Lost in the Maze

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Lost in the Maze Page 25

by Gary William Ramsey

  “Harold, that won’t be necessary. There is a gentleman here in Barbados who has access to a private plane and he has agreed to fly me. That would be much quicker.”

  There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone. “Are you sure you can trust him?”

  “Yes Sir. Also I’ve hired an attorney who’ll be representing me. In order to clear my name, when I think it’s appropriate, she will inform the press that I’m alive. I will be protected and no one will know where I am. I think this is the best way to handle it Harold. I’ll keep in touch.”

  “Okay Michael, I know you’re aware what’s at stake.”

  Director Stancil gave me the directions to the Burris’ Ranch from the Pecos Airport. I wrote them down and we ended the call.

  When I returned to Alex, John had left. “Sorry, now I know exactly where my daughter is and how to get there from the airport.”

  “John is making preparations for your trip.” Alex said. “You’ll be well armed. Why don’t you get a couple of hours sleep. I’ll arrange for several changes of clothing and all the necessary toiletries you may need. Everything will packed in a suitcase and ready for your departure from my private hanger. You may rest in the same place where we treated you. I have things to do and I need to leave. You can be in touch with me through Maria.”

  I thanked him again and made my way back to the stateroom. I lay down on the bed and to my great surprise went to sleep immediately.

  I was awakened by a knock on the door. I jumped up and opened it.

  “All the preparations are made. Are you ready to go?” John asked.

  “Yes,” I replied and followed him. He picked up two suitcases from the deck and loaded them in the back of an SUV. I got in the passenger seat. There was a bottle of cold water in the cup holder. I took a long drink. John got in and started the vehicle. We were both silent during the twenty minute drive. We entered the Barbados airport and drove to a remote area south of the main airport. In front of a private hanger was an Embraer Legacy 650 jet. I had seen one of these luxurious jets before, but never been on one.

  John parked the SUV in front of the hanger and we got out. A short dark haired man in a blue uniform greeted us.

  “My name is Isaiah. I will be your pilot today. Mr. Debue has given me all the information I need. I’ve filed a flight plan for Pecos, Texas and we are ready for immediate departure.”

  John loaded the suitcases and we boarded the plane.

  The luxurious interior was breathtaking. It was apparent that the cabin had been customized. In the forward area was an elegant galley. As I moved past that, there were two luxurious soft leather seats on each side. Behind the seats was a couch on the left side. Everything was done in white leather. There was a door at the back of the plane. I looked inside and was astonished to see sleeping quarters with a queen bed lavishly made up with designer linen’s. There was one bathroom in the front of the plane and one behind the sleeping quarters.

  I settled in a seat just behind the galley. John sat in the co-pilot seat.

  “Sir, please fasten your seat belt. We have been cleared to taxi to the runway,” Izaiah said.

  After the smooth take-off, we climbed quickly to thirty thousand feet. As soon as we reached the cruising altitude, John went to the galley. I noticed the shoulder holster and what appeared to be a .357 Magnum.

  “May I prepare you a drink?” he asked.

  Considering the long flight I thought that would be a good idea. “Do you have bourbon?”

  “Gentleman Jack, is that satisfactory?”

  “Certainly, with a splash of ginger ale.”

  He filled a small glass with chilled Vodka and knocked it back. He handed me the Jack and ginger. “There is food in the fridge and snacks in the cabinet. Help yourself,” he said, returned to the cockpit and closed the door.

  I sipped the drink and sat back. The only sound was the humming of the engines. This was the first time I had time to actually reflect. Many things had occupied my mind and kept it off the devastating death of my wife Susan. Once again I felt the anguish and despair that the death of a love one brings. I thought about her and wanted to remember her vibrancy and love of life. My mind drifted back to the day Susan and I said our first words to each other in Durham, NC.

  It was twenty years ago. After working my way through Western Carolina University, I took a job with Sears in Durham, NC to earn enough money to enter law school at the University Of North Carolina. I was dead broke and decided to work a year before entering Law School.

