Heavenly Surrender

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Heavenly Surrender Page 4

by Justus Roux

  “She will find us,” Ryo answered.

  “If you say so.”

  “Ayden can’t be risked, we will wait for her to come to us or if I can figure out a way to lure her away from here.” Ryo grabbed his sword and walked outside.


  “Hey Ryker leave Ryo alone,” Gabriele said, throwing a pack at him, knocking him backwards a little.

  “I have questions and he appears to be the leader.” Ryker set the pack down.

  “What is your question?”

  “Why is Ayden so important? I mean, of course any life is important but why is this particular man so important?”

  “We exist to protect him, this is our only purpose.” Gabriele sat down and dug through her pack. “Here.” She threw Ryker a couple of granola bars.

  “Don’t you people eat?”

  “We don’t need to.”

  “Okay, I will just accept that one. You still haven’t answered my question.”

  “If you have met Ayden you would see why he is so important. Asurul and Isa love their son, but it is more than that. I spent a couple of days with Ayden while I healed some pretty bad wounds I got battling with a demon. Ayden’s touch was soothing; his voice put me to ease. There is goodness to Ayden that I have never encountered before. A man like that could do some good in this crappy world.”

  “So he is worth you giving your life to protect him?”

  “Yes he is.”

  “Okay.” Ryker stood up and grabbed a pistol from the pack that was at his feet. “Then I will do a perimeter check.”

  “Maybe you should just stay here and let me do that,” she said standing up.

  “Let me do it. I need to feel needed somehow. I was a squad leader remember.”

  “Okay I understand.” She sat down next to where Ayden was and watched him leave.

  “I need to feel needed…” she whispered. “Elizabeth.” Her sister’s smiling face filled Gabriele’s mind. Elizabeth always said those words to her.

  “Come on Gabby, I need to feel needed.”

  Elizabeth was so young and innocent. The familiar rage and guilt washed over Gabriele. If only she had left things alone, but she couldn’t let that monster do to Elizabeth what he had done to her, she just couldn’t. The vortex of emotions consumed Gabriele, she had to do something, anything to take her mind off the past.

  “Are you alright?” Ryker asked. He had come back to grab his binoculars when he saw that stricken look on Gabriele’s face.

  “Fight me,” she said quickly coming to her feet.


  “Spar with me.”

  “I…umm. You’re a woman, I mean…I …ummm.” Ryker didn’t know what to say. This was most unexpected.

  “Please,” she quietly said.

  “Okay.” He could see the pain in her eyes. What was tormenting her so much? He lunged out of the way as she came at him.

  “Hey take your little game outside,” Ryo said as he entered the room.

  Gabriele latched hold of Ryker and threw him out the window. Ryker hit the ground with a thud. “Ouch!” he exclaimed, quickly getting back to his feet just in time to catch her leg in mid kick. He pushed her back but she quickly came at him again. He dodged her kicks and punches.

  “Come on fight me damn it!” she yelled.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he said as he continued to dodge her attacks. Her speed was mind-blowing; it took his total concentration to avert her punches and kicks.

  “You won’t hurt me, soldier boy.” She leapt into the air. Ryker readied himself just before she could tackle him, he jumped up and caught her, sending both of them crashing to the ground. He reached up and pinned her arms above her head and held her down.

  “What is wrong?” he said quietly. The pain in her eyes tore at him. He hated to see any woman in pain, but hers he could barely stand.

  “Let me go,” her words broke as she spoke. She couldn’t stop the tears. Too many years of repression, too many years of guilt, agony, pain all bubbled up and now she couldn’t stop it.

  “Hey…shhh,” he said releasing her hands. He gently wiped away the tears that ran down her cheeks.

  “I will be alright in a minute.” She reached up and latched on to him. She needed the comfort and warmth of a man’s embrace.

  Ryker rolled over to his side and held her tightly against him. He could feel her body shake as she tried to hide her tears. He gently caressed her not saying a word. He felt the dampness of her tears on his chest as she held him close.

