Captivating Cowboys [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Captivating Cowboys [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 4

by Paige Cameron

  Sunlight shone on her blonde hair. A riot of colors, gold, red, and russet, mixed to make her incredible color. It reminded him of a sunset. Then he’d lowered his gaze to her curvy figure. She’d worn a green sweater that didn’t hide her curves. The color had darkened her light-green eyes to emerald. Jeans hugged her hips and boots completed her outfit.

  He had wanted to pull her into his arms and not let her go. To give his body time to cool, he whispered to the stallion and rubbed his neck.

  It was too early to be having such intense feelings, but his body had refused to listen and be cautious. Had his kiss frightened her off?

  Chayton started toward the house and saw Steel parking in the back. Steel waited for Chayton to reach him.

  “How did your day go? Did she come for a ride?”

  “Yes, and she’s a good rider. She enjoys the outdoors and the scenery.”

  “I’m going to shower,” Steel said. “We can talk while we eat. It’s your turn to cook.”

  “Mom stopped by this morning and left us a stew, salad, and biscuits. I think she’s afraid we’ll starve on our own.”

  “How does she know when you have to cook? You must tell her.”


  “I’m going to ask the next time I see her.” Steel strode down the hall toward his bedroom and bath.

  Chayton put the stew on to warm and stuck the biscuits in the oven on low. It didn’t take Steel long to join him.

  After they’d eaten, Steel poured coffee to go with the blackberry pie Chayton’s mom had also left. “We need to do something special for your mom. She leaves food for us at least once a week.”

  “I’ll check with Dad and see what she’d like.”

  “Are your folks enjoying living in the smaller ranch house they had built at the back of the ranch?”

  “Dad would go crazy if he didn’t have the garden, but they’ve settled in.”

  Steel took a sip of coffee and looked at Chayton over the edge of his cup. “You haven’t mentioned Dana. What happened?”

  Chayton told him what Dana had heard from Mrs. Sidney and her reaction to threesomes. “I don’t think she likes the idea. But when I asked if she liked one of us the best, she said she liked us both.”

  “It was evident last night she responded to us. We’ll have to move slowly on the threesome. We can see her one on one for a while before making the suggestion.”

  “I may have already rushed the situation,” Chayton admitted.

  “What did you do?”

  “During our ride, when we stopped, I kissed her. She looked so forlorn and said she was confused. My need to touch her overwhelmed me.” Chayton told him the rest about offering her protection. “She wanted to end the ride. She did say she’d think about my suggestion.”

  “She came out here on her own free will,” Steel reminded him. “I thought she’d stay at the apartment. Last night being with us made her nervous in a good way to us, but not necessarily to her. I’d like to meet the man who has Dana running scared.

  “I’ll give her a call in the morning and ask her to breakfast. I’m almost finished on the gate I’m doing. I’ll go in early, finish it, and call her. If she refuses, we’ll know we have a serious problem.”

  * * * *

  When Angie hung up from talking to Dana, she went to her bedroom and got the card left in her door yesterday. It was an FBI card with the name Flint Rikward and a phone number. Angie dialed the number. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. I hope I’m not making a serious mistake. If something happens to Dana it would be my fault.

  “Hello, this is Rikward.” He spoke in a strong, commanding voice.

  “Mr. Rikward, this is Angelina Farris. You left your card tucked in my door.”

  “I’d like to meet with you and talk.”

  “Is this about my friend?”

  “Yes, and I know you have no reason to trust me after the runaround she got from the local police. Most of them are straight up good guys. But one of them is in Addison Gregor’s pocket. She got assigned to him when she went to the police.”

  “And how do I know you aren’t in Addison’s pocket, too?”

  “Meet me, and I’ll try to convince you I’m not.”


  “There’s a branch library near you. I’ll be there in forty-five minutes. I’m going to run home and change into casual clothes.”

  “How will I recognize you?”

