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Accidentally Perfect

Page 14

by Torrie Robles

  Once the doors close, the silence overtakes me, calming my nerves. I stand there with my eyes closed and feel Nathan’s hands come up to my cheeks. “Laney, I love you. I want you to always remember that fact. My love will never waver, and I hope you feel just as strongly for me as I do for you.”

  I look into his eyes, “I love you too, Nathan. My heart and my future are yours. I will never doubt how you feel for me.”

  “And for the girls.” I nod.

  “And for the girls.”

  “Good, now let’s go eat.”

  The restaurant is so authentic looking, it’s like we stepped into a small Tuscan town. “This is beautiful.”

  “You’ve never been here?”

  “No, I haven’t. I can’t believe I never knew about this place.”

  “Well, baby you know about it now.” He takes my hand to his mouth and places a kiss to my knuckles.

  As we are taken to our table, and I’m able to take in my surroundings. There are bricks and stone throughout with low lights and a busy wait staff. The stone ovens align the kitchen with flames roaring as the chefs create masterpieces. The aroma makes my mouth water; the garlic is so intense. The tables are adorned with multi-sized candle holders. It’s absolutely beautiful. “Here’s your table, sir, miss.” We both take a seat at the small intimate table.

  “You look beautiful tonight, love.” I feel my cheeks heat.

  “Thank you.” He reaches out, and I take his hand. He spins my ring on my finger.

  We ordered our food, drank our wine and chatted about the little things in life. I learned that while he was in the Army, he traveled all around the world. There were missions that were easy and ones that he never wants to think about, let alone talk about to anyone again. I told him about my father and his family. He asked me about how I handled getting the majority of his estate and if all the power and money worried me. He wanted to know if I was nervous about it all. He confided in me about how he hates having to take on the power of his mother’s family, but he knows there isn’t anyone else he can trust to make sure it will always be there, that the family name will live on.

  “Are you alright, Bear? Are you okay with everything that’s going on?”

  “I’m good. Just overwhelmed with everything that’s going on. I’m worried about Addie and her leg. I don’t want anything to hold her back. I don’t want her to struggle with life. Amanda already has her speech issues, and now Addie may have growth problems. I just want the best for my girls.”

  “You will have everything you need, and the girls will have everything they want. If they need anything to make sure their life is easy, then we will make that happen. You don’t have to worry about the girls. I will make it my life’s mission to make sure that you are all taken care of.”

  “I don’t need that Nathan, you know that.”

  “I know Bear, but I’m just letting you know.” He looks down at our joined hands and back at me.

  “I never thought there would come a time when I wanted to be married, to have a family. I grew up with a shit father and he never taught me a thing about what it means to be a man, let alone being a husband and a father. The moment I saw you, everything hit me at once. The need to have the life I never knew I wanted. I want to do everything I can to make sure I am worthy of your love. I want to show the girls that I am a man of my word. That no matter what it is I may say or tell them, I will always follow through with it.”

  “I believe that Nathan. I don’t think you will ever give me a reason to think otherwise. You are a man of your word. I can see your determination and conviction, I will never doubt that.”

  “Are you alright about moving in with me? I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. I don’t want you to feel pressured into anything. I just want to be there for you and the girls.”

  We’ve had a lot of small talk tonight, not that I mind. We’re out to have some good food and a good time, but I want to make sure she is sure about our situation. I don’t think I’d be able to handle it if she decided we weren’t what’s right for her and the girls, especially once I have them in my home, our home. I don’t want to ever think about my house without those three ladies invading my space. My life isn’t about me anymore; it’s about so much more now.

  “Nathan, there is no way I would ever put my children in a situation where I didn’t feel comfortable. If they reacted to you differently, then I would have made a different decision. Their approval of who’s in my life is important because it’s not just my life, it’s their life too. I would never make them be in a situation they didn’t want to be. I would have never allowed that. They would be miserable if I made them move when they didn’t want to. I don’t care if my mother thinks I allow them to have too much input when it comes to our life, but we’re a team. I want them to have a voice.”

