The Devil May Care

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The Devil May Care Page 29

by Emma V. Leech

  But Priestly had been found and would be tried for arson and attempted murder. He'd almost certainly hang. Thankfully the combined weight of both Beau's and Sebastian's titles, plus the doctor's advice that she was to avoid stress meant that her involvement would be hushed up and no testimony required.

  She stalked the width of their bedroom and stared out of the window at the fashionable people walking along Savile Row outside the building. Turning to Beau she held out her hands, pleading in her eyes.

  "I want to go home."

  He smiled at her and ignored her hands, apparently preferring to put his arms around her waist and pull her close. "Me too, love."

  "Then let's go now!" she exclaimed. "Today, this moment."

  "But the doctor ..."

  "Damn the bloody doctor!"

  Beau looked at her with wide eyes for a moment, his mouth quirking into a smile. "Well I'd love to personally, Milly. Not touching you is damn near killing me, but I don't want you to be unwell again."

  "Oh!" she huffed with frustration, pushing away from him. "We both know my attacks are only brought on by extreme distress, and frankly, I'm more likely to be distressed if you don't take me home and make love to me this instant!"

  She crossed her arms, glaring at him as his smile became ever broader. "Well, if you put it that way ..." he said, chuckling at her and pulling her back to him. He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her long and deep, his tongue plundering her mouth as she melted into him. "Oh, I have missed you so badly, love," he murmured against her skin, kissing a path down her neck.

  "Oh, Beau, don't stop. Please don't."

  He laughed again, a wicked sound, low and deep and clearly amused by her obvious frustration.

  "I'll make it up to you, Milly, but there are questions that I need answers to, and I'm beginning to think I won't get them unless I blackmail you."

  "Oh, that's not fair," she said, irritated by his timing. "I was going to tell you everything, you know I was."

  He took her hand and led her back to the bed, sitting on the edge of the mattress and patting the spot beside him.

  "So tell me now. What is My Lady's Secret?"

  Milly took a deep a breath and began, haltingly at first, to explain her business venture, and then with growing confidence as he didn't start shouting at her but instead regarded her with clear admiration. He did go rather white when she mentioned Dollie, but to his credit he kept his mouth shut. In fact he listened in admirable silence, just occasionally asking a question or nodding. That was until she gave him the bottom line for profits to date.

  His eyes widened in astonishment.

  "How much?" he demanded, gaping at her. "For face cream? Good God!"

  She shrugged, feeling deflated. The premises had been badly damaged by the fire. Luckily the last order had been collected before the fire began but all the stock and everything they had invested in had gone up in smoke. "It's all gone now though. The building is past repairing, it will have to be torn down."

  "Then we'll build a new one," he said.

  She looked up at him and felt her heart swell. "Truly? You ... you don't mind that I did this behind your back?"

  He made a strangled noise and put his head in his hands. "Of course I bloody mind!" he said, a dark thread of anger in his voice. "I mind that you didn't feel you could trust me. That you believed I would stop you doing something that you wanted to do, something that you believed in, when you have only ever encouraged and supported me."

  He looked up at her and her breath caught at the look in his eyes.

  "I want to know that you'll never keep secrets from me again, Milly. I promise you, I will always try and support you, no matter what."

  Milly stared at him, knowing that he was sincere, but wondering how far he would really let her test that theory.

  "So, if I was to invite Dollie to come and stay with me you wouldn't mind?"

  Beau opened his mouth and closed it again, his eyes narrowed. "Little wretch," he muttered, though there was amusement in his eyes. "I want to protect you, love, can't you see that? I like Dollie myself and I can see why you do too. But even a duke has to bow down to the confines and demands of society to some extent."

  "Then society needs changing," she said, crossing her arms.

  Beau laughed and put up his hands. "Then I'll guess we'll have to set about changing it," he said, shaking his head. "Only, please can we take it slowly, Milly? You've taken about a decade off my life so far and I can't afford to lose any more. I want to spend it with you, you see."

