Lost in the Maze

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Lost in the Maze Page 32

by Gary William Ramsey

“Call him and verify if you wish,” Macy said calmly.

  “Let’s do it right now,” he scoffed.

  As Macy was getting up from her chair, she palmed her dinner fork.

  “We’re going straight ahead to my study,” Nevsky said. “Go through the sitting area and it’s the first door on the right.” He followed her, keeping the gun pointed toward her head.

  She opened the glass door and entered the opulent room. On the right wall was a mahogany desk with a large Apple monitor on it. One black leather chair was in front of the desk and one beside it. Bookcases lined two walls. In the middle of the other wall was a Van Gogh painting titled Starry Night.

  “Sit,” Nevsky ordered, motioning to the side chair. She complied without hesitation. He moved to the painting and pulled it aside revealing a wall safe. He quickly entered the combination and opened it. He removed a thick folder and a cell phone.

  Nevsky moved to the desk, placing the phone and the folder beside the computer. He looked at the first page in the folder, apparently getting a phone number.

  He picked up the cell phone and began entering the number with his right hand. When he briefly looked away at the dial pad, Macy shifted the dinner fork in her hand.

  In one smooth, rapid movement she drove the fork into his left eye. Nevsky screamed, dropped the gun and the phone. His hands flew to his eye. Blood pulsed from the eye socket as Macy jerked the fork out with his eyeball still attached. She dislodged the eyeball and thrust the fork in his neck, directly on the jugular vein.

  The jugular veins bring deoxygenated blood from the head back to the heart via the superior vena kava. Interruption of this flow brings instant paralysis and death.

  Nevsky’s remaining eye went blank, and he uttered a soft gurgling sound as he fell to the floor.

  “That’s for all the young girls you murdered,” Macy uttered.

  She went to the power room and washed the blood from her hands and arms. She did not allow herself to be disoriented. She had work to do.

  Macy knew that Georgy and Marta would be returning in the morning. She needed to hide the body, and clean the murder scene. She walked to the back of the house. A Sunroom was there. The outside wall was predominantly glass overlooking an enormous lake. There was a boathouse and a dock at the end of a flagstone pathway.

  Macy exited the house and made her way to the dock. Inside the boathouse was a thirty-foot Crestliner pleasure boat. To the right of the boat was what appeared to be a supply closet. Inside she found a large roll of plastic and a spare anchor, among other items including a roll of nylon cord. She located a filet knife, and cut a twenty-foot piece of the plastic. She lugged the anchor to the dock and left it there.

  Macy took the plastic, knife, and nylon cord and went back to the house. She laid out the plastic on the floor of the study and dragged Nevsky’s body onto the plastic. She checked his pockets and removed a set of keys and his wallet, and placed them on the desk.

  She encased the body in the plastic and tied it securely with the cord. Macy pulled the body outside the study door. The hardwood floor in the study was partially covered with an Oriental wool rug. She pulled the bloodstained rug from the room, slid the plastic covered corpse on it, and rolled it up. She secured it with several wraps of the nylon twine.

  Straining, Macy dragged the rug to the back of the home and onto the pathway. Her breathing was ragged as she stopped to catch her breath. She bit her lip and continued. Finally she got the body to the edge of the dock. Macy grabbed the anchor, and tied it to the foot of makeshift tomb. She took a deep breath and rolled the body into the water. The anchor immediately dragged the tomb to the bottom of the lake.

  She went back to the supply closet, replaced the knife, nylon cord, and put the roll of plastic back to its original place.

  When everything looked normal, she returned to the main house. Macy went to the bedroom, removed the bloodstained dress and underwear, and dressed in jeans, a T-shirt and running shoes. She wrapped the blood soaked dress in a towel and placed it in her suitcase along with the shoes. Carrying the suitcase, she returned to the study. She left the suitcase outside the door and went into the study. The Oriental rug that she removed had contained the blood, and she could detect no trace of the struggle.