  “I’ll find you. I’ve been trailing you the last few days.”


  “I’ll explain when I see you.” He clicked off his phone.

  Weak in the knees, Angie sat on the nearest chair. Dare she go meet this stranger? She studied the card. It appeared official. Grabbing the phone book, she looked up the FBI’s office number and called them. A woman’s voice answered.

  “I’d like to check and make sure a Flint Rikward is one of your agents.”

  “We don’t give out information over the phone.” Her voice sounded firm and cold.

  “This is Angelina Farris. He has asked me to meet with him. I want to know if he’s official.”

  “Wait a moment.”

  Angie gripped the phone tightly. Finally after several minutes the operator said, “He’s given me permission to tell you that he is an agent. He’ll be meeting you in about thirty minutes.”

  “Thank you.” Angie hung up. A sense of relief calmed her fast-beating heart. She glanced down at her jeans and red T-shirt. She wouldn’t bother to change.

  At the mirror, she combed her too-curly black hair, which she’d inherited from her Greek mother. Then she put on lipstick and grabbed her purse on the way out. She walked the two blocks to the library without seeing any suspicious cars.

  Once inside she glanced around the reception area. Then she walked further in to the first wall of books.

  “Miss Farris.” A deep, masculine voice had her whirling around.

  He put out his hand. “I’m Flint Rikward.” He showed her his badge. “Follow me. I’ve reserved one of the small private rooms.”

  “How did you do that so quickly?”

  He smiled. “It’s one of the benefits of being an FBI agent.” His voice was calm and his gaze steady, but she saw a twinkle of amusement in his golden-brown eyes.

  She had to almost run to keep up with him. His steps were brisk and long. “Hold up. You may be six foot two with long legs, but I’m five six and out of breath trying to keep up with you.”

  He slowed. “Sorry, I’m always in a hurry. I forget how hard it is for someone shorter to move as fast.” He turned down a hallway and opened the first door. He held it back for her. “Madam.”

  Angie entered and glanced around the small room. There were no windows and her heart jumped when she heard him click the lock.

  “I’ve already checked the room for any listening devices, and I don’t want us interrupted. Sit.”

  She did as directed and took the chair nearest to the door. She heard his soft chuckle. Her stomach churned with uneasiness, and she frowned at him when he sat across from her.

  They sat silently studying each other. Then he leaned forward and his eyes narrowed. “I want to get Addison Gregor. We think he’s smuggling arms and other equipment out of the country and selling them to the highest bidder. But he’s clever and has several layers between him and his dirty work.”

  “What does that have to do with my friend?”

  “I know where Dana Wynters is hiding.”


  “The FBI has ways of checking different resources the average citizen can’t find. I believe Addison has the same ability through his paid contacts and probably already knows also.

  “This is the first time he’s become obsessed with anyone or anything. For his own satisfaction he’ll go with his goons to get her. And he won’t wait long.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Triple Creeks Township in South Dakota.”

  “I won’t confirm whether you’r
e right or wrong.”

  Flint leaned back in his chair. He really was a gorgeous man. Angie glanced at his longish dark-blond hair and his hard, lean body dressed in a white T-shirt and snug jeans. His sage-and-musk scent had heat building in her body.

  “I didn’t expect you would,” he finally answered her. “Call her and let me know if she agrees to meet me. I’ll come to her and be disguised as a cowboy.” His mouth quirked up on the side. “I have a friend who owns a ranch in the vicinity. He does some work for the agency. I can stay with him.”

  “What’s the friend’s name?”

  “Russell Elden. I’ll ask him to go to Gavin’s doctor’s office and introduce himself.”

  “I have to wait for my friend to call me. When she does, I’ll let you know what she says.”

  “Good enough. You leave first. I’ll be right behind.”

  Angie had forgotten what he’d said about keeping an eye on her. She turned at the door. “Why are you following me?”

