Shiver of Deception (Soul of the Sinner- Book 5)

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Shiver of Deception (Soul of the Sinner- Book 5) Page 9

by Rumer Raines

  I pinched my lip as I turned to look at Maurice’s concerned eyes. It’s at this moment I realized what I had to do. Maurice nodded as he glanced at the house. He agreed with me that it was the dumbest thing to even consider, but he promised me that he’d have my back.

  It felt like it took an eternity to reach the door. Two deadly sets of eyes watched my every step. Once I reached the porch, I was grabbed and patted down, while the other called for Columbo to come outside. I was so glad that I’d left both guns with Maurice.

  “I didn’t come to start shit,” I advised.

  He turned me around and shoved me against the house, his elbow digging into my back. “Really? How fucking nice of you. You didn’t make us look good the way you managed to walk out of the hotel,” he barked.

  “I made a mistake. I’m sorry,” I lied.

  Columbo walked out of the house and looked me over. When he started laughing, the other two joined in. “What did we do to deserve your presence, Oliver?” Columbo asked.

  “I want to make a deal with you,” I answered.

  “What kind of deal?” he questioned with one lifted brow.

  “I think you’re looking for someone to make you money. You don’t have an heir to take over, so I think that someone should be me.”

  They all laughed until Columbo narrowed his eyes and grabbed me by the neck. “Why in the fuck would I want you to take over my empire? Do I look fucking stupid to you? Why would I do that? What is in it for me?” he whispered.

  “Legacy. You get your legacy and I get Bryn. I will walk away from the Delucas and help you take over Boston. Your family will never want for anything. The only thing I ask for is Bryn.”

  Columbo rolled his eyes and took two steps away from me. “What is it with this girl? She must be one hell of a piece in bed. First, Steven, and now, you are offering your services just to keep her alive?”

  “She’s special.”

  He pinched his eyes closed.

  Special was not the word for Bryn. She was mine from the minute she walked into my office for that job interview. She had me so twisted that I was offering my services to another family. I just hoped I never had to fulfill the promise, but I would make it look good until I found her.

  “How about you come into the house and we’ll discuss this further?”

  I nodded and hoped that Maurice was still sitting down the street where I left him.

  Columbo and his henchmen took me to his office. I sat across from him as he rubbed his fingers over closed eyes. Nearly an hour passed before he looked at me with a smile.

  “I have an offer for you. If you really want to walk away with your precious Bryn, you’ll take it.”

  I didn’t like the look in his eye. I was already irritated by his mocking tone. “What is it?” I ripped out the words impatiently.

  “Chicago,” he drawled with distinct mockery.

  “What about Chicago?” I stiffened as if he’d struck me.

  “If you want Bryn, you’ll help me take control of Chicago.” There was a critical tone in his voice.

  “The Delucas control Chicago.” I gritted my teeth, not liking where this conversation was going.

  “They won’t for long… if you want Bryn back in one piece.”


  “You think you’re too good to be here, don’t you?” the redhead asked.

  I tried to move around the group of girls who were blocking my path to my cot. There were three of them, and I knew immediately that they didn’t like me. I made eye contact with one of them by mistake, and she narrowed hers back at me. They were huddled together, staring at me while they laughed.

  “I think we are all too good to be here,” I stated, and one of the bigger girls pushed me.

  “I should beat your ass,” she spat.

  I didn’t want to fight with this girl. I had no reason to fight her. “I’m sorry if I did anything to upset you. I only needed a place to sleep, just like you.”

  “Bitch…” She walked toward me and took a swing, but I ducked and she hit the wall instead. “I’m going to kill you for that, bitch!” she yelled as the other two girls inspected her hand.

  As the girls stalked toward me, two other girls stepped between us. “Haven’t you all been warned about this before? This is now an even fight, and just to warn you, I have cramps and will kick some ass if you want to continue this shit.”

  The girls walked away, leaving me with the two angels that saved me from getting a beat down.

  “Thank you. I’m Bryn.” I held out my hand, and the spunky girl shook it while the other girl walked away.

  “I’m Maya. It’s nice to meet you, Bryn. You should always stick with someone else while you are staying here. Girls like that will always start shit if they can.”

  “I wasn’t planning on being here long,” I whispered.

  “None of us ever do,” she confessed.

  Maya was a beautiful girl who looked to be close to my age. She had long dark, curly hair that fell down her back. Her face was covered in freckles along with a visible sadness.

  When Maya headed outside to smoke a cigarette, I went with her. “Are you from Boston?” I asked her.

  She bit her lip and looked away before answering. “I am. How about you?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Do you have family here?” Maya asked, and I suddenly realized that I should have never started the conversation.

  “I don’t. Do you?” I asked, and her face clouded with uneasiness.

  “I actually do. They don’t want anything to do with me. I got involved with the wrong man, and my family disowned me.” The color drained from her face.

  “I know about getting involved with the wrong man,” I muttered uneasily.

  Maya and I had so much in common. Both of our lives were destroyed because we got involved with the wrong man. In my case, it was at the hand of my own father.