  Macy picked up the cell phone from the desk and dropped it in her pocket. Surely there was information on it she could use. The folder Nevsky removed from the safe lay open on the desk. A sheet in the folder contained a number and was simply marked “emergency.” She deduced that calling the Controller required a special phone, number and a code. The folder was thick with other papers. She flipped through them. Two pages caught her eye.

  One recorded a meeting place in Washington, DC. It was entitled “Final Instructions.” The address listed was 3451 South Windsor Avenue, Washington, DC with the date January eighteenth at eight pm.

  Another sheet contained a list of Names and addresses, and was entitled “Comrades.”

  A devastating comment was written at the bottom of the page. All of the weapons to be used in the attacks are in an undisclosed mosque in Washington, DC. The nuclear weapon is also in place.

  Macy was stunned by the mention of a nuclear weapon. She put the folder in her suitcase, and went back to examine information on the computer.

  She searched his documents and navigated to the folder marked, private files. Listed in the files were numerous copies of emails from three men. When reading the emails, she realized that these were the men who Nevsky assigned to follow Speaker Stockman. There were pictures, names, and dates, including a picture of Stockman on his knees on a prayer rug. She printed all of the relevant files and dumped them in the suitcase.

  There were also pictures of a beautiful cabin with an upstate New York address. Other pictures showed Nevsky holding a stringer of fish on the steps of the cabin, with a grinning Marta looking on.

  Macy glanced at her watch. It was four am. It was time to leave before Georgy and Marta returned in the early morning. She sat in front of the computer for a moment and began typing.

  Georgy and Marta,

  Macy is one fine peace of ass. I decided to take her to the Cabin for a few days of relaxation. Take a few days off.


  She found some tape in the desk drawer, and taped the note to the outside of the front door.

  Macy took one last look around the house and everything appeared to be in place. She turned off the computer, closed the safe and repositioned the picture. She deposited Nevsky’s wallet in her pocket, and examined the keys she removed from his pocket. The keys were on a Lexus key ring and contained car keys, and the small box that unlocked the vehicle. A couple of the keys resembled house keys. She grabbed her suitcase and went to the front porch. She tried a couple of keys, and located the one for the front door. She locked it and looked around. Parked at the end of the driveway under a portico was a dark blue Lexus GS.

  Macy pushed the button and heard the welcome ding of the doors unlocking. She proceeded to the Lexus, loaded her suitcase in the trunk, and got the hell away from Maxin Nevsky’s mansion.

  Macy remembered that Agent Stewart told her that Russ Brennan had Nevsky’s home staked out. She saw no evidence of his presence, but called the number that Stewart had given to her.


  “Russ this is Macy. Agent Stewart told you about me.”

  “Yes Macy, I saw you arrive at the mansion and later Nevsky’s girl and man left. I was concerned about your safety, but Stewart told me that you were as tough as they come.”

  “Russ, I had to kill Nevsky. He was on to me. His body is at the bottom of the lake. I need time to get the information I discovered to Stewart and Stancil. Georgy and Marta will be coming back soon. I left a note. It says that Nevsky and I have gone to his lake house. I hope they believe it, but I need you to keep an eye on them to assure they stay put.”

  “You got it Macy.”

  Hanging up and driving a safe distance away, she stopped in
a Burger King parking lot and punched in Agent Gerry Stewart’s number.

  All hell was about to break loose in Washington, DC, and she needed to give him the valuable information she discovered in Nevsky’s files.

  The part about the nuclear weapon scared the hell out of her.

  Chapter 60

  The Controller believed that End Times called Yawm al-Qīyāmah or Qiyâmah would come quickly after the fall of the Great Satan.

  He did not view this life as the end, but only as the start of the next life. The Controller knew that the role of the current life is to determine the next life. The beauty of the next life would be the result of the Muslim’s restoration and relationship with Allah through Mohammad.

  He believed in the five articles of faith in Islam.

