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AWAKENING (Alfonzo) Page 3

by Frank, S. W.

  Her eyes were droopy, “Okay.”

  He put his hands in his pockets, “Hire someone to help with the babies, I’ll take care of the bill.”

  “I can’t let you do that!”

  “You look like you’re about to pass out, it’s the least I can do.” He said between clenched teeth as she rocked the baby against her shoulder to soothe the irritable infant.

  The vein in his head began to pulse. Nico that sonovabitch! He should kill him, find him and put a dagger in his chest. Of course, he was off god-knows-where, hunting people like a predator for money when the woman he knocked-up was so goddamn tired she looked about to topple over. He made certain he told the guys if Nico ever showed his face to put it in the dirt.

  He stepped in front of her and took the baby from her hands. The second he put the munchkin against his heart she quieted, gave a bored yawn and stared boldly in his face before shutting her eyes. He couldn’t mask the grin, yeah, Angelina was definitely the hell-raiser. This one demanded attention, while her brother was content to drink, poop and sleep. Little Vincent didn’t require much, huh?

  Alfonzo walked around the room with the child, bouncing with each step until he was certain she’d fallen asleep before placing her laterally in the crib across from her brother’s. When he turned around, Selange’s eyes were closed. He shook his head. Man, he wanted to share his legal woes. Talk like they use to about stuff, but he couldn’t anymore. She’d erected a wall. He felt in the silence. In any event, next week he turned himself in to the authorities. He’d greased a few palms to guarantee bail, however surprises were known to happen. Take her affair with Nico, for example, shit he hadn’t seen that coming now had he?

  He wanted her happy. He especially wanted his children happy; they suffered from the split, too. Alfonzo dropped in often and spent time with the children to assuage their fears by showing his love. He remained a constant presence in their lives, even amidst the uncertainty of emotions over Selange.

  Sal was at a crucial age where social and emotional development centered on self-confidence. The child psychologist, Erik Erikson deemed it as the stage of industry vs. inferiority. Alfonzo viewed it as the stage of being knocked the fuck down or when you learn to hold your fucking chin up. The children were innocent casualties of a broken marriage and none of it was their fault, restoring their confidence was key!

  His mouth tugged at the corner, as he considered telling Selange about the upcoming legal issue. It’ll suck if she found out about it through the media, and then decided to wait. Yeah, why burden her with his problems. That rat Gregorio would soon discover there’s no such thing as a Witness Protection Program. Nobody could protect him. The sonovabitch hadn’t squawked on the Dominick murder –nah, instead he pulled a trump card out and ratted on the Senator. His lawyer got the news only hours before the arrest of Liebowitz and several other of his political associates. The charges ranged from corruption, tax evasion, insider trading, and conspiracy to money laundering. The arrest made international news and now authorities were looking to indict him on bribery charges based on a phone call Senator Liebowitz made to his office and two questionable meetings. Meanwhile, his assets were frozen, the accounts the government knew about, anyway. The ones they went after were legitimate accounts. They had no idea of the billions sitting all over the world he could access in emergencies. Financially, he was fine. The insurance policy he had on Gregorio was being cashed in. Soon, the town crier would find himself six feet under for snitching. A political corruption coupe involving suspected mobsters was like Christmas morning for the authorities. Business tycoon and alleged ring-leader, Alfonzo Diaz was an added bonus!

  He stared at his ex-wife; she looked uncomfortable. Despite everything, he did have compassion. Sure, he hated her actions, man, he loathed it with a vengeance, but she was still the mother of his children. For the sake of the kids he never displayed animosity towards their mother in their presence.

  Alfonzo rubbed his chin, damn woman was making him crazy. He bent down and plucked Selange from the rocking chair. She mumbled incoherently, and settled her cheek in the nape of his neck like Allie does. Alfonzo frowned at the scent of her floral hair and the feel of her soft ass in his hands. There was an instant tug in his groin and an immediate arousal. It made him angry. Why the hell did his dick betray him every time?

