Rockstar's Angel

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Rockstar's Angel Page 15

by K. T Fisher

  When we get inside the house he marches us upstairs, then throws me down on the bed. I look up at him as he stands over me, my beautiful, strong, tattooed man. I lift my arms but he shakes his head. He falls down to his knees, starting to kiss my right ankle, softly kissing all the way up to my inner thigh. Then he repeats it on my other leg, when he gets to the very top, his head disappears under my dress as he licks over my thong. I gasp, my legs falling open wider. I almost shout out with approval when he yanks down my thong, before returning to his licking, his tongue sweeping over my bare naked flesh this time. His tongue widely sweeps up, then centers on my clit as he gets to the top, driving me wild as I whimper under him. I grip at the bed sheets, thrusting against his face. "Oh God, Leo," I moan. I need something else, I need his dick.

  Leo growls, it sends delicious vibrations against my quivering sex. I'm about to beg for his juicy cock when his fingers stop me from saying anything. He fucks me with those thick fingers of his, my heels digging into the bed as a fire begins to burn deep inside me. "Come for me."

  Leo demands and I deliver. We're completely alone, so I let my scream release. Leo sits me up, lifting the dress from me. He unclips my bra, giving my nipples a quick lick before thrusting himself deep within me. My head digs deeply into the mattress, fuck that feels good!

  "You like that baby?" Leo thrusts harder. My legs automatically have a mind of their own, wrapping around him.

  "Yes!" My hands reach for his strong, wide shoulders and I grip on for dear life as he fucks me into a different time zone. "Fuck me baby, you feel so damn fucking good!" I shout and Leo growls. He loves my dirty mouth when we're having sex. "Fuck me harder! Make me come all over your cock!" He fucks me harder as my screaming gets louder. I can feel another climax approaching. "Give me your come, Leo. Give. It. To. Me."

  I come for a second time, Leo following shortly after, trapping me under him as he falls on top of me. I love this as much as the sex, Leo holding me in his hot arms as we twitch and come down from our high.

  Time has begun to heal my heart. Leo helps a lot, if not fully, but some of it's down to me too. Telling Leo everything I felt when I miscarried our baby helped heal me, and allowed me to forgive Leo. He may not have done anything wrong, but that's not how my mind saw it at the time, I still felt the need to forgive him. I trust him completely, I know he would never do anything to hurt me. He's changed a lot since I used to watch him wander off with his groupies. If we'd both told each other how we actually felt at the time, we probably wouldn't have had to go through so much hurt.

  I'm now living the life I probably should have been living four years ago. Maybe this is the right time though. After all, we both had a lot of growing up to do, it seems our time apart has done that for both of us.

  For the rest of our last day, we both relax, spending time together lying on the beach. That night, before we get ready to leave, Leo makes slow love to me on the beach beside the sea. It's one of the most romantic things to ever happen to me.



  Eight months later

  "So, why do we need to be dragging the kids out right now?"

  "Mum! I'm bored." Finley moans from his seat.

  Kendal looks to me in frustration. I was round her place, with Jess, Maisy and Sophie, all of us playing in the garden with the kids. Kendal and I both got a text from our men asking us to meet them. When we both looked up at each other we realized we had both gotten the same text.

  "Because our friends are nosy and wouldn't watch them so they could come along too?"

  She looks over at the girls, getting into their cars while I help Kendal buckle in the triplets and Finley in their car seats. Baby Rory reaches over, grabbing my hair as I make sure he's secure, while Kendal tells Grace off for taking Noah's biscuits. When they're all fastened in, I get into my quiet car and we drive off, Jess, Maisy and Sophie all following.

  Twenty minutes later I pull in right next to Kendal's car. We're in a small car park with a building behind us. There are a few shops and boutiques around here. It's on the main shopping strip in town, so a lot of people walk by. It's a good place, but I don't know why we're here. I spot Jax and Leo's cars on the other side of the car park as the rest of the girls park beside us. I get out and see Leo and Jax both walking out of the building closest to us. Kendal gives me a questioning look as she steps out of her car. I shrug my shoulders. I have no fucking clue what's going on.

  "You brought everyone with you?" Jax asks and laughs.

  "No, we were all together and they were too nosy to stay behind and watch the kids." Kendal answers, as Jax welcomes her with a hug.

  Leo gives me the a hug as well, along with an extra squeeze of my arse cheek. "What are we doing here?" I ask him.

  He looks over to the girls, leaning against their cars. "Girls, you think you can watch the kids while we take Tan and Kendal for a sec?"

  Kendal and I look to each other with the same puzzled expression.

  "Sure," Jessica answers. Each of our friends looking equally puzzled as us.

  Jax takes Kendal by the hand and walks towards the building he just came out of. Leo takes hold of my hand and follows. What the fuck is happening?

