These Boots Were Made For Stomping

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These Boots Were Made For Stomping Page 15

by Julie Kenner

  “You gotta stop with that awful ‘big boy’ stuff.”

  She arched a brow back at him.

  “Call me Joe,” he said. “I want to hear you scream my name when you come.”

  “One plastic thingie does not make a screaming orgasm . . . big boy,” she teased.

  He smiled, slow and predatory. “A challenge if I ever heard one.”

  She was going to say something. Something really clever, but he returned to her nipple. The way he rolled it in his mouth, then bit down with just the right tension. . . . She closed her eyes and let the lightning roar through her.

  While she was still trembling from that, he began kissing down her side. She felt his body move. And though he kept at least one arm pinning her down, his weight was shifting, rotating, as his teeth grazed the underside of her breast, her side, and her hip.

  She opened her eyes. “What are—?”

  He took hold of the side of her pan ties with his teeth and began pulling them down her leg. It was the most erotic sight she’d ever seen. His teeth, sharp and white, pulling at the thin cotton thong. But most of all, it was the look in his eyes. As she lifted up enough to see him, she met his gaze. Dark and possessive, yes, but with a hint of mischief. He wanted her in the most primal way possible, yet that twinkle in his eyes made it seem so human.

  She knew it was the shoes that were making them both this deeply sexual. She’d certainly never been so bold on her own. But that sparkle told her that it was him and her enjoying each other. No mystical compulsion or taint—simply them, having adult fun.

  She lifted her hips to help him slide the last of her clothing off. He dragged the thong all the way down her thighs and off her feet. Then he began kissing and licking his way back up on the inside of her legs.

  She had one free hand, and so she made good use of it. His hips were beside her, his large penis within reach. She began caressing it, stroking the velvety tip, sliding up the dark thick rod and then cupping his taut sac. He growled deep in his throat as he nudged her knees apart.

  She allowed him to, because she was doing a little shift of her own. Her head went to the inside of his knee, nudging him farther open. And then her tongue began an exploration of her own. He tasted hot and salty. He smelled of musk. And he was going to submit to her.

  It took very little leverage to topple him to his side. But as he fell, he took her with him. She felt him knock the shoe off his hand as he gripped both of her thighs. And then he spread her and took her into his mouth just as she was drawing him inside her.

  His tongue was wicked as he licked her. Every inch got his loving attention. And when he pressed a thick thumb inside her, she began bucking. She couldn’t stop herself. God, she wanted this so badly.

  She wasn’t ignoring him as she sucked and licked for all she was worth, but all too soon, she couldn’t concentrate. His hips began to move, picking up his rhythm as he plunged fingers inside her. She held on as best she could, pleasuring him while his tongue began to stroke the center of all her sensation.

  She felt his belly tense, knew his buttocks tightened, and then he abruptly pulled away. She didn’t have the angle to stop him. “Wait,” she gasped.

  “Not until you scream my name,” he said. Then he applied himself with a vengeance. She made futile attempts to draw him back, but there was no power left in her body. It was all centered where he was stroking with long pulls of his tongue.

  She tried to resist. She tried to maintain some semblance of control. But every stroke of his tongue seemed to pull her mind from her body. Pleasure built beneath his mouth. It grew and expanded, taking her belly and spine with it. And then, he sucked. One long pull and her brain became engulfed in wave after explosive wave.

  She screamed. She probably screamed his name, but didn’t even know. Bliss!

  Eons later, she opened her eyes. Her arm had just flopped free of the couch as she lay completely boneless on the floor. Forcing her eyes open, she watched Joe easily set the heavy couch off to the side.

  She smiled. Or rather, she kept smiling, even as her gaze fastened on his erection. “Did I scream your name?” she asked.

  He settled beside her with a grin. “Yes.”

  She reached out idly to stroke his thigh, her strength returning with amazing speed. She pushed her hand higher up his body. “Got any condoms?”

  He shook his head with a sigh.