  She sighed and leaned into him. "That sounds just wonderful," she said, smiling at him. "Now take me home."


  It was growing dark as they reached Ware, the trees of the woodland that edged the long drive to the house tinged with the first gilt touches of autumn. It was still mild but with that distinctive crispness lingering in the air that meant summer really was gone.

  Beau could only look on with gratitude and love as he watched the staff of Greythorpe Hall come out to greet Milly, all of them so relieved that she was safe. The esteem in which they held her was only too obvious and he felt a swell of pride for everything that she'd done.

  Grateful he might be, and more than pleased to be home again, but it was with relief that he closed the door on his study and sent them all about their business.

  "Alone at last," Milly said, grinning at him and waggling her eyebrows.

  "Do I really look that desperate?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow.

  She nodded, giving a heavy sigh. "Like a starving puppy," she said, smoothing out the lines of her carriage dress and clearly struggling to keep her mouth from curving into a grin. "It's really rather endearing ... if a little pathetic."

  "Oh?" he replied, a dangerous note in his voice. "Pathetic you say?"

  She bit her lip, holding his gaze and he knew she was daring him. "Yes, I do say," she whispered, her eyes glinting with mischief.

  He lunged for her and she squealed, side stepping around the desk but he was too fast for her. Lifting her on the edge of the desk, he forced her skirts up around her waist as he pushed her legs apart.

  "I seem to remember we were supposed to make love in every room of the house?" he murmured, undoing his breeches with one hand and pulling her closer with the other. "I'd say we have some work to do to catch up, wouldn't you?"

  He smiled as she caught her breath, arching towards him as he pushed inside the plush, wet warmth of her body.

  "Pathetic?" he demanded, kissing a path down her neck and relishing the sound of her breathing coming fast against his neck, of her hands clutching at his clothes, burying into her hair.

  "I-I may ... have ... exaggerated," she gasped, tipping her head back and moaning with such abandon that his desire burned out of control. He had neither the will nor the patience for finesse tonight. Tonight he just wanted her, to remind them both that they were still alive. They had the rest of their lives for nights of slow loving. Now he just wanted to lose himself in her. He pushed her gently down on the desk, his hands gripping her hips as he plunged deep inside her, her legs gripping him and urging him on.

  "Oh, my little bird, I have missed you, so very much," he whispered, holding her close to him and looking down into those lovely brown eyes. "I love you, Milly, with all my heart, with everything I have."

  Milly gasped, arching beneath him as her climax took, her body clenching in delicious waves, beckoning him to follow her. "I love you too, Beau," she cried, clutching at his shoulders and wrapping her arms around him as he followed her into bliss. "I love you too!"


  "Wherein ... a reunion."

  Beau watched Milly ruffle Jimmy's hair and felt his throat grow tight. It had been four weeks since the fire and still his heart felt like it was being crushed in his chest whenever he thought of it. Good God, to think he'd almost lost her. Try as he might the fear of it stayed with him and he hated not knowing where she was or what she was doing. He was trying not t
o act upon those fears as he knew it was driving Milly to distraction. But it was hard.

  Jimmy was strutting up and down like the cock of the walk in his new uniform as the other boys looked on with obvious envy. His new Tiger was indeed coming on in leaps and bounds. A natural with the horses he had become a favourite of Benson, the head groom and his wife had also become fond of the boy. Beau had hopes that the tentative words already spoken about the possibility of adopting the lad came to fruition. Jimmy was even making progress at school, and had grasped the rudiments of reading already. Beau felt a little glow of pride in everything that was happening at Ware. Construction on the Edward Stafford's School for boys had begun, as well as a home for orphans like Jimmy and his companions. Unbeknown to Milly there was more to come, but Beau had made a pact with God and he wasn't about to renege on it.

  He looked up and sighed as the first carriage drew up outside of the house. Not waiting for the door to be opened for her, Dollie the Dasher Dashton flung it open and leapt down, running to engulf Milly in her capacious bosom.

  "Milly, darling! Oh, I'm so happy to see you."

