
Home > Other > PurePassionBoxSet > Page 3

  Kate’s wide grin scared me first, before she pulled out her secret weapon, scaring me again.

  “Look what I have.” She waved it in the air.

  “Two pieces of rope and a stainless steel spatula don’t equate to foreplay.”

  “You sound disappointed. I’m sure I can find something in the kitchen that would fit nicely into your rear, dear.” She finished sardonically. Where the hell was my once a month seven-minute non sex-mad wife gone?

  I motioned a come here with my fingers, demanding the book while trying to feign a possible interest. I knew a little about BDSM, obviously not enough to compete with the charming, and very rich character that mocked my sex life from the pages.

  Once again I dumped his gay ass, and lowered my voice holding out a palm. “Give me the rope Kate. Then lay face up on the sofa. Do it now.” My tone said it left room for no arguments. As usual she ignored it.


  Like Duracell, I begun to run out of power. If we were going to get anywhere at all, I had to take control. I grabbed the clinical items from her hands and dumped them ceremoniously on the arm rest.

  “Because I want to hear you scream for me, honey.” I circled her wrist and pulled her to the wide, deep leather of the large couch, gently pushing her down. Hiding my surprise at her easiest surrender ever, I bound her wrists and pushed them above her head. “Don’t move those hands.” I instructed. She squirmed, rubbing her thighs together. D.D was pushing violently against my jeans, gaining a permanent zipper indentation.

  I pulled her tank top up, and squeezed each bra-less breast as I leaned down to suck on her hardened nipples. Raising her hips, she butted me out of the way. Taking the hint, I pulled her skirt down, bringing her panties along with it.

  “Pull your legs back and hold them against your stomach.” “Can’t. My hands are tied up.”

  “For fuck sake, just do it and pretend they’re above your head.” “Fine. Just hurry up before I fall asleep.”

  “If you’d kindly shut up for a minute, I will.” Pulling the T -shirt over my head, I ripped my jeans off and stood over her awkwardly bound position, naked as a jay bird.

  Like clockwork. “Did you pay the mortgage?” Kate reminded me. “Yes, I did dear.” Fuck! I knew I forgot something today. “Where’s the receipt?”

  Raising a palm, I smacked her fleshy butt cheek once, drawing a hitched breath from her.

  “Comfortable, honey?” I gloated hoping the redirection worked. “Fuck off, George. And stop waving your cock in my face.” She spat

  out as I rubbed her pink tinged skin.

  “This is how the game you wanted to play works. So, stop ordering me around.” I grabbed the spatula and grinned

  “Don’t you dare.” She warned.

  Gently, I tapped her naked sex with the cool metal. Kate hissed, bucking wildly. “Untie me.”

  “No. Stop talking.” I did it again, this time a little harder since she wanted the Grey guy to step out of the book and into our living room.

  Stars were all I saw as the carpet morphed into a make shift safety net.

  Blonde tresses swished my face as two big eyes peered down at me accusingly.

  “Shit, George. Are you ok?” she said unconvincingly before the venom slipped out.“It’s your fault anyway. You should have listened.”

  Unsurprisingly, I was to blame. “What the fuck Kate?” I accused rubbing my now throbbing face.

  “I kicked you in the head.” She revealed.

  “I’m not playing this game anymore,” I was dead serious. “Yes you are.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  I hissed as her nails dug into my untouched skin.

  “You are.”

  Gritting my teeth, I spat out. “I’ll fucking think about it, get me an ice- pack.”

  “You’ll do more than think about it,” she warned before she skipped off to the kitchen.

  If I closed my eyes now, maybe I wouldn’t wake up by morning. A bag of frozen vegetables was promptly dumped on my face with a

  mumbled ‘sorry’ before she told me to meet her upstairs. I wasn’t moving any time soon and the sex would have to wait.

  Chapter Four

  Daylight broke through the crack in the curtains, lashing my face. I rolled over, only to be greeted with a mouth full of fur and a rug burn on my balls. My eyes flew open as I spat out the bits of carpet and looked around the living room for signs of life. My back creaked in outrage as I heaved my still alcohol tainted body up from the floor. I paid a quick visit to the kitchen to start the fresh free flow of coffee before I headed upstairs.