  While we were standing outside of the shelter, a black Suburban slowly drove by, and I turned away. Maya put out her cigarette and suggested that we go back inside. I caught myself glancing uneasily over my shoulder, wondering if whoever was in the Suburban was looking for me.

  Maya and I easily became friends. We had nothing better to do with our time but sit on the cot and braid each other’s hair. I must be honest, there was plenty for me to do, but I hadn’t decided how to do it yet. I had to find out who killed Steven and convince Columbo it wasn’t me.

  “Why don’t we tell each other a story?” Maya suggested.

  I had no interest in storytelling; my life story was enough. “Okay, how about you go first?” I watched as the color drained from her face.

  “Nah, I guess that was a bad idea.” She shrugged in mock resignation.

  At lunchtime, the shelter served dry chicken and carrot sticks that we both choked down. Maya and I talked about our life lessons and how we each would do things differently if given the chance. Later that night, we found two open cots next to each other so we could stay close.

  When the lights went out for the night, neither of us could sleep. Maya had a squeaky cot, so I could hear every toss and turn.

  “Can I tell you a story?” she whispered.


  “There once was a girl who had everything she ever wanted. Her father worked for this rich, powerful family, and she loved the family like it was her own. She fell in love with the son. The family wasn’t about to let their son get involved with the hired help. They did everything they could to destroy the relationship. It didn’t even matter that the girl was pregnant.”

  “SHHH… People are trying to sleep!” whispered the lady in the cot next to Maya.

  I was holding my breath for most of the story, and now I would have to wait for the ending.

  Tears slowly found their way down my cheeks as I listened to Maya’s soft whimpers as she cried herself to sleep.

  The next morning when I woke, Maya’s cot was empty. After folding the blanket, I headed outside, prayin
g that she was out having a cigarette. I pushed open the door and found Maya, her face bleak with sorrow.

  “Hey,” she said while puffing on her cigarette.

  “Hi. I was thinking about the story you told me last night.”

  With a moan of distress, Maya turned away. “Don’t let some made up story get to you, Bryn,” she whispered.

  “I don’t think it’s a made-up story. I think it’s your story.” I fought hard against the tears that I refused to let fall.

  “Bryn, we have known each other for two days. We are not friends. You don’t know me, and I sure as hell don’t know you. Just leave it alone,” she shouted as she dropped her cigarette and stepped on it. Maya turned to walk back into the building, and I let out a long, audible breath.

  “My father lost me in a bet. He was always losing. He couldn’t pay, so he offered me as the payment. I fell in love with the man he gave me to. Isn’t that some twisted shit?” We both laughed.

  “Do you still talk to your father?” she asked, and I nodded. I asked her the same question, and she told me he disowned her because he lost his job.

  Maya and I were so different, but it felt as if we were the same.


  Columbo wanted to take over Chicago. He wanted me to help him eliminate the Delucas, and then Bryn would be safe. My life flashed before my eyes as I felt his intense stare. He was waiting for my answer, but I didn’t think I could give it to him. How in the hell could I betray my family? The Delucas weren’t my blood family; they were closer. Our fathers did business together. We were groomed to be loyal to each other.

  “I don’t have all day. What is the answer?” Columbo muttered.

  I pinched my lip as I carefully thought of the words I’d say to him. I was still in his home, with his goons right outside the fucking door.

  “I need more time to think about it,” I finally replied.

  “I’ll give you twenty-four hours. Call this number when you decide,” he ordered.

  I walked out of the house, and Maurice was thankfully still in the same spot. His eyes narrowed when I fell into the car and closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened? Or are you going to make me suffer?” he asked as he pulled onto the road.

  “He made me an offer.”

  “What kind of offer?” Maurice questioned with suspicion in his voice.

  I explained to him how, in exchange for Bryn and her safety, I would have to walk away from the Delucas. I wasn’t even sure why the hell I was telling him any of this shit, other than the fact I was here alone without any support.

  “Oh, shit. What are you going to do? I mean, you wouldn’t betray the Delucas for some girl, would you?” he questioned.

  I had no idea what I’d do. I only knew I had twenty-four hours to decide.

  When we got back to the house, we went straight to Maurice’s office. He sat at his desk and watched me pace the floor. I had no choice but to work with Columbo. The Delucas had all had to choose between the family and their women, and now, they were all happily married with families of their own.

  I could either go back to the family and be a bachelor, or I could put Bryn first and take a chance at love. Frank put Lola first, Alex put Adele first, and even cold-hearted Thomas put Hannah first. I was going to put Bryn first. I had to put my future with Bryn ahead of the family.

  Taking out my phone, I sent the text that would change everything.

  Me- I don’t need 24 hours to decide. I love Bryn. I’ll help you take over Chicago.

  I waited five minutes before getting a response.

  Columbo- Are you sure you want to do this? You want her this fucking much?

  I took a deep breath before responding.

  Me- I am in love with her. I can’t walk away.

  After twenty minutes, I realized there would be no other response.