  Sears offered me a Management Training position and I accepted. During my second week, I noticed a lovely young lady working in the gift-wrapping area. Being total focused on my future, I had no interest in beginning a relationship with anyone.

  One morning in early October, I got on the escalator on the second floor. I immediately noticed that the gift-wrap girl was in front of me. I made no attempt to speak to her even though she smiled at me when I got on the escalator. Just before we reached the first floor she turned to me.

  “Don’t ever say I didn’t give you anything,” she said, smiling and handed me an empty Juicy Fruit gum wrapper. She walked away but I got the message. She seemed a little young, but I was fascinated with her lovely smile and pretty eyes.

  When I moved from my home in Monroe, NC to take the job in Durham, I loaded up everything I owned in my red Chevy. The totality of my possessions included my clothes, an old record player, and a TV I purchased for thirty-five dollars from my cousin Gene. I did have a nice collection of records, mainly oldies.

  I left Monroe on Saturday without any idea of where I was going to stay in Durham. My report date to work was on Monday of the next week. After checking the newspaper, I found several furnished apartments. I checked a few of them on Saturday, but they were out of my expense range. As a last resort, I arranged to look at a very cheap one on West Geer Street on Sunday afternoon. It was scraggly, but had a bedroom, kitchen and a small living area. I took it and moved in.

  To hide the old and grubby furniture, I put red and blue colored lights in the lamps and overheard lights. The only clear bulb was in the bathroom. I purchased a plastic Bird of Paradise flower in a large pot. That was my only decoration. The old TV was a floor model. It had a loose tube in the back that had to be angled for the TV to work. I solved that problem by putting a smoking pipe over the tube and tied it to the leg of the TV. I placed the record player on the floor beside the ragged green patterned couch.

  The incident on the escalator occurred about three weeks after I moved into the apartment. As a trainee at Sears, I worked in different departments of the store as needed. The day after the pretty girl gave me the gum wrapper I was working in the toy department. She was what they called a part-time floater. That meant she mainly relieved people for lunch or breaks when it was not busy at the gift-wrap counter. On that day she came to the toy department to relieve someone for lunch. I decided to go for it and asked her out to go see a movie. She accepted.

  After the James Bond movie, Goldfinger, we had a Coke at a drive-in called Topps. When I kissed her goodnight I knew that she was something special.

  On the next date, I picked her up and asked her if she would like for me to prepare her a pizza at my apartment. She said yes. I had a boxed Chef Boyardee pizza mix setting on the small dining room table. I fully intended to bake it for her.

  Susan didn’t even ask me about the colored lights. I put an album of the Lettermen on the record player. I kissed her while “Where or When” was playing. We talked for hours. I never made the pizza.

  I fell in love that night and we were married six months later. Later I had to join the National Guard or be drafted. She wrote me every day when I was in service and worked two jobs to help me through law school. Susan was truly my partner and the love of my life.

  “Fasten your seat belt Mr. Roberts, we’re cleared for landing.” John said, stirring me from my memories. I knew I had to keep these reminiscences in the bac
k of my mind otherwise they would drive me insane.

  The soft glow of the wonderful memories was suddenly replaced by hatred and anger.

  “I’ll find the bastards who ended that amazing woman’s live and make them suffer before I kill them with my bare hands,” I said aloud.

  “What did you say?” John asked.

  “Nothing, just talking to myself.”

  We taxied to the lounge area of the small Municipal Airport in Pecos, Texas. John lowered the stairs and fetched our luggage. We left the jet with Isaiah standing just outside the cockpit.

  “Call me if you need anything,” Isaiah said.

  A silver Mercedes SUV was parked just a few yards from the jet. John loaded the luggage and held the door open for me.

  “Not necessary,” I said as I got into the vehicle.

  “Okay Sir, tell me where we’re going.”

