Reginald Bones: Part One
Page 15
Winter’s legs were all the way open and she had her knees back.
Pinch her nipple. Through the bra, Bones said, his breath ragged. Reginald felt bad that Bones had to endure all of it in order to help. He was such a good brother.
Reginald reached up and fingered the hard nub under the shiny fabric then pinched it. His gaze shot to her face when she let out a gasp edged with a lusty moan.
She likes that.
Do it again. Harder.
Bones forced Reginald’s gaze down to her pussy. Watch what she does when you pinch.
Reginald pinched harder and he saw the jerk in her hips.
Put the head of your cock here. Bones stroked the spot on her panties and she cried out.
“Her clit,” he remembered.
Yes. Pinch her nipple and put the head of your cock there.
Reginald did exactly as instructed and watched as she thrust herself on him and wiggled her hips.
She wants it, Bones.
Fucking right she wants it. Do you see how wet her panties are?
Reginald looked and stroked the surface. Very wet.
Pull her panties aside. Feel how wet she is.
Reginald did it with an eager hunger and Bones helped him, yanking the panties and holding it open.
Slide your cock on that.
“Oh God,” she whimpered, squirming and fighting to see.
Reginald slid the head along all the shiny pink, his eyes raising to her face when she gave strained grunts and cries.
She loves that, Reggie. Go on, dip the head of your dick into that wet silk. It’s all yours.
I want to taste it, Bones.
After she sucks our cock. Then she can have that.
Bones, Reginald gushed, looking at her mouth. You think she will?
You’ll command it, Reggie. She’ll obey.
“Reginald, please,” she begged as soft as the silk of her skin.
“Please what? What do you want? What did you fantasize?”
She lifted her head, watching what he did with a look of astonishment. “I want you so much,” she gasped. “I want you deep in me.” Bones gripped the base of his cock hard when she made eye contact while talking like that to him, nearly causing Reginald to come. “I want you to… make love to me.”
Make love? Reginald wondered, dizzy.
Hell if I know, Bones said. Just tell her you’re going to fuck her until she screams.
Reginald had no issues with trusting Bones at this point, and did as he instructed. “I’m not going to make love to you sweet Winter. I’m going to fuck you so good that you scream from it.”
Close enough.
“Oh my God,” she barely cried, thrusting her hips and pulling her knees farther back.
See that? She wants it so fucking bad, Reggie. Get your cock to her mouth and let her suck you.
Reginald crawled his way along her body, his knees on either side. Her gaze felt like a fiery latch on his cock, pulling it to her parted lips.
At her shoulders, Bones instructed him farther up. You want to go deep.
Reginald’s breath shot out at the idea.
Put your hands on the wall. Fuck, look at her. She’s yours, she’s all yours, do you see it in her face? In her eyes?
Reginald placed his hands on the wall and looked down at her hungry gaze fixed on his cock now hanging next to her face. I see it, he said, shuddering with excitement.
Tease her with it. Move your hips and let it rub along her cheek. See how she likes that.
Reginald followed Bones rasped instructions, his grunts turning hungry when she opened her mouth and fought to taste any part she could reach. Oh, fuck, Bones.
Let her have your balls.
Reginald opened his knees, lowering himself. “Winter,” he said through groans as she sucked and licked with a frantic hunger.
Feels good, Reggie?
“Yes!” he gasped. “So good.”
Listen to her. You hear those sounds she’s making?
I hear it, God yes. Reginald moved his hips so that he was all over her mouth then pulled back a little. She angled her head and sucked along his thick length.
Let her have the head.
Reginald moved his hips until the head came near her mouth.
She fought to catch it and when she did, she shot up and devoured his entire cock down to the base.
Reginald slammed his palms on the wall as the hot, pulling pressure choked him.
Ffuuucking yes, Bones hissed, grunting as he guided Reginald’s hips with shallow pumps then deep thrusts.