  ‘Damn, I miss you –babe. I miss us. I miss laughing and making love to you. Look who’s still here for you in the end. Nico wasn’t worth throwing us away. He never wanted permanency, you didn’t know him. He’s always been restless, didn’t you notice. Vincent could settle down and be happy but Nico…uh-uh, he was always running from darkness and bringing it to everybody’s door. Nico’s got a lot more demons than I ever had and mine were slain the moment I fell in love with you, Nico’s weren’t. Mierda! You fucked up when you chose him over me. You really did!’ His mind hollered as he carried her to the bedroom, gently placed her down then brought the cover up to her waist. He lingered there, wondering what more he could have done to make her happy. His chest was hollow; she took his insides and made him a shell of a man. He didn’t hate her, unh-unh, real love doesn’t do a drastic three-sixty like that. He was angry, hurt, disappointed, sad and confused. Her explanation of why was too damn weak. If she’d told him the truth, then his head could connect to his body but she hadn’t.

  Yes, her trauma was real but her attraction to Nico had to exist as well. Otherwise, why continue a mistake to make it an affair?

  Selange’s eyes were slits, not fully open or totally closed. Her voice was husky with fatigue, “Alfonzo?”


  “I regret hurting you, but I’ll never regret loving you.” Then there was a sad whimper, “I miss you so much, why’d you give up on me when I never gave up on you…why?”

  A vein protruded down the center of Alfonzo’s forehead when he recognized she was talking in her sleep. He realized this when she rolled over, hugged the oversize pillow and was tugged into slumber’s abyss.

  “Yep…yep…yep. I’m tripping!” He kicked out his leg, this occurred days ago and he still thought about it. What the hell did she say that for? Cono! It messed with his head and crippled his resolve. When he kicked this time, he sought to shake that woman out of his system then switched to the kids. He made changes to their schedule. Selange hadn’t protested because she knew he was right. Ending the home schooling for Sal was long overdue. Alfonzo enrolled the boy in private school and assigned a pair of bodyguards to escort him there and back. He took no risks when it came to the kids. Selange did a phenomenal job with Sal’s education but it didn’t take a genius to ascertain the woman had taken on too much responsibility. The kids required more socialization, especially Sal. The boy inherited his old man’s gene, the smart-mouth and whole nine. Oh, then there’s Allie, his angel. Of course, he doted on his little girl; she’s the only innocent female in his life and the most honest. How could he not find her irresistable? For his wayward angel, he put Anita on the case full-time and hired another housekeeper. The rambunctious toddler was signed-up for the Bounce Around Program, three days a week at the Young Einstein Center. There she could run around like a wild thing and learn.

  Yep, changes…he’d gone through quite a few, lately.

  He rolled on his side, tomorrow was Saturday. Shit, tomorrow was today. He got the kids for the weekend. He growled not in anger but frustration. His foul countenance grew at the thought of seeing the source of his misery and every glance socked him in the gut. The woman’s sensuality was a pheromone. The inability to sexually respond, torturous!

  ‘…I’m not a player, I just fuck a lot…’


  Sophie sipped the warm tea and put on her reading glasses to skim the local paper. Amelda often chided her about her old-fashioned ways, but Sophie scoffed at today’s youth. They were unnecessarily busy with their everything gadgets and lacked the capacity to enjoy a leisure read. Amelda was married and the large home which was o
nce full of music and family stood solemnly quiet. She missed Carlo. So, lively and handsome of a man should have lived longer. “Ah,” she breathed aloud, pushing the melancholy out the door. She knew who he was. They had a good life together and for this she would not change anything about her life, except…

  “Mama –mama where are you?”

  It was her son, who else dared to walk through her home bellowing like a goon? She did not answer, she’d let Giuseppe find her. She concentrated on the political section. She stayed abreast of government. The players changed so often, this was the only way to remain informed.

  Giuseppe found her on the terrace, minutes later. “Mama, Buongiorno.” He said then bent to kiss her cheek. He sat in the wrought iron seat with its fluffy cushion and asked, “More politics?”

  “What else is there?” She quipped. “When will you settle down and give me grandchildren to fill this big house?”

  “That’s what you have Amelda for. She’s eager for the job. Besides, free spirits must roam without chains, otherwise they suffocate from the restraints, mama.”

