Always A Will And A Way_Western Romance

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Always A Will And A Way_Western Romance Page 28

by Barbara Gee

  “I’ll remember that, cowboy. Now tell me what to expect at dinner.” Kelly began doing up the buttons on his shirt, noticing that the button of his jeans was also undone. It was a very sexy look, more so because it was totally unintentional on his part.

  “You’ll love Erin. She’s, um…a real…um…sweetheart.” Will had trouble getting his words out when Kelly finished the buttons and began slowly tucking in his shirt, her body brushing lightly against his as she circled all the way around him to do the job. She was careful, but the feel of her small warm hands sliding repeatedly beneath his waistband made it impossible to keep his thoughts coherent.

  “And Eli?” Kelly prompted, bending to retrieve the belt he had been carrying when she had first entered.

  “He’s, um, dang, Kelly,” Will breathed as she began to ever so slowly thread the belt through the loops of his jeans, her fingers trailing along just inside his waistband as they followed the path of the leather.

  She eventually finished the job, her sparkling eyes meeting his suggestively as she fastened first the button on his jeans and then the belt buckle, then ran her hands up over his chest one more time. Standing on tiptoe, she put her lips close to his ear.

  “That’s for that whole lipstick thing,” she whispered. “I still can’t put lipstick on without wanting to kiss you.”

  “Good,” he growled, hauling her against him and giving her the kiss she craved, only to have to abruptly release her when the front door opened.

  James bounded in, Dodger on his heels. “I’m starving. Can we go yet?” He looked at them and rolled his eyes. “Were you guys kissing again?”

  “Hey, I haven’t seen her all day,” Will said, tousling James’ hair. “And she looks so pretty I just couldn’t help but give her a kiss. I hope that’s okay with you.”

  “I don’t care but I think it’s gross. Can we go now?”

  “You bet,” Will said. “Think we should take Dodger? Kenzie and Tad would probably like to play with him if you don’t mind sharing.”

  “Yeah, we should take him. How far is their house?”

  “Five minutes. We’ll be there before you know it.”

  Kelly thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Eli was a lot like Will, and not only in looks. They also shared the same sense of humor and warm, easy going personality. Erin, who was every bit as sweet as Will had said, made Kelly and James feel completely welcome in their home. After dinner, the women did the dishes, leaving Will and Eli to entertain the kids. Erin filled Kelly in on the rest of the Connor family as they washed and dried.

  “Eli and Will are the cream of the crop, if you ask me,” Erin said bluntly. “They’re fun and thoughtful. Emmet and Travis are good men, don’t get me wrong, but they’re quiet and kinda stern and can be a little scary, especially when they’re ordering people around on the ranch. Eli and Will know how to handle them, though, and the four of them get along surprisingly well. Their wives, Candace and Leann, are both really nice but they always seem a little frazzled from running their kids around to every sports competition under the sun. They each have three kids, and they’re all in middle school and high school, so they have a million things going on. Seeing firsthand how hectic schedules tend to get as kids get older, and how sullen and snappy they get when they hit puberty, I’m determined to enjoy the elementary school years as much as I possibly can.”

  “That’s a good plan,” Kelly agreed. “I teach high school kids and even though most of them are through the worst of the puberty years by the time I get them, some days the raging hormones are still almost more than I can handle. It’s nothing like what the middle school teachers go through though. They’re special people, that’s all I can say. The best way I’ve heard puberty described is one night you kiss your sweet child goodnight, and the next morning you’re greeted by a raving, hormonal monster who doesn’t release your sweet child from his clutches for a year or two. Or three or four, if you’re really unlucky,”

  Erin laughed. “Oh my gosh, I want to freeze time right here, right now.”

  Will walked into the kitchen in time to hear that comment.

  “Why would you want to freeze time when there’s so much to look forward to, Erin? I know you’re getting old, but you oughta have a few good years left yet.”

  “You need to know the context of my remark, Willy,” Erin said, poking him in the chest. “I want to freeze my sweet little kids at their current ages so I don’t need to suffer through the puberty years.”

