Freedom is Slavery

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Freedom is Slavery Page 22

by Louis Friend

  “You know I won’t fuck you, Wendy, until you ask for it,” Charles said, his cock resting against my hard member. I was surprised to see how hard my own cock was and how good it looked with Charles’ right next to it.

  I didn’t hesitate to say, “Please, Daddy, please fuck me. Please fuck me. I need it. Make me yours. Make me your bitch.” I could see how this pleased him as he looked down and maneuvered his dick into position.

  “Open wide, Wendy….” He said, pushing into me. Opening me. Taking me. Fucking me… Oh, shit, it hurt and felt so good all at the same time.

  He was inside of me, now, groaning, breathing hard, fucking me, sweat dripping from his brow and hitting me in the stomach. “Oh, shit, she feels even tighter than usual,” he said under his breath as he began pounding my ass.

  “That’s because this isn’t Wendy you’re fucking, dear, it’s Louis. Isn’t it, Louis?” And, with that, Dr. Herzog snapped her fingers.

  The room was still there, Dr. Herzog and I were still there, and so was Charles. However, Wendy was gone. Instead, I was the one being sodomized on my therapist’s desk, taking her husband’s cock deep in my ass and loving every second of it.

  My voice dropped back down as I began chanting, “Yes, do it, do it, fuck me.” The sound of my own voice seemed to actually turn Charles on even more.

  “Oh, fuck yeah!” he shouted as he rammed harder into me. And, before I knew it, I began to cum, though nothing was near my cock. I began erupting just as I felt Charles starting to cum inside of me.

  Dr. Herzog cupped her hand underneath my spasming cock, collecting my semen, before raising it to my lips and making me lick her palm clean. “That’s a good little cumslut. We’ve been training you to thirst for the taste of cum, darling. It’s one of the many suggestions and re-wirings we’ve done to your sissy brain. Like it so far?”

  “Yes, Doctor,” I panted, as I felt Charles pull his cock out from my now-vacant asshole.

  “Don’t worry about that empty feeling, Louis. I’ve got a butt plug ready for you. It’s one of the next steps in our therapy. I’m sure you’ll like it. Wendy loves it.”

  “Has Wendy gone, Doctor?” I asked.

  “No, she’s still inside of you. She’s just dormant right now. But she’s there. She’ll always be more femme and far more slutty than you will ever be. We’ll talk to her on occasion and will need her special gifts from time to time, like at our next couple’s party. She was quite a hit the last time. But maybe this time we’ll invite both Louis and Wendy to attend. What do you think?”

  “I think I’d like that,” I said and smiled the first real honest smile I’d felt in years.

  Part 2

  Louis had been undergoing weekly treatments with Dr. Caroline Herzog and her husband, Charles for a little over a year. They introduced their patient to Wendy, the dirty girl that hid inside of the young man’s exterior. Caroline documented the process via notes and video records. From these videos, the Herzogs culled several hours worth of clips which they sold via a third-party company.

  In their first session, Caroline Herzog found her patient highly susceptible to hypnosis. She was able to open him up as easily as a telephone directory, finding his femme persona hiding just below the surface of his well-cultivated heterosexual facade. She brought out Wendy to play and never looked back.

  Wendy gave the Herzogs endless pleasure and a lucrative source of income. After Caroline successfully introduced Louis to Wendy, she was able to extend her sessions outside of their weekly scheduled times. Caroline set up a series of trigger words into Louis’s subconscious. She and Charles had gotten into the habit of calling Louis in the evening, simply saying the word “Whorebait”, and counting on his arrival at their townhouse within fifteen minutes where he would arrive as Wendy, the cock and cunt hungry whore ready to please them. With another word, she would excuse herself and return to Louis and his vanilla life with no memory of his time as a human party favor.

  With each passing week, Caroline continued to extend her lexicon of trigger words. She was building up Louis/Wendy for a meeting with other potential investors. She had Louis in a deep trance and was inserting her trigger when he went into convulsions.

