’m happy to assist my brother when I can. He told me it was important and that’s all I need to know. I’ll fly you to Tetterboro. Flight time is about three and a half hours. I’ve arranged for a car there. Take what time you need and I’ll wait for you. When you pick up the other passenger, I’ll fly you to Texas. I’ve arranged for a car there for you as well. After I drop you and your passenger off in Texas, you’re on your own. Call Harold if you need further assistance from me.”

  “I understand,” Stewart replied.

  “Let’s get this show on the road,” Jim said. “Magazines in the rack and refreshments in the galley.” He went to the cockpit and began talking to flight control, preparing for departure.

  The takeoff was smooth. S
tewart sat thinking about the young girl. Her mother was murdered. Her father would be arrested as soon as he set foot on US soil.

  The plane lurched and dropped a couple of hundred feet. He tightened his seatbelt.

  “Nothing to worry about,” Jim said over the speaker. “Should be out of this bad weather in a few minutes.”

  Thirty minutes of bumps followed, then the ride became smooth. The rest of the flight was uneventful. Stewart was very impressed by the smooth as silk landing. As soon as Jim taxied to the Executive hanger and shut off the engines, he joined Stewart in the cabin.

  “Sorry for the rough ride. Your car should be waiting outside. Do you have any idea when you’ll be back?”

  “I need to make a phone call first, and then I can give you an estimate.”

  Jim lowered the steps and after grabbing the luggage, he and Stewart exited the plane. A black Cadillac Escalade was parked to the side of the hanger.

  Stewart took the slip of paper containing Russ Brennan’s number from his wallet and punched in the number.


  “Russ this is Agent Gerry Stewart. Director Stancil informed you that I was coming. How’s the girl?”

  “She’s fine Gerry. She’s taken a liking to my dog Joe, and they both have caught up on sleep. She was scared, hungry, and highly stressed when I picked her up. At first I thought she was in shock. She’s much calmer now and feels safe. When you get here you need to be very gentle with her. She’s a fine young lady, but in a fragile state of mind.”

  “I certainly will Russ. I’m at Tetterboro now. Can you give me directions to your place and about how long it’ll take to get there.”

  Russ gave him the directions and address. “You should make it in thirty to forty-five minutes.”

  “Thanks, see you soon.”

  Stewart went into the hanger lounge where Jim was sitting, drinking coffee. “Jim I should be back here on about four hours or so.”

  “Is that black Escalade my car?”

  “Yes sir, keys are on the drivers seat.”

  Stewart nodded and proceeded to the SUV. He threw his suitcase in the back seat and moved behind the wheel. He was pleased to see that the vehicle had a navigation system. He entered the address Russ gave him and left the airport.

  Thirty minutes of driving later, the calm female voice instructed, “right turn ahead.” The road he turned on had no markings and actually appeared to go nowhere when he spotted lights. A small log cabin was located within a cleared area with large oak trees surrounding it. A pickup truck was parked directly in front.

  Stewart pulled up beside the pickup and got out of the SUV. He heard a click behind him and turned to see a very tall, large, weathered man pointing a shotgun at him.

  “State your name and why are you here?” The man said in a commanding gruff voice.

  “Special Agent Gerry Stewart. Director Stancil sent me. We talked on the phone earlier.”

  “I need ID,” Russ demanded.

  Stewart pulled out his wallet, opened it to his FBI ID, and handed it to Russ. The big man looked at it and lowered the shotgun. “Sorry Gerry, I can’t be too careful considering this situation.”

  “I appreciate your professionalism,” Stewart replied.

  “Come on inside.”

  Stewart followed Russ into the cabin. The interior was warm and comfortable and reflected Russ’s character. Lisa Roberts was sitting on a weathered black leather couch with the mutt’s head on her lap. They were watching a rerun of I Love Lucy. She was smiling and rubbing the dog’s head. She looked around when she heard them enter.

  “Lisa this is Special Agent Gerry Stewart of the FBI. He’s here to talk to you and help determine what happened on the cruise ship.”

  Stewart walked to the couch and sat down beside her. “Nice to meet you Lisa. I see you’ve made a friend there,” he said, pointing to Joe.

  “Yes Sir, pleased to meet you Agent Stewart. Can you tell me what happened to my mother and father?”

  Stewart looked around the room. “Lisa let’s go sit at the table and talk. Do you feel like talking?”

  “Yes Sir,” she answered and got up. Joe followed them to the table and lay at Lisa feet when she sat down.

  Russ followed them, “Can I get you some coffee Gerry, and what about you Lisa, coffee or a Coke?”

  “Coffee would be great, black please.”

  “I’ll have a Coke thanks,” Lisa said.

  Stewart knew he was pressed for time but hesitated to immediately get into questioning. He felt sorry for the polite girl.

  She helped him by saying; “ I want to talk to you about what happened to me on the ship.”

  Russ set a mug of hot steaming coffee in front of Stewart and a cold Coke in the bottle in front of Lisa.

