Lost in the Maze

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Lost in the Maze Page 29

by Gary William Ramsey

  Macy sat on the floor beside him and placed the ice filled cloth on his head, softly rubbing it from side to side. About five minutes later, he sluggishly opened his eyes. She stuffed the dishtowel in his mouth.

  Initially he was disoriented, blinking his eyelids frantically. He attempted to scream, but the cloth muffled his cries. He struggled against his restraints only to be choked by his actions. Scarface quickly realized he was hurting himself, and calmed down. Macy smiled as he glared at her.

  “This is how it’s going to be Glackov,” Macy said in a calm voice. “I’m going to ask you some questions and record your answers. If you answer all my inquiries, I will not kill you. If you don’t, I will make you suffer beyond anything you can imagine and then kill you. You see those items in front of you,” she said, pointing to the articles. “The pliers are to clamp on your already broken nose and I will twist it off. I will literally tear your nose from your ugly face. You see the hammer and nails. There are four nails, one for each ear and one for each eye.”

  She got up, walked to the kitchen, grabbed the pot of boiling oil from the stove and returned to Scarface. His eyes were wild with fear as she stood over him.

  “When I have torn your nose from your face, blinded you, and destroyed your hearing, I will pour this hot oil on your face and leave you to suffer until you die and go to hell. Do you understand me?” She jerked the cloth from his mouth.

  Scarface was silent for a moment, gaping at her. He grinned revealing several broken teeth from her attack. “I ain’t telling you shit,” he hissed.

  Macy smiled at him and stuffed the cloth back in his mouth. She slowly poured a stream of boiling oil on his neck. The skin turned red and fizzed into blisters. He strained to scream and almost choked himself with his violent reaction to the intense pain.

  Macy set the pot down on the floor and picked up the pliers. She clamped them on his nose and twisted. More bones cracked. His eyes were wild with fear.

  “Do you want to talk,” she asked calmly. He nodded. Macy jerked the cloth out.

  “You crazy bitch, you’re really going to do it,” he croaked.

  Macy stared at him saying nothing.

  “What do you want to know?” He croaked.

  Macy took out her phone and set it in the record mode. “You said the assassination was not completed. What did you mean?”

  “Nevsky ordered me to kill the Director of the FBI. I shot him and any normal human being would be dead. I heard on the radio that he was still alive. He can’t survive the wound. I’ve shot many people and no one has survived. He will surely die.”

  “Who does Nevsky answer to? I know someone higher up gave him the order.”

  “I don’t know,” Scarface replied.

  Macy stuffed the cloth back in his mouth and picked up the hammer and one nail. “After I blind you, you can still hear my questions,” she said in a soft voice.

  Scarface nodded violently.

  “Oh, you want to answer my questions?” He nodded.

  She removed the cloth. “I’m not going to play anymore games with you. Answer every question. If you refuse or say I don’t know again, I will proceed with what I promised.”

  “Nevsky is working with a high US Government official. They are planning some sort of coup against the US government. I don’t know the details. Nevsky calls the man The Controller. He said this Controller is a Muslim and connected to ISIS. He has built a support network in government and law enforcement.”

  “When is this coup supposed to take place?”

  “Nevsky did not tell me the exact date, but I assumed by his comments that it would take place toward the end of January. He didn’t tell me anymore specifics, but I know he’s aware of the details of the plot.”

  “So you’re telling me that the Russian Mafia has partnered with ISIS to destroy the US Government?”

  Scarface nodded. “That’s all I know.”

  “Have you been in touch with Nevsky since you shot the Director?”

  “Yes, I called him on the way back here. He’s furious that the man is not dead and threatened me. He said he would have to send another man to finish the Director off.”

  “Did he say who and when?”

  “No, the conversation was short and he was angry with me.”

  Macy turned off the recorder. “Okay, you talked and I’ll not kill you.” She went to the study, grabbed the suitcase, briefcase and placed them by the front door. She put the phone in her handbag and opened the door.