  Falling onto the mattress next to Kate, she stirred.

  “What time is it?” her morning man -voice drawled.

  “Butt crack of dawn.” I answered groggily as I pulled the quilt over my naked body. Contrary to popular belief, women were the ones who hogged the covers because no matter the season, they were always fucking cold.

  The mattress dipped before my silent scream turned into a choke when Kate’s finger nail scraped a layer of skin from my ass cheek. Not only did she fucking Ninja-kick my face off, now she was assaulting my flesh. She wanted something, and it wasn’t sex.

  “Fucking ouch.”

  “Are you awake sweetheart?”

  Sweetheart? This was going to be epic.

  “Yes,” no, “dear.”

  “Oh good. Did you have fun last night?”

  No. “Do we have any antiseptic wipes?”

  “What for?”

  “The infection that’s forming on my ass as we speak.” I said. “I don’t have rabies!”

  That was questionable since I’d wondered the same thin g more than once.

  “Just to curb the contamination honey.”

  The sharp bite of her slap on my now red and bleeding ass robbed me of breath while she reprimanded my neuroticism. If only I could reach her neck…

  “Did you like our BDSM?” Kate asked me warily.

  “It was fantastic. I especially liked the part where you dislocated my nose and left me cold and naked on the floor.”

  After last night, I didn’t want to ever hear that acronym again. Her palm circled my dick. One wrong move and she wouldn’t think twice a bout giving D.D a Chinese burn.

  “Not that part, obviously. What. About. The. Rest.” Patience was not her first or last name, since each word was emphasized with abrupt strokes like she was de-skinning a chicken.

  “I like the sex we have already. I don’t need to get all fancy.” I assured, guarding my balls as I casually slid from her grasp.

  “Oh. Well I know it didn’t go that well, but we can practise later.” In light of the hour I rolled dramatically on my other side, evading

  her glare and the hands of death.

  “No Kate.” I said from the other side of the bed. I was taking a small stand since I was no longer within mauling distance.


  “Fine.” I parroted.

  The dreaded fine that meant everything was the complete opposite of fine. I’d expected that since it wasn’t fucking fine with me either. I’ve been accustomed to women speak for three years. It took me ten to actually figure this kind of shit out, could she claim the same?


  “Ok then.” I finished and dug my head further under the pillow of safety.

  There was good news and bad news. The good news was that Kate’s ok meant, ok for now since she’d run out of good retorts. My Ok meant, whatever, I win. The bad news was I had only 12 hours to prepare myself. Before I could smile, I was greeted by the ceiling when she rolled me onto my back and slung the pillow across the room. While being attacked by the killer claws, Kate’s warm mouth sucked my cock. Stunned that I’d miscalculated her vengeance, I strained my neck muscles trying to stem the effects of plush, silky wet lips swallowing my manhood one slow inch at a time. Striking a low blow, she did that thing with my balls in her palms, warming them up before smacking them lightly. Maybe I’ve been h
er bitch all along and I didn’t even know it. I’d anal yse that later on. I thrust upwards and decided I didn’t give a shit about anything as I rocked into her mouth.

  I sunk further into the mindless ocean of insanity. Pleasure waves of lightning crawled across my skin igniting the slow burn of my orgasm before a freezing cold shock wave dragged me back to reality and the lesson I was supposed to be learning.

  Kate smirked at me, and wiped her mouth before she climbed off the bed.

  “What the fuck did you do that for?” I quizzed dragging the dry corners to the middle and rolling the quilt into a ball.

  “Oh it’s only water, quit whining.” I wasn’t fucking whining, this was on a full scale, pissed off, one man army standoff.

  “Why didn’t I think of that when I was buried between your legs last month?” Courage skirt ed the edges of my voice, interjecting a poisonous retort before it ebbed.

  “We’re going to play BDSM again or I’ll never suck you like that again.” She promised.