“God,” Reginald strained at feeling the back of her throat. He worried about hurting her but the look she gave him while doing that, burned him hotter.
She fucking loves your cock little brother. Command her. Take her head between your hands.
Reginald did and she made little sounds that said she wanted exactly that. Bones put a hand on the top of her head and closed his fingers, clutching her hair. Before Reginald could worry, she gave a sharp moan of approval.
See that? See it in her eyes, begging for that? She wants to feel every bit of your desire Reggie. She doesn’t want you to hold back. She wants to undo you, you see it in her eyes? Let her undo you.
Reginald remembered what that was like in the shower with Bones and worried it would be the same. It had felt good except for the pain.
Fuck her mouth until you come. Tell her.
“I’m fucking your mouth until I come,” Reginald gushed, feeling Bones thrusting faster. “I want to come right in it, I want to see it on your face too, your lips.”
She nodded on him with desperate sounds, her head moving, matching their thrusts.
“It’s coming, it’s fucking coming.”
Let it come, Reggie. God damn, she can suck.
Reginald fought to see her sucking him like that but the heat became too much and he clenched his eyes tight. She worked her mouth relentlessly over his length, sucking that volcano up until it barreled through him as he held tight to her head still. The violent pleasure seized his body, bowing his spine and forcing his head back. It was too much, so much he couldn’t contain it. He opened his mouth for more air and let go a strange growling yell that matched the storm surge shaking him.
Ragged breaths were all he heard for an entire minute before Bones whispered, “Wow,” as he pulled out of her mouth.
Reginald stopped him, grabbing hold of the base of his cock. He rubbed the head all over her lips, still parted with those beautiful moans that said she’d never been so satisfied.
And he hadn’t even fucked her yet.
“My arms,” Winter barely managed when he climbed off.
“Shit,” he said, hurrying to sit her up.
“Ow-ow-ow,” she cried.
He paused as if unsure what to do then reached for the scissors, cutting her ties.
“Oh!” she gasped the second her arms released from the painful position.
“Damn, I’m so sorry.” He sat exactly next to her, his hips and leg touching as he rubbed her shoulders softly. The show of tender affection sent a surge of heat in her chest as he stared into her eyes. He was still winded and the sight of it, what she’d caused in him, sent a thrill through her. She never ever dreamed she could love sucking a cock but he just changed that forever. He was perfect in her mouth, so perfect. And watching him turned on, so beside himself with pleasure was the greatest ecstasy she’d ever had.
He slowly leaned in and kissed her softly. She stroked the prickly hairs along his handsome face. “You’re burning me,” he whispered, taking her hand and pressing it to his chest. She gasped at feeling his heart beating so hard. “It’s on fire in here. You do that to me.”
He pulled back and those dark spheres dove deep into her eyes, insisting she’d thrown in the towel too soon. Was it possible that fate was on her side this time? Is that why she ended up here? Right here with this beautifully breathtaking man? Looking at her with undeser
ved passion?
A distant bell rang in her mind, growing louder with each second, warning her not to fall for it. Falling for it would be her sure end.
She reached up and stroked his beautiful face again, studying each angle. She slid her finger along the perfect bridge of his nose and leaned to kiss the tip. The idea that she wanted to taste him still, touch every part of him with every part of her brought her lips to his. His hot breaths on her mouth stirred her little girl dreams until they burned the dark fears and doubts right out of her. Their mouths came together, a soft dance of give and take, acts of careful adoration mixed with the growing hunger of lust and passion. To have all what promised, right then, before it slipped away.
They both chased after the fire, soft moans growing, echoing the building flames. Winter didn’t care if he was destined to be her end, just so she had him in this moment. There was no treacherous end that could scare her away.
The fire suddenly erupted between them, hot and bright, forcing their breaths harder and fasters as she climbed in his lap.
“Winter,” he whispered, his fingers sliding up into her hair. She took hold of his face and that beautiful woman she’d always longed to be, came to life. She kissed him with all the passion and boldness of a real woman. A woman who knew who she was, why she was.