  “You mean the sweet little angels who are trying to kill each other in the living room right now?” Will asked mildly, winking at Kelly.

  Erin groaned. “Are you serious, Will?”

  “Don’t worry, it’s nothing Eli can’t handle. They’re both feeling a little possessive of James and don’t want to share him.”

  Kelly’s face lit up. “They like him?” she asked happily. “I’m so glad. The dog and horses have been great, but it’s good for him to have other kids to play with, too.”

  “James is a great kid,” Erin said. “He’s welcome to come over anytime to play with Tad and Kenzie. My sweet little angels,” she added, raising her eyebrows at Will, who rolled his eyes exaggeratedly. Kelly loved the easy, teasing rapport the two shared.

  “And now,” Erin stated, heading toward the fridge, “how about we break up their fighting with some ice cream sundaes?”

  Chapter 33

  “What a great family,” Kelly said as they drove back to Will’s house, a sleepy, played-out James in the back seat of the truck. “Thanks for taking us. It really does make me a lot less apprehensive about meeting the whole gang on Saturday.”

  “Maybe I should’ve told Mom you’d rather meet everyone gradually, instead of all at once. But she seemed genuinely excited about planning a big dinner to introduce you to the whole family, and I didn’t have the heart to spoil it. It’s her way of apologizing, I think.”

  “It’s fine. As long as you’re with me I’ll be okay. And I’m glad she seems excited. I want to put the whole Lindsay/Charlene thing behind us and never mention it again. I don’t want your mom to think I’m going to hold a grudge.”

  “She’ll realize that soon enough. You two will get along fine once the initial awkwardness is out of the way. Dad actually talked to me about it for a few minutes today. He said Mom confessed to him what she said to you, and she’s seeing things a lot more clearly now. She hasn’t even seen Charlene since I talked to her, and Dad is pretty happy about that. He’s never liked how much influence that woman has had on Mom, but they’ve been friends since elementary school so he just kinda went along with it over the years. He’s not a man who likes to make waves.”

  A quick glance to the back seat showed that James was already fast asleep. Kelly smiled and slid across the seat to lean against Will, who immediately wrapped his arm around her to hold her there.

  “How about I drive around for a while?” he suggested. “I like this.”

  “Me too, but I have to work tomorrow so I’d better get home so I can get James tucked in and get to bed myself before it’s too late.”

  “You got it. I have to admit the kids kinda wore me out tonight.”

  “You’re so good with them. I’m sure you’re Tad’s and Kenzie’s favorite uncle. And you’re James’ favorite too, by the way. On the drive over to your place, he told me he loves you the best, even more than Uncle Chad, Tyler, Stephan and Todd.”

  Will turned to look at Kelly, a wide grin on his face. “He really said that?”

  Kelly nodded. “He did. And in case you’re wondering, you’re my favorite, too.”

  “Good to know. Your friends leave pretty big shoes to fill.”

  “And in Stephan’s case, they’re genuine Italian leather shoes,” Kelly said, chuckling.

  Will leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I know you miss your friends, Kelly, I feel bad about that.”

  “It’s okay. We text all the time. And I’ll be back there in a couple more months.”

/>   Will went silent and Kelly wished she hadn’t brought it up. Thinking about being separated again was depressing and she didn’t want to end the night on a sad note.

  After parking the truck in front of his house, Will got out, helping her out after him and then pulling her tightly against him.

  “Thanks for going along to dinner,” he said, his eyes glittering in the moonlight. “I was proud to have you and James with me.”

  “We’re always proud to be with you, Will.” She rested her cheek on his chest for a brief, contented moment. “Wanna carry James to the car for me?”

  “Love to.” Will released her and circled the truck to lift her boy out. Kelly opened the car door and Will buckled James in. He woke up and started fussing for his bed, so their goodbye was to be cut short.

  “Oh, by the way,” Will said as he opened the driver’s side door for her, “any chance you can stop by my place in the morning, say around five?”