  “And now you are a wild horse, eh?”

  “Of a sort, I have yet to find the woman to break me.”

  The cook brought out a coffee and a plate of food for Giuseppe. The cook pampered Giuseppe, eversince he was child. He stood and gave the gray hair woman a huge hug and kiss. “Ciao il mio cuore.”

  The old woman laughed at Giuseppe’s reference to her as his heart. “Ragazzo dolce.”

  Sophie smiled at their mutual adoration. Seeing the light-hearted side of Giuseppe gave her mother’s heart joy. There was hope for her son. When the cook sauntered off, she peered over her eyeglasses and watched him eat. “So, you visit your mama after days, is there something you want to speak to me about?”


  “What about Roberto?”

  “He’s not a friend. Someone saw him in Venice talking to the DSS.”

  Sophie sat down her newspaper. “About?”

  “I’m not sure.” Giuseppe paused to drink, “Ah, bellissimo. I believe it may be about this case with Alfonzo.”

  Alfonzo was under scrutiny. The political ramifications of the investigation could lead to Italy. Everyone, including the Minister of Finance was concerned. No one could risk exposure. “You may be right. What do you plan to do about it?”

  “End the friendship.”

  “Yes, it’s best that way.”

  “And Uncle, where is he on this trouble with Alfonzo?”

  “He is aware.”

  “Aware, but he allows him to battle business wars without giving aid, ah, it angers me.” Indignant, Giuseppe dropped his fork in his empty plate, “I will go see Alfonzo. Unlike, the rest of you, I cannot do nothing for him.”

  “Sometimes, nothing is best. You go there and Alfonzo’s troubles worsen. Alberti will intervene when necessary.”

  Giuseppe threw his arms over the back of the chair and sighed. “Mama, why do you allow Alberti to toy with him? Papa took me to Calabria and told me about our history years ago. Alfonzo should hear it, too.”

  “You were born in our ways, Alfonzo was not. It has taken some time for him to adjust to things. When the time is right, he will be told.”

  “The moment his legal matters are resolved I plan to tell him if you or Alberti do not. I tire of this secrecy. Papa, would have done the same.”

  “Your father trusted his brother. Alberti is not toying with anyone, he’s merely making certain the family discourse between Nico and Alfonzo is over before he tells him.”

  “And it may take an eternity. Alfonzo has no idea Nico is his first cousin.” Giuseppe spoke candidly, “He believes there is no chance of the babies being his –but there is a possibility they are. Why keep him in the dark?”

  “You men and your egos –huge boys every one of you!”

  “He has a right to question the paternity.”

  “He certainly does, however, it was his option to divorce his wife and not request a paternity test. It is not our business.”

  “You favor Nico in this, don’t you?”

  “I favor the children.”

  Giuseppe wasn’t buying it. His mother always sided with Nico. “Eh, where is the bastard child anyway, fucking some other man’s wife?”

  “Right here, you little shit!”

  Sophie frowned. She forgot to warn Giuseppe, she’d invited Nico to stay a few days before he went off again. She had not seen him in months after the ‘incident’ and wanted to be certain he was okay. Also, she’d gotten wind of a very important meeting and advised Nico it was in his best interest to attend.

  Giuseppe was on his feet, “What are you doing here?”

  “He is a guest and you will behave!” Sophie scolded her son.

  “Where were you hiding cugino, under a rock?”

  Nico stood only feet away from the muscular younger man. Five years separated them, yet to Nico Giuseppe was nothing more than a spoiled boy. “You should have spanked him as a child Aunt Sophie, so, I would not be forced to do it, now.”

  “Be careful bastard!”

  Nico walked causally closer to Giuseppe. He had several inches advantage and could look down at the surly man. They were chest to chest separated only by a sheet of invisible paper. Nico’s chest was broader, his reflexes honed to a killing precision. It is in their lethal stance, strikingly handsome Giacanti looks and dark countenance, one could see their relation. Except, Nico was the most seasoned of the two. “Or, what will happen? You do not intimidate me Geo, save your useless threats for your frightened flunkies!”

