Always A Will And A Way_Western Romance

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Always A Will And A Way_Western Romance Page 19

by Barbara Gee

  Kelly raised her brows. “There are options?” she asked gently.

  He frowned. “Of course.”

  “You can’t leave the Triple Creek and the Wild Rose, Will.”

  “Hmm, I don’t know about that.”

  “Are you saying if I insisted on staying here, you’d leave Texas?”

  “If we discussed it at great length,” he said slowly, “very great length, and I became convinced that Virginia was the best option for the three of us, I believe I would.”

  Kelly narrowed her eyes and cocked her head to the side. “Can you honestly tell me you could be happy away from your ranch? Truly happy?”

  “I don’t think I could be truly happy without you, Kelly. Better to have you and miss the ranch than to have the ranch and lose you.”

  Kelly shook her head and swiped at a tear that came out of nowhere and escaped before she could blink it back.

  “That means a lot to me, Will, more than I can say. But I would never, ever in a million years ask you to leave the Triple Creek. It’s a part of you and it would be tragic to watch that part of you die. I want you to know that I didn’t ask Jamie to leave, either. It was his decision to move to Virginia. When things got so messy with his parents I even tried to change his mind about leaving Texas. But Jamie was proud and stubborn and he was convinced that UVA’s school of physical therapy was his best option. Now that I know exactly how much James Senior and Maggie suffered, I wished I’d have tried harder. I can’t go back and change it, but I want you to know I would’ve moved to Texas for him, and I’ll gladly do the same for you if it comes to that.”

  “You’d be giving a lot up, though, Kelly. Your whole life is here.”

  She smiled. “If we get to the point where that decision needs to be made, then I think it’s pretty safe to say that you would be my life. You and James, and we both know moving to Texas would certainly be no hardship for that little man.”

  “Would you want more kids?”

  “I’ve always wanted more,” she told him honestly. “Do you want to have kids?”

  He grinned. “I do. At least two.”

  “Good. Then I’d say this relationship is still on.”

  “Oh yeah,” Will said emphatically. “It is definitely still on.” He rubbed his nose against hers and then pushed his face into her soft hair.

  “You always smell so good, Kelly. It’s a serious turn on, and quite frankly I’m about two seconds away from starting a make-out session that I might have a real hard time ending, so it might be best if I went to bed.”

  “Mmmm. I guess I’ll defer to your judgment on that.” Kelly reluctantly slid off his lap and stood. As they walked toward his bedroom, she hooked her arm through his.

  “James and I had a great day,” she told him. “I love having you here.”

  “Let’s hope tomorrow goes as well. Your parents were a piece of cake, but I’m not sure your friends will go as easy on me.”

  “They will definitely be cake,” Kelly assured him. “It’ll be a mutual love fest,” she added, making him laugh.

  They got to his bedroom door and stopped, moving once again into each other’s arms. His goodnight kiss was sweet but controlled, and Kelly couldn’t help but be thrilled to know she affected him strongly enough that he knew he could so easily get carried away.

  “Good night, Will. I’ll make you waffles for breakfast, okay?”

  “Awesome. Sleep well, baby.”

  “You, too.”

  Kelly went to sleep with a huge smile on her face, and she hoped Will did, too.

  Chapter 22

  The next morning, after James and Will put away a frightening number of waffles, the three of them walked to the park once again. James was eager to practice his spirals, and Will was up for it, although as they went out the door, he whispered to Kelly that it might require another massage that evening. Kelly hoped so. She welcomed the idea of getting to touch him like that again.

  The weather was beautiful, putting them all in even better moods. At the park, Kelly settled down at a picnic table to grade some papers so she wouldn’t have so much work to do on Monday after Will left. James and Will were close by, throwing the ball over and over, seemingly never tiring of it.

  A couple dozen chemistry quizzes later, Kelly became aware of some giggling at the table just down from hers. Looking over, she saw two girls leaning against the end of the table, watching Will and James throwing the ball. Recognizing the girls as former students who had graduated just a year ago, Kelly got up to go greet them.

  As she approached, she couldn’t help overhearing their conversation.