  1. God: He is One; his nature and qualities are chiefly revealed in his ninety-nine ‘Most Beautiful Names’.

  2. His angels: these include four archangels and an indefinite number of ordinary angels. There are also creatures between angels and men called jinn, some of which are good and some evil. The controller truly believed he was a good angel of Allah.

  3. His books: the main Scriptures:

  a. The Pentateuch (tawrat) and The Psalms (zabur), The Controller and his brothers believed that these Scriptures have been corrupted and misrepresented by Jews.

  b. The Gospel (injil) has been corrupted or misinterpreted by the Christians.

  c. The Quran, the true faith was revealed to Muhammad and taught to true Muslims.

  4. His apostles: The Quran names twenty-eight apostles, most of whom are biblical characters. The greatest are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and the supreme one being Muhammad.

  5. The Last Days. On the Day of Judgment, all will be judged according to their deeds, and admitted to Paradise or to hell. On this last day, the angels come and remove the soul from the body. The soul of the non-Muslim is violently removed; angels smite the soul in the process. The bodily resurrection of all people occurs on the last day.

  The souls of the Brothers of Islam would be protected during the final days, however many of the cohorts who helped to bring down the Great Satan, who were not Muslims, would have their souls destroyed. Without the belief in the Quran, they are unaware of their fate.

  The Controller, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Gilbert Herbert Stockman, was ready for the final meeting for the holocaust that was about to bring down the Government of the United States. The long awaited destruction of the Great Satan was days away.

  The time was also near for him to meet with the Leaders of the Revolution and reveal the final plans, and his identity. Each of the men and their organizations would have specific responsibilities when the government was destroyed.

  Just days before, he communicated to them the meeting place and time. 3451 South Windsor Avenue, Washington, DC is an upscale warehouse owned by Dabir Matin Kazmi, the bomb maker. Kazmi had successfully assimilated into the USA society and owned two Ford automobile dealerships and a furniture company. He attributed his wealth to his radical Muslim faith, and was determined to martyr himself in the work of his great Allah.

  The meeting place was well secured by him and was a perfectly safe place to finalize the details of the insurrection.

  The Controller set the date and time of January eighteenth at eight pm. With the attacks scheduled for January twentieth, the meeting was necessary to assure that everyone was on the same page relating to their individual responsibilities.

  On that evening the Controller would reveal the details of the plans and each specific action required of his cohorts. He had personally and painstakingly created every document over the past ten years.

  With the USA edging ever closer to bankruptcy, socialism and even communism over the past years, the recruitment of his army of allies became easier. All were convinced that the country would ultimately fail, and finally the prediction of Radical Islam that the Great Satan, the USA, will be destroyed internally, would be fulfilled.

  Some of the participants were part of the plot because of greed and power seeking, others because of religious beliefs. One thing they all had in common. They had no remorse for the thousands of innocent people who would be destroyed by the attacks or the millions who would be killed in the aftermath of the rebirth of the United States.

  The Controller looked at the list of partners with pride. Many powerful allies had joined him. There were ten Major Leaders who had organizations beneath them awaiting their orders upon completion of the attacks.

  Major General Issac Stearns, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Chairman would be killed in the attack at the State of the Union address.

  Henry L. Dickerson, President of the AFL-CIO. He controlled 12.5 million workers.

  William P. Lister, National Security Advisor to the President. He would unexpectedly become ill and not attend the State of the Union address and avoid death.

  Hector W. Lopez, President of The National Council of La Raza.

  Percy B. Hinson, President of the Fraternal Order of Police.

  Jackson Forwith, National President of the New Black Panther Party.

  Victor Q. Brent, Agent in Charge of the Regional FBI offices in Washington, DC.

  Bently V. Ackerson, Vice President of the National Chamber of Commerce.

  Abraham T. Shipley, Director of Intelligence of the CIA.

  Donald R. Brown, Governor of the State of California.