His strong hands roamed with a reverence mixed with hunger, over her back then hips, digging hard and pulling her tight to him. “Winter,” he groaned, his breaths ragged as she explored his mouth as he had done.
She pushed him down onto the bed and straddled his waist. He was hard again. God, she loved his body. He was breathtaking. Immaculate and flawless. She raised up and he lifted his head, watching and holding her thighs tight.
The tattoos on his muscled torso moved and rippled with his excitement. Her gaze moved over a thin white line from his hip to his lower rib. This wasn’t part of his tattoo but a scar, she thought. The idea of him being hurt made her want to immediately stop and kiss every bit of it.
“Are you ready?” she whispered, holding her hand on his muscled stomach while she slid the head of his cock along her opening. “I’m going to make love to you now.”
Bones had lost the battle before, and he was losing it again.
Bones, what do I do? Reginald said.
As you’re told for now.
Reginald gripped her hips and Bones fought to keep his hands to himself this time. He’d done too much already. This was all Reginald now, he didn’t need him. But he couldn’t help be curious with her making love announcement. Or maybe it was the way she said it that had him needing to know what that meant to her. He’d always thought the term was just a poetic convolution of fucking. But then… he wasn’t exactly the average man.
She reached behind her and unclasped her bra.
“Yes,” Reginald whispered.
She held the intimate article up in the air, showing him. Then dropped it seductively. He found himself having to analyze her eyes. The pure lust made his dick and body impossibly hard. But there was something else. Something unfamiliar in the depths that called him to study and watch. Identify what it was.
“You’re so beautiful,” Reginald said as she rose and placed his cock at her entrance. Bones was locked inside her fiery gaze, watching her still. She bit her lower lip and the small act sent a tidal wave of heat through them. Bones knew what that look meant while Reginald wondered with an innocent hunger.
She lowered very slowly over him, working her tight heat inch by inch down. “Put your hands above your head. Hold on to the bed.”
They both obeyed her breathless command while Bones was ready to admit he was wrong about her looks. She was a little heavy but fuck… she was darkest-of-sin-sexy- and yet… ethereally beautiful. Too good for him and yet… exactly perfect for Reginald. Desire crawled through his body, keeping pace with the slide of her hands up her stomach. He locked his gaze on her tits, watching her knead them with a growing hunger as she slowly devoured his cock with her succulent heat. She finally reached bottom and rolled her hips, sending desire to pound in his cock. His gaze lowered to where their bodies met and his lips parted for a slow lick, hungry to have what she promised—to make love to him.
“You like to see me touch myself?” she whispered.
“Yes,” he said, raising his gaze to her fingers, fluttering slowly over her nipples until they stood thick and tall like his cock.
She let out a lusty moan and twirled her hips in a circle. Bones answered with a grunt, flicking his own. She snaked a hand slowly down her stomach now, her head dropping back a little, drawing their gaze to the silky column of her neck.
So fucking sexy, Bones had to admit.
Reginald couldn’t even speak, he was too close to orgasm already. Bones grit his teeth, fighting him, wanting more, longer. Much longer.
“Touch me here,” she commanded, looking at him as she played with her clit.
Bones felt Reginald’s hesitation and reached with his right hand. Placing his thumb on the thick bud, he moved it in slow circles. He watched the way her plump pussy wrapped his cock then hurried to see her fingers flicking her nipples. Reginald kept taking their gaze to her face where a look in her eyes called their orgasm to come, hot and consuming.
She likes you Reggie, Bones said.
She does, he agreed.
Do you like it, Reggie?
I do, God I do. Will she go faster, Bones?
Bones flicked his hips and made her gasp. I think I can persuade her.
Do it, Bones. Make her go faster.
Bones flicked his hip, the upward momentum slamming into her downward, bringing her high-pitched cry.
Look at her, Bones.