  Kelly frowned. “5 o’clock? As in A.M.? What in the world for?”

  He grinned wickedly, planting a brief, hard kiss on her lips. “I might need a little help getting dressed,” he replied in a low, sexy drawl.

  Kelly swatted his arm, unable to stop a smile. “You wish, cowboy. Good night.”

  “Night, baby.”

  Just his voice made her shiver. Wow, she loved that man.

  Before Kelly knew it, Saturday had arrived. James was very much looking forward to seeing Kenzie and Tad again, but dread had taken up residence in Kelly’s stomach and she felt sick the whole day. Will had insisted on picking them up so she wouldn’t have to drive, and by the time he was due Kelly was literally shaking. She hoped the dove grey knit dress she’d chosen was appropriate. After trying on every dress she’d brought to Texas, she had decided it was the best option, but she still wasn’t sure it was quite right.

  Her hair was another issue. First she put it up, then decided to leave it loose, then settled on pulling up just the sides and fastening that part in back with a silver barrette, leaving the rest to fall in loose waves down her back. After checking the mirror a dozen times, she was still second guessing her dress and hairstyle when James announced that Will was there.

  “James, can you ask Will to come back to my room for a second?” Kelly called out to him.

  “Okay, Mom. I’ll go get him.”

  A minute later Will’s big body filled her doorway and Kelly motioned him in. “Be honest, Will, is this dress okay? Is it too short? And should I put my hair all the way up, or leave it like this? I don’t want to make a bad impression and I don’t know if your mom wants this to be a real formal thing or more casual.” Kelly was almost frantic as she ran her hands down over the skirt of her dress. “I think it might be too short, but I don’t know what else to wear.”

  “Hey, hey, baby, relax,” Will said, gently taking her shaking hands in his. “Kelly, sweetheart, you’re making too big a deal of this.”

  “No I’m not, Will. This is your family. I want them to like us. I have a lot to prove to your mom and I don’t want to screw things up again. I had a long talk with James and told him there will be absolutely no running or horseplay in the house, even if Tad and Kenzie do it. And I want to make sure he sits by me at dinner so I can remind him about his manners if I need to.”

  “Kelly, listen to me, sweetheart.” Will waited until he had her full attention before he continued. “I appreciate that you want to make a good impression on my family, it means a lot to me. But trust me, you’re overthinking this. They’re going to love you. Eli and Erin already do. They raved about you after the other night, and told me I’d be a moron if I let you slip away. It’ll be the same for the others. Well the guys and their wives, at least. Who knows about the six moody teenagers, and who cares, either. It is what it is with them.”

  “But your mom and dad,” Kelly said miserably. “They’re the ones I’m most worried about. It was really bad when your mom and I talked. We were both really emotional and to tell you the truth, I’m pretty much scared to death of her.”

  “Shhh,” he soothed. “I told you, Mom has come a long way. We’ve talked several times and I know she feels terrible about what she said to you, and this dinner is her attempt to make it up to you. Give her a chance, I think she’ll surprise you.”

  Kelly squeezed his hands while she took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, trying to absorb some of his calm. She finally managed a smile. “I’ll give her a million chances if that’s what it takes,” she said softly. “I love you, Will.”

  “That’s what I like to hear, baby,” he told her, drawing her against his body and rubbing her back comfortingly. “Just love me. That’s all that really matters.”

  “Then it’s good that part is so easy.”

  He smiled against her hair. “Tell me when you’re ready to go. There’s no rush,” he said gently.

  She sighed, hugging him tightly for a long moment. “I’m ready, as long as you’re sure this dress is okay.”

  “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”

  “Sorry to burst your bubble but that’s not even close to being true.”

  “I think it’s closer than you think, but it doesn’t matter because you’re perfect for me,” he stated. “Let’s go, sweetheart. My family awaits, and I’m confident that in a few hours you’re going to be telling me what a great evening you had.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Kelly said a silent prayer as they went to find James. A peace that passeth understanding would be really, really great right about now, Father, if you can spare it.