  “I am alright.” She let him go and sat up.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” He sat up next to her.

  “No I would like to forget this happen, alright.” She stood up and looked out over the city.

  “Okay.” Ryker stood next to her. “It is not a weakness to ease your mind’s burden, you know.”

  “Some memories don’t need to be unearthed either.” She started walking back to the building but stop mid-way. “Ryker.”

  “Yes.” He looked at her standing there with her back to him, so proud, so strong.

  “Thank you,” she quietly said.

  “Your welcome.” He watched her walk into the building. He took a deep breath and blew it out as he looked back out over the city. His emotions were confusing him. He barely knew this woman, but having her cradled in his arms felt so right. He hadn’t felt that way about a woman since Jenny. He quickly pushed memories of Jenny from his mind; he would not allow himself to go there, not now. He took one last look over the city and then headed back into the building.


  “What do we do now Gabby?” Elizabeth’s smaller hand latched onto Gabriele’s as they stood by the graves of their parents.

  “I don’t know. But don’t worry I will think of something.” She smiled down at her little sister. Both were the spitting image of their mother, long brown hair, big beautiful blue eyes and full lush lips. Gabriele was four years older than her sister so her body was in full bloom of her womanhood. Elizabeth was only starting to blossom.

  “I am sorry to hear about your loss,” Mr. Chandler said as he approached the two young ladies. “I also hear all your parents possessions are being sold to pay for their debts.” He moved closer to the two. “I liked your parents they were honest and fair people, so I wish to help you two.”

  “How?” Gabriele held Elizabeth’s hand tightly. Mr. Chandler was a very wealthy man, his two sons John and Steven, were the most sought after men in the village.

  “I will let you two work at my manor as house servants. I will pay you a modest wage plus room and board.”

  “House servant?”

  “Yes, I am in need of a few more so you will be helping me as much as I would be helping you.” He smiled warmly at the two.

  Gabriele looked down at Elizabeth. She had to find them somewhere to live. “Thank you Mr. Chandler we graciously accept your offer.” Gabriele felt a weight being lifted from her shoulders, and was most grateful to Mr. Chandler for saving them.

  “Good, I will have my butler take you to your home and gather your possessions. He will then show you to my manor and let you know your duties.”

  Gabriele watched Mr. Chandler walk away and thanked God for sending him their way.

  Gabriele stared into the fire as her memory replayed in her head. “Gabriele what troubles you?” Ryo said sitting down next to her.


  “Don’t worry about those Archangels, I think Asurul is right and Tasmos isn’t our enemy.”

  “I think you are right.” She smiled up at him.

  “If you need to talk about anything I am here,” he added as he got up and walked away.

  Ryo was a great listener, but her past she couldn’t share with him. She had great respect for Ryo and never wanted him to see her as weak. She didn’t want anyone to see her as helpless or weak again. She dared any man to hurt her again.

  “Gabriele, the pain of your past can be eased i
f you share it with someone.”

  “Ryo…” She looked down at the ground. “I just want to kill that Kali and I’m frustrated that she keeps getting the better of us.”

  “Very well Gabriele I will leave you alone.” Ryo hated seeing her like this. He has been a hunter along side her for many years and ever so often she gets like this. He understood how she felt. He didn’t like sharing his past either so he wrestled with it alone too.

  Chapter 7

  Gabriele hated when things were quiet. She should be relieved by the silence, this meant Ayden was safe, but it gave her too much time to think, to reminisce. She looked over to Ryker, he seemed to be lost in thought himself. The distant sounds of the city filled the abandon building almost breathing life into it.

  “Ryker, you said you were a squad leader?” she asked, not standing the silence anymore.

  “Yes I was. I trained hard to get to where I am.”

  “How long have you been in the army?”