  “No problem,” she said, slowly levering up on her knees, then abruptly shoving him backward. “I think there’s still something we can figure out.”

  “It’s going to take a lot for me to scream your name,” he warned.

  “I want my full name, big boy. Michaela.”

  He arched a brow in challenge.

  Leaning down, she made a long, slow sweep of her tongue. “But you don’t have to scream it,” she added. “Begging is just fine.”


  Morning came too early. Nevertheless, Joe dutifully opened his eyes only to see a white eyelet ruffle from a pillowcase that was not his own. Memories brought a smile, and his returning senses gave him her smell on her sheets and the sound of humming from her shower.

  Clearly, she was one of those early risers. He grinned. Today he was prepared to forgive such unnatural behavior. He climbed out of bed and began his morning routine of exercises. He was stiffer than usual—a lot stiffer—but he didn’t mind one bit as he started working the aches out. He finished a set of deep squats, then dropped to the floor to begin his push-ups.

  That’s when he saw it: one black shoe. It was the one he’d worn on his hand, the one with the Chinese character for love stitched in red on the top.

  He wasn’t a man who accepted magic in his world. Not even the normal heart-fluttering, stars-in-the-eyes love kind. He’d long since categorized that as lust and chemistry causing a brain aneurism or something. But last night had proved him wrong—on both counts. What had happened with Micki hadn’t been just lust. Maybe not love, but certainly more than simple lust. And as for the sudden kung fu power? He had no answer, so he started doing his push-ups instead, glaring at the simple black velvet shoe all the while.

  He was only halfway through his routine when she came out of the bathroom. He glanced up and was immediately distracted enough to blow off the rest of his workout. Pink skin barely covered by a towel, sparkling blue eyes, a shimmering fall of freshly blow-dried hair, and best of all, moist lips curving upward in a shy smile.

  “Now that’s a sight to wake a man,” he said.

  She blushed all the way down to her towel. “Good morning, Joe,” she said. Her tone was breathless and anxious, but she was smiling. He was smiling. And he was getting harder by the second.

  Then her phone went off: a steady cascade of tones that sounded more like an alarm than a ringtone. She gasped and dashed to her dresser, her naked legs passing almost within touching distance. She grabbed her phone and thumbed it off.

  “That’s the alarm,” she said breathlessly. “I have to leave for school in ten minutes.”

  He frowned, wondered what time it was, then immediately decided he didn’t care. “Take the day off. Call in sick.”

  She shook her head. “It’s too late.”

  “No, it’s—”

  “I don’t want to.” She looked up long enough to meet his gaze. “I want to go to work today.”

  He understood the underlying message, at least in part. She wasn’t a woman who did one-night stands, and so this morning after left her feeling awkward and embarrassed. He could sympathize. And if it were just that, then he would happily let her run off to school where she could think and talk and do whatever women did when they were deciding about a relationship.

  But it wasn’t just about them. “We have to talk about those shoes,” he said.

  She swallowed, then squared her shoulders. Her smile had long since faded, and now she looked determined as she stepped past him and quietly slipped one on. “We’re not going to discuss it. They’re mine. I don’t kn
ow if they’re possessed or what, but they’re mine. I’m not giving them up.”

  He slowly stood to his full height, not caring that he was completely naked and aroused. “I never said I wanted them.”

  She lifted her chin. “Yes, you did. Last night. You said—”

  “That they were cool. And they are. And they’re also . . . magical.” He almost choked on the word, but he got it out. “You don’t know anything about them except what they let you do. Don’t you think we should study them a bit first before you use them any more?” He used the word “we” deliberately. For better or worse, he was involved in this . . . magic. No way was he going to let her pursue this alone. “They could be dangerous.”

  She leaned down and buckled the shoe on, and the view of her nicely rounded tush distracted him more than he wanted. “They don’t feel dangerous,” she said.

  “Not every dangerous thing does.”

  She straightened, looking a little silly dressed in a towel and one shoe. And yet, he was never further from laughing in his entire life. “Listen to me, Joe, because I don’t know if I can say it twice. I like you. I always have, from the very beginning. Last night was . . .” Her face softened into a dreamy smile. “It was the best. But we both know that it’s not me you like.”

