by Lucian Bane
She wore them for a reason.
Well, maybe she’d like them off. Her feet have to hurt in those things.
“How am I supposed to go with my hands tied,” she asked behind them.
“I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”
That’s ridiculous, Bones. What if she makes a mess?
Reginald knew how to get Bones and that did. “Hold on,” he said, getting up and undoing her hands. “In and out. Wash your hands.”
That’s way rude, Bones.
I don’t want her germs.
Reginald wanted to say something about just because she was a whore but there was nothing to say. Bones should worry about her germs. But Reginald could care less. To him, she was untouched. At least in all the ways he wanted to touch her. Inside and out.
A minute later, the toilet flushed and the sink water turned on. Washing her hands.
“I may require you to smell them,” Bones muttered.
For what?
“To make sure she used soap.”
Reginald felt his grin as he stood, realizing he was joking. Prick.
The door opened and Bones tied her hands behind her back again. Reginald focused on the feel of her skin, as he did every time. It killed him to have Bones handle her so roughly, carelessly.
Be more gentle! he hissed when she made a sound resembling pain.
“You want to take those goofy shoes off, or what?”
“Oh, may I?” she asked, sarcasm in her tone.
“Yes, you may,” Bones said, pretending he didn’t catch it.
“That heater sure works quickly,” she mumbled, sitting in the chair.
I think she’s hot in that coat now.
You just want to see her.
I do but… Okay, yes, I do.
“You want to take the damn coat off?” he asked.
“I’d hate to put you through so much trouble. All this tying and untying.”
More sarcasm that Bones chose to ignore as he got up and untied her hands again. She removed her coat halfway then looked over her bare shoulders. “You not gonna take it?”
Reginald fought to smile but Bones refused him. “Take the stupid coat off,” he said, out of patience.
She did, hanging it around her chair then put her arms behind her back like a good girl all while Reginald tried not to stare at what she wore. Bones would have a fit if he got their dick hard and he was pretty sure if he looked at her, that’s what would happen. Bones tied her wrists again, careful to avoid touching her. “I’m hungry,” she announced.
Don’t’ you dare, Reginald warned when he sensed him about to make a fat joke.
“How about loser cooks for the winner?”
“Oh, you can cook?”
Reginald felt Bones fighting a smile. God, I love her, Reginald said. You have to love that wit, she’s got fire, I love that fire, Bones.
I swear, you better not make this dick hard.
I’m trying not to!
“White moves first,” he said again after sitting.
“I know that,” she muttered, looking down at the board.
Bones kept his eyes off her but Reginald still could see. She wore a white dress that was made like a blouse. Something soft. Like her. She’d again not hidden her breasts’ true size. His mouth and tongue recalled in sweet agony what they felt like.
“Fuuuucking stop!” Bones cried.
“What?” she wondered.
Sorry Bonesy.
Don’t call me that you horny fuck. You’re making me nauseous. Can I please do what I need to here, without having you breathing down my dick like a bitch in heat?
I’ll put my back to yours.
Thank you. And if you’re really good, I may let you play with her later.
Play? Panic struck Reginald at what he meant. I can’t do that.
Well, I may need you to. I need her weak and vulnerable and you’re the only one that can get her that way.
Get her that way for what?
Stop acting like that.
Like what? he shrilled defensive.
Like I want to kill her. I told you if I am going to do something like that, I’ll tell you.
But what are you going to do?
I’m going to make her choose.
Choose what?
Life or death, Reggie.
But… she’s chosen.
You can’t choose until you’ve had the opportunity. She’s never had the life you could give her at any of the crossroads. I need her to have that and then if she wants to die, we’re clear on it.
Well if she does, you’re still not doing it, that’s for damn sure.
How about we get to point c before we gripe about point f.
Just letting you know.
Reginald sat behind Bones with his back against his, then he realized her choice to live would be hinged on his sexual performance. Shit. I can’t do it.
Now what, Bones muttered.
I couldn’t even make her orgasm!
Bones gave a long sigh. I’ll give you pointers.
Hope sparked inside him, making him want to bear hug him.
“Your brother okay?”
Reginald tensed at hearing her voice. “Yes, he’s hanging in there.”
“Hanging in there? Is he sick?”
“Yes, he is,” Bones said.
“It was a pretty brutal slap in the face to him, when you didn’t choose him.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t want to hurt him.”
“So why did you?”
Reginald refused to allow himself to look at her. He sat there, hiding behind Bones with his eyes closed tight, listening to her sweet voice.
“I told you why.”
“I asked you why again.”
“Because I want to die.”
“So, conflict of interest,” Bones concluded.
“Look” she said, her voice shaking a little. “I didn’t come thinking I’d meet the sweetest man in the world that made me feel things I never thought possible. If I had thought that, I’d never have come.”
Reginald’s heart ached in his chest with joy at those words.
