#1 Crush

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#1 Crush Page 11

by Kaia Bennett

  "C'mon Nic!" he bellowed, releasing one of her arms so he could bend over and grip her neck with one hand. She grabbed his thigh, her nails digging into the skin. His hips pumped even harder into her. "Tell me who's gonna make you come all over this fucking dick!!"

  "Y-yooou -- arrrre -- Gabriel!!!"

  He squeezed his eyes shut and his body took over while his mind and his words faded away.

  Her pussy pulsed with vice-like intensity and for a long moment he didn't move, just shivered inside her with a deep growl buried in his throat. And then he came, spurting into her as she sucked the last of his milky release from his body. His strokes were sharp and fast, and her body welcomed them to the very last.

  It took all of his remaining strength to roll over on to his side before collapsing, and when he did he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him, still nestled inside of her puffy, well-used sex.

  He turned her face towards his, and she groaned as he kissed her, still pumping into her with soft strokes as the last of his after-shocks rushed through him. He loved the way she clutched his arms and the way she moaned when he used one hand to stroke hungrily over her breasts and between her throbbing legs. He pulled away just enough to look down at her with hooded eyes and parted slick lips, his body breathing in her sighs as she returned his gaze.

  She reached up and stroked his face, and he stilled at the tenderness of her touch. Her fingers followed the flat planes of his cheeks, his strong jaw, the indent of his chin where she pressed the tip of her index finger. Then up higher to trace the straight line of his nose to its upward tilt. She caressed the curves of his lips and then she leaned in to kiss them once more. He closed his eyes and memorized the feel of her lips. The sweet smile she pressed against the indent of his chin made him seek out her lips again, made him taste her mouth until they were out of breath from an endless loop of kisses.

  Finally coming down from such a powerful release, Gabriel reluctantly pulled his lips away from hers. He could feel their come sticking to his thighs and it flowed out in a gentle rush as he slowly pulled out of her swollen, grasping pussy. What he lost in sexual closeness he made up for when he hugged her tighter. He pressed kisses against her neck, his fingers stroking away her hair so his mouth could claim more of her skin, memorizing her with his lips the way she had. She was still shivering in his arms, and it took him a long moment to realize he was shaken by the experience, too, his body mimicking hers.

  Her body shuddered sharply within his arms and he heard a halting gasp. His stomach twisted.


  Was she crying?

  Then he heard the unmistakable sound of her giggle, a light fluttering sound that soon gave way to a full-fledged laugh. Relief swept through him.

  "What on earth is so funny?"

  She let out a sigh that turned into another laugh before she said, "I-I can't feel my legs. I c-came so hard that I still can't feel my legs," she giggled again at this new experience, and he relaxed into the bed and joined her in her laughter. "Is that a bad thing?"

  He huffed against her neck, biting into the flesh there. "I think that means I should feel very, very good about myself. I think."

  "Hell yeah! There should be a medal, or a big chocolate chip cookie with your name on it somewhere. Jeeezus..."

  He reached around to cup her face and turn her lips to his.

  "You weren't so bad yourself, sweetheart," he said against her lips. "If you hadn't sapped all my man juice I'd be trying to get some more of this."

  He reached between her legs and slid his fingertips against her entrance. She moaned as he dipped into the pink flesh hidden within her brown folds, but she also flinched slightly at his caress. He noticed it and he sat up a bit to look down at her.

  "Are you okay?" All the cheerfulness drained from his face.

  "Yeah, I'm fine."

  The thought she may have been shaking for some reason other than pleasure, that he might have hurt her, made him feel almost physically ill. If he was honest, he had lost some of his control at the end. Would he have even noticed during that last rush if he was giving her more than she could handle?

  "Nicole...did I...was I too rough?"

  He almost groaned with relief when she let out a small laugh that turned in to a hearty one, twisting in his embrace until she was facing him with her arms tucked into her chest. He pulled her in closer, his fingers playing in her hair.

  "No, no it's not that. You weren't too rough, babe," she said drowsily. His stomach flipped and his heart thumped an extra beat when she called him 'babe’. She didn’t even seem to notice, but it was the first time she’d ever called him anything other than his name. It was possessive, and he was unnerved by how much he liked it. "We've just been at it all day. Need a little break that's all."

  She laughed around a yawn, shook her head in disbelief. "You know it's never been like this before. Usually, I'm sitting around like ‘Is that all?’ and the guy is already passed the fuck out." She looked up at him and gave him a half grin. "Is this what they mean by good sex? Is it always like this?"

  It was his turn to laugh and he couldn't help but notice the way she dipped her head and snuggled in closer to him as his laugh vibrated through their bodies.

  No, he thought. Just with you.

  Instead, he said out loud, "So I lived up to your imagination, then?"

  "Mm-hmm," she said with a weak nod, her eyelids starting to flutter closed. "It was perfect," she murmured, and he could tell by the way the ends of her words faded that she was almost asleep. "You're perfect..."

  He licked his lips nervously and forced himself to be still, to let her finally pass out after a day of good sex. Fantastic sex actually.

  Fucking spectacular sex...