  When I finally went to bed, I thought of my father. He always told me that women would destroy business. My father was damn near obsessed with my mother; hell, he still was. He was the mob boss, but she was the boss at home. She had him wrapped around her finger. He didn’t get away with shit when it came to her.

  I remembered the first time he wanted to show me how to shoot a gun. We’d made plans, and I was so excited that I told my mother. She made a fancy dinner that night and told me to go to my room when I was finished eating. I reminded my father that we were going shooting once he was done eating. He gave me a small smile as he looked between me and my mother.

  One hour later, he walked into my room and told me that we wouldn’t be doing any shooting. I glanced at him and noticed my mother standing in the doorway. When my father turned to look at her, I noticed red lipstick all over the side of his face. She smiled at me and told my father that she would be waiting for him downstairs. When I questioned my father as to why we wouldn’t be going, he glanced back toward the door. “Oliver, women will always be a weakness for us. They can destroy the fucking business,” he whispered before quickly rushing off to meet my mother.

  It was time I got some fatherly advice.

  “Oliver? Where the hell are you, son?” he answered on the second ring.

  “Pop how is Ma?”

  “Your ma is fine. Are you avoiding the question?” he questioned.

  “I’m not, Pop. I am in Boston,” I whispered.

  “Boston? Why the hell are you in Boston? Shouldn’t you be taking care of business here? I didn’t walk away from the business so you can take vacations!” he yelled.

  “I’m not on vacation, Pop. I need to tell you something. I found the one. I am in Boston looking for her.”

  I could picture him rubbing his eyes. I knew he hated this shit.

  “If you found the one, why is she in Boston? Didn’t I teach you that women will fuck up business? You have your ass in Boston when you should be in Chicago!”

  I pleaded with him to calm down, and once he quit ranting, explained to him why I was in Boston. When I mentioned Columbo, the conversation took an awful turn.

  “Did you just say Columbo?” he asked.

  “I did,” I replied.

  “You should have started off the conversation with that information.”

  “Are you familiar with him?” I asked.

  He laughed, but it didn’t sound genuine. “I will be in Boston tomorrow morning. Text me the address where you’re staying.”

  “Wait. No, Pop, I can’t watch you and look for Bryn.”

  “Watch me? Son, I have been doing this shit for longer than you have been alive. Columbo and I go back. He will not fuck over my son. Now, are you going to text me the fucking address or do I have to hunt you down in Boston?”

  Oh, fuck. My father was coming to Boston to help, and I already knew this wouldn’t be good.

  His plane arrived at ten the next morning, and Maurice drove me to the airport to pick him up. We’d planned to meet in the baggage claim area.

  I spotted him immediately. He was the tallest man standing in the area, his grey hair and outfit making him stand out. Wearing sunglasses and all black, he looked like he’d stepped right out of an old Mafia movie. He nodded when he spotted me and walked over to me, giving me a hug and kiss on each cheek.


  “Pop, you didn’t need to come.”

  “Bullshit. I had to come. Now, where the hell did you park?” he asked.

  Maurice pulled up to the curb, and I tossed his bag in the trunk. Maurice offered his hand, but my father looked at it with disgust.

  “You are?” he asked.

  Maurice narrowed his eyes and looked at me as he pulled his hand away. “Nice to meet you. I am Maurice. I am an old family friend.”

  My father looked him over and turned back to me. “Is this a joke?”

  “Pop, Maurice is a friend of Alexis’s husband. You remember Noah Hudson, don’t you?”

  “How could I forget him? He should have been killed a long time ago. Damn women will
fuck up business.”

  “Pop, Alexis is a Deluca. This is just as much her business as it is ours,” I reminded him as we got into the car.

  “Bullshit. Alexis was better off in the dark. Now, she knows shit and married that outsider,” he argued.

  We listened to my father complain about Alexis and Noah until we reached the house. When we finally arrived, he jumped out of the car and stared at the house and Maurice.

  “Is this fucking Mayberry?” he spat out.

  I closed my eyes and prayed for strength.


  It’d been weeks since I returned to Boston, and I was still no closer to clearing my name. Maya and I became closer. The more time we spent together, I realized that she had no more business being at the shelter than I did. Like me, she also didn’t like to talk about her past. She had secrets, and despite having my shit to handle, I wanted to know what they were.

  I didn’t hesitate to follow Maya when she left the shelter and didn’t say goodbye. I knew she didn’t owe me a goodbye, but the fact that she didn’t say it made me suspicious. I made sure she didn’t notice as I followed. I made sure there were others between us as we walked the crowded sidewalk. She kept her head down, not making any eye contact.

  When Maya made a sudden stop and walked into a store, I didn’t know if I should follow her. I waited outside for almost ten minutes before going in. I went in and bumped into a waiting Maya.

  “Why are you following me?” she questioned.

  “I’m not!” I lied.

  Her suspicious eyes narrowed at me.

  “Where are you headed? Maybe I can tag along?” I asked.

  She hesitated. “I’m actually going back to the shelter,” she quietly answered.


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