  “That’s all because you’re a terrific mom. They couldn’t ask for a better mother. Those two have hit the jackpot.”

  “Thank you, your opinion means a lot.”

  I can’t take sitting across the table any longer without touching her. I get up shocking her in the process. “What are you doing Nathan?”

  “I want to be closer to you.” I pull her chair closer to mine. “Now, can you do me a favor baby?”

  She looks at me skeptically. “What is it?”

  “Yes or no, love. Just a yes or no.”

  “Yes, alright what's the favor?”

  “Take your panties off for me.”

  “Are you out of your ever-loving mind? You want me to go to the restroom and take my panties off? I don’t think so.”

  “Oh sweet girl, I don’t want you leaving the table. I want you to do it now, right here.”

  “Again, are you out of your ever-loving mind? Why would I want to do that?”

  “Because I want you to. Please, Bear, you said you would.”

  “That’s because you tricked me. There is no way in hell I would have agreed if I had known what you wanted. No way in hell.”

  Okay, I know I’m playing it dirty, but I want my girl to be bare. I give her a look I used to use to get what I wanted with my mother, my sister and any other female that thought they could fend me off. I give her my puppy dog eyes. Yeah, I know, not so slick for a grown ass man, but I’m desperate.

  “Nathan, you can’t be serious using that face. You know I’m a mother, and I don’t fall for the puppy dogs eyes anymore.” I blink again. No one can resist it, I’ve had plenty of practice. She rolls her eyes, “Fine Nathan fine. You win; you win.” She groans. I give a little chuckle.

  Her hands snap up. “Are you seriously chuckling because you got your way?” She gives a little bounce in her chair, and I know her panties are off.

  “Maybe love. Maybe it’s because you make me so damn happy.”

  “Yeah well here’s your happy, love.” She tosses her pink panties at my chest.

  “Shit Laney, you didn’t have to throw them at me.” The feel of them in my hand, all warm and soft, feels so damn good. If I weren’t much of a gentleman, I would bring them to my nose and inhale her scent, but I do have some manners. I stuff them in my pocket.

  “Hey you just said you wanted them, you didn’t tell me how you wanted them delivered.”

  I take my hand and rub from her knee up her thigh. Her leg is smooth and warm. “Nathan, what do you think you’re doing?” She asks in a whisper.

  “Just touching my wife. Is that a problem?” She leans forwards, eyes darting around the restaurant. As I continue up her thigh, she licks her lips and slowly closes her eyes lowering her head, taking in the feeling of my touch. My hand continues, finally landing on my target. She opens her legs slightly allowing my fingers better access. I rub her clit.

  “Shit.” Her words are faint. Her hands grip the table.

  “Fuck baby, you shaved.” She looks up; fire blazed in her eyes. Her teeth pull at her bottom lip, releasing it.

  “Well, baby.” She says, “I wanted to make my husband happy.” She mov
es her hand to my now hard cock and strokes it. The feeling of her hand squeezing me causes me to groan.

  “Oh sweet girl, you know you’re playing with fire.” I push my fingers into her core causing her to jerk at my action. “Do you really think you can outplay me, sweetheart?” I continue the assault, stroking her. Her eyes are locked on mine, never wavering as I continue to move my fingers in and out.

  “I can sure as hell try.” With one hand, she unzips my jeans and with ease finds my dick. “Fuck baby, you aren’t wearing any boxers.”

  I give her a wink, “Better access to my wife.” I feel her grip tightening around my shaft, her stroking is becoming faster, rougher. I know she thinks that she’s going to get me to come before she does. Little does she know, my fingers can work her pussy like Mozart worked the ivories of the piano.

  “Nathan.” She drops her head. Her hand is losing slack. Becoming too consumed with her building orgasm, she’s losing her concentration which means, I’m going to win.