  “Fermalo, Nico, Geo both of you sit down! You will not fight amongst yourselves like children. Why do you two do this…aye?”

  Giuseppe scowled, “When this dog is gone, I will visit again, ciao!”

  He stormed from the patio and Nico laughed, “So long you fucking brat!” He shouted after the man then turned to his aunt. “Sí, zia, a beating is long overdue for that one!”

  “Silienzioso, seduto!”

  Nico sat. He was accustomed to Giuseppe’s tirades. He’s nothing but a boy in men’s clothes with his empty threats. Perhaps, he would deliver the spanking for his aunt. Now, that the child was gone, Nico shared an update, “I spoke with Alberti. The meeting is postponed for two weeks. In the meantime, I’m going to visit my children, I’ll return to attend.”

  Sophie nodded. “Sí, one day you must bring the boys to visit.”

  “One day, I will.”

  She nodded knowingly, “Give Selange my regards.”


  “Ooh mom, you look pretty!” Sal exclaimed when Selange came into view. Earlier she’d gone to the salon, pampered herself for a change and planned to have dinner with Jessica at this chic new restaurant downtown.

  She adjusted the strap on her red dress and smiled nervously, “You really think so, sweetie?”

  The boy’s eyes sparkled, “Sí, I like it.”

  She click-clacked across the floor in the high heel shoes to the sofa and gave the boy a hug for the compliment. “You’re the best. Mom needed that.”

  Anita smiled, checking out the young woman from head to toe. Selange looked stunning. Yes, and it was about time she went out and had some fun. “You go and enjoy. Go.”

  Selange gave Sal a quick kiss then waved with her diamond clutch bag at Anita, “Call if you need me.”

  “I doubt it, bye.” The woman replied and Selange smirked then disappeared through the door, but not before blowing Sal a kiss.

  Crazy Nicky was her driver for the evening, he insisted. As she fastened her seatbelt he peered in the rearview mirror at her, “Checked the place out beforehand. Nice choice of eatery boss lady.”

  “It wasn’t my choice; Jessica decided she wanted to go.”

  “Good choice, nonetheless.”

  She nodded and relaxed as he drove from the estate. Feeling good about doing something which didn’t involve children. It was nice of Jessica to invite her
to dinner. Their babies were a few weeks apart and Selange suspected the girl wanted to desperately get out of the house, too.

  She took a phone call from Shanda on the drive and smiled at the sound of her friend’s high-pitched shriek, “Get the fuck outta’ town, you hanging out, ah shookie-shookie now. Okay, listen. Get blasted. Go hard, girl and shake that ass.”

  “Shanda, you’re crazy.”

  “Psst, I’m real. Everybody else is goddamn crazy. Frontin’ like their shit doesn’t stink. Look, I’m coming out there and we’re going to hang. I need some dick.”

  The blunt statement resulted in a shake my head moment, “What happened with whats-his-name?” Selange gave up on memorizing any of the men Shanda dated a long time ago. None of the dudes lasted six months, wait, make that three months.

  “Chump and cheap. The minute you ask me for gas money for your Mercedes, you gotta’ go.”

  “Ah, that sucks.”

  “No it doesn’t, at least I find out these things before I fall too deep. Better early than after baby.”


  “Speaking of which, how’s the cuties?”

  “They’re good.”

  “Except for that cry-baby Angelina. When I get there, let me deal with her for a few days. Bath, food and down. None of the holding and rocking and cooing shit. Spoiled ass.”

  “She can’t help it. The doctor says she’s colicky.”

  “A medical term for cry-baby with gas. I’ll fix her.”

  Selange grimaced, “I’m scared already for my baby.”

  “Eh, she’ll survive. Since when have I harmed any kids?”

  “I know you’re full of shit. The minute you come, you spoil them worse than I do. “

  Shanda’s cheerful voice became softer, “How are you coping?”

  “Much better. I think I’ve finally accepted it’s done. It’s like I had to mourn or something.”

  “That’s not unusual. I’m glad to hear you upbeat again. You know I adore your ex-hubby and want whatever you want but you’ll meet somebody who’ll love you again. You’re lovable and that’s what got your ass in trouble in the first place.”


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