  One of the two people in a marriage is far better at bribing than their counterpart. That was the reason why some nuptials worked. I was down, but I wasn’t out.

  “And if I see that book again, I won’t let you use my head as your own real live lick machine to grind on for hours.” I replied, easily faking politeness.

  We had a minor staring match. For the first twelve seconds I could feel every dust mite feeding on my retinas until she caved first. Thank fuck, I was just about to go blind. Spinning on her heel, Kate headed for the master bathroom before she left silently for work.


  Five days passed in a blur of business fuck ups, tax crap and a school play before I realised Kate hadn’t actually spoken to me since our ‘I - won’ cunnilingus bribing contest. Granted, I hadn’t seen the book designed to make my life a misery either but messages or orders had been passed via Cassidy. An old saying popped into my head of how winning battles didn’t mean shit when it came to the war. Deep in thought I stroked my short stubble rapidly since it helped me think and relaxed back into the chair. Screechy bongs from the doorbell resonated up the stairs, jarring my body into the state of awareness it was avoiding. That thing needed a hammer like I needed an Advil. I stood up, closed the laptop and headed for bed. Fuck who was at the door.

  Pulling my T-shirt and pants off, I slid between the cool sheets and buried my head in the pillows.

  After another round of Bing Bongs, whoever it was bypassed knocking and opted for hammering on the door instead. A deep voiced roared through the letter slot, or the hole they had punched through the door. I couldn’t be sure.


  Isn’t it funny when you hear the word ‘police’ you automatically scramble around looking guilty? After falling head first onto the wooden floor, my legs flopped forwards forming a perfect gymnast’s pose before I landed in a heap. I jumped up, forced the T-shirt over my body before realising my head wouldn’t fit through the arm hole. “I’m coming.” I said forcefully.

  Another warning was issued as I righted my top. Was this about a parking ticket? Maybe something had happened to Cassidy!

  “I’ll be right there,” I called back louder. Desperately, I ran out the bedroom and flew down the stairs, stopping by the hallway mirror to grab some coverage for my face. Just as I yanked the door open, I remembered I wasn’t wearing any pants.

  “Are you a secret Kermit the Frog fan?” John leaned on the doorframe, choking on his own laughter. I hoped he would drop dead.

  Coincidentally, Kate had neglected the laundry for the same amount of days she had ignored my existence, and this Christmas joke was the only clean pair left.

  “What SB sums you up for $1000?” John clucked like the Jeopardy host.

  “You are a sick bastard!” I spat as I shoved the front door. “Correct.” He congratulated, jamming his gia nt sized shoe over the

  threshold before he barged it open and invited himself in. “I see your stalker skills aren’t improving. You are supposed to be

  neither seen nor heard.”

  “It didn’t pay well, so I turned to a brighter future as a professionally annoy ing fuck.”

  “I guess I should be congratulating you on your promotion at MPAFOTP.” I retorted, flipping the coffee machine switch.

  “What the hell is that?”

  “Most Professionally Annoying Fuck on the Planet.” I revealed. John sat on the bench. “Fuck you as well. Got a beer?” “It’s nine O clock in the morning.” I said, grabbing an extra -large


  “In La -La land, EST calls it 1 PM.

  “Fuck, really?” I quizzed looking back at him. A white hot pain shot up my arm when scolding water poached my skin half-off. I skidded across the floor, thrust my hand under the tap and blasted the lobster red patches with freezing cold water.

  “Do you normally answer the door in shades?” John asked calmly. “You should know, you knock on it too often. Hint hint, fuck off so I

  can tend to my wound in peace.”

  “Kate’s right, you are such a baby.”

  “Beat’s being Macys he - bitch.” I spat venomously as my hand numbed.

  “It has its benefits.” He agreed on a hissed breath.

  “Why are you sitting like the Hunch Back of Notre Dame?” “No reason.”

  He was lying. “Why are you here, again?”

  Frowning, I noticed he was leaning to one side.

  “Just came over to say hello, how’s it going. What happened the night I left? You know the usual.”