“But that’s not what happened,” Bones reminded her. “I’m sure he didn’t think he was going to fall in love with a woman so smitten with death that she couldn’t see the light.”
Reginald wanted to kick Bones but then he had to hear her answer.
“Oh, I did see the light,” she said. Reginald heard the longing and sorrow in her voice. “I’ll never forget it.”
Reginald gave in to the need to see her. He had to see her crying for him. She sat there with her head lowered, tears falling. Unable to wipe them.
Stop Bonesy, he whispered. Thank you for having my back but…. That’s enough.
No, it’s not hardly enough. But I’ll stop. “Reginald’s a big boy. He can handle his own,” Bones said. “I just wanted you to be clear what your decision has caused.”
“I’m clear,” she hissed, glaring at him with bright, teary eyes.
“Your move.”
Winter’s body shook with anger as she stared at the blurry chess pieces.
“Why are you angry?” Bones sounded annoyed that she would be.
She wiped her eyes on her shoulders. “Move the Pawn in front of the Knight up two spaces.”
“B2 to B3,” he said, moving her piece. He would know the proper terms. She watched as he moved his Pawn in front of his Bishop two spots up.
“Move my… Pawn in front of my left Rook, up two.”
He did then zoomed his left Bishop to the center, just short of the edge of the board. His confidence made her heart race and she studied the board for his intentions. Aggressive, wasn’t he? Already coming for her King.
“Think of the King as your brother.�
The comparison sent a stab of pain through her chest, stealing her breath. “I know, protect and defend the King,” she said quietly.
“Not just protect and defend,” he said roughly. “You go to war for the King. You don’t sit and wait for the attack, the attack is imminent. You strike first with lethal intention and you confound them with hell’s fury before they ever step foot on your King’s land. That’s how you protect.”
She hated how smart that sounded. “Well, normally you’re not fighting in a two-foot space.”
“It’s a strategy game,” he reminded, disdain turning his words into blades.
Tears blurred her vision again and spilled over. She turned and wiped them on her shoulder, fighting the stupid need to feel and regret, while also using those needs to finish what she started and be done. She just… wished she had a solid hold of what and how that was supposed to happen now. “Move my Knight up two, and right.”
She looked up at him when he didn’t move. “Are you sure?” he asked, his dark gaze burning with blame.
She stared back at the board, looking to see what she was missing. Fear made her muscles tremble and her stomach burn. She didn’t see anything. “I think….”
“You think,” he muttered, disgusted.
“I’m not a Chess master,” she whispered. “I just said I play.”
He moved his Queen out two spots, sending alarm through her. She looked at all the possible things he could do with that cannon. He was closing in. She needed to get her King out. She couldn’t use her castle move yet. She’d have to block him. And attack too, she remembered.
She studied each piece, seeking for something to turn the tables. She could do what he did but she’d be a step behind, a step too late. Maybe she could confuse him. Her mind spun as she roamed her eyes over each piece for a way out, an inkling of hope.
“In the real war, you often don’t have a long time to think. This is why you need to know strategy inside and out. You need to know the answer quickly.”
His words derailed her concentration. “Move… my Pawn in front of the Queen. Up one.”
He did it without hesitation, swift and lethal. He then took hold of his Queen and slid her straight across the board, taking her pawn. And putting her in… A gasp escaped her as she searched in panic for a defense.
No. No, not… not already. She looked at each piece, her head shaking.
“Two out of three?”
He reached to reset the pieces. “No! Wait,” she yelled.
He pulled his hand back slowly. “Fine. Double check it.”
“I just… there must be something.”
Bones watched her, almost feeling sorry at how she desperately tried to find a way out. There was none. He’d seen that look before in some of their victims. She mumbled to herself as she studied the board, her expression getting more troubled as she did.
Why did you have to go so fast? She’s too fragile for that.
Fragile. More like hard headed. Reginald called it fire and fight, but Bones called it reckless and dangerous. He’d not been in the company of somebody like her. He didn’t remember any of the women he’d dealt with wanting death. They sought death for good cause, if and when they did. Because they had no choice. She did. She was just too stupid to see it.
She needed to be broken but not by her reckless, blind, stupidity. She needed that perfect break. The kind of break you reset and the wound healed, stronger than before.
How are we going to do that, Bonesy?
Bones hadn’t realized how loud he’d thought. You can do it.
She’s so upset, look at her.
Bones saw it. She was becoming like boiling water, rocking with gaspy mutterings and tears flowing as she stood now and studied the pieces still. He made out phrases like I’m sorry, I’m not good at this. I let you down, I know I did.
Fuck, Bone’s realized. She’s about to break and it’s not the good kind.
Hurry and call me!
Bones happily obliged, running up the stairs. He opened the door and yelled for him, then waited thirty seconds, listening to her. The words continued, senseless and strained.
Bones gave Reginald the driver’s seat and stood far behind as he hurried down the stairs. This would be the hardest part for Bones. Helping while not getting his hands dirty.