  “Wait, what are you doing?” Scarface yelled. “You can’t leave me like this!”

  “You are a cold blooded killer, and you shot the one man in this world that I completely trust, Director Stancil. I said I wouldn’t kill you and I won’t. If you die on your own that’s on you.” She walked out the door and closed it.

  She heard Scarface’s screams all the way to the garage.

  Macy loaded her items in the Black Cadillac SUV and left the premises.

  She left behind two dead bodies of cold-blooded killers, and one half-alive animal of a man. She felt no remorse.

  Entering the main highway, she pulled out her cellphone and made a call to Agent Stewart. She had explosive information to give him. They had to stop whoever was send by Nevsky to finish off the Director, and uncover the details of the Coup.

  After driving about two hours, Macy stopped at a Motel 6, ordered in a pizza and a bottle of Coke, and began listening to the CD’s. She took detailed notes.

  With some of the money she confiscated from Dubov, tomorrow she would charter a plane and fly to Pecos, Texas to connect with Agent Stewart.

  Chapter 54

  The Chosen One, Aalim Mohammad Alam, the former Anthony Martin Jones, lifted his five foot ten inch frame out of bed. Aabish Lini Malik stirred beside him. After a night of sex, he felt more alive than he ever had in his life. Soon both would be Martyrs and taken directly into heaven by Allah.

  He went to the kitchen to cook breakfast for his love and himself. After preparing tea, he filled a small bowl with olives and Brie. He got honey and homemade apricot jam from the pantry. He placed a pan on the stove, broke six eggs, and prepared Shashukah. Fresh hot bread finished the Muslim breakfast.

  Aabish came into the kitchen wearing an open robe. “Smells great,” she said, sitting down at the kitchen table. She sipped the hot tea from a tall thin glass and spread Brie on a piece of bread. Aalim joined her at the table and they ate heartily.

  The evening before, Aalim and Abdul delivered the explosives and the Van to the designated Washington mosque. The resident Mullah greeted them as heroes.

  “Today I must deliver the assignments and instruct each Martyr. This is my high honor. The Controller and I have agreed on the assignments. Since you are my most trusted confidant, I want to share the assignments with you and seek your input,” he said to Aabish.

  “You treat me with great respect,” was her reply.

  “Abus Salaan Azad will be assigned to destroy the CIA Headquarters. He is nineteen years old and a soccer player. He is fast and can get to the entrance of the building quickly. This target will be heavily guarded.

  “Dahi Fawzi Dajani will be the Martyr for the FBI Headquarters. Labib Yafi Laham will be assigned to the Homeland Security Headquarters. Papak Luay Mian will handle The National Security Agency. My most trusted companion Abdul Moham Islick is the most mature and will be the best Agent to drive the van and destroy the Pentagon. Aabish, you and I will be honored to destroy the Government of the United States. We will reserve Gadi Nabeel Javid as the alternate in the event anyone has an unforeseen problem and cannot complete their attack.”

  “Your choices reflect your wisdom,” Aabish replied.

  “Of course my Habiibtii, you and I have the greatest honor of all. We will destroy the entire power structure of the American Satan. Death to America will finally be realized.”

  “With you, I am highly honored,” she responded.

  “Aabish, prior to the delivery
of the armaments, I set up appointments separately today with each Martyr. I will communicate explicit instructions to each man and our preparation will be finished. Each will pick up his bombs on January 19th along with you and I. The Aberly Washington mosque will be the distribution point.

  On the evening of the 19th you must have sex with Agent Josh Hammond. This is mandatory so on the night of the January 20th you can secure entrance to the chamber. Do you anticipate a problem?”

  “No, he is a sex-crazed American like all the others.”

  The Chosen One left the apartment to finish the final preparations for Armageddon for America.