  “Since I was eighteen, I have been in the special forces for about ten years now.” Ryker poked at the fire watching the ember rising from it.

  “So you would have to be at least thirty two.”

  “Thirty three.”

  “How about you? How long have you been a huntress?”

  “For about fifty years now.”

  Ryker spit out his coffee. “What? Damn you look good for your age.”

  Gabriele smiled at him. “I was twenty two when I died. So I guess I look closer to that age.”

  “When you died…ummm…you look pretty alive to me.”

  “I told you I was immortal. When I was mortal I lived back in the twelfth century.”

  “Twelfth century…where did you live?” Ryker could tell she wasn’t lying. Though he didn’t understand any of this, right now it didn’t matter, she was actually talking with him. Somehow he felt she needed this.

  “England. Needless to say waking up in this time period took some getting use to. But I had Michael to help me, shortly after Ryo joined us. He had even more trouble than I did getting use to all of this.”


  “He was from eleventh century Japan. This is all he has told me about his mortal life.”

  “So, Asurul chose you to become a huntress?”

  “Actually it was Isa who chose me. At first I couldn’t figure out why. I possessed no skills of a warrior. The only thing Isa told me was that I had the spirit of a warrior. So needless to say my training was very difficult and at times I frustrated Asurul, but….”

  “Go on.” Ryker moved a little closer to her.

  “I think it was the fact that Asurul was a man that drove me harder. If Isa had trained me I don’t think I would be as skilled as I am now.”

  “What does the fact that Asurul is a man; have to do with your training?”

  “I won’t let a man better me or make me feel inferior to him.”

  “Not all men are bad, Gabriele.” Ryker could see the anger and hurt in her eyes.

  “Not all are good either.” She began to stand up but he grabbed her arm.

  “From what I have seen huntress your skills are far better than any man I ever had known.”

  “Huh, for a mortal you are not bad yourself.” She tried to free her arm from his grasp.

  “Then sit back down and talk some more with me.” He pulled her down to him catching her off guard, making her tumble into his lap.

  “Hey…” she hissed.

  His fingers lightly traced over her cheekbone. “You are a very beautiful woman Gabriele.”

  Gabriele just sat there in his lap looking into his warm brown eyes. This was dangerous, very dangerous. She felt her body stir with desire something she hasn’t felt in a long time. Sure looking at Ayden was pleasurable but it didn’t make her feel like this. She wanted Ryker, actually wanted him, and this she couldn’t do not now, not ever. His gentle touches were foreign, it made her feel uneasy. Brutality, humiliation, pain was the only manly touches she knew. Her fellow hunters were like brothers to her so their warm hugs and kind words didn’t count to her. But still she couldn’t pull herself away from Ryker’s embrace.

  “Gabriele,” he whispered, lowering his lips to hers. Her whole body stiffened, waiting for the pain and agony. His lips were gentle as he kissed her tenderly, slowly building the intensity of it. He pulled her closer to him but still her body was rigid against his. “I won’t hurt you,” he whispered nuzzling her cheek with his.

  “Please stop.” She was surprised when he did.

  “I am sorry, I forgot myself,” he said helping her up. “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”

  “You didn’t you just….surprised me.” Gabriele reached down and grabbed her shotgun. “I have to do a perimeter check.” She had to do anything to get away from him, away from his intoxicating scent, his hard body and those eyes, especially those eyes. She hurried off.

  Ryker sat back down and looked at the place where Ayden was resting. He was mad at himself for kissing Gabriele. But he was compelled to. Her body was so rigid yet she seemed to welcome his kiss, almost like a man’s gentleness was foreign to her. Why was he complicating everything anyways? More importantly what happen to her to make her so untrusting of men? He didn’t want to ponder these questions but he kept finding himself thinking about her. He should focus on the mission that always worked in the past. It worked when Jenny and Danny died. Oh God no, not now. He couldn’t think of them it was too painful even now ten years later. He quickly looked up when he heard footsteps.

