Lost in the Maze

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Lost in the Maze Page 27

by Gary William Ramsey

  There was a large table in the center of the room. Several equipment-laden belts were on the table. Abdul and Aalim were standing beside the table intently studying the devices. Abdul reached to pick one up.

  “Don’t touch that,” Kazmi ordered curtly.

  The two men turned. “The Controller is here to give final instructions,” Kazmi said.

  Aalim lowered his head in respect. “Rahmat Allah wa Barakaatuh.” Abdul also lowered his head in the presence of The Controller.

  “Assalamu ‘Alaikum,” The Controller replied. “Our time has come to honor Allah and Mohammed.”

  He turned to Kazmi. “Please explain the devises.”

  Kazmi walked to the table. “The explosive belt consists of several cylinders filled with explosives. A fragmentation jacket that produces the shrapnel responsible for most of the bomb’s lethality, effectively making the jacket a crude, body-worn, claymore mine, surrounds the explosives. Once the vest is detonated, the explosion resembles an omnidirectional shotgun blast. The most dangerous shrapnel inside are steel balls three to seven millimeters in diameter. Other shrapnel of suitable size and hardness is inside including nails, screws, nuts, and thick wire. Shrapnel is responsible for about 90% of all casualties caused by this kind of device. A “loaded” vest may weigh between five to twenty kilograms, and may be hidden under thick clothes, usually jackets or snow coats. The wearer can detonate it, or a cell phone can do it remotely. The grey van outside is fully prepared and filled with explosives which are also connected to the gas tank.”

  The Controller turned to Aalim. “Son do you understand? Your cell members will be wearing these belts. One will drive a van loaded with explosives. You and Aabish will handle the nuclear weapon. I will give you the exact location of the nuclear device on January 19th. For security purposes, it will be delivered to you on that day. Are you ready to discuss the specifics?”

  “Yes, my jihadists and I are ready to die for Allah and be welcomed into heaven.”

  “Okay, my instructions must be followed specifically. There can be no room for error. Let’s discuss the assignments and at the end of our meeting I will provide you with a written directive.” The Controller opened the briefcase and removed the plans.

  “All of the attacks except the one with the nuclear weapon will take place at precisely 6:50 pm on the evening of January 19th.” He looked at a paper and read.

  “The targets are as follows:

  1. CIA Headquarters, The Center is located at 1000 Colonial Farm Road, Mclean Virginia.

  2. FBI Headquarters at 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C.

  3. Department of Homeland Security at 245 Murray Drive SW #14 Washington, DC.

  4. National Security Agency at 9800 Savage Rd, Fort Meade, MD.

  5. The Van bomb is reserved for the Pentagon at the Intersection of Army Navy Drive & Fern St, Arlington, VA.”

  He looked up and smiled.

  “These attacks are simply diversions. For the cell members with the explosive vest and belts, each should park their vehicle in the parking lots and walk toward the buildings. Enter if possible. If anyone approaches them in the parking lot, they should detonate immediately. The armed Van should be driven as close to the Pentagon as possible and detonated immediately upon being approached by anyone.”

  The Controller stopped and breathed deeply.

  “When these explosions take place, it will throw the entire city of Washington, DC in a state of panic. Law enforcement will be overwhelmed with the simultaneous attacks. The State of the Union Address by the President is scheduled to begin at seven pm. With the exception of me, every high-ranking government official will be in attendance. This speach is given to a joint session of congress with all the President’s Cabinet Members in attendance. The Heads of all government agencies are in attendance along with the Joint Chiefs of Staff of all the military branches. If we are lucky most of the members of the Supreme Court will be in attendance. The entire power structure of the United States Government is in one place for this occasion.”

  He stopped again and looked at the Chosen One. His eyes were clear and without fear.

  “The Secret Service will be notified immediately of the terrorist attacks. Their primary actions at that time will be to protect the President. Regardless of their intentions, there is no orderly way to evacuate the Chamber of the House is Representatives. Over six hundred important people will be in the Chamber. Security will attempt to keep it orderly, but confusion will take place.