  I lean over whispering in her ear, “Let go, baby. Come for me, Laney. Come in my hand.” I take her earlobe in my mouth and bite down, sucking. I hear her whimper, I feel her cunt convulse around my fingers. Her arousal coats my fingers, dripping down, pooling into my palm. I kiss the side of her neck at her jaw line. Slowing down my thrusts, I suck on her neck.

  “Nathan.” She sits back and looks into my eyes smiling. “I guess you win.”

  “Baby, I will always win.” I remove my fingers and bring them to my mouth sucking off her taste. “The best dessert in the whole damn world.”

  “Will there be anything else, sir?” The waiter is standing before our table looking between the two of us with his eyebrow cocked. I think we’ve been caught, but I could really give a fuck.

  “No thank you; I’ve already had dessert. Just the check so I can take my lovely wife home and let her taste some dessert of her own.”

  “Very well. Might I suggest sir, possibly zipping up your jeans before leaving the table?” Then he was gone.

  Looking down I noticed my dick, still hard was in plain view. I look at Laney, her face is beet red, and she has her hands covering her mouth, laughing uncontrollably. “Holy shit. I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Oh, baby, who cares.” I lean back tuck myself in and zip up my fly. “We’re a married couple, it’s not like we’re a pair of kids. Besides, I wouldn’t doubt it if he goes home and yanks one out with the vision of my cock in his head.”

  “It is a pretty impressive cock.”

  “And it’s all yours. Come on. No need to wait for the check. Let’s get out of here.” I throw a couple hundred on the table. As we walk to the front door, I keep my arm protectively around her shoulders. “Remember, stay close to me.” She nods her head.

  I open the door take a step out, and once the reporters realize it’s us, the questions get fired off.

  “Mr. Whitmore, is it true you are going to take your wife’s children away from their biological father?” Where do these bastards get their information?

  “Mr. Whitmore, is it true your new wife is handing her father’s estate over to you to run?” I wouldn’t want it, even if she tried.

  “Now that you’re married, are you going to take your rightful place as CEO of your mother’s companies?” Hell no, that is the furthest thing from my mind.

  “Why do you feel it’s right to be out on the town while your children are suffering Laney?”

  I open the car door and make sure Laney is safely inside. Then I turn to the crowd. “Listen, I know all of you are just trying to do your jobs, but there is really no story here. I am a man in love with a beautiful woman, so I did the only natural thing, and I married her. I’m not different than any of you in that aspect. It’s as simple as that. This was not a dare, or a business transaction. There will be no custody battle from either side. Her ex-husband and I know each other and have come to an understanding. We are working as a team when it comes to the girls, and we will always do what’s best for the company.”

  “Is it true your father is going to try to take your mother’s company?”

  “Whatever plans my father has are his plans. If he wants to waste whatever time he has left on this earth in a battle so be it. My mother’s will has always been ironclad. The family’s attorneys can all attest to that. And if you want me to be honest with everyone, even my father’s attorneys can attest to that. That’s why the companies are still mine and not his. He’s lucky to still have the position he still holds within my companies, and like I have told him before, it’s better that he remembers that. Good night.”

  Dinner with Nathan was just what I needed. To be able to sit, talk, laugh. Plus the orgasm was a great topper. Once we got home, Amanda was rearing to go. Stella said she didn’t care to watch more than one movie until it was time to play dress up and running all around the house. A few days of laying around had allowed Amanda to store up more energy than I ever thought possible. It was after midnight when I finally gave out, and I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Nathan assured me that he and Amanda would be fine if I went to bed. It wasn’t until after three in the morning when I felt Nathan crawl in next to me. He pulled me to him placing a kiss on my temple. I drifted back to sleep without even a fuss.

  My morning was started by Amanda jumping on my bed telling me that she can’t wait to go pick up Addie and go to Nathan’s. Evidently while I slept, he and Amanda packed up everything the girls would want to take while we stayed with him. I spent my morning packing my clothes and everything I may need. Nathan made some calls and had a small moving truck pull up to my house and haul whatever he and Amanda wanted to take over to his place. Mine was loaded in the trunk of my car. “Baby, are you ready to go get Bug?” Nathan was standing in my closet while I finished getting dressed.