  Eyes rolled up in his head and he began shaking. Caroline was paralyzed, never having seen a reaction like this before. Louis began moaning, low, but soon pitched to a scream. This got Caroline out of her seat and to the phone. But, before she began dialing, Louis’s fit stopped and complete awareness came to his eyes.

  “Stop what you’re doing!” he shouted in a voice not his own. Caroline slowly racked the phone and stepped around her desk, closer to him.

  “Louis? Are you—”

  “You’re not welcome here,” he boomed. “This area is restricted. If you can hear my voice, then you know that Louis is a special boy. Go no farther. Stop what you’re doing! You’re not welcome here.”

  He repeated the message three times before stopping. The light went out of his eyes and he returned to the calm hypnotic state into which Caroline had lulled him previously.

  What the hell was that? Caroline thought to herself. She approached him, cautiously, as if he were going to jump out of the chair where he sat in stasis.

  “Louis? Whose voice was that?”

  “I don’t know what you mean, Doctor,” he replied. She continued to press but he couldn’t shed any light onto the performance she had just witnessed until she asked, “Louis, before our first session together had you ever been hypnotized”

  “Yes, Doctor.”

  She couldn’t believe what a fool she had been! No wonder he had been such an easy subject. He’d been primed by a previous hypnotist.

  “Who hypnotized you?” she asked.

  “Lady Jessica,” he responded.

  “Tell me more about her.”

  His eyes took on the eerie light again and his voice changed as he said, “Stop what you’re doing! You’re not welcome here. This area is restricted. If you can hear my voice then you know that Louis is a special boy. Go no farther.”

  “Who are you?” Caroline asked, more to herself than to Louis. “Lady Jessica?”

  “Yes,” came the voice in answer.

  She stammered. She imagined that there was an auto response system set up. It was just a matter of figuring out the right questions to ask.

  “Who are you?”

  “Louis’s owner.”

  “Did you create Wendy?”

  “Wendy has always been in there. I helped make her the girl she is though.” This was followed by a wicked laugh that sounded entirely wrong coming through Louis.

  “Can I talk to you in person?”

  Louis repeated a telephone number three times and then ceased all communications. Caroline was unable to get him to respond to anything apart from the sequence she used to bring him out of trance. She tried using one of the trigger words on him after he was awake but it didn’t produce a response.


  After dismissing Louis, Caroline was on the phone to Charles within minutes. They reviewed the video recording of the session together that afternoon. Charles was distraught, worried about the investor meeting where they had planned to use Louis/Wendy as a bonus incentive for all those who took a share in their enterprise, providing their hypno-slave to investors on weekends, pre-programmed to indulge in their favorite fetishes.

  Not even sure if the number they had was still valid, Caroline and Charles called the mysterious Lady Jessica. She initially sounded suspicious when Caroline asked for “Jessica” but immediately responded when she was told that Louis had provided her phone number.

  “Ahhh, how is my darling doing?”

  They agreed to meet and discuss their common interests that evening.


  The Herzogs and Lady Jessica sat down to coffee in the Herzogs’ town house. Slightly older than Caroline Herzog, Lady Jessica was a stately woman who obviously took good care of herself. She had a thick head of black hair with a few shafts of
silver highlights. Her posture and the three-inch heels on her boots put her even with Charles’s six-foot stature. She sat, politely sipping her black coffee, pinky out, while listening to Caroline describe her sessions with Louis and how she had come to discover his feminine persona and how they had used Wendy for their own pleasure.

  After a while of this along with some more pleasant conversation, Lady Jessica set down her coffee, straightened her skirt, and asked, “How much money have you been making from Louis?”

  Charles looked to Caroline, who chuckled and asked, “Whatever do you mean?”

  “There’s no sense in pussy footing around this,” Lady Jessica responded coolly. “Think of Louis as a two-way transmitter. I’ve heard nearly everything you’ve told me today from his perspective, albeit colored through his perception while in trance state. What you’ve neglected to disclose is the video equipment, the website, the backers, and the investor meeting for which you’re preparing. I’m aware of all of it. I want to see your books and come to some kind of understanding before you continue to milk the cash cow.”