  “He’s gotta be the finest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on,” one of them was saying. “If only we had men like that on campus.”

  “Do you think that’s his kid? Can you tell if he’s wearing a ring? Cuz if he’s not, I’m totally going to find a way to introduce myself. He is smoking hot. Oh my god, look at that smile. I am so in love.”

  Kelly hesitated, no longer sure she should approach the girls. Hearing them lusting after Will wasn’t the most comfortable thing for her, but after a moment of thinking about it, she realized that if she was going to be with him, she might as well get used to it.

  Her decision made, she resumed her approach.

  “Hi, Lauren and Kimmie. Nice to see you girls again. Home for Easter break, huh?” Their heads turned quickly. They had been so caught up in watching Will they hadn’t noticed anyone else was nearby. When they recognized her, they both smiled widely and ran over to give her hugs.

  “Ms. Matherson!” Lauren said excitedly. “It’s so good to see you! Yeah, we came home for a quick visit before hunkering down for the end of the semester push. How’s good old Clayborn High treating you?”

  “I can’t complain. You’re both at Virginia Tech, right?”

  “Yeah, and I can’t even tell you how ready I am for the year to be over,” Kimmie said. “I have some really tough classes, but I’m happy to say my Biology class has been an absolute breeze, thanks to you. Seriously, Ms. Matherson, some of the kids are struggling so bad in that class, but I already know most of the stuff. Even the labs are pretty easy.”

  Kelly couldn’t hold back her smile. “I’m so happy to hear it, Kimmie. College prep is the goal of all our AP classes, so thanks for telling me that.”

  The three of them caught up for a few more minutes, then Lauren turned back to watch Will and James. This time she did a double take.

  “Wait—oh my gosh, is that your son, Ms. Matherson? That’s James, right?”

  “Yep, that’s him. He’s just finishing up kindergarten and growing almost too fast to keep up with.”

  Kimmie’s eyes were huge as she looked back and forth between Kelly and the guys.

  “So, that guy he’s throwing the football with, is he with you?” she asked, her face splitting into a grin. “Gosh, Ms. Matherson, you are so lucky! If you don’t mind me saying, he is the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. Seriously.”

  Lauren looked worried. “Is it okay for her to say that? I mean, I know you’re not our teacher any more, but it doesn’t seem quite right to talk about him like that.”

  Kelly smiled reassuringly, her gaze going to Will. “It seems to kind of come with the territory.”

  “Where did he come from?” Kimmie asked. “Is he new in town? And does he have any brothers?”

  “Three of them, actually. But they’re all married and live in Texas. That’s where Will is from, too, he’s just visiting for a few days.”

  Kimmie shrugged good naturedly. “It was worth a shot.”

  Kelly watched as James caught the football and came running over toward them.

  “Mom, can I have a drink?”

  “Sure, I have bottles of water in my bag over on the next table.”

  The little boy ran off and the three women watched him go, the girls remarking on how cute he was. When they turned back around, Kimmie actually let out a little squeak when she found that Will had jog
ged over to their group. He walked up beside Kelly and slid an arm around her waist, obviously having no qualms about making it clear they were together.

  She returned the gesture, liking how it felt to lay claim to him that way.

  “Will, these are some former star students of mine, Lauren and Kimmie. Girls, this is, Will Connor.”

  Both girls managed breathless hellos, and when Will excused himself to go get some water with James, the girls grinned again at Kelly.

  “Wow, Ms. Matherson, his eyes are just, wow,” Kimmie said.

  Lauren nodded. “I’m happy for you, Ms. Matherson. I remember when your husband died. It was right after freshman year started. We all felt so bad for you. I’m glad you found a nice new guy.”

  Kelly smiled. “That’s very sweet of you to say. Good luck with the rest of the semester. I know you’ll both do just fine.”

  They thanked her, gave Will one last wistful look, then moved on.

  Will joined Kelly again, his water bottle almost empty already.

  “They seemed like nice girls. Is it weird to run into former students? I know it’s always strange for me to see my old teachers and realize they’re real people.” His eyes glinted as he teased her.