  He watched her long dark eyelashes flutter completely closed, her breathing steady itself into the patterns of slumber. He let his gaze rove over her features, taking his time now that she wasn't awake to watch him and wonder what was behind the intensity of his gaze. She really was too pretty, too beautiful. There shouldn't have been enough time for her to have become this beautiful to him. And he shouldn't be so ready to bury himself inside of her again. By all accounts, he should have passed out about three orgasms ago. He was starting to wonder if he should contact The Guinness Book of World Records or something.

  Okay, that was a stretch, but he found that even though he was exhausted beyond belief, he couldn't fall asleep right away. He couldn't stop looking at her or remembering her words. She thought he was perfect. He almost laughed at how absurd that concept was. He was far from perfect. If he were perfect he would have resisted the urge to touch her. He wouldn't have jumped feet first into his pattern of casual fucking with a girl he was starting to feel much more than casual about. A girl he already had a fond attachment to before he ever allowed himself to see this side of her.

  For the first time, he couldn't ignore the thoughts swimming around in his head. He should have never started this thing. He tried to tell himself the reason he was wishing he'd had more self control was because he didn't want to hurt her, he didn't want her to see something in him that wasn't there and become another casualty in his love life. But that was only part of the reason he felt a sinking sense of dread in the pit of his stomach. He gently pressed his lips to her forehead before his eyes grew too heavy to keep open, finally sacrificing the urge to look at her just a little longer.

  He fell asleep feeling stupid and confused and hungry for more of her. It was just like him to be so blind to what was right in front of his face. He hadn't known how she felt about him until a week ago. At the time he thought he could just fuck her, and he had managed to rationalize that it could be all about some great sex and then they could part ways happier for it. It could be some little secret, spoken only in lingering glances and then forgotten again. He hadn't expected he would start feeling something more. He hadn't known just how much he could feel for her. Not until it was too late.

  Nicole was pouting ag
ainst the bar, waiting for her drink and trying not to think about why Gabriel was avoiding her. She woke up that morning expecting to see him waiting for her in the kitchen, that lascivious grin on his face while he plotted some way to get her alone. It was the weekend, so she didn’t expect to have the day with him. She was glad to spend some time with her sister and Ian. But she was hungry for him too, even if it was just a stray touch here and there, a promise of more to come before she left.

  Instead he’d been gone before she woke up. She’d been exhausted enough to sleep through him sneaking past her while she slept on the couch. Maybe she was just being greedy for more of him. She convinced herself that was the reason for her unease, but found herself counting the hours, the minutes, waiting for his return, hoping he’d answered Jackie’s texts about them going out that night. But then he’d come home later on and said he wasn’t able to go. And he’d barely been able to look in her direction when he declined.

  God, that hurt. Especially when she walked past his room in her cutest outfit, a short black skirt, shimmery black shirt with hints of her black bra showing beneath, and red stilettos.

  “You sure you don’t want to come along?” she’d asked.

  He’d looked up from tying his shoes and his gaze hit hers like a punch to the gut. Everything they’d done for the past week was there, especially when he briskly took in the sight of her. There was something else, too. Something complicated and as close to rejection as she’d ever seen coming from him to her.

  He shook his head and gave her a tight-lipped smile, his eyes focused on her cleavage for a brief moment before he stood and grabbed his keys off the dresser.

  “I, um, I actually have plans.”

  Her shoulders slumped in answer but she forced herself to smile back.

  “We’re going to do a belated birthday celebration thing. It’s gonna be fun…and I’d love it if you could…come…”

  He stilled, and as if propelled by instinct turned and shot her a glance that was all heat, all sinister promise to use her body for just that purpose. Come. He’d spent the last week making her do just that, filling her mouth and pussy with his. For just a moment she’d dared to dream something more was growing, drifting in and out of dreams where he was more than a pit stop on the way to something and someone else. How could she have been so naïve? How could he have felt the same way about her when he seemed to be sad, remorseful? He turned away, bit down on his bottom lip. Her mournful glance followed the gesture, but she squared her shoulders and forced herself not to look downtrodden. She knew before he spoke what his answer would be.

  “I wish I could, Nic. But I hope you have fun tonight.”

  And then Jackie called her and said she was ready to go, her heels clicking in the living room as she grabbed her purse and phone. He didn’t want her anymore. He was finished and that was that.

  She did her damndest to get drunk quickly and lighten her mood, to dance with guys who affirmed she didn’t need anything else from Gabriel but this perfect week they’d shared. She simply became dejected and angry instead, and devolved into moping without being able to say what was wrong. No fucking way could she tell Jackie she’d been sleeping with her good friend, had fallen for him and his grade A dick, and now was hopelessly sprung and heartbroken from his rejection. It hadn’t occurred to her she would ever be in this position. Now that she was, she realized any issues she had with Gabriel would put Jackie and Ian in an awkward place.

  If shit got hostile because they believed Gabriel had taken advantage, she didn’t doubt they would choose her, thinking her the unwitting victim of Gabriel’s wandering eyes.