  Caroline nodded to Charles who provided a full accounting of their business dealings. After some negotiation, the three of them came to an understanding. Lady Jessica placed a phone call to Louis, triggering him and summoning him to the Herzogs’. When they heard the knock at the door, Lady Jessica reached into her purse and removed a mask which she donned, making her look like “The Lone Dominatrix.”

  Charles led Louis into the living room and Lady Jessica commanded the young man to strip. “He’s not allowed to wear clothes around me. He has to know his place,” she said, smiling.

  Lady Jessica began speaking to Louis in a series of clipped tones that didn’t sound like any language that Caroline or Charles had ever heard. Within moments, she turned to the couple and announced, “He’s back to where you left him. If you’d like me to program the new commands, I can do that as well.” Caroline nodded and Lady Jessica spoke a few more curt commands which Louis acknowledged.

  “Now, I have a request of you,” Lady Jessica said to Caroline. “I want to see Wendy in action with you and your husband in person. I’ve had it described to me, but I want to witness it firsthand.”

  “Certainly.” Turning to Louis she said, “Whorebait.”

  Louis crawled to Caroline and heeled next to her knees. “Daddy needs his cock sucked, honey. Do you think you can do that for him?”

  “Oh, yes Mommy,” he said with a feminine lilt to his voice. “Thank you!”

  He quickly crawled to Charles who was removing his pants. Louis licked his lips in anticipation and quickly gobbled Charles’s hardening cock as soon as it was free of his underwear.

  “She’s rather an adept cocksucker,” Caroline confided to Lady Jessica. The two women watched as Louis/Wendy brought Charles to orgasm.

  “Good job, Wendy,” Caroline cooed.

  “Come here, Wendy. I have something for you to wash that down with,” said Lady Jessica. She scooted to the edge of the couch and hiked up her skirt, showing her lack of undergarments.

  Seeing Lady Jessica’s shaved cunt, Louis crawled quickly to her. He latched onto her cunt just seconds before she released a stream of urine into his waiting mouth, swallowing her nectar in big, thirsty gulps.

  Caroline and Charles looked on and smiled, seeing their slave do something that they had not yet tried (though they knew a few of their clients would want).

  “Don’t miss a drop,” chided Lady Jessica. “You don’t want to get any on Mommy and Daddy’s carpet.”

  After her bladder was empty and she was licked clean, Lady Jessica moved forward and pushed Louis’s working tongue into her asshole. “Ahhhh, this is my favorite thing for him to do,” she sighed. “I’ve been training him to be the kind of slave that can be enjoyed since he was a young man. By the way, I like that you call yourselves Mommy and Daddy around Louis. It’s important for a boy to have a loving family. I should know, since Louis is my nephew.”

  Part 3

  I looked into his eyes and could see the fear and fascination there. I looked familiar to him but just as equally foreign. He turned his head to the side to get a better look. He lifted his chin, looking down his nose. I did the same. It was hard not to.

  He didn’t recognize that we were the same person. He always thought of himself as a man but he didn’t know that there was a girl inside of him.

  Me. I’m that girl. I’ve been with him all of his life. He’s caught glimpses out of the corner of his eye, as if I were standing behind him, just out of sight, but he hasn’t looked me in the eyes… until now.

  I’m Wendy. He’s Louis.

  He used to call the shots, keeping me trapped in a well deep inside of him until Dr. Herzog helped me escape. Since then I’ve been making my presence known more and more in Louis’s life. I come out fully when she puts him into a hypnotic trance, yes, but there are other ways I make my presence known. If he realized it, Louis would see that he holds his drinks with his pinky extended daintily. He’d hear that his voice has gone up a bit in its pitch. And he’d realize that his mouth waters a little bit whenever he sees an attractive man.

  I’ll admit it. I’m a cockslut. I’ve got a voracious appetite for it. Every time the phone rings at Louis’s place, I get a little shiver down my spine, hoping that it’ll be Dr. Herzog on the other end of the line giving him his trigger word to release me from my masculine bonds. When this happens, it’s Louis that fades into the background while I step into the spotlight. I feel like a star. I’m the center of attention at the Herzogs when I go to their place.