Bones was looking. He looked at every bit of her as he focused his momentum.
We’re not obeying her, Bones.
No, Reggie. We’re fucking her.
Look her pretty tits bouncing. Reginald let out several gasps as the heat built.
Wait for her, Reggie. Tell her to rub her clit.
“Rub your clit,” Reginald said, his voice coming deeper than usual.
Winter was burning up from the inside. The fire seemed real as she sucked it into her lungs and released it in loud cries. Rub her clit. She’d never been asked to do that during sex, nobody ever cared if she felt good. But he was hell-bent on her pleasure and that idea alone had her delirious.
The second she touched herself, that fire grew and grew with every swirl of her finger.
“Pinch your nipples,” he ordered.
Winter gripped his body with her legs to keep from being bucked off, obeying. She knew as he growled and rammed himself deep inside her that she was made just for that. For him doing exactly this. For him doing anything. She was made for him. She had to be, her body and mind burned with purpose and a painful thirst that he had wakened and only he could fill.
She never knew making love. But this was it, surely. And if it wasn’t, it should be. She’d never felt anything so intense and profound as he drove into her in a way that made her want to burst wide open for him. Not run and hide, not cringe and curl up and want to die. She wanted to live. She wanted to live and not loathe herself for that.
“I’m coming,” she gasped. She was coming while he fucked her without mercy. “Reginald!” she barely managed, slamming her hand on his stomach and digging into the skin. Her scream wrenched out of her as he pounded his cock even faster, sending sharp bolts of fire to fuel the explosion holding her in a brutal fist of light, nothing but light. Hot, heavenly, light.
“God fucking damn!” Reginald’s head went back as he roared and held on to her hips.
She fell forward, needing to taste him in that second. Pushing her tongue into his mouth, she consumed the sounds of his undoing. He tasted unreal, like an angel might. He held her body hard to his, feral groans heating her mouth. She answered with soft cries, pulling his hair when he viciously squeezed her butt and forced her slowly over his c
ock now.
The slow spiral down brought them both to a silky, weightless aftermath. As she panted, a massive wave of emotion surged up her chest and she fought to shove it back. But the tidal wave crashed into her lungs until she fought to breathe. A sob burst out, despite how hard she fought to hold it in.
Bones felt Reginald’s panic at the result of what he could only name as the best mother-fucking-fuck he’d ever had. Reginald took over and Bones watched in confusion as he put her on her back. She covered her face with both hands, sobbing.
Well, fuck, Bones thought.
“What!? What,” Reginald gasped. “I hurt you?”
She shook her head quickly as she turned her face to release a long, hard wail. The sound stabbed into them with an odd familiarity. It was fucking… eternal. And bitterly sad.
“I’m sorry,” she wailed. “I’m sorrrrryyyyy. I’m so sorrrryyyy,” she could only seem to cry.”
The pent-up agony saturated the air around them and seeped into Bones, making him tense. This was more than guilt. He knew this dark shit. It was years of need that you strived to meet and never could. Years of clawing to have, to be, to give what was fucking good and right, and never succeeding. But he didn’t remember how or why he knew or what and when. But feel it he did, hard and ruthless. A caged animal, beaten down and tagged by a wrathful universe with a never-ending thirst for blood.
Bones watched as Reginald worked his normal magic with her. In just two minutes, with only his lips, tongue, and soft sounds and touches and she was not only all better, she was aroused again. The odd result surprised Bones. She devoured it up and pulled Reginald onto her, ready again, needing it all over again.
Bones slipped back, letting Reggie have this moment alone with her. He’d done enough, he’d done his part. Reggie was getting what he deserved. Maybe Bones had been wrong. Maybe this time, fate was showing her sweet side, stepping in with favor. Bones had seen her be kind and loving to many people. Maybe Bones had paid enough to earn one chance. A chance for Reggie. Always for Reginald. Everything was for his little brother, because it was his job to protect him.