  Chapter 34

  Four hours later, James was tucked into bed, dreaming sweet dreams of his busy evening with Tad and Kenzie, and Kelly joined Will on the couch in the living room, kicking off her shoes and tucking her feet beneath her. Her smile lit her whole face and Will chuckled.

  “Say it, Kelly.”

  She didn’t need more prodding. “I had a great evening, Will. You were right. I can’t believe I worried myself sick all day. I mean honestly, I was almost to the point of throwing up. But I love your family. Your brothers are great and not as scary as I expected. And their wives were so sweet.”

  “And you completely charmed their kids. Who would have ever thought they’d enjoy spending an evening with a chemistry teacher? I couldn’t believe all the questions they had about the STEM Academy you’re working on.”

  “Their teachers have already done a good job of getting them interested in math and science. STEM will just take it that much further. It’s so exciting,” Kelly said happily. “You have some very bright nieces and nephews. It was fun to meet them.”

  “How about my parents? Didn’t I tell you Mom has come a long way?”

  “She was like a different person, and this one I liked. And your dad is darling. I could tell he was a little exasperated with so many people in one place, and sometimes it seemed like everyone was talking at once, but he hung in there.”

  “Dad’s a loner, no doubt about it. He’s happiest when he’s out on the ranch all by himself, just him and his horse, surrounded by wide open space and peace and quiet. Needless to say he spends a lot of time fixing fences. He’s turned over the day to day stuff to the rest of us, and taken on the role of chief fence fixer. He loves it. We tease him about being semi-retired.”

  “Sounds like you’ve found a system that works for all of you.”

  “Mmm. Other than my brothers feeling the constant need to pick on their baby brother, it’s pretty smooth sailing for the most part.”

  “I heard Emmet and Travis calling you ‘Pretty Boy’ quite a few times tonight. Did that start when the magazine came out?”

  “Yeah, I’m either ‘Pretty Boy” or “Cover Boy” now. I don’t think they even remember my actual name. And I’m afraid that fiasco isn’t over yet. Yesterday when I was over here on the Rose, some guy showed up at TC in a fancy Land Rover and designer suit looking for me. He went to the house first, but Mom sent him to the stable, a
nd of course Emmet was the one he found. He left his card, and told Emmet he wants to be my agent.”

  Kelly raised her brows. “Agent? For finding horses to train? I don’t think you need much help with that.”

  “No, not for finding work as a trainer.” Will grimaced. “For modeling, can you believe that? What a crock. You can just imagine the kinds of things my brothers said when I got back. They’re merciless. Always have been.”

  “I’m sorry,” Kelly said, scooting closer and picking up one of his hands in both of hers. “I’m sure it’s not easy being the baby, especially when there’s more than a dozen years difference in ages. But you know, I can’t blame that agent guy for giving it a shot. Honestly, Will, the photos of you in that magazine are amazing, and they’re totally natural. No special lighting or makeup or photo shopping. Just you in the environment you love, and they’re breathtaking.”

  “Well I hope you aren’t expecting me to call him back!” Will said, horrified at the very idea.

  Kelly laughed and squeezed his hand between hers. “Of course not, I know that would be a nightmare for you. I’m just saying that the agent guy knows a good thing when he sees it. And I know all this has been embarrassing for you, and the teasing is getting real old, but Chad tells me both the Triple Creek and Wild Rose have gotten a ton of calls as a result of that magazine article, and he said most of them are from people who want a legitimately fantastic cutting horse trainer, not a pretty face.”

  “You’d think that would cut down on the jibes, but not with my brothers. They’re enjoying it way too much.”

  Kelly chuckled, lifting his arm and putting it around her shoulders as she curled up against him. “You should mess with them a little. Tell them you called that agent and he wants you to schedule a trip to L.A. for a test photo shoot, so they’re going to have to pick up the slack for a few days.”

  “Oh man, I wish I could pull that off, but they know me way too well. They wouldn’t believe it for a second.”


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