Summer Moon

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Summer Moon Page 35

by Jill Marie Landis

  For the most part, the town of Magnolia Creek looked the same, the streets evenly crisscrossed like a fancy piece of plaid that was a bit worn and frayed around the edges. The brick buildings along Main Street showed signs of weather and shelling, as battered as their occupants must surely feel.

  Melancholy rode the air. She could feel it as she viewed wood-framed homes with peeling whitewashed siding that lined every even street.

  A few of the shops and stores around Courthouse Square were still boarded up, their broken windows evidence not only of Yankee cannon fire, but the shortage of replacement glass. The courthouse still remained proud and unbattered. The Union stars and stripes flew triumphantly over the grassy park surrounding the impressive two-story building.

  She remembered walking Main Street for hours the day she had first moved into town, recalled staring into storefront windows at all the bright new things. Now she barely gave those same windows a second glance as the wagon rumbled by.

  The farmer finally reached his destination, pulled the team up before the dry goods store and set the brake. Sara gingerly lifted Lissybeth off the floor beside her. The exhausted soldier didn’t even stir as she stepped from the back of the wagon onto the wooden porch that ran the length of the storefront. She thanked the man for the ride and when her stomach rumbled, Sara stared longingly into the store’s dim interior before she turned away and started walking toward Ash Street two blocks away.

  “Not far now, baby,” she whispered to Lissybeth. “Not far.” She prayed that she was doing the right thing, that once she reached the Talbots’ fine, familiar house, a hot meal and safe haven would be waiting, even if only for a night.

  Number 47 Ash Street came into view the moment she turned the corner. Set off behind a white picket fence with a wide lawn, it was still the grandest house in town.

  Sometimes late at night she would lie awake and wonder if the magical time she had spent living in the Talbots’ home had been real or merely a figment of her imagination. Her life before the war seemed like a dream; at fifteen she had moved in to care for Louzanna Talbot; at seventeen, after two glorious, golden weeks of a whirlwind courtship she had married Dr. Dru Talbot and thought to live happily ever after.

  Five years later, it was hard to believe she had ever truly been the innocent, starry-eyed girl that he had taken for his bride.

  Now she was not only Dru Talbot’s widow, but a fallen woman in the eyes of the world. She was no better than a camp follower. She was a woman who had lost the man she so dearly loved to war, a woman who then put her faith and trust in the wrong man and now had nothing save the child of that union.

  Sara lingered across the street from the Talbots’, staring at the wide, columned porch that ran across the entire front and side of the house and tried to make out some sign of movement behind the lace curtains at the drawing room windows. Then, mustering all the confidence she could, she shifted Lissybeth to the opposite shoulder and quickly crossed the street.

  The gate in the picket fence hung lopsided on its hinges. The flower beds bordering the front of the house overflowed with tangled weeds. The same, deep abiding sadness she had felt earlier lingered around the place, one that thrived beneath the eaves and lurked in the shadowed corners of the porch behind the old rockers lined up to face the street. The lace draperies at the windows, once so frothy white, hung limp and yellowed behind weather-smeared, spotted panes of glass.

  A sigh of relief escaped her when she spotted a familiar quilting frame standing inside the long parlor window. An intricate bow-tie pattern made up of hundreds of small, evenly cut squares of print and checkered pieces was framed and ready to finish quilting. Louzanna Talbot’s world had been reduced to fabric patches and thread that bound cotton batting between patchwork tops and backing.

  Sara stared at the front door while trying to shush Lissybeth’s whining. She lifted the brass knocker and stared at the black, fingerless gloves that hid the fact that she wore no wedding ring. She pounded three times, then tightened her arms beneath her little girl’s bottom and waited patiently. When there was no answer, she lifted the knocker again and let it fall, wondered why Louzanna Talbot’s Negro manservant, Jamie, was taking so long to answer.

  A flicker of movement caught her eye. Someone was inside the house, standing near enough to brush the edges of the curtain against the window in the center of the door. Sara pressed her nose to the pane but could not make out a shape through the layers of her veil and the sheer curtain panel at the oval window.

  “Hello? Is anyone home? Jamie, are you there?” She pounded on the doorframe. “Louzanna? Can you hear me?”

  A recluse afraid of her own shadow, Louzanna suffered from severe bouts of hysteria. Sara resolved to stand there all evening if she had to as she pressed her forehead against the windowpane and tried to see through the curtain.

  “Louzanna? Lou, open the door, please.” She lowered her voice. “It’s Sara.”

  Finally, a latch clicked, then another. The door creaked and slowly swung inward no more than six inches. All Sara saw of Louzanna was a set of pale, slender fingers grasping the edge of the door and thick braids of wren-brown hair pinned atop her crown.

  “Louzanna, it’s me. It’s Sara. May I come in?” Sara knew what it cost her former sister-in-law to open the front door at all.

  Dru’s older sister was thirty-eight now, but her translucent skin, hardly ever touched by sunlight, was barely creased at all. Her hair was streaked with a few wisps of gray, but for the most part, it retained its fullness and soft brown hue.

  Silence lengthened. The knuckles on Lou’s hand whitened. Finally, in a weak, low voice, the woman on the other side whispered, “Is it really you, Sara? Is it really, truly you?”

  Tears stung Sara’s eyes. She frantically tried to blink them away. “It’s really me, Louzanna. Please, let me come in.”

  Another pause, another dozen heartbeats of despair.

  Louzanna’s voice wavered. More of her braids showed, then her forehead, then pale, hazel eyes peered around the edge of the door. Those eyes went wide when they lit on the child in Sara’s arms.

