ROMANCE: Biker Club Romance: Infernal Affairs (Alpha Males playing Wicked Games MC Ride Romance New Adult Romance) (Unlawful Secret baby Undercover cop romance Series)

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ROMANCE: Biker Club Romance: Infernal Affairs (Alpha Males playing Wicked Games MC Ride Romance New Adult Romance) (Unlawful Secret baby Undercover cop romance Series) Page 6

by Linda Wright

  As I said the words I frowned. I wasn’t sad because of Paul. He’d been my boyfriend for a while and he’d cheated on me and I wasn’t sad. I was sad over the stranger I’d met on the street and instantly felt attracted to. Something was wrong with that.

  “Then why are you sad?”

  I groaned and sat up. “You really want to know?”

  He nodded.

  “I went with that guy this morning to his house. He’s in a motorcycle club. He was so nice and everything was going great. Then there was a fight and he was trying to separate it. It wasn’t working so I took charge. I screamed and broke up the fight and insulted the guys fighting. Then Ramsey kicked me out. He even made someone else bring me home.”

  “You broke up a fight in a motorcycle club?”

  It was my turn to nod. “Yeah. Nothing was working so I took charge.”

  He stood up and stared at me. “Who are you and what did you do with my girlfriend?”


  “Whatever. You’re the girl who wouldn’t let me order pineapple on my pizza because it was too different. You’ve shopped at the same store for your clothing for as long as I’ve known you. You don’t branch out. Ever. But suddenly you’re hanging out in a motorcycle club?”

  I stared at Paul and frowned. Maybe he wasn’t the boring one. Maybe it was me. Why had I been so able to let go with Ramsey, then?

  “You wouldn’t let me touch you if I hadn’t showered right before. Did you make Mr. Dirty Biker shower first?”

  I flipped Paul off and stood up. “Out of my room. This was fun but I’m over it.”

  He shook his head. “No. Explain to me why you treated our relationship like this clinical project you were working on and then you let this man get to you so much. Why aren’t you sad over me but you are over him?”

  “I’m not sad over him! Just get out!”

  He wasn’t budging. I didn’t want to fight with him anymore because I knew he was right. I felt more attraction to a man I’d barely spent any time with than I did to the guy I’d dated forever. I shook my head and moved to the bathroom.

  “Finish packing and go, Paul. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how unhappy we were. I’m sorry if I hurt you with how clinical I was with you but seeing how easy it was for you to cheat and lie to me I’m glad I was. I’m going to shower. See you around.”

  I closed the door and locked it before starting the shower and stripping. I kept Ramsey’s shirt out so I could put it back on when I was done. I went through the motions once I was in the shower and found myself frowning a lot.

  I wasn’t an idiot. I knew what I felt for Ramsey was one hundred percent hot blooded lust but I thought that maybe I could like him. It sucked that he’d tossed me aside before I’d gotten a chance to see if there was anything between us. My pride also hurt. I wanted to think I was hot enough to make him sad to have me gone. It seemed easy for him to cast me aside, unfortunately.

  I wasn’t paying attention in the shower and I’d just finished shaving my legs when I stepped funny and slipped. My head connected with the tile wall hard and I saw stars for a moment. I closed my eyes and steadied myself before cutting the water off and getting out of the shower so I could be on solid ground.

  My head throbbed when I touched it but otherwise it seemed okay. Close call, I thought. I’d been too distracted by Ramsey to pay attention.

  I dried off and pulled just Ramsey’s shirt back on. I tip toed out and saw that Paul was officially gone. I was pissed to see he’d left with my favorite coffee mug but I’d let him have it. I locked the door and curled up on the couch with the remote. I needed to relax and lose myself in some brainless TV.

  I must’ve fallen asleep because it felt like I’d just blinked when there was a knock at the door. My apartment was lost in darkness which told me I’d been out for a few hours. I ran my hands through my hair and winced when my fingers brushed over a lump on my head. I recalled the shower slip and groaned. It wasn’t abnormal for me.