  He frowned, working hard to think of the best way through her female logic. He decided to simply go for brutal honesty. “We’re talking about the shoes, not us.”

  “But it is us, too. I’ve noticed you from the beginning, but you’ve always gone for the . . .” She waved her hands in front of her breasts. “For other types. You dismissed me by the end of the first day.”

  Actually, within the first five minutes, but he wasn’t going to tell her that. “I noticed you,” he countered. “I just thought you had your hands full.”

  “I did. I do,” she agreed with a sigh. “And these shoes are one more complication. But see, that’s my point. If it weren’t for the kung fu powers, you would never have noticed me. You wouldn’t be here. And I would never have . . .” She blushed and looked away.

  He stepped forward, but didn’t dare touch her. The way she looked right then, she would probably bolt. “You wouldn’t have what?”

  “Seduced you.”

  He felt his shoulders stiffen. “You think last night . . .” How to phrase this? “You think what we did last night was because of those shoes?” He took a step forward. “Micki, we weren’t wearing those shoes for most of it.”

  She lifted her chin. “But we were at the beginning. At the start.”


  She threw up her hands. “So, nothing! So, I’m not a slut. I don’t seduce men like that—”

  “I never said you were!”

  “But you’d never go to bed with me unless something made you.”

  He blinked, wondering for a moment if she was serious. Obviously she was. “That’s total bullshit! Of course I would!” Skittish be damned; he was across the room and grabbing her arms before she could run. “You can’t seriously believe that I wouldn’t—”

  “Well, of course you would. If I were just a stranger or something. But I’m a coworker.”

  He stared at her, feeling the insult all the way to his bones. “You honestly think I sleep with anything with tits?”

  She nodded, though her eyes were obviously big with fear. “Big ones! Who you don’t work with!”

  “That’s ridiculous!” he exploded.

  “That’s what I’m saying! This whole thing is ridiculous. It wasn’t real!”

  “It sure as hell was!” He was gripping her arms too tight. He knew it, but he couldn’t stop himself. She obviously thought he was some awful player.

  He abruptly released her, stomping away to grab his clothing. “Micki, you obviously don’t know me at all.”

  She didn’t answer at first. She was silent so long that he had to glance over his shoulder to see her standing still in her towel, her face as white as her eyelet pillowcase. “That’s what I’ve been trying to say,” she finally whispered. “We don’t really know each other at all.” She glanced down at her feet. “It was all fake.”

  Then she abruptly turned and grabbed some clothes out of her dresser. He tried to think of something to say. There had to be words to make her see reason. But he couldn’t find them. Truthfully, some tiny piece of him did wonder if last night’s amazing sexual explorations had been shoe-induced. So he remained silent as she gathered up the last of her clothes and ducked into the bathroom. The last thing he saw her do was brush the hair out of her face. Except, of course, he knew it wasn’t really hair but tears.

  With an abrupt curse, he stomped out of the room, threw on his clothes, and then just kept going. Thankfully, he didn’t live that far away, and the run would do him good.

  The roses arrived during fourth period. Micki had time to smile, bury her nose in the blooms, and then glance at the card. Three words, no signature: It was real. From Joe, of course. And a lie if there ever was one. So, blinking away the tears, she returned her attention to her class.

  She saw him at lunch, but ducked away. He followed, of course, and almost had her in her classroom. But then his radio went off—disturbance in the cafeteria—and he had to go. He left with a muttered curse, but not before he sent her a look that practically screamed determination.

  During fifth hour, he sent one of her students to her classroom with a sealed note. It read: Dinner tonight. The boy who delivered it stood in the classroom door fidgeting. When she asked why, he simply shrugged and said, “Mr. DeLuce said you’d have an answer.”

  Micki’s heart beat triple-time, but she held back her yesyesyesyesyes! In the end she used her most professional voice as she said, “Mr. DeLuce was incorrect. You may go now.”