  “Secret Service Agent Josh Hammond will be assigned to the outside door. He’s had an ongoing affair with Aabish Iini Malik and has professed his unconditional love for her. He’s actually proposed marriage, which she told him that she was considering. I have operatives within the Secret Service who will assure Hammond’s assignment. As the security officers inside the Chamber are trying to maintain order and evacuate, the Agents assigned to the outside door with Hammond will be ordered to assist inside the building.”

  The Controller stopped and chuckled.

  “Aabish Lini Malik, in her last tryst with Hammond before the 20th, will tell him that she was issued a pass to attend the State of the Union address as the guest of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. At the precise time when the Agents leave him alone, she will approach the entrance amidst the chaos. She will be wearing a long winter coat with the bomb inside a backpack on her back. From the front it will not be noticeable, especially since Hammond will be occupied with the chaos. When Hammond sees her, he will tell her that there is danger and that she should leave immediately. She will insist that she loves him, and is concerned about his safety, then break into tears. He will allow her inside for a moment. As soon as she’s inside, she should detonate the nuclear device. Aalim, you’ll be standing on the street outside the complex. If you don’t see the explosion, you will immediately detonate it with your cell phone. Both of you will enter heaven and Allah will reward you with eternal happiness for your martyrdom.”

  Aalim smiled, “Sir, will the bomb destroy all the infidels in the building?”

  “My Son, in a moment Kazmi will explain the power of the nuclear weapon. But for now let’s agree on the specific assignments. I am depending on you to choose the assignments based on your knowledge of your cell members.”

  Aalim was provided a tablet and pen by Kazmi. The Controller gave him a list of the targets. He studied the list for several moments, and then began to state and write the assignments.

  “Abus Salaan Azad will be assigned the CIA Headquarters. He is nineteen years old and a soccer player. He is fast and can get to the entrance of the building quickly. This target will be heavily guarded so speed is essential.

  “Dahi Fawzi Dajani will be the martyr for the FBI Headquarters. Labib Yafi Laham will be assigned to the Homeland Security Headquarters. Papak Luay Mian will handle The National Security Agency. My most trusted companion Abdul Moham Islick is the most mature and will be the most suited to drive the van and destroy the Pentagon. Aabish and I will be honored to destroy the government of the United States. We will reserve Gadi Nabeel Javid as the alternate in the event anyone has an unforeseen problem and cannot complete the task.”

  Aalim wrote the assignments on paper. Kazmi made one copy and gave it to The Controller, returning the original to The Chosen One.

  “Kazmi, you are our expert on explosives. Explain to me and Aalim the power he and Aabish will be delivering to the Congressional Office Building.”

  “Yes my Leader,” he replied.

  “The energy released from a nuclear weapon detonated in the close quarters can be divided into four basic categories

  • 40–50% of total energy caused by the blast

  • 30–50% of total energy by thermal radiation

  • 5% of total energy ionizing

  • 5–10% of total energy with the mass of the explosion residual radiation.

  “However this is a neutron bomb we have for the Congressional Building.
r />   The blast effect is created by the coupling of immense amounts of energy, spanning the electrical magnetic interaction with the surroundings. When an airburst occurs, lethal blast and thermal effects proportionally scale much more rapidly than lethal radiation effects, as higher and higher yield nuclear weapons are used like the one we possess.

  The physical-damage mechanisms of a nuclear weapon (blast and thermal radiation) are identical to those of conventional explosives. However, the energy produced by a nuclear explosive is millions of times more powerful per gram and the temperatures reached are briefly in the tens of millions of degrees. Energy from the nuclear explosive is initially released in several forms of penetrating radiation. When there is a surrounding material such as in the lobby of the building, this radiation interacts with and rapidly heats it to an equilibrium temperature (i.e. so that the matter is at the same temperature as the atomic bomb’s matter). This causes vaporization of surrounding material resulting in its rapid expansion. Kinetics created by this expansion contributes to the formation of a shockwave. When a nuclear detonation occurs in this type of situation much of the released energy interacts with the atmosphere and creates a shockwave, which expands spherically from the hypocenter. Intense thermal radiation at the hypocenter forms a nuclear fireball.”