  She’d pursed her lips at that thought. If they ever found out how much Nicole had taken advantage of Gabriel and his space, not to mention his porn…

  The girl she used to be would have cried over his snub. She knew he was avoiding her. What she didn’t know until this week was she was a bit tougher than she’d given herself credit for. She could participate in her life instead of being a bystander. She could get what and who she wanted. And she didn’t have to give into the fantasy of undying love and devotion in order to claim moments of happiness. She could put Gabe at ease and let him know he had nothing to worry about.

  She wasn’t just Jackie’s baby sister anymore. He knew that in a practical sense, but maybe he needed some reminding before she said goodbye. If nothing else, she wanted to end this visit on a good note, with a friendly farewell. And maybe a farewell tryst for good measure.

  Gabriel awoke to his door slowly creaking open. It was early Monday morning but he hadn’t slept well, so he was alert right away when Nicole entered his room. He lay with his arms folded behind his head as Nicole slid her body through the opening in the door, closed it quietly, then turned to him.

  The weekend had breezed by. And yet because of the awkwardness every time they caught a glance of one another around the apartment, the weekend also felt painfully long. They obviously couldn't hook up during the day because Jackie and Ian were there. He’d used that fact as his escape route to keep his distance after their marathon sex session. He would be out of the apartment all day, and even though she didn't get home until three or four in the morning after a night out on the town, she still beat him home. She’d looked so hurt he almost apologized and joined her the other night. But he knew what would happen. He’d end up dancing with her, or worse, watching her dance with someone else. He’d want to touch her. He’d pull her to some shadowy corner and fuck her like some random slut up against a wall. He wouldn’t be able to control himself, and before the end of the night everyone would know what they’d done. That wouldn’t, couldn’t end well.

  Gabriel did his best to make things as easy as possible for her. He didn’t completely regret the way things had turned out, but the way he was feeling right now was why he had been trying so hard not to slip into the living room that night and taste her. He knew she liked him, had liked him for longer than he had been aware of it. What he wasn't prepared for was how much he liked her, too. He'd had enough friendly fucks to know the difference between rolling around just for fun and fucking a girl he actually cared for.

  He would tell himself she was too young, only to have his mind counter, Well, she wasn't too young to fuck for a whole week, was she? He would tell himself she was leaving. And that only made him hungrier, as if he needed to get as much of her as he could before she left. It was all so fucking ridiculous and too complicated for a relatively laid back guy. So rather than deal with the complications he decided to wait out the last days of her visit by avoiding her as much as possible.

  Well, the next work week was coming up, which meant he had to at least try to get some sleep. So he used that as his excuse to get out of hanging out till the wee hours of the morning. But he couldn’t avoid her sneaking into his room, like she was right now. He had heard Nicole and Jackie come home earlier from their girls’ night out, heard the shower running and then everyone settle down for the night. It was still several hours before he would have to get up for work and then a few hours after that she would be heading home. He might have been okay, might have been able to control himself if she had taken his hint and kept her distance. But looking at her now, at the way her eyes were drinking him, he knew that was going to be impossible.

  Oh well. He tried anyway.

  He was naked underneath the sheets. He had been waiting for her like that all week and he knew she could see the slight tent of his arousal growing more pronounced under the comforter. It had been only two days of going without, but he felt like his dick had taken on a life of its own, protesting the sudden famine when the feast was so close. She padded quietly over to the bed, her eyes on his as she came to the edge of the mattress and paused. He sat up, watching her with a confused expression when she didn't immediately slide in or take off her nightgown.


  "I'm sorry," she said in hushed tones. "I know I should have asked if you were okay with this before I just barged in..." She
paused and bit at her lip. He furrowed his brow and waited for her to finish. She looked down and nervously smoothed the hem of her nightgown. "I didn't get a chance to talk to you because you haven't been around. I just...well, I noticed... I mean, I thought that you may have been avoiding me. And...well, I just needed to know if it was because you didn't want to hook up anymore. Like, maybe you were over it now."

  When she looked up, she was met with his look of surprise and shame. Of course, she would think he was simply done with her instead of trying to protect her. She’d probably felt used and discarded, and he’d taken for granted their friendship would disqualify that idea from her mind.

  She hurriedly added, "It's okay if you don't, I understand. I just needed to know so that I didn't throw myself at you like an idiot."

  "That's not..." He shook his head."That's not why I've been—"

  "Avoiding me?"

  He swallowed, not sure what he was unnerved by the most. Was it that she thought he was done with her, as if he was using and discarding her? Was it the hurt in her voice when she said he was avoiding her? Or was it that it had only been two days since they last had sex and he was practically salivating just looking at her?

  Her hair was in a single braid, leaving her face open and girlish, and her eyes were shining under the dim glow of the streetlights outside his window. The nightgown was plain and white, falling to mid thigh, the hem and spaghetti straps shimmering with some satiny material. The color made her skin glow, made him want to peel it off of her and lay kisses on the soft breasts taunting him beneath the white fabric.

  "It's me who's the idiot. I was trying not to get caught staring at you every five minutes. Or have your sister catch on because I kept making you disappear. Easier to do if I'm not here, you know," he said with a shrug. "Basically, I was avoiding you because I want to be around you a little too much for comfort. I didn’t mean…I'm sorry."


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