  “Oh, Sara,” Louzanna’s voice was thready.

  “Please, Lou.”

  Louzanna clung to the edge of the door, wielding it like a shield, a barrier between herself and a world she had shut herself off from long before the war ever started.

  Sara couldn’t imagine Louzanna coping all alone for very long. One of the reasons she had felt she could leave Lou at all was because she knew Jamie would be there to care for her.

  “Where’s Jamie?” she asked.

  “He’s gone. Gone with the Union soldiers. They took him right after you left.”

  The sun was dipping low on the edge of the sky. Dusk was gathered in the thick, overgrown hedges and dense woods that ran behind the homes on Ash Street. Her desperation no longer tempered by daylight, Sara planted her thigh against the door, afraid Lou might suddenly become fretful and edge it shut.

  Dear Lord, give her the courage to let me in.

  Frantic, Sara spoke quickly, glancing over her shoulder toward the deserted street.

  “I’ve come all the way from Ohio. I stopped by Collier’s Ferry first, but my daddy turned me away. I’ve no place else to go. I’m begging you, please let me in. If not for me, for my child. She’s innocent of everything I’ve done. Take pity on her and let us in, just for tonight. All I’m asking for is a meal and a place to sleep.”

  She remembered there was an old cabin behind the house where Jamie had lived. “We can sleep out in Jamie’s old place. You won’t even know we’re here.”

  What did it matter where she slept, as long as there was a roof over her child’s head?

  “Lift your veil, Sara.” Lou sounded edgy and fearful, her voice weak, as if unfamiliar with sound.

  Slowly Sara shifted Lissybeth, grasped the edge of her veil and lifted it over the wide hat brim to reveal her face. She smiled, but the result was weak and wobbly at be
st and a painful reminder of the swelling on her cheek. The image of the door wavered as it floated on her tears.

  “Oh, my, Sara!” Lou gasped, shaking her head, her eyes gone wide. “What happened to your face?”

  “I . . . tripped and fell.” Sara avoided Lou’s gaze as she mumbled around the lie. Daddy had always hit first and asked questions later. Today he had given her something to remember him by before he had turned her away from the family cabin at Collier’s Ferry.

  Lou backed up and disappeared momentarily. When the door swung wide enough for Sara to slip in, she moved quickly, knowing Lou’s deep abiding terror of the front yard and the street beyond. Once inside, she turned to her former sister-in-law with a rush of relief that comes after finding something long sought and familiar.

  Lou was dressed the way she had always dressed, much like Sara was now, in a black silk gown with black lace trim and jet buttons. A gold wedding band with an opal stone dangled from a long gold chain around Louzanna’s neck. Her faded brown hair and evenly drawn features were the same as Sara remembered, save for added etching at the corners of her eyes.

  Louzanna had kept her figure, her slender waist, and dignified stance despite bouts of fear and hysteria that bordered on madness. Though the cuffs and hem of her dress were worn and turned inside out and her gown was wrinkled, she didn’t have a single curl out of place.

  Quieted by new sights and sounds, Lissybeth lay her head in the crook of Sara’s neck and sucked her fingers as she stared at Louzanna.

  “I’m sorry to show up like this without word, but I truly have no place else to go,” Sara apologized.

  Lou was watching her closely, her gaze darting to the door and back again as if she suspected some horror had followed Sara inside.

  “What are you doing all alone? What happened to the man you ran off with, Sara?”

  Humiliation pierced Sara’s heart. She had been such an utter, witless fool the day she had run off and left the wedding ring Dru had given her atop a note for Lou on the upstairs hall table.

  Sara licked her lips, swallowed. She could lie, but she and Louzanna Talbot had lived together for nearly two years, shared Dru’s letters, shared their joys and heart-aches. Louzanna deserved more than lies, but Sara couldn’t bear to tell the whole sordid story.

  “He is out of my life for good.”

  Lou stared at Elizabeth, unable to take her eyes off the child. “And so you’ve finally come home,” Lou said softly.


  “I knew you would, eventually. I never lost hope.” The edges of Lou’s lips curled up into what might have been an attempt to smile. She concentrated on the little girl in Sara’s arms.

  “What is her name?” Lou and Lissybeth exchanged curious stares.

  “Elizabeth. I call her Lissybeth,” Sara said.

  One of Lissybeth’s little hands, fingers splayed and extended, stretched toward the lonely recluse.

  Timidly, Louzanna slowly raised her hand and offered her index finger to the child. When Lissybeth’s little hand closed around Louzanna’s fingers, Lou closed her eyes and let out a sigh.

  “Lou?” Sara was used to Louzanna’s mind drifting and having to coax her around.

  Startled, Louzanna looked up, met Sara’s eyes, and suddenly threw her arms around Sara’s neck. She held on for dear life, encompassing both Sara and Lissybeth in her embrace. When she finally drew back, her hazel eyes were shimmering with tears.

  “I haven’t much,” Louzanna admitted softly, “but you’re welcome to share it. This is still your home, Sara, if you want it. I’m so glad you’ve finally come back.”

  By Jill Marie Landis Published by Ivy Books:




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  An Ivy Book

  Published by The Ballantine Publishing Group

  Copyright © 2001 by Jill Marie Landis

  Excerpt from Magnolia Creek copyright © 2002 by Jill Marie


  All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by The Ballantine Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.

  Ivy Books and colophon are trademarks of Random House, Inc.

  First Mass Market Edition: July 2002

  eISBN: 978-0-307-41676-6





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