  Chapter 55

  Speaker of the House Gilbert Herbert Stockman was on the phone in his plush congressional office. The call was concerning House Bill 3498. It was in committee being debated. The Bill would increase the authority of the National Security Department to gather intelligence to fight the impending concern about another terrorist attack on the homeland. He laughed, knowing that he would never let it get to the floor of the House for a vote. He instructed the Majority Leader to delay the committee’s recommendations and demand further study. This tactic would delay action indefinitely.

  Hanging up, he then called in his assistant, Doris Green. He watched as the tall slim young lady entered his office. Although many other people had applied for this position, he personally selected her for her raw sexuality. He planned to bed her. Most women in Washington revered power and found it sexy, but she turned out to be a happily married Christian.

  Her long blond hair was tied up in a bun. The white blouse she wore barely contained her 34c breasts. He had carefully hidden all of his Controller activities, but he was concerned that if questioned she may remember something unusual. He wanted her permanently silenced when he took over the country.

  “As you know Doris, I’ve been selected as the ‘Designated Survivor’ by the President and will not be attending the State of the Union Address. This appointment was highly unusual but I am honored. Majority Leader of the House Jeremy Eury will take my place at the podium. I do want to issue several guest passes to view the event from the balcony. Please get a pass issued for the occasion for Aabish Lini Malik, a brilliant Muslim student. I also want to reward you for your dedication, so have them issue passes for you and your husband. Have the passes here first thing tomorrow for my signature.”

  “Yes Sir, I’ll handle it immediately. I want to thank you for thinking of me. This is a great honor.”

  Stockman planned to have one of the passes delivered to the Aberly Washington mosque where the Chosen One could pick it up for his partner.

  All the pieces of his carefully planned plot were in place. In three days Allah would bless him with unprecedented power.

  Stockman still had concerns about Director Stancil, and the fact that he was clinging to life. He had issued orders to Nevsky to dispatch another assassin to complete the job, but had heard nothing about another attack.

  He decided to visit Walter Reed to see the Director’s condition for himself. He also wanted to observe the law enforcement protection at the scene. He had an uneasy feeling that the Director may suspect him as a traitor.

  “Have a car brought around to take me to Walter Reed. I want to check on the Director,” he said to Doris.

  During the six-mile ride to the hospital, Stockman called Vice President Alex Broome.

  “Just wanted to check with you Alex. Has another select committee meeting been scheduled?”

  “No, the President decided that we should postpone another meeting until after the State of the Union Address. He’s spending all his time in preparation.”

  “Alex, I’m on the way to check on Director Stancil. I’ll be back in the office later today. I wanted to let you know that House Bill 3498 has been delayed in committee. I know you wanted it squashed. Remember these favors when you’re President.”

  He hung up as they pulled to the entrance of the hospital. He told his driver to wait in the parking lot, and that he would call him when he was ready to go.

  He went to the front desk. “I’m Herbert Stockman. Will you please give me the floor and room number of Harold Stancil?”

  “I recognize you Mr. Speaker,” the nurse replied. “He’s on the forth floor, room number eleven. He’s sill unresponsive, but you are welcome to go there and talk to his doctor. I’ll inform Doctor Kevin Jary and have him meet you there.”

  Stockman took the elevator to the forth floor. A well-dressed Asian man carrying what appeared to be a silk lunch bag was on the elevator. He glared straight into Stockman’s eyes, which alarmed him. Just as he was about to ask the man who he was, the door opened to the forth floor. Stockman almost stumbled getting off the elevator. The Asian guy’s stare troubled him.

  Three men in dark suits were in the waiting room on the forth floor. A forth man was in the uniform of the Capital Police. Some were reading newspapers and magazines. They all looked up when he entered. The uniformed man stood.

  “Mr. Speaker, I’m Bill Tugwell from the Capital Police. I’m providing security for Director Stancil.”

  “Who are these other gentlemen?”

  “FBI Agents Sir.”

  Stockman recognized the Capital Policeman by name and face. The man was a part of his network of ISIS sympathizers. The Cop had no Idea that he was the Controller. Nevsky must have had a hand in getting the man assigned to provide security for the Director.