  I looked through the peephole and sucked in a too large breath. My lungs protested and I ended up having a coughing fit.

  “Open up, Kasey.”

  I figured I might as well. Maybe he wanted to formally reject me. I opened the door and stared at him. “What?”

  He stared down at me and his expression was pained until he reached my face. Then it went all red and furious. “He hit you. I fucking sent you back here and he hit you. Where the fuck is he?!”

  My eyebrows furrowed. “What?”

  He stormed into the apartment and looked around. “Where is that little shit? Is he still here, Kasey?”

  I watched him silently. I had no clue what he was talking about.

  Finally, after he’d checked out all of my apartment, he came back and gently touched my head. “What happened?”

  I finally made sense of why he was freaking out and shook my head. “Oh no! No, he didn’t hit me! I slipped in the shower and hit my head on the wall.”

  “Don’t cover for him.”

  “I’m not. He was here when I got home but we talked and came to the realization that I was a cold bitch with him. He pointed out that we hadn’t had sex in months and that I was sadder over being rejected by you than I was over him cheating. It was a fun conversation for both of us. He left and the only victim was my favorite mug. He stole it.”

  Ramsey put his hands on his hips and just frowned a lot. “Cold?”

  I nodded. “Cold. Boring. Something like that. Anyway. He didn’t hit me. I’m just a klutz.”

  “You were sad?”

  It was my turn to frown. “Of course. You kicked me out like I was yesterday’s garbage! That sucked.”

  “Kasey. You stormed into the middle of a brawl between gang members and started bossing people around. Night Rider’s isn’t as bad as some of the clubs around here but it isn’t a fucking safe haven for women, either. They still have the same ideas that women should either be cooking or fucking. Not bossing men around and screaming like a damn banshee. Especially not hitting members in the face! You broke Jake’s nose. He’s been bitching about you nonstop.”

  I threw my hands up. “How was I supposed to know? It’s not like I hang out with motorcycle clubs every day. I just saw you trying to break it up and no one else was helping. You got hit and I decided it was time for it to be over.”

  His eyes had softened and I realized the bottom of the shirt I was wearing had ridden way up and he was getting quite the image. “You put my shirt back on.”

  I lightly slapped his chest. “It’s comfy.”

  Ramsey shook his head and looked back at my face. “I couldn’t let you stay there. There are rules. Unless you’re someone’s old lady you aren’t protected and I didn’t think you wanted me to claim you right there in front of everyone. I sent you away for your protection, Kasey. They’re not bad guys but they’re not exactly living in this century, either.”

  I frowned. “You’re not like that, though. Are you?”

  His eyes trailed down my body and he blew out a long breath. “Not usually. I was raised by a tough woman. I learned not to disrespect woman the hard way. She’d beat my ass and then make my dad do it again when he got home if I was disrespectful. I’m having a hard time thinking with that respectful part of my brain right now, though.”

  I felt like a bolt of electricity shot through my body. He was wearing another bandana and I took pleasure in pushing it off of his head. I shoved my fingers into his hair and tugged his head down to me so I could press my mouth against his.

  As far as first kisses went it was one to write home about. His mouth was warm and soft, a drastic difference to the roughness of his facial hair. His hands immediately moved to my head and his thumbs stroked over my cheeks as he tilted my head to deepen the kiss. When his tongue brushed over my lips I opened for him and instantly felt my world tilt. The man tasted like chocolate.

  Paul had never tasted like chocolate. I’d never kissed a man who did. My mind reeled and I had to
get closer to Ramsey. I practically climbed his large body to get closer. He moved his hands to my ass and held me against him. I locked my ankles behind his back and moaned into his mouth.

  Ramsey nipped my bottom lip and then ran his tongue over it. “How could anyone ever think you were cold? You’ve been nothing but fire since I met you. Fire in my hands and I can’t get enough.”

  I kissed across his jaw and down his neck. My teeth snagged on his skin but I was fast to sooth the sting with my tongue. I moved to his ear and sucked the lobe into my mouth before gently biting it. “No matter who knocks we ignore them.”