  He took a breath and continued.

  “Compared to a pure fission bomb with an identical explosive yield, a neutron bomb would emit about ten times the amount of neutron radiation. In a fission bomb, at sea level, the total radiation pulse energy, which is composed of both gamma rays and neutrons is approximately 5% of the entire energy released; in the neutron bomb it would be closer to 40%. Furthermore, the neutrons emitted by a neutron bomb have a much higher average energy level. Technically speaking, all low yield nuclear weapons are radiation weapons, including non-enhanced variants. Up to about ten kilotons in yield, all nuclear weapons have prompt neutron radiation as their most far reaching lethal component, after which point the lethal blast and thermal effects radius begins to out-range the lethal radius ionizing radiation. You can be assured that everyone in the building will be eliminated and at least a five mile area around the explosion site will be contaminated.”

  Tears formed in the Chosen One’s eyes as the bomb maker finished his dissertation about the bomb’s power. He only understood about half of what the man said but he felt that Allah would be pleased with him for bringing such destruction to the Infidels. His place in Heaven would be insured and seventy-two virgins would be his reward.

  “The world will never forget what we are doing for them,” the Controller said. “We will rid the earth of Infidels in our preparation for the Yawm al-Qiyāmah. When the Satan America falls under our control, the rest of the world will follow. Through Mohammad, our entrance to heaven at the end of days will be secured. We will be considered Angels of Allah.”

  The four men fell to their knees and faced Mecca. The emotion of the moment overcame them.

  Chapter 52

  As soon as John input the address of Hamilton and Ana Burris’ ranch into the navigation system and began driving, I grabbed my cell and punched in the Burris’ number.

  “Ham Burris here.”

  “Mr. Burris, this is Michael Roberts. We just left the Pecos Airport and should be there within thirty minutes.”

  “Senator Roberts, I’ll be at the gate. It’s my honor to meet you.”

  It was a cool night in West Texas as we drove in silence. The sky was clear and star filled. Susan and I loved to sit outside and look to the heavens on clear cool nights like this. My heart sank again with the memory of her.

  Less than thirty minutes passed.

  “Mr. Roberts, I see the gate ahead on the right,” John said. “A pickup truck is parked on the other side.”

  “That’ll be Hamilton Burris,” I replied.

  He pulled in front of the gate, and I got out of the SUV. An elderly grey haired man exited the pickup.

  “Mr. Burris?”

  “Yes Sir and call me Ham,” he said, unlocking the gate and opening it.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Senator Roberts. My wife Ana and I had planned to vote for you. We have admired you for years.”

  “Ham, please call me Michael, and it’s I who am thankful to you for helping my daughter. Is she okay?”

  “She’s a fine young lady with enormous internal strength. I’m so sorry about your wife. Agent Stewart and I felt that you should be the one to tell her about her mother.”

  “I thank you for that,” I said.

  He opened the gate and John and I followed him to the cabin. An older slender lady was standing on the porch along side a very tall muscular man. John and I got out of the Mercedes. Ham exited his pickup.

  “This is my wife Ana and Special Agent Gerry Stewart.” A menacing growl interrupted him and a wolf came from behind the porch swing, teeth bared. Ham put his hand on my shoulder, “Lazarus, he’s a friend.” The wolf’s gaze shifted from me to John. Ham repeated the action, but the wolf continued to growl. “Shut up Lazarus, these men are my guests.” The wolf continued to stare at John, however the growling subsided.

  “We saved him when he was a pup, and he insists on protecting us,” Ham said, laughing. “Don’t worry he’ll be okay now.”

  I walked to the porch, stopped and petted the wolf on the head. He stood motionless, still staring at John.

  “Ana, I want to thank you and Agent Stewart for taking care of my daughter. I’m anxious to see her.” I shook both of their hands.