  “They know you’re her friend. If they haven’t found her yet, they may kidnap you and try to get the information. It wouldn’t be pleasant.”

  A shiver ran across her body.

  Flint stepped closer and put his hands on her shoulders. “Don’t worry. I won’t let them get you.”

  “And what about when you’re gone? If my friend agrees to meet you.”

  “I’m taking you with me. Put in for vacation at work.

  “No, I won’t. We’re shorthanded with Dana gone. I’m a physician’s assistant, and I’m helping the new doctor with his overload of patients.”

  “It’s too dangerous for me to leave you behind.” His harsh tones made her blink her eyes. He leaned closer to her face, his eyes cold. “With or without your permission, you’re going.”

  “You can’t kidnap me. It’s against the law.”

  His jaw tightened. “Sometimes it’s necessary to bend the law.” He reached across her and opened the door. When he turned, his brilliant-golden eyes stared into hers. He glanced down at her mouth, and her breath caught in her throat. Then he looked up. “I’ll be close.” He ushered her out of the room.

  Chapter Five

  Dana’s phone rang at nine o’clock. She groaned and reached to answer it.

  “Hope I didn’t wake you,” Steel said.

  Darn, she’d spent half the night trying to get Chayton’s words out of her mind. When she tried to sleep, the vision of the three of them close together kept her awake. Her senses were strung out from the thought of trying a threesome liaison.

  “Dana, are you there?” Steel sounded worried.

  “It’s taking me a minute to get awake. Why are you calling so early on a Sunday?”

  “I finished my project and thought I’d drive around to your place and take you to breakfast at our other good restaurant, Sister’s Café. It’s located on the edge of town. We could walk, but it’s a fair distance.”

  “I need the exercise.”

  “All right, I’ll walk over.”

  “Not yet. Give me thirty minutes to get ready.”

  “No problem.”

  Dana chuckled. “You remind me of my best friend. She always says ‘no problem.’”

  “As long as I don’t remind you of another man, I’m okay.” He clicked off the phone.

  Dana stared at the receiver. Steel and Chayton were two determined men. She’d better strengthen her defenses or they’d roll right over her. And she feared deep down she wanted them to.

  She glanced at the clock. It was later in Atlanta. I’ll give Angie a quick call from my throwaway phone, and then I’d better get rid of it.

  “Hello, thank goodness. It’s good to hear your voice,” Angie said in a breathless voice. “I’ve been pacing the floor last night and this morning.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  Angie told her about the meeting with Flint Rikward. “He’s fairly certain Addison either knows where you are or will shortly.” She added what Flint said about coming there. “He wants to catch Addison and put him away for a long time.”

  “Using me as a decoy.”


  “What’s his friend’s name?”

  “Russell Elden.”

  “I’ll check with Dr. Melwyn first thing in the morning. Then I’ll call you at work.”

  “What shall I tell Mr. Rikward?”

  “Tell him I’ll give him an answer later tomorrow.”

  “I still won’t admit he’s right about where you are.”

  “I doubt it matters. I’m sure he knows he’s right.”

  Dana hung up and hurried to the shower. Steel must know this Russell guy. I’m glad I accepted his invitation. I can question him.

  Steel knocked on the door right on time. Dana had just finished dressing in her jeans and a long-sleeved, light green shirt.

  When she opened the door, he stepped in the entryway. “Good morning. You’re ready. I like promptness.”

  “I hurried because I called my friend and I have some questions for you.”

  “Ask me anything.”

  “Wait until we’re walking.” Dana got her purse, locked the door, and they went down the steps.

  Steel took hold of her hand, and they strolled toward the town’s west side. “You looked worried when you opened your door.”

  “My friend said the FBI knows my whereabouts, and probably the man after me does, too. The FBI man, who contacted her, wants to come here in disguise.” They stopped for a car before crossing the street. “He says he has a local friend.” She glanced at Steel. “Do you know a Russell Elden?”