  During sixth hour, another note read: Don’t make me arrest you.

  Then during seventh hour: I can’t wait until dinner. Coffee right after school.

  Then, finally, during last hour, a single sheet of notebook paper arrived. On it was one word: Please.

  She ignored them all. Sure, she’d started looking at every student who walked into her room, hoping to see another note. Yes, she’d gotten a thrill deep down inside when a note did magically appear. But most of all, she’d started to feel cornered.

  Clearly, Joe was not a man to back off when he set his sights on something . . . or someone. He’d been right when he said that she was in over her head at school. She was. Add in magical shoes and a handsome cop, and she just wanted to hide under her bed.

  But she couldn’t do that. She had a job and kids to teach. Most especially, she had a young girl—Lucy—to talk some sense into. And she had to do it fast before Damian destroyed her.

  The final bell rang. Just like yesterday, kids scrambled out of their seats and headed for the door. Just like yesterday, Micki smiled at them but focused on her target. “Lucy, could we talk for a moment, please?”

  The girl nodded, reluctantly, but remained, though her gaze kept wandering anxiously to the classroom door where yesterday Damian had appeared and ruined everything. So, Micki grabbed her purse. “I need some air. Let’s step outside and talk.”

  She didn’t even let the girl stop by her locker. She was too afraid that Damian would show up. Instead, she steered the girl through the busy teachers’ lounge, then beyond to the employee parking lot and a cozy alcove between the Dumpster and a rather stately-looking elm. There were a couple of folding chairs set up beneath the tree, and Micki gestured to Lucy to take a seat.

  “Um, I gotta get home, Miss Becker.”

  “No, we gotta talk, Lucy. About Damian.”

  The girl’s eyes widened, and her head started shaking back and forth. “Miss Becker, you don’t know nothing ’bout—”

  “Come on, Lucy.” She took a deep breath and decided to go for broke. She just didn’t have the time or patience for subtlety. “You’re a smart girl. A really smart girl. I can easily see you going to college. You could have such a bright future. God, Lu
cy, you have no idea how really talented you are.”

  Lucy’s chin lifted, and her mouth dropped open in surprise. Micki could tell that the girl hadn’t expected that. And worse, she certainly hadn’t ever heard it before.

  “That ain’t possible for me,” she whispered. “It just ain’t.”

  “Of course it is. And I could help you. There are foundations, scholarships, opportunities for kids like you—especially if a teacher really takes an interest. I could sponsor you, make recommendations. You could have a great future.” Micki reached out and touched the girl’s hands. Lucy did not pull away. Progress. Micki decided to push it a bit further.

  “But none of that is possible if you get in trouble. One arrest, one bad choice, and it will all disappear, and I won’t be able to change that. That’s the reality of the world. There just aren’t a lot of second chances.”

  The girl looked down at their hands. “You’re talking about Damian,” she mumbled.

  Micki nodded, knowing it was now or never. “Why are you with that boy? He beats up people. He runs a gang. God only knows what else he’s doing, but you can be damn sure it’s illegal and dangerous. You can’t afford to get caught up in what he’s doing.”

  Lucy looked up, but not at Micki. Her gaze traveled out beyond the parking lot to God only knew where. “He was my brother’s best friend,” she whispered.

  “And didn’t he get your brother addicted? I mean, I don’t know about you, but I might blame Damian for what happened with your brother. The drugs, shooting Joe . . .” Micki’s voice wavered on those last words. “I mean, shooting Mr. DeLuce.” She leaned forward. “I want to understand, Lucy. Please tell me the good things about that boy. Tell me what you see in him.”

  Lucy just shook her head. “He likes me because I’m good at chemistry. I understand a lot of stuff. Mr. Gorzinsky’s even given me a college text to study.”

  Yay for Mr. Gorzinsky. “But that doesn’t explain why you like Damian.”

  Lucy just kept shaking her head—a slow movement of denial. And then, finally, she whispered. “You don’t understand.”


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