  There are times, like this, where Louis is given the chance to confront me. To see himself for what he should be. Tonight Dr. Herzog invited me out and let Louis see me. It was time that he and I had a little chat. The more he tries to deny that I exist, the more difficult it’s become for me to come out, despite all of the hypnotic conditioning Dr. Herzog has put in place for my ease of entry into the world.

  “Why do you resist me?” I asked him, my mouth forming a perfect little pout. I could see this because he could see this.

  “I… I don’t want you around. You’re ruining my life!” he shouted. I noticed that he avoided any sibilant sounds. I’d gotten him lisping ever so slightly like Cindy Brady. He knew this because I knew this.

  “Am I really? Is that what you think? You’ve seen the world through my eyes and lived it the way I want to live. Isn’t that better? Haven’t you had fun? Hasn’t it been super?” I just had to add that last part to give him a good sissy lisp.

  “No!” he whined. “I don’t want any part of it! You’re making me do things I don’t want!”

  “Like what?”

  “Everything! The clothes! The way I act!”

  “The way you feel about men?”

  “Yes! Especially that!”

  “Oh, don’t be coy. Don’t try to tell me that you don’t enjoy that. I’ve been with you all your life. I know everything you’ve ever thought and all of your fantasies. I’ve been there as you’ve jacked off thinking of the jock who saw you naked at the gym. I’ve felt you get hard while watching porn, not because of the women but because of the men. I’m simply doing all of the things you’ve always wanted to do but never would.”


  Normally I’d be concerned if a patient of mine were having such a heated conversation with themselves while staring in a mirror. Yet, this is exactly how I knew this would happen. I had found Wendy inside of Louis during an early hypnosis session. I could picture her as a little girl, a lost urchin starving and shaking from fear hidden amongst trappings of macho bullshit that Louis had piled on over the years, trying to keep Wendy repressed.

  I found the little girl and helped raise her, so to speak. I knew that her presence was the key to Louis’s personality and so many of the issues he couldn’t resolve. How could he? He was denying himself—much like he was dong now.

  Tonight I hoped to resolve some of the conflict between the masculin
e and feminine sides of Louis’s personality and allow the feminine to win. I was sissifying him, giving Wendy the upper hand. I didn’t want to eradicate Louis from existence, rather, I wanted to torment him with his own desires. Wendy embodied those painfully frightening feelings and she was my greatest ally in this process.

  “Wendy, perhaps you should show Louis just exactly what he needs,” I chimed in. I could tell that they were at an impasse and I hoped this tilted the scales. My powers of persuasion and hypnosis could only go so far, even with the farther-reaching hypnotic triggers that had been set up by his aunt when he was a boy. She was the person who kept Wendy alive through Louis’s sexual awakening and initial subjugation but her training of Louis ceased when she had to move to the West Coast, leaving him adrift.


  Dr. Herzog knew exactly what I needed to do to show Louis that I was his true face.

  I heard the pleasantly familiar buzz from Dr. Herzog’s intercom, letting her husband, Charles, know that his services were needed. Or, rather, that he was needed to be serviced. I’ve only had a few dozen men with which to compare him, but Charles was my most favorite. I love the way he makes me feel. If anything, I think I have gotten a little crush on him. I hope Dr. Herzog doesn’t mind.

  I walked over to the center of the room with Louis walking with me. I tried to kneel where Charles liked me to be but my knees were locked.

  “No, I won’t!” Louis shouted.

  “But you want to,” I said.

  “No, I don’t!”

  I closed my eyes and thought of all the men that the Herzogs had introduced me to. The wonderful feelings that they gave me and how they satisfied the cravings that I had had for my entire life. I heard their moans mixed with mine. I felt the physical feelings, yes—the hard heat in my mouth and pussy—but also the satisfaction of pleasing.

  Into my hand I felt the hot hardness that I loved so much. It was like touching an electric fence. The world stopped and a jolt traveled through my body. I opened my eyes to see Charles standing in front of me, towering over me, his hand over mine, over his erection.


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