  “Yeah.” I pulled on a pair of flats that I paired with capris and an off the shoulder t-shirt. I threw my hair up in a ponytail. I wasn’t sure what moving into Nathan’s would entail so I wanted to be ready and comfortable.

  “Come on Bear, let’s go get your sister.” I hear Nathan call out as he leaves my room.

  Once we get to the hospital, I see reporters along the drive, but none of them are at the entrance. I’m so thankful for this. Hopefully, it won’t be too hectic once we get ready to leave. The three of us enter the third floor. Nathan is holding Amanda on his side while he holds my hand. As I push through to her room, I see Brad and my mother sitting with Addie. “Mommy!” She exclaims.

  “Hi baby, are you ready to get out of here?”

  “Yes, I wanna go to Nathan’s.”

  “Okay, as soon as we get the doctors to say you’re ready then we will get out of here.”

  “Brad.” Nathan nods his head towards Brad.

  “Nathan. Hey baby, come and see daddy.” He holds out his hand, and Amanda wiggles out of Nathan’s hold and runs into Brad's arms.

  “Ares yous gonna come wif us to Nafins, daddy?”

  “Yes, baby. I have to make sure you, your sister, and your momma are all taken care of.” I glance at Nathan, and I see his jaw tense at Brad’s comment.

  “Where exactly are you taking my daughter and my grandchildren, Nathan?”

  “To my home Vivian, to our home.”

  “Laney, how do you expect for me to be alright about having you and the girls at a place when I have no idea where it’s located.”

  “I’m not taking the girls to another country mother. Stop acting like you’re never going to see us again. The girl’s birthdays are coming up in a few of weeks.”

  “Have you even put any thought in their birthdays? I know you have been so caught up in your own life, I’m sure their birthdays have slipped your mind.”

  I have to admit. I haven’t made any final decisions about anything. I’m sure I’ll have some of their friends from preschool over to the Central Park Zoo, but I haven’t made the phone calls yet. If worse comes to worse and I can’t get that set in stone, I will just have something over at my hous
e. Maybe once the girls start kindergarten and make more friends, I will put together a big fancy party then.

  “We’ve already made plans, Vivian. Everything is under control, and your input is not needed. You’ll have your invitation within the next two days. It’s up to you if you want to attend or not.” I have no clue what Nathan is talking about. Plus I haven’t even talked to Brad about anything.

  “Are you serious, it’s up to me? And where else, Nathan, do you think I would be on that day?”

  “Probably the same places you’ve been on all the birthdays you didn’t make an effort when it came to your own daughter.”

  “We’s hafin a party Nafin?”

  “Yes baby, you are. It’s a surprise, but I know you and Bug are going to love it.”

  “Excuse me, I hope I’m not interrupting anything. But I have Adele Richards’ release papers.” A nurse comes in with a stack of papers. “I’m sure she’s ready to get out of here and go home. If the parents can sign them.” She hands Nathan some papers. “Here are the at-home care instructions. She will go home with a pair of crutches that she’ll need for the next two weeks. Once those two weeks are up she will have to see the doctor, and he will make the decision if she starts to wear a walking boot and get rid of her crutches.”

  “Thank you so much,” I tell the nurse. Once everything is signed, we‘ve been officially released from the hospital. Brad pushes Addie in the wheelchair while Nathan carries Amanda in his arms. My mother and I trail behind them.

  “I do not feel right about not knowing where Nathan lives, Laney.”

  “Mother he lives near the park, on Columbus. Alright, does that make you feel better?”

  “I’ll feel better once this whole situation is over, and you and the girls are back where you are supposed to be; in a house your father and I purchased for you.”

  “One, the girls and I are where we’re supposed to be and two, my father bought the house for me. Not you. If I remember right, you weren’t too happy that he bought me such an extravagant gift.”


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