  One of the Agents stood and walked over to them. “Mr. Speaker, my name is Dan Garcia. I’m the Agent in Charge of the Houston Region Forensics Department. Agents Ratliff and Henderson are here with me.”

  “What is your purpose?” Stockman asked. “The Capital Police has jurisdiction here.”

  “We’re not here on an official basis,” Garcia replied. “We are friends of the Director and took personal vacation time to be here for him when he awakes. We will be here 24/7 until he’s out of the woods.”

  With this level of security Stockman, The Controller, knew that Tugwell would not be able finish the job.

  “Speaker Stockman, I’m Doctor Jary.” A tall muscular man said as he approached. He was carrying a clipboard, wore a white medical coat and had a stern look on his face. “I am told that you want a brief on Director Stancil’s condition.”

  “Yes I would Dr. Jary.”

  “Any organ within the chest is susceptible to penetrating trauma, and each should be considered when evaluating a patient with thoracic injury such as Mr. Stancil suffered. These organs include the chest wall; the lung and pleura; the tracheobronchial system, including the esophagus, diaphragm, thoracic blood vessels, and thoracic duct; and the heart and mediastinal structures. In this case we used thoracic trauma operative intervention. It does appear to have resulted in improved condition.”

  “Is he out of the woods?” Stockman asked.

  “Not entirely, the chest serves the important functions of respiration and of protection of the vital intrathoracic and upper abdominal organs from externally applied force, a bullet in this case, and is composed of the rigid structure of the rib cage, clavicles, sternum, scapulae, and heavy overlying musculature. After surgery, we are managing his chest wound by tube thoracotomy.”

  Stockman hated the medical jargon, but allowed the Doctor to continue. He just wanted to know if Stancil was going to die.

  He directed his attention back to Dr. Jary’s dissertation.

  “The wound to the chest caused the primary damage, but there was another shot which grazed his head. We saw evidence of brain swelling, so we put him in a medically induced coma. A medically induced coma is when a patient receives a controlled dose of an anesthetic, typically propofol, pentobarbital or thiopental, to cause a temporary coma or a deep state of unconsciousness. This type of coma is used to protect the brain from swelling by reducing the metabolic rate of brain tissue, as well as the cerebral blood flow. Throughout a medically induced coma an anesthesiologist in a critical care setting constantly monitors a patient’
s critical life functions.”

  “What does all of this mean?” Stockman asked.

  “The good news is that the swelling has subsided and we are ready to bring him out of the coma. He is incredible strong and we should be able to take him off the critical list if he is stable and responsive when he wakes up. We plan to do this within the hour.”

  “Thank you Dr. Jary. May I see him?”

  “It would be purposeless, Mr. Stockman. He is laying there unresponsive and visitors are not productive.”

  “I’ll check on him tomorrow. Thank you Doctor.”

  Stockman knew that with the FBI agents apparently guarding Stancil, another assassination attempt would be impossible.

  I’ll deal with the bastard when the coup is complete, he thought and left the hospital.

  He shuddered with excitement at the destruction to the Satan USA that he was masterminding.

  Chapter 56

  Stewart and I stopped in our tracks at the vicious sound of his voice, turned and saw John grabbed Lisa and jam the gun to her head.

  “I want some answers and if you don’t respond to me truthfully, the girl dies first.”

  “What in the hell are you doing?” I yelled.

  “Mr. Debue sent me here to find out who your were partnering with and what you know about the planned Coup. We have both sworn our allegiance to Allah and to ISIS. We will never allow infidels stand in our way. Yawm al-Qīyāmah is coming soon. It would be my great honor to be a martyr. You must tell me all you know and who else is working with you or you will die one by one.”

  “Just calm down John, we’ll tell you anything you want to know. Just release my daughter,” I said, holding up my hands and slowly moving closer to him. I knew that as soon as he got the information he wanted, he would kill us all.


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