  “She’s asleep right now,” Ana replied. “You should wait till morning. You and John come on in. I’ve made a fresh pot of coffee and I can heat up some homemade vegetable soup for you.”

  “That’s very nice of you. I’m actually very hungry and I’m sure John is too.” John nodded, but said nothing. As he walked by Lazarus, the wolf growled again. John made a wide path around the animal.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with him,” Ham said.

  We went inside and sat down at the large kitchen table. Ana brought out mugs for all of us and filled them with hot steaming coffee. She set bowls, plates, and spoons in front of John and me.

  Lazarus lay down in front of a closed door on the right side of the room, his eyes fixed on John.

  “Lisa is asleep in that room,” Ham said. “Lazarus thinks he’s still protecting her.”

  “John, how did you hook up with Senator Roberts?” Stewart asked.

  “I work for Alexander Debue,” he replied. “He assigned me to be Senator Roberts’ bodyguard.”

  I noticed a look of puzzlement on Stewarts face. “Mr. Debue is the gentleman who helped me in Barbados. His daughter is an attorney and will be representing me on the trumped up charges of killing my wife. He assured me that John can be trusted. I’ll fill you in all the details later. Please tell me what’s going on. Director Stancil said there was some sort of plot to take over the US Government. Governor Patton and I were supposed to be eliminated as a part of the scheme.”

  “The situation has worsened in the past few hours. An attempt was made on Director Stancil’s life. He’s in critical condition at a hospital in Washington DC. He’s presently in a medically induced coma.” Stewart replied. “He has evidence to prove that you were framed, and has information from an undercover agent on who is responsible.”

  Ana approached the table holding a cast iron pot. With a ladle, she filled the bowls with soup. Large chunks of beef, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes were steaming in a beef broth. She went back to the kitchen and returned with a cast iron frying pan filled with cornbread. She cut it in squares and placed two large pieces on each plate. Ana set a saucer with what appeared to be homemade butter on the table.

  “Eat up gentlemen before it gets cold.”

  The soup was splendid and the hot cornbread with butter was just superb. John and I emptied our bowls, and John asked for a second serving. While we were eating, Agent Stewart told us about how Russell Brennan, with the help of th
e undercover agent, rescued Lisa. She was being delivered to a Russian Mafia Godfather. He assured me that she was not molested or harmed by the Russians.

  When we finished eating, Ana spooned the remainder of the soup in a bowl for Lazarus. The wolf didn’t move toward the bowl. He was motionless, staring at John.

  “He’s really acting strange,” Ana said, shaking her head. “He usually gobbles up my soup.”

  Agent Stewart stood up, “Would you please excuse Michael and I for a moment. I have some personal information I need to tell him about Lisa.”

  I was surprised, but followed Stewart to the porch.

  “Michael I wanted to share some information with you outside of John’s presence. I fear that whoever attempted to assassinate Director Stancil will try to finish the job. Before you arrived, I called one of my best men, Agent Dan Garcia, and dispatched him and three additional agents to Washington to Walter Reed Hospital. I don’t know who to trust in law enforcement or in the government. The Director told me not to trust anyone but my closest friends. My men will say that they are there only to visit the Director, but will keep an eye on him until further notice.”

  “I understand. Gerry, do you have any information on who killed my wife? If so tell me now.”

  “We’ve tied it to the Russian Mafia. The two names we have, who were on the ship, have disappeared. Lisa provided me with some helpful information, but we’ve reached a dead end. Director Stancil has one of the Bureau’s best undercover agents imbedded in the Russian Mafia. Her undercover name is Macy. She’s in Chicago with a top assistant to the Godfather named Ivan Dubov. The Godfather is a man named Nevsky, and he resides in New York. Russ Brennan, a trusted retired agent, is watching him. With the Director out of commission, I plan to interact with Macy.”

  “Gerry, I’m going to be involved in this. I’ve got a score to settle, and I will not sit by while my country is being attacked.”


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