Reginald hurried up to her and pulled her in his arms, hugging her. “Shhhhh, okay, I got you. It’s me, Reginald.”
She gasped like a bucket of water hit her face. “Reginald?” she barely asked, looking up at him, teary eyes smeared with black make-up.
“It’s me,” he said, stroking the hair out of her face.
“It’s you?” she asked again, searching as though not sure. “I-it sounds like you.” He watched as turmoil entered her face. “I’m so sorry I got you into all this,” she shook her head. “I planned to leave you out of my life, I saw you were so good and then,” she gasped, staring at his mouth. “Then you…”
Reginald couldn’t wait another second. He kissed her, stealing her words and bringing a desperate whimper. His hungry instincts took over and he held the back of her head in one hand and her jaw with the other, needing to taste with a deep and exact precision, just as he had before.
“God, I missed your taste and smell,” he whispered at her lips when coming up for air.
“Stop,” she barely said. “I… I can’t.”
Reginald scooped her up in his arms and brought her to the bed. He laid her down and she shook her head, frantically. “Please, don’t. You can’t do this, I’m begging you.”
He stared at her from the side of the bed, uncertain of what to do first.
Undress… Reginald quickly did as Bones ordered all while she begged him to stop.
Don’t listen to her Bones said when Reginald paused. He didn’t want to force her. Trust me. You want to force this.
He did want to force many things and he was needing to enough to have complete trust in what Bones said.
“What are you doing?” she gasped when he began removing his pants. “No, no,” she begged softly, even as her gaze burned on his tattoos.
Her eyes went to his hands at the button of his jeans and she shook her head frantic again. “I can’t.”
What does she mean, Bones? He needed to know.
It means she can’t stand seeing and not wanting. Keep going.
Reginald shoved his jeans down and did as Bones had instructed before, straddling her body.
Take your cock in one hand.
Reginald gripped his length, holding it tight.
See how she looks at it?
It makes it hot, Bones.
That’s because she’s practically sucking it with her eyes, Reggie.
Reginald heard something different in Bones voice. Something hungry. But he was right about her eyes. She held his cock so tight in her gaze. He stroked it, watching her brows draw together. What does that mean?
She’s desperate for it.
What do I do?
Tease her.
You need her naked.
Yes, I do, Reginald agreed.
Shears in the kitchen. Cut it all off her. But leave her hands tied behind her back just like that.
Reginald climbed off and went to the kitchen.
Slow down, Bones said. You’re running like a teenager.
Shit, right. Cool down. Control. Command. Command, Bones. She said she liked being commanded. Do you think that was true?
You’re about to test that.
He returned with the shears.
“What are you doing?”
Don’t talk, just do it.
Reginald obeyed Bones and cut her dress down the center, exposing turquoise satin panties. The way it framed what he longed to taste stole his mind.
Her bra? Bones asked as though leaving it optional.
Reginald looked at the matching piece, his
dick throbbing at the way her breasts spilled over the edges. Leaving it.
Without being told, he straddled her again, holding his cock.
“Reginald,” she barely whispered, her eyes closed. “Don’t…”
Command her.
Reginald thought about what he wanted. What she could do while tied. He looked down at the pretty panties. “Open your legs, Winter.”
“No, no, no, please, please,” she gasped, sounding more desperate.
Threaten her.
Threaten her? How?
Tell her you’ll punish her if she doesn’t.
How will I punish her?
Just do it.
“I’ll punish you, Winter if you don’t.”
She gasped and looked at him, her mouth open.
“Do it,” he commanded again.
She finally did but only barely. The slight obedience made excitement throb in his cock.
She moved them a little wider and he watched her shiny turquoise panties come into view.
“Oh, God, more, Winter,” he whispered, stroking his cock then raising his gaze to find her watching him.
“You like my cock Winter?” He stroked over the thick head.
“Yes,” she strained out.
“It feels good when I rub it this way, while your pretty eyes are all over it. Wider Winter. Open your legs wide for me. You’re going to make me feel good. Do you want that?”
Her breasts rose and fell quickly. “I do,” she finally admitted. “I want to make you feel good, yes.”
“Tell me Winter.” He lifted his left knee and placed it between her legs, then his right. “Tell me what you want to do to me. What did you fantasize?” He eyed her body’s response. “I think you like this don’t you Winter?”
Her brows drew harder when he slid his knees apart, pushing her wider. “I do,” she finally said.
“Show me how wide you can open for me.”
She made desperate little noises as she fought herself, opening her legs more. Bones grabbed his balls, letting out a grunt. He was aroused too. Reginald wasn’t sure how to feel about that. Judging by the heat plowing through his body, nothing would put out the fire she caused in him. The idea he was there and not hiding sent a strange thrill through him. He wanted to do this right, he wanted to help her. With Bones, he could definitely do that. At the same time, he was nervous about performing before an audience.