  “It’s not usually too weird, but when I walked up to say hi and heard them talking about how hot you are, it took me aback a little bit.”

  “Oh yeah? They’ve got good taste in men, huh?” He grinned before tilting his head back and finishing off the water.

  “I’m pretty sure most every female would have a taste for you, given the chance. I don’t think I have a jealous personality, but I may have just discovered that I’m a little possessive.” Kelly walked closer to him and splayed her hands on his broad, hard chest. “They can look, but they can’t touch. That’s only for me.”

  Will’s gaze zeroed in on her eyes and he dropped his water bottle and grabbed her waist.

  “I like the sound of that,” he said in a low voice.

  “Mom, what are you guys doing?”

  Startled, Kelly realized she had completely forgotten that James was close by.

  “We’re just talking, James.”

  “And you’re, like, hugging too. Do you guys like each other?”

  Will raised his brows and waited for Kelly to answer that one.

  “Yeah, we kinda do,” she said.

  “Like Jordan and Tyler?”

  “I guess you could say that. Are you okay with it?”

  James nodded. “Sure. I wish you’d get married to each other and then Will could live with us all the time.”

  Kelly wasn’t surprised he’d gone there, but she didn’t want him to get his hopes up in these early stages.

  “We’re just really good friends right now, James. But remember, we’ll be at the Wild Rose for the whole summer, so that’s almost as good as having Will live with us, right?”

  “Yeah, I love the Wild Rose,” he said emphatically.

  Will ruffled the boy’s dark hair. “Glad to know you don’t mind me hanging around,” he said.

  “I love it when you’re here, Will. Mom can’t teach me to throw spirals.”

  “But she’s a pretty good mom anyway, huh?”

  James nodded. “Yup. She’s the best mom ever. Can we go over to the playground now, Mom?”

  “Sure, for a little while. Then we’d better head home and let Will rest up. You’re going to wear him out, bud.”

  James ran on ahead and Will took her hand and laced his finger through hers.

  “Could he be any more awesome?” he asked. “Honestly, Kelly, he’s such a great kid.”

  “I love seeing how you are with him. It makes me happy.”

  Will stopped walking and pulled her quickly against him for a brief, hard kiss.

  “That’s exactly what I want you to be, babe. Happy.”

  Chapter 23

  “So, what does one wear to dinner at Natalie’s?” Will asked when Kelly got back from dropping James off at her parent’s house, where he would be spending the evening.

  “Anything you’re comfortable in. Natalie and Stephan will be dressed to the nines, Jordan and Tyler will be in jeans, and Heather and Todd will be somewhere in between.” She smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling. “Did you bring those black jeans you wore when we went to the fair?”

  “Mmm hmm. Are you suggesting I wear those?”

  “And your boots.”

  “Whatever you say, my beautiful little girlfriend. And might I suggest a short skirt and high heels for you?”

  Her eyes widened. “You’ve never even seen me in a skirt.”

  “Exactly. But I’m really looking forward to when I do. I think tonight would be as good a time as any, when the only other guys who will be around are already taken.”

  Kelly decided to humor him. “Well if you want me to get all gussied up, I’d better get started. We should leave in an hour and a half.”

  “Cool. Just enough time for a nap.”

  “Enjoy. See you after a while,” Kelly tossed over her shoulder as she walked to her bedroom, wondering whether she even had a short skirt.

  Kelly always enjoyed taking the time to get all dressed up, it’s just that she rarely had a reason to do so. Will Connor was a very good reason, however, and worth doing it right. She took a long, hot shower, washed her hair with an expensive, fabulous smelling shampoo that had been a gift from Natalie, then smoothed on scented body lotion. She dried her hair, then used a large barreled curling iron for some subtle spiral curls. Her hair was thick and it took longer than she expected to finish, but eventually she was pleased with the cascade of shiny, gently curling locks reaching halfway down her back.

  Switching from hair to makeup, she applied a light foundation, then went to work on smoking her eyes with several shades of grey shadow and multiple coats of mascara.