  Beau found all the objections he'd posed to Dollie's invitation this weekend fled in the answering smile of happiness that Milly gave on seeing her friend. Anyone - female - who could make his wife smile like that ought to be welcome at any time.

  He crossed the gravelled driveway to where the two women were waiting and greeted Dollie, kissing her hand politely.

  "Dollie, how lovely to see you," he said, smiling at her.

  "Get away with you, your Grace," she replied, curtseying to him and glancing up, her eyes flashing with mischief. "You're wishing me to the devil, I'm sure."

  He chuckled and shook his head. "Not at all, you are very welcome."

  "Well you are very gracious," Dollie conceded as their attention was taken by a very smart carriage bowling down the driveway with four perfectly matched bays stepping smartly towards them.

  The crest of Sindalton gleamed on the glossy paintwork and a footman stepped forward to open the door. Sebastian Grenville, the Duke of Sindalton emerged first, before he turned and handed down his wife, Georgiana.

  Beau felt a something shift in his chest at the sight of his oldest friend walking towards him with a smile on his face. Sebastian's friendship was something he had believed lost to him, and rightfully so. That he had been forgiven was once more Milly's doing, and something else he would be forever grateful to her for.

  To his surprise Sebastian embraced him, slapping him on the back.

  "How's the shoulder?" he demanded, winking at him. Beau snorted.

  "Which one?" he replied, realising he'd been shot in one when he was at his worst and dislocated the other in what he considered his finest hour. There were still nights when he woke up in a cold sweat because he dreamt he'd failed and not caught Milly's hand as she fell. But he had, and he put his arm around his wife and pulled her close to him as Georgiana Sindalton walked towards them.

  The Duchess of Sindalton was a radiant vision. Her red hair glinted in the autumn sunshine and the copper colours of the countryside served as the perfect foil for her. Dressed in a deep green velvet pelisse she looked like a lovely wood nymph.

  Beau smiled to himself as he realised he didn't care. He could see she was a beauty and could appreciate it, like staring at a beautiful painting, but he didn't feel anything. Gone was the rush of desire he'd felt in her presence before and nothing remained except gratitude that she didn't hate him, and a hope that they might be friends.

  "Georgiana," he said, taking her hand. "I'm so grateful that you came."

  "Don't be ridiculous," she said, her pretty eyes full of laughter. "You don't seriously think I was going to miss the opportunity to get to know the woman who tamed the devastating Beau Beaumont?"

  Beau grinned at her and raised one eyebrow, adopting a haughty expression. "That's the Duke of Ware if you don't mind," he replied before leaning down and kissing Milly's forehead, smiling with affection as she blushed a little. "And the lady is right here. Though of course you've met before. Milly, you remember Georgiana Grenville, the Duchess of Sindalton."

  "I do indeed," Milly agreed, giving Georgiana a warm smile.

  He watched as the two women chatted together and Milly took Georgiana to meet Dollie.

  "Life is good?" his friend asked.

  Beau turned to Sebastian who was watching the three women enter the monumental, old house ahead of them with a little trepidation.

  "Dollie's a good sport, don't worry," Beau chuckled, well aware of the reason for Sebastian's unease. "And life is better than I could ever have imagined," he said with the utmost seriousness. "Certainly better than I deserve," he added, laughing.

  "I wouldn't say that," Sebastian said, and Beau could only be thankful for his generosity. "By the way, Falmouth asked me to tell you he's interested in this school for boys you're starting. He wants to know if you have plans for a girl's school as well."

  Beau looked up at him in surprise. "Yes, actually," he said. "Why, is he interested?"

  Sebastian followed him up the stairs and nodded a greeting to Rexom as the old man took his hat and gloves. "Yes. You know his wife began a safe house for young women in difficult circumstances over in France?"

  "No, I didn't."

  They paused in the middle of the great hall and for a moment he saw Sebastian's gaze settle on the place where Beau had fallen, the dreadful night he'd shot him. Then his eyes lifted and he looked around, smiling as he noticed the portrait of Beau with his twin brother.