  I gave him the directions. Finally I was off to see my daughter Lisa. Once I’m sure that she’s safe, with Director Stancil’s help, I’m going after the killers.

  To hell with everything else, my singular purpose in life is to make them pay, and clear my name.

  Chapter 49

  Macy was awake when Dubov woke up and went to the bathroom. When he returned he groaned, “My damn head hurts. You fed me too much vodka.”

  Macy got out of bed and put on her shorts and top. “Just lie here and I’ll fix you something to make you feel better,” she said.

  She returned in a few minutes with Tomato Juice, a banana, and a cup of steaming hot coffee. Dubov was sitting on the bed reading the note. He looked up as she returned.

  “Did you read this note,” he asked.

  “I’m not interested in your business,” Macy replied. “Here eat this banana, drink the juice, and then sip the black coffee. After that take a hot shower. I promise you’ll feel better.”

  Dubov put the note on the end table and followed her instructions. After finishing, he picked up the note and went to the bathroom. “We can talk later,” he said, closing the door.

  Macy left and went to her room, showered and changed clothes. She put on a white linen pants suit, shoved the phone in her pocket and went downstairs. She went to the kitchen and prepared a special grill cheese sandwich. Between two slices of rye bread she placed two slices of sharp cheddar cheese and added avocado, bacon, caramelized onions, and some Brie. She toasted the sandwich in butter. She poured a glass of fat free milk and ate her breakfast.

  When Macy finished, she walked past the study looking for Scarface. His suite was in the guest area of the house, separated from the main building and connected by a covered hallway. Sturgess also had a suite there. Macy walked to that area and saw no sign of either man.

  She proceeded outside and looked around. The gardeners and other outside help had not arrived. On the other side of the driveway was a slate pathway leading to a gazebo overlooking a small lake on the property. Large Ligustrum bushes surrounded the gazebo. There was a space between the bushes in the back of the gazebo to give her an unencumbered view of the main house.

  Macy sat on the bench and watched the house. Seeing no movement, she pulled out her phone and punched in the Director’s private secure number.

  Hello Macy, is there trouble?”

  “No Sir. I took a picture of the note from Nevsky to Dubov. I’m sending it now. I need to get the note deleted in case Dubov is suspicious and checks the phone. I’m walking a tightrope right now with Sturgess all over me, and Glackov acting as if he doesn’t trust me at all.”

  “Wait, I’ll check it.”

  A couple of minutes later the Director came back. “Oh my God,” he said. “This is a bombshell. This note clears Michael Roberts, at least in my mind. I must get this information to Agent Stewart.”

  Macy was reading the note as they talked.

  I have been informed that the Controller has gained a greater position of strength in the government. The murders of Roberts and Patton may have been unnecessary, but the bastards needing killing anyway. Call me and let’s set up a date for you to come to New York so I can share the Master Plan with you. The time for action is near. We need you to set up one more hit. I sent Boyra Glackov there to act as your operative. Trust him completely. He works directly for me.

  “Director, this note suggests that Glackov was sent to facilitate the assassination of another government official.”

  “Macy I need you to find out who is set to be eliminated so I can provide security. Do you think you can get Dubov to tell you without arousing suspicion?”

  “I’ll try my best sir,” Macy replied.

  The Director was silent for a moment. “I need to give you contact information for Special Agent Gerry Stewart. In the event you can’t reach me, you can trust him.” He gave her the cell number.

  “I’ll attempt to get the information and get back to you soon,” Macy said, and they disconnected the call. Macy erased the picture of the note from her phone and went back inside.

  Dubov, Scarface, and Sturgess were in the study talking. Dubov appeared red-faced and angry. When Scarface saw her, he closed the door.

  Macy went to the living room and turned on the TV. Something important was in progress, and she was nervous that Scarface was talking about her. Her first instinct was just to leave and assume that her cover had been blown. However, first she wanted to try to get the information out of Dubov on who was to be eliminated. She just sat there and waited, not paying any attention to what was on TV.