  He grunted and pried me off of him long enough to reach between us and rip my shirt over my head. His eyes were fevered and hungry as they trailed down my naked body. “Fuck. That sidewalk had nothing on the real thing.”

  Laughter spilled from my lips and I hit his arm. “Shut up.”

  He shrugged out of his jacket with my hands helping him. Next went his heavy boots. I ended up knocking over a statue Paul left when I whipped Ramsey’s belt out of the loops and across the room. I didn’t pause to pick up the broken pieces.

  His mouth was molten lava moving over my skin constantly. He kissed burning trails down my neck and across my chest while I fought to get this shirt off over his head. “Leave it. I’m busy.”

  I moaned as his mouth sucked on an especially sensitive part of my neck. My hands never stopped moving over his chest, though. “Can’t. I need to see you.”

  He broke away from me for the second it took to rip the shirt off. It sailed across the room and knocked a picture frame off the shelf. More glass shattered. It didn’t matter. Suddenly his chest was bare in front of me and I couldn’t think. It was solid muscle in the form of lots of lovely ridges and dips. I made plans to run my tongue between every one of his abs. Another time.

  I lowered my mouth and gently bit down on his chest. Tattoos covered most of his skin there. I saw the Night Rider’s name printed there and trailed my nails down it.

  “Fuck, Kasey!” Ramsey grunted when my teeth raked across his nipple.

  I squealed as he lifted me and held me so my chest was in his face. He eagerly took one of my nipples into his mouth and sucked. As fast as it happened it was over. He shifted me so that his hands were cupping my ass and spun around. He knocked over a side table and a lamp fell over.

  “Jesus. This place is a death trap. Which way to the bedroom?”

  “Back there.” I tried pointing but he wasn’t looking.

  Ramsey was already walking towards the back of the apartment. When we got to the bedroom he tossed me onto the bed like I weighed nothing and prowled towards me. “Anything else breakable in here?”

  I settled myself in the middle of the bed and smiled. “Break anything you want.”

  He unbuttoned his pants and then picked up a picture from the shelf holding my TV. I knew without looking it was a picture of me and Paul at a friend’s birthday party. Without blinking he dropped it and glass shattered. “Anything I want, huh?”

  I had the same feeling that I had earlier on the back of his motorcycle. Everything in me felt wild and free. I sat up and shook my hair out so it fell all around my shoulders. “Break anything. I don’t care. Hell, break everything. Just come here.”

  He pushed his zipper down and a deep chuckle rang from his lips. He stalked closer to me and stood next to the bed. “You’re eager.”

  I moved to kneel in front of him and nodded. “I am.”

  He moaned when I shoved his pants and briefs down as far as I could get them. “Paul was a fucking idiot.”

  I pulled him down on top of me and moaned as his weight settled. I used my feet to get his pants off and wrapped my knees around his hips. “Paul who?”

  Ramsey buried his face in my neck and pressed his lips there. “You’re so sexy, Kasey.”

  I used all of my strength to roll us over and straddled him. His hard member was trapped between our bodies and when I rolled my hips on top of him it rubbed me just right. I tossed my head back and moaned. My hair trailed down and tickled his legs as he lifted his hips.

  He reached up and wrapped his arms around my back to pull me down. His lips claimed mine in a kiss that stole my breath.

  I lifted my head and met his eyes. “I need you. Now.”

  He rolled us back over and parted my thigh with his knee. With shaking fingers he leaned over the bed and grabbed his pants. A condom appeared from his pocket and he ripped it open. “Give me just one second, baby.”

  I took it from his hands and reached between us to roll it on to his girth. I gave him an extra stroke and then lifted my knees to guide him into me. His head pushed into me and then he stilled. I raised my hips to take more of him in.

  His mouth found mine and swallowed my cries of pleasure as he slid into me in one strong stroke. His chocolate taste enveloped me until he was all I could think about. He wrapped his arms under mine and held onto my shoulders as he slid out and then pumped into me again.