  Narrowing my eyes at John, I shook the water excess water off my hand and closed the tap before I wrapped my frost bitten fist in a towel.

  “Hi. Good. Nothing, bye!” Why’d he want to know about that night? Shifting clumsily, he folded a leg under his body as he nodded to

  Kate’s Ray - Bans I’d mistakenly donned.

  “New fashion statement to go with the Freddy Mercury jeans?” he mocked.

  “Seeking fashion advice, John?” I asked, sarcastically. “When I want to look like Tom Cruises alter ego, I’ll cut off my legs

  and follow your dress sense.” He nodded to my lack of pants and stretched out T-shirt.

  “Maybe you need help in the personal department then. Can’t get it up?” I goaded.

  He shuffled awkwardly in his seat, palming the bottle of beer he got for himself when my fingers were burning to death.

  “Don’t be a dumbass; I have the best sex life.” He declared. “Mine’s better,” I countered childishly

  His brows shot up. “So you get pussy more than twice a month now?”

  “More than that,” I lied. Temporarily cast back to the past, I was that lanky spotty prick at high-school again. I shivered inwardly.

  “Bullshit.” He called me out.

  “I’m a master at BDSM. Don’t hate me.”

  “You can’t be.”

  “Yes I fucking can.” I argued.

  “You can’t use the master’s title, since I already claimed it.” John said matter of factly.

  “By whose standards?”

  “Macy said as much.”

  “Well Kate said I was, and she’s in the fashion industry. That trumps being a secretary to an un- funny, balding old fart.”

  “You’re a year older,” John reminded me.

  “That’s beside the point.” It really wasn’t.

  “Why are you so special?”

  “Because I know things,” I cradled my arm and turned my back on him.

  “Like,” he prompted.

  Before I really looked like a wimp, I switched tasks acting like my hand didn’t feel like it had been cut in half and pretended to re -arrange or look for a pen in the cutlery draw.

  “You sound interested John. Looking to learn a lesson or two from the master?”

  “Spit it out Master Dick,” he huffed impatiently.

  I chuckled right before something stabbed me in the hand. I wrestled with the thic
k metal stuck between an apple peeler and an assortment of knives before I yanked it out. Turning to face him I held up my prize. “Spatula play. What’s your forte, John?”

  He had the decency not to question it as he twisted the cap off the beer.

  “I claim master rights by professional Spankism my friend.” He claimed, blowing the bottle for a drop of juice.

  What the hell was tha t? “What the fuck is that?”

  “Belt play,” he answered cryptically.

  Kate’s too narrow sunglasses were cutting of the air supply to my nose, and digging int o still sore flesh. I really couldn’t hold the ritualistic morning shit at bay for much longer.

  “That sounds nice. Oh look at the time,” I’m sure my face was a picture as I tried desperately to suck everything that was on route for ejection back in, “See you in a few years?” I finished quickly.

  “Don’t you want to know what it is?” John said, ignoring my blatant hints.

  “Not really. Bye then.” Trying to get rid of him was becoming a full time, non- paying job. Concentrating wasn’t something I was accustomed to as sweat broke out on my forehead from the hard labor.

  Finally he staggered to a stand, cursing as he got up.

  “Did you fall over and break a hip?” I was about to burst, so I was very proud that I found excess energy to mock him.

  “I can’t remember. Bu t remind my deteriorating body on how fast you can move out of the way of a flying foot?” John snapped back angrily.

  The bastard knew. Winning by nefarious means was cause for disqualification from the competition. Since I was the one whose head was used a s a soccer ball, I wasn’t in the winning circle either.

  “Hold that comment.” I ran out of the kitchen, into the downstairs bathroom to dump my load. Maybe Kate was poisoning me into submission. After washing my hands I headed back to the kitchen. I hated our private shit being passed around the neighbourhood like the local enquirer, broadcasting the latest George fucked-up news flashes.

  Removing her shades before they melded to my face, John winced on my behalf. Twin purple bruises framed my swollen eyes.

  “That’s fucked up man,” he agreed in a rare show of unity among the male-species.


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