  About thirty minutes later, she heard a door slam. She went to the doorway of the living room as Sturgess and Scarface were leaving. Dubov was standing in the foyer shaking his head.

  “What’s going on?” Macy asked. She walked to the Russian and hugged him. “You look very upset.”

  “Nevsky has lost confidence in me and is placing Glackov in charge of my business. I must step down or die.” Dubov had a wild look in his eyes. His hands were trembling with anger.

  “Oh no,” Macy said, and hugged him again. She was facing the door and saw through the glass that Sturgess and Scarface were driving away. “Where are they going?”

  “Nevsky ordered a hit in Washington, DC. He doesn’t trust me to be in charge. I need a drink.” He stomped to the bar in the living room, grabbed a bottle of chilled vodka out of the fridge. He filled a glass about half full. Macy followed him.

  “Why did he do that?” Macy asked.

  “Because I did not recognize Sonny as an enemy agent, and allowed the girl to be rescued.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Macy said. “Come let’s sit on the couch. We can figure something out. Finish your drink and I’ll get you another.”

  Dubov drained the glass. Macy filled it up and brought the bottle with her and set it on the coffee table. She figured that if she got him drunk enough that he might calm down and tell her about the hit. He was filled with uncontrollable rage. Dubov drank about half the glass of vodka and slammed it down on the coffee table.

  “Did you ever see anything suspicious about Sonny?” He roared.

  “No honey, I thought he was loyal.”

  “If you had stopped him from taking that girl, I would still be in charge,” he responded in a quivering voice.

  “I tried but he was too strong for me.”

  “The guy they call The Controller is paranoid about assassinating the FBI Director. He’s pressuring Nevsky, and the bastard is taking it out on me.”

  Macy bit her lip. “Are you telling me the man slated to be killed is the Director of the FBI?”

  “Why the hell does it matter to you?” Dubov bellowed. “Mind your own damn business bitch!” He picked up the Vodka glass, drained it and poured another.

  Macy saw his face flush with rage. She had witnessed his horrific temper before but it was never focused at her. She knew that he usually got violent when this anger was out of control.

  “Just calm down and we can work it out,” Macy said, and placed her hand on his shoulder.

it out hell!” Dubov was out of control. “Take your hands off me. People don’t loose their position in the Russian Mafia. They are killed. That’s the only way out.”

  Macy didn’t know what to say or do. Dubov grabbed the vodka bottle and hurled it across the room. It crashed against the wall. “I don’t trust anyone, you included.”

  Macy attempted to smile and raised her hands in front of her. “I’ve been with you and supported you. You know you can trust me.”

  Dubov stared at her with bloodshot eyes. “You lying bitch,” he said.

  Macy didn’t see it coming as Dubov hit her on the side of the head with his fists. Everything went black as she collapsed on the floor.

  Dubov threw her limp body over his shoulder and trotted up the stairs. He dumped Macy’s body on the floor in her room, searched her and grabbed her cell phone. He closed the door, fished his master key out of his pocket, and locked it from the outside. All the guest rooms in his mansion only locked from the outside, as he required access at any time.

  Dubov stomped down the stairs and sat on the couch to search her cell phone for recent calls.

  Macy was unconscious on the floor. The lump on the side of her head was the size of a golf ball. Her breathing was ragged.

  Chapter 50

  The animal’s teeth were bared and a guttural snarl grew louder.

  “Lisa, slowly back up and don’t look into his eyes. We need to get back in the vehicle.” Stewart kept his body between Lisa and the creature.

  The front door flew opened and Hamilton Burris came out grinning. “Lazarus, stop that growling. These are our friends. You wouldn’t bite anyone or anything. You’re all growl and no bite.” He patted the wolf on the head and the animal sat down and licked his hand. “Come here Lisa,” he said.

  Lisa cautiously moved forward until she was two feet in front of the old man and the wolf.


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