  "This place has changed a great deal since the last time I was here, I think," he said, his voice soft.

  "Not just the place," Beau said, looking up at his brother's face with affection.

  The day passed wonderfully well with everyone in fine spirits and a sumptuous meal provided by Mrs Buss. Nonetheless Beau found he was relieved when their guests retired for the night.

  "Come on, love," Beau said, pulling Milly to her feet and into his arms. "I haven't had a moment alone with you all day."

  Milly looked up at him and smiled but he thought she looked a little sad.

  "What is it, little bird?" he asked with a tremor of unease.

  "Nothing," she said, and suddenly the expression was gone and a brighter smile replaced it. "Just a little tired. Have you enjoyed having your friends here?"

  "Yes, of course," he replied, allowing her to move away and walk to the door.

  "Georgiana is very beautiful," she replied, sounding far too nonchalant. "I can see why you wanted to marry her."

  Beau reached out and caught her hand again, tugging her hard so that she fell against him. "Don't be idiotic, love," he said, putting one hand to her face. "I never wanted to marry her. I wanted her money."

  "That's not all you wanted though," she said, turning her face away from him, her voice low and uncertain.

  He tilted her head up, forcing her to look at him. "That was another man and another lifetime. I'm yours, Milly, body, heart and soul. I feel nothing when I look at her now and that is the absolute truth. I want you, only you. There will never be anyone else and I'm going to tell you that every day if I have to until you believe me." He sighed, feeling suddenly frustrated. "Don't you trust me?"

  Milly let go a breath and nodded. "I do, Beau, of course I do. I ... I was just being foolish. It's just she's so very lovely and ... and ... you might not feel the same when I get fat."

  "Fat?" Beau exclaimed, frowning at her. "Milly you've put on a little I admit but so far I fully approve," he said with a grin, squeezing the gentle curve of her hips. "Why on earth would you think that you'll get fat?"

  "B-because I'm going to have a baby."

  Beau blinked as the words circled in his brain but it took a moment before they made any sense to him. He opened his mouth but no words seemed to encompass the enormity of what he was feeling. A rush of love for his wife so great that he could hardly draw a breath was followed by absolute terror.

  My God, she was going to have a baby.

  "Beau?" Milly said, sounding a little anxious. "Are you alright? Perhaps you should sit down?"

  He snapped back to his senses. "I'm fine, I'm just ... Oh, Milly." He swept her up with a crow of delight and spun her around and then put her down feeling appalled that he'd handled her so roughly. "Bloody hell, I didn't think. Perhaps you should sit down? You said you were tired? Have you seen the doctor?"

  "Beau!" Milly exclaimed, laughing at him. "I'm perfectly well, yes I get a little tired but that's quite normal I assure you. The doctor has seen me, yes, and everything is fine." She held out her hand to him and he allowed her to pull him from the room, feeling too overwhelmed to protest. As though it had been arranged they paused in front of the portrait of two golden-haired, blue-eyed boys.

  "I thought, if it was a boy, we could call him Edward," she said softly and Beau felt his throat grow tight.

  He nodded, wondering if he would be able to speak at all. "I think he'd like that very much."

  "Perhaps it will be twins?" Milly added, smiling at him, her eyes alight with excitement.

  Joy, wonder and downright cold fear settled in the pit of his stomach. "Oh, God, Milly how am I to survive the next nine months? You're scaring me to death." He pulled her into his arms and held on tight.

  "Only seven months to go I think," she said, sounding so calm that he forced himself to think rationally. She would have the best care, the best doctors and he would make sure no one ever upset her again. Least of all him. She looked back up at the painting and smiled. "I think he would be very happy about this, don't you?"

  "Yes," Beau replied, staring down at his lovely wife and thanking God for everything he had. "I think he's smiling on us, Milly." He leaned down and kissed her, putting everything he had into showing her just how he felt. "I love you so much, little bird, it scares me to death. But I'm not afraid of the future anymore. I'm going to make certain that Ware is a name that all our children can be proud of, and you too, Milly, you most of all."


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