  The Controller usually kept this top-secret list in the safe in his condo along with the final copies of each Leader’s instructions. He had taken them out for review earlier, and locked the safe.

  The phone interrupted his deep thoughts. “Sir, Miss Rita Stennings is here to see you.”

  He was surprised by her unexpected visit, but he needed the relaxation that only Rita could give him. “Send her up,” he said.

  He went to the bar and mixed a couple of Vodka Martini’s. He had them in his hand when there was a soft knock on the door. He opened it, and a smiling Rita entered. He handed her a martini.

  “How did you know I needed you tonight?” he asked.

  “I need you as well my love,” she replied.

  “I need to put away some papers,” he said.

  Rita followed him to the study and watched as he entered the combination and opened the safe. He placed several folders in the safe and returned to her.

  “I’ll order dinner and we can relax,” he said. “Then you can perform your magic on me.”

  This was the first time that highly paid FBI informant Barbara Harris, aka Rita Stennings, had been allowed in the room when the Controller opened the safe. She made a mental note of the safe combination and returned to her persona of Rita Stennings.

  The combination to the safe would be worth plenty to Director Stancil.

  Chapter 61

  Immediately upon departing for Washington, Stewart made a call to Houston to Professor Ethan Tyler.

  Tyler was a former CIA Undercover Agent who was nationally recognized for breaking up the criminal organization hell bent on recreating the human race using the “God Particle,” known in scientific circles as The Higgs Boson Particle. Tyler is presently a Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Houston. Stewart worked with him on the God Particle case and had unconditional confidence in the man.

  “This is Tyler speaking,”

  “Ethan, this is Gerry Stewart. It’s been a long time. How are you and Katrina?”

  “Gerry, nice to hear from you. We’re doing great. It’s nice to be living a normal life. I read about the assassination attempt on Director Stancil’s life. What’s going on? Is he going to be okay?”

  “My friend, he’s now conscious and will be fine, but things are not well. The reason I called is that I need your help. I can’t go into extreme detail, but the United States is facing a potential catastrophic event. To be honest I don’t know who I can trust, even in the FBI. We have reason to believe that a series of massive terror attacks are im

  “On my God, what can I do to help Gerry?”

  “I’m on my way to Washington now. We’ve recently received actionable information. However, one of the potential ringleaders has been traced to Houston. His name is Alexander Debue. His daughter, Maria Debue, is probably with him. We traced his address and he has a home at 9845 Oak River Drive in the River Oaks section of Houston. We need eyes on him Ethan. His actions may help us crack this case.”

  “Gerry, you know I’ll assist you. I’ve got some time off coming, and Katrina is visiting her parents out of state. I’ll get on it right away and get back to you. I still have confidential contacts in the CIA who I trust. I’m sure they can help me if needed.”

  “I knew I could count on you Ethan. Get back to me as soon as you have anything.”

  “Will do.”

  Stewart turned to Senator Roberts, “Michael, Debue is covered.” He gave him Ethan’s cell number.

  “Gentlemen we’ve reached cruising altitude. You’re free to move about the cabin,” Jim Stancil announced.

  Stewart unfastened his seat belt and went to the galley for coffee when his cell phone rang. He recognized the caller ID as Macy. He returned to his seat.

  “This is Stewart.”

  “Agent Stewart, this is Macy. I’ve uncovered some unbelievable information. First I had to kill Nevsky in self-defense. I obtained information from his computer and files that you can act on. There are additional files that I need time to review, but several things you need to know immediately.”

  Stewart grabbed pen and paper from his briefcase, “Go ahead,” he said.

  “First there apparently is a meeting set for the Principles of the planned coup.

  The address is 3451 South Windsor Avenue, Washington, DC, with the date and time of January eighteenth at eight pm. That date is significant because the President’s State of the Union address is scheduled for January twentieth. There must be a connection. Also there is a code and phone number to get in touch with The Controller. Nevsky’s goons obtained the address and Condo number of his retreat.” She gave him the address information.


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