  “Ramsey!” I cried out his name and dug my nails into his back. He filled me almost to the point of pain and his thrusts were so strong that I couldn’t fully catch my breath. “Yes. Yes.”

  He rested his forehead on mine and held my gaze. Our breaths rushed out and mingled in the inches between us. “You feel so good. Say my name again.”

  I met his thrusts with my own and held him so tight that our bodies felt like one. I called his name over and over again until he lost control of his steady thrusts finally and fucked me harder and faster. My body tightened and I knew I was close. I breathed the words against his mouth and he held his breath as he tilted his hips. The new angle ground his body into my clit and before I could blink again I was coming harder than I ever had before.

  Ramsey grunted when I tightened around him. His hands dug into my shoulders and his head slipped to rest there, next to his fingers. He pumped into me two more times before stilling and growling out a release into my ear.

  For a long time after we both came we still clung to each other. My body still pulsed when he shifted, even slightly.

  Finally Ramsey lifted his body off of mine and slipped out of me. He disposed of the condom and then rolled onto his back, bringing me with him so that I was curled into his side. “Jesus.”

  I smiled into his chest and ran my hand over his tattoos. “I’ll give you a second and third chance if you want them.”

  He laughed. “I want them. I want a fourth and fifth, too.”


  He hooked his thumb under my chin and lifted my face to his. “Yeah. Probably more. You’re fun. I can’t say I’ve ever destroyed so many things while trying to have sex.”

  I rolled my eyes. “That’s probably just me. I have really bad luck usually.”

  He scoffed. “Your really bad luck led you to my motorcycle so I don’t want to knock it.”

  “I’m glad you came over.”

  He leaned down and kissed me. “Of course. I should’ve realized you weren’t ready to go to the clubhouse yet.”

  I climbed on top of him and straddled his chest. “I’m not sure I’m made to be the quiet submissive type. Do you think there’s room for me at the clubhouse just the way I am?”

  His eyes trailed low and a grin transformed his handsome face. “I’ll make room. Once you’re my old-”

  I held my breath as he cut himself off. He’d almost called me his old lady. I waited patiently as he seemed to think about his words.

  “I haven’t done this in a while but I think I’m supposed to ask you out on a date before I ask you to be my old lady. So… Do you want to go out with me?”

  I laughed. “That sounds perfect. As long as you keep giving me these self-defense lessons.”

  Ramsey hooked his arms under my thighs and dragged my body higher on his chest until I was vulgarly spread out right above his mouth. “Your next lesson? Never let a biker get his mouth on you. Once he does, you’re done for.”

  He spread my legs until
I was resting right on his mouth and then he moved his tongue. Oh, yeah. I was done for. One crazy day and I’d basically become someone’s old lady. Just my luck.



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  Copyright 2016 by (Dagny Rand) - All rights reserved.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  A Bad Boy’s fake


  A hardcore football romance novel

  By: Dagny Rand

  A Bad Boy Fake Fiancée

  Jack stretched as he reached for the towel after his shower. The steam swirled around the bathroom, and he swiped his hand across the foggy mirror and tied the towel around his waist. The image before him was the one that he saw every morning as he gave himself a once over. Tall and lean, check. Shoulder length dark hair, currently stick to the back of his neck from the shower, check. Muscles, honed by football practices, daily workouts, eating habits and being the equivalent of a walking Mack truck on the field, check. Bright almost sky blue eyes, double check.

  “Jack?” a female voice said from the next room. Jack paused in the mirror. Oh holy hell, what was her name? He had not even the slightest idea and that wasn’t going to go over well at all.

  “I’m in the bathroom, babe. I just got out of the shower,” he said. Maybe it would be okay if he just avoided calling her anything concrete. Otherwise, she was what’s-her-name. Most girls didn’t like that. He needed to start making them wear name tags or something. It wasn’t like he had to keep it up for long anyway, he had to be at practice soon. That was why he’d slipped out of bed and gotten into the shower already.

  “Are you leaving?” she cooed as she came into the room and slipped her arms around his waist.


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