  “Sure. He and his family have lived here for years. Besides being a rancher, he’s also a forensic artist. He does work for the police all over the county and occasionally for the FBI. One of his recent drawings helped solve a case.”

  “If this FBI man comes, he’ll be using me as a decoy. Apparently he thinks the man after me will come with his hired men to kidnap me.”

  “This is more serious than I’d thought,” Steel said. “If the FBI wants this man so badly, he’s got to be an unscrupulous character. How did you get involved with him?”

  “Is that the restaurant?” Dana pointed to the large building with cars parked around it.

  “Yep, it’s a popular place. Shall we finish our conversation inside? With the noise level, no one hears what the other guy’s saying.”

  “Yes, I’m starved. I’ll think clearer with food in my stomach and a cup of coffee.”

  When they stepped in the door, a waitress came right over. She carried menus, and seeing Steel, she smiled.

  “Candy, what are you doing here? You usually have weekends off,” Steel said.

  The woman named Candy shrugged. “One of the waitresses called in sick.” She looked at Dana, and Steel introduced her.

  “I’m glad to meet you. The party line is full of talk about the new doctor and that you’re a woman.”

  “The party line must be quite a network in town,” Dana said with a smile.

  “It is. The older ladies could get private lines, but they don’t want it. They’ve threatened the local telephone men if they mess with their phones.”

  “I love it.” Dana grinned.

  “We were hoping you’d fit in. If you can accept being talked about, you’ll do fine. Let me show you to a table and get your coffee. Then I’ll be back for your order.” Candy placed the cups on their table and hurried to greet more customers.

  Dana studied the menu. “What’s good?”

  “All of it.”

  “Then I’ll have the hungry man’s breakfast, bacon, eggs, potatoes, biscuits, and one pancake.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “If I can’t eat the pancake, you can have it.”

  He had a rich, warm laugh. “I’ll bet I will have to eat it.”

  “What do you win if I lose?” She tilted her head to the side.

  “Hmmm, let’s see. You come to dinner Wednesday evening with Chayton and me. We won’
t push for anything but a friendly visit and getting to know each other better.”

  “And if I win?”

  “We’ll have you join us for dinner on Wednesday.” His smile crinkled the corners of his eyes.

  She couldn’t control her burst of laughter. “I suppose I’ll agree. Who’s cooking? You or Chayton?”

  “Hopefully neither of us. We’ll ask his mother to cook for us. She frequently drops by and leaves food.”

  “You two are spoiled.”

  “Yes, but we can cook when we have no other alternative.”

  “If you’re looking for a woman who can cook, I’m not the one. I’ve been busy with my career, not learning how to cook.”

  “Didn’t your mother teach you?”

  “I hid whenever she tried.”

  He reached out with his warm, strong hands and grasped hers. “I don’t care. I want you as you are.”

  His dark blue eyes held an invitation.

  “Remember, having dinner together is just for fun.”

  “There’s fun, and then there is fun,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “You are incorrigible.”

  “Are you ready to order?” Candy asked.

  “Yes, we are.” Steel grinned and gave his order.

  Dana knew she was opening a door she should keep closed by not changing her order. But she ordered exactly what she’d chosen.

  When she finished eating, Steel was grinning at her empty plate.

  * * * *

  Dana’s first day at work was hectic. Gavin, as he’d asked her to call him, introduced his staff and showed her around. She liked the office and the people.

  “The waiting room is full of ladies with minor ailments who insist on seeing the lady doctor,” Gavin told her. He shook his head. “You’ve created a lot of excitement in town, especially with our senior ladies.”

  “I hope you don’t mind,” Dana said.

  “Heavens no, I’ve lived here most of my life except when I was in college. I assumed the reaction would be something like this. But I have to warn you, one of the women waiting to see you is my mother. She’s very proud I hired a woman.” He grinned. “I made bonus points with her. I’m hoping you’ll decide to stay past the three months.”


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