  By the time she finished, Kelly was within fifteen minutes of their targeted leave time. Going to her closet, she began the search for a black skirt she knew she owned, but hadn’t seen in years. Thankfully she managed to locate it in a garment bag she used for clothes she rarely wore, and the bag had kept it wrinkle and dust free.

  Sliding the slinky black fabric up over her hips, Kelly was gratified to find that it still fit perfectly, although it was a bit shorter than she remembered. The hemline was a good six inches above her knees, which many girls would actually consider on the long side, but for Kelly it exposed considerably more leg than she was used to. She reminded herself that Will had seen her in shorts while in Texas, and they’d been shorter than the skirt, so she really shouldn’t fret about it.

  She chose a rich emerald green blouse with long sheer sleeves, and finished things off with a shimmery silver and black belt. Strappy black sandals with four inch heels were the last wardrobe item needed, and then Kelly went to the full length mirror to appraise the finished result.

  Hmmmm. Regardless of her shorts having showed more skin than the skirt, there was an undeniable difference between a short skirt and heels, and shorts with flip flops. Kelly began to feel self-conscious, but it was too late to make any changes. She could just hear her friends sputtering in surprise when they saw her all dressed up, with curled hair and makeup. It had been a really long time since she’d bothered.

  What else. Oh right, accessories. Kelly walked over to her dressing table again and sorted through her jewelry options. She slid on a couple of silver bracelets, and decided on a pair of swingy, silver drop earrings. Unfortunately, she could only find one of them, and she was digging through the various compartments in her jewelry box in search of the other when Will tapped on the door.

  “You about ready, Kelly? I’m getting lonely out here.”

  “You can come in,” she said distractedly, hearing the door open. “I can’t find my other earring, but I know it’s in this box somewhere.” Opening the last drawer, she finally saw it. “Ah, got it!”

  She looked up as she slid the wire through her ear lobe, smiling at Will in the mirror. He
stood motionless in the doorway, his mouth hanging open, his blue eyes like lasers.

  “Dang, baby,” he said softly, his gaze sweeping over her from head to toe. “I—you —wow—there are no words.”

  The intensity of his appreciative gaze gave Kelly goose bumps. She tried to shake it off and play it cool, but Will was looking pretty darn good himself in his black jeans and slate blue button down shirt and she ended up feeling way too flustered to feign cool and collected.

  “Um, I guess I’m ready. You look great, Will.” She took a few steps toward him, then remembered her lipstick laying on the dressing table. Retrieving the tube, she walked to where he stood in the doorway, expecting him to turn and walk out of the room with her.

  Instead he stayed put and reached out slowly for her hand, drawing her closer and taking the lipstick from her loose grasp.

  “Allow me,” he said, his low voice sliding over her like a caress.

  He removed the lid and twisted the bottom to extend the stick of pink tinted gloss, then raised his other hand to her chin, lifting her face toward his and holding it steady. Swallowing hard, Kelly parted her lips slightly to give him better access, and he oh so slowly smoothed on the shiny gloss, first all along her bottom lip, once, then twice, then carefully up and over the bow of her top lip. His eyes closely followed the progress of the gloss. When he got to the corner of her mouth, he held the tube completely still for a moment, then made a very deliberate upward swoop off of her lip line.

  His gaze met hers then, his eyes sparkling wickedly. “Oops, I messed it up. Gotta get rid of all that and start over.”

  One strong arm slid around her waist and pulled her against him, while the other hand curved along her jaw and held her face as his lips came down on hers. His kiss was hard and hungry, and the gloss he’d applied didn’t stand a chance. Kelly slid her hands up over his shoulders and wrapped her arms around his neck, matching him kiss for kiss, breath for breath.

  When Will finally lifted his head, his eyes were heavy lidded, his breathing ragged.

  “It’s taking every damn bit of control I have not to carry you over to that bed, Kelly. If I cared about you any less, I would.” He ran his fingertips down the curve of her cheek. “But I won’t do it. When we make love, it’s going to be perfect, and right, with no risk of any regrets. I won’t settle for anything less. I can’t. Not with you.”


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