  Stewart took a sip of the coffee. “Lisa, tell me exactly what you remember about the what’s happened to you.”

  Lisa Roberts took a drink of her beverage and began.

  “My mother, father and I decided to take a cruise to celebrate their wedding anniversary. We departed from Galveston and were having a wonderful time. On the night the nightmare occurred, they went to the main ballroom for a show. I decided to stay in the room and watch TV because I had lounged in the sun all day by the pool. I took part in several activities and was a little sunburned and tired. I fell asleep. I don’t know how long I was asleep when I felt someone grabbing my head. I opened my eyes and saw this big man holding a cloth, which he pressed against my nose. I struggled but he was too powerful. He was speaking to another man in Russian, I think. I must have passed out because the next thing I remember was waking up lying on a bed. I kicked and tried to scream, but something was in my mouth. Trying to scream made me gag. The men were yelling at each other. I clearly saw both of them. When they were talking, one was called Alexie and the other Vladimir. Both were Russian. The one called Alexie took out the gag and gave me water. When I finished drinking, the other man put the cloth against my nose again and the burning sensation caused me to pass out again.”

  Tears filled her eyes as the young girl remembered the horrific circumstances. She took another drink of her Coke.

  “Do you want to stop for now?” Stewart asked.

  “No Sir, I need to get this out.” She took a deep breath and continued.

  “The next thing I remember was waking up confined in a trunk. It was awful. Everything from that point is a little fuzzy. After what seemed like an eternity, someone got me out of the trunk. Then I remember being on a plane. A tall slim Indian woman who said her name was Macy brought me food and water and tried to calm me. A red- haired man they called Sturgess was flying the plane. Also a really big African American man named Sonny was on the plane too. When the plane landed I was placed in an SUV with Macy. The big man named Sonny drove the vehicle. Things got fuzzy again.”

  “Just relax,” Stewart said. He was taking notes of the conversation, and was amazed that the girl remembered names and details. “What happened next Lisa?”

  “I remember seeing the exterior of what looked like a mansion. Then I was locked in a bedroom on the second level of the enormous house. Macy brought me food and tried to assure me that she was going to help me. She mentioned a man named Dubov and that we were going to take another trip. Later I was taken again to the same vehicle and driven back to where the plane was located. The tall red haired man named Sturgess was aggressive toward me, but Macy warned him to keep his hands off. The man Sonny was with us too. I heard them say we were flying to New York, and taking me to a man named Nevsky. When the plane landed, I was loaded in a SUV with Macy and Sonny. Not long after that, Mr. Russ and Joe showed up and saved me. I think Mr. Russ shot Sonny, but I’m not sure. I don’t know what happened to Macy. I hope she’s okay.”

  Lisa slumped and put her hands on her face. Clearly remembering the details disturbed her, but she had remarkable poise.

  “Do you remember anything else,” Stewart asked softly.

  “No Sir, but
I want to know what happened to my mother and father.”

  Stewart took a deep breath and looked at Russ. The big man shook his head. Stewart didn’t have the heart to tell Lisa about her parents just yet. He knew he must soon, but not until she was in a calmer state of mind, and he knew more about the news concerning Senator Roberts being alive.

  “Lisa, I’m going to take you on another trip to Texas to stay with some nice people until we can work things out. I know you are worried and concerned. I promise you I’ll do all I can to help you.” He stood up.

  “We’ll be right back.” Stewart nodded at Russ and they went outside the cabin to talk.

  “Russ, we think her father is alive and in Barbados. The Director is working on verifying that. The names she provided, Alexie and Vladimir, were on the manifest of the cruise ship. They’re connected to the Russian Mafia, but have disappeared. The man named Nevsky is definitely Russian Mafia. We have investigated him for years as the suspected Godfather of the Nusis Family of the Russian Mafia. He’s slick and we haven’t been able to prove any criminal activity. This whole thing must be tied to a larger terrorist plot.”

  “You know I’m available to help with anything you need Gerry.”

  “I’ll get in touch with the Director and suggest that you stake out Nevsky. I’ll make that call now and inform him of what the girl said. Then Lisa and I need to leave.”

  Stewart pulled out his cell phone and punched in the secure number of Director Harold Stancil.

  They had a lot to discuss in this bizarre case.

  Chapter 42

  The Controller was feeling antsy. The time for execution of the Master Plan was near. He had skillfully led the Select Committee to dead ends, and the Committee had gone in circles, accomplishing zilch. He laughed, knowing that most investigative committees in Washington usually worked many months uncovering nothing. The Select Committee would be no different.

  The joint session of Congress for the State of the Union address by the President was about two weeks away. This occasion is the only event when all the powerful people in Washington are together in one place. Both houses of Congress, the Senate and House of Representatives will be attendance. Also attending is the President’s Cabinet, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Supreme Court Justices along with the Directors of the FBI and the CIA. Many powerful citizens would be in the audience as guest, Business leaders, Academic leaders and others. Over thirty-five million people will be watching on TV.


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