  “Ryker you can sleep now, I will take over the watch.” Ryo sat down next to where Ayden was.

  “Thank you, I am tired.” Ryker grabbed his pistol and headed outside to get some air.

  “Demons and angels,” he hissed as he walked away from the building. The whole area was abandoned and run down. Why the city hasn’t torn these buildings down was beyond him. But isolation was nice even so close to the busy sounds of the city. In a funny way it was like his life now. He felt so isolated even though he was always surrounded by others. His men, their enemy, allies, it seem like ages since he was around normal everyday people. And now….he chuckled, he couldn’t stop himself. All this paranormal shit was almost too much.

  “Ryker stay just a little longer,” Jenny’s sweet voice echoed through his mind.

  “Not now damn it!!” he shouted. Why now after all these years of silencing the painful memories, why are they surfacing now?

  “Whoa, what’s wrong?”

  Gabriele’s voice shook him unexpectedly. He squatted down and covered his ears taking deep breaths to control his emotions.

  “Hey…” Gabriele didn’t know what to do. She squatted down beside him and gently ran her hand down his strong back. “All this weird stuff can be overwhelming, it took me some time to get use to it,” she said quietly stroking his back.

  “That’s not it,” he barked falling back until he was sitting down. “Do you know what it is like to hear that your wife and child are dead? To know if you would have stayed like they asked you to, you would have died with them. To wonder whether they suffered or not, were they afraid, did they see their death coming. And know, to fucking know you could have been there, and maybe prevented it or at least held them as the fucking truck slammed into the car.” Ryker was breathing really hard trying to contain his emotions.

  “Ryker…” Gabriele reached up and grabbed his hand. His voice was so full of pain and regret. “I am so sorry to hear you lost your family.”

  “Let’s focus back on this mission. I don’t want to talk about this.” He pulled his hand from hers.

  “Ryker.” She reached up and stroked his face. His pain tore at her. She was compelled to ease his pain.

  He looked into her big blue eyes, his breathing still heavy. “I don’t want your pity.”

  “It’s not pity Ryker. I know what it is like to lose someone, to feel responsible for their death. I too try not to think about it.”

bsp; He pulled her into his arms and captured her lips with his. He needed this. She needed this. He felt her uncertainness, her fear. “I won’t hurt you,” he whispered against her lips.

  “Ryker…I …”

  “Shhh.” He kissed her softly, slowly letting his hand caress her. Taking his time letting her set the pace.

  “Ryker… I don’t know what to do,” her voice sounded so vulnerable, so fragile, he was almost afraid to touch her.

  “Don’t worry about that. I will only go as far as you want. If you ask me to stop I will.”

  She saw the gentleness in his eyes and she surrendered to his touch. His lips wandered down her neck as he carefully laid her down on the ground. He quickly pulled his shirt off and laid it under her head. His fingertips lightly ran over her full lips. Softly he kissed her, gently he caressed her. She reached down and pulled her shirt off then looked away from him.

  “No…look at me, please don’t close your eyes and go somewhere else. I won’t hurt you,” he said turning her head back towards him. Her hand timidly went to his shoulder, her fingers traced his muscle lines. “Touch me; feel free to explore my body,” he whispered as he kissed her hand.

  He reached down and unbuttoned her pants watching her reaction. He felt her body tense up so he removed his hand. He will wait, having her so close to his body felt good, he will not rush this moment. He watched the timid way her fingers ran down his chest, her eyes following the trail her fingers made.

  “You are so beautiful,” she said quietly.

  He rolled over onto his back letting her take control of the moment. Her hands explored his entire upper body. She reached down to the button of his pants then stopped. “My body is yours, Gabriele,” Ryker whispered. He held his breath as she undid his pants, slowly she lowered them. He lifted his hips a little making it easier for her. Her fingers traveled down the muscle line leading to his cock, she paused. She looked at the bulge still covered by his underwear.


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