  We all walk in through the back door, stepping into a small room which looks like a little storage room. We step through another door and come out in a corridor. There are a few doors here and there. Probably toilets and staff rooms, if it is a shop that is. Kendal shoots me another puzzled look from in front of me, I give her one back. I have no clue what's happening right now.

  The last door we walk through leads us into a massive space. It's open and light. This place is huge! All along the front are glass windows, making it seem even bigger. I see some of my favorite clothing stores opposite as well as some restaurants. I turn to look at Leo who's watching me. "What are we doing here?"

  I hear scraping and turn to see Jax dragging over two chairs. He looks at both me and Kendal. "Sit down."

  We don't move. "What are we doing here?" Kendal asks him.

  "Just sit down Kendal." Jax answers, she does, sighing.

  Leo pushes me towards the chair beside her, telling me to sit too. They both stand in front of us and look between the both of us.

  Jax spreads his arms wide. "What do ya think?"

  We look around and Kendal answers, "It's a big space." I nod my agreement, it is a big space.

  "What would you say if we told you we bought it?" That gets my attention. My head snaps back to Leo who is smiling down at me. I look to Kendal who is looking at me with wide eyes. She looks back to Jax and I look back to Leo.

  "What?" I almost shout.

  Leo looks like he's about to laugh as he answers me. “Jax and I bought the place."

  "Why?" Kendal asks.

  Jax shrugs his shoulders. "I heard they needed a new salon around here."

  His words slowly sink in, and when they do Kendal and I gasp, turning to each other. "Is he saying what I think he's saying?"

  I nod my head. "I think he is." I turn to Leo. "You two bought this, for us?"

  Leo steps closer to me. "Well, I sure as shit don't know how to cut hair."

  I'm stunned. Completely and utterly stunned!

  "Oh my God!" Kendal gasps after about five minutes of silence.

  "Tanya?" Leo bends down in front of me.

  I lean into him as quickly as I can, wrapping my arms around his neck and tears begin to fall. I don't even notice I'm starting to cry. Leo lifts me and my legs wrap round him. He holds me tight as he laughs into my ear. "Is this a sign that you're happy?"

  I lean back in his grip so I can see his face. "Happy? I'm fucking buzzing!" I jump down from his arms, running around the empty space. "This place is fucking amazing!"

  Kendal runs over to me, we hug and jump and dance everywhere. This was a distant dream for both of us, friends who love hair and beauty, dreaming about the day when we could open somewhere of our own as partners. Now it's finally coming true
, thanks to the men we love.

  Jax and Leo laugh at us as we gush about everything we're going to do with the place, where we want the sinks and chairs. Maisy will help us for sure! Jax goes to fetch the girls and the kids, and I run back to Leo, giving him the biggest, wettest and hottest kiss I can give him right at this minute. "Thank you." I whisper against his mouth. "I love you."

  The following weeks are spent at our new salon, Rock Chick Hair and Beauty, decorating and preparing for our grand opening. Finley helped paint and carry some not so heavy furniture, while the triplets crawled in every space possible, but it was fun. This is what it's all about, family.

  I pick up Noah from his playpen for a cuddle and a walk around the salon. I show him everything we have, and tell him what me and his mum plan to do to this place. I turn to see Leo smiling over at me and blush. I put Noah back into his playpen with Rory and Grace, walking over to Leo.

  He grips me in a tight embrace. "Is it weird I have a hard on?"

  I lean in closer and feel his cock, which is a little on the hard side and I laugh. "A little, but I still love you."

  "Just seeing you like that, with Noah just now, just makes me want it Tan."

  I smile into his chest. I know what he means. He's been hinting at trying for a baby ever since we came back from Miami, but I want to wait until after we're married. "Just a little longer and then we can do all the trying you like."

  He growls into my ear. "I'm counting down the months."

  Three months and counting to be exact, then we'll be married and can try out baby making as much as we want. Truthfully, with all these babies around, it is making me crave a baby of my own. I look up to Leo and kiss his chin. "Me too."


  Surprising Kendal with her own salon was a little scary. I didn't know if she was going to flip or not, so I was pleased when she and Tanya were as happy as they were.

  The salon has been open a couple of weeks now, and its doing great from what Kendal has told me. I knew it would. The estate agent told me and Leo it's on a great stretch so they should have plenty of passing trade. Seeing as they're quite well known now anyway, we used that to our advantage and helped promote their grand opening.

  Kendal is in the bath, having a well needed relaxing soak. Lately the bands been finishing up on our album and recording a new music video. Kendal has had her hands full with Finley and the triplets, but as always, her girls help her and she's a fantastic mum to our kids anyway.

  Life is fucking perfect right now. I think back to how my life was only three years ago, it amazes me how far I've come.

  I'm in the kitchen, making the kids their dinner, when I hear Finley groan in frustration. "Rory, leave my cars alone!"

  I walk into the living room and see Finley has made a long line of cars. Grace is busy biting on her dolls face, Noah is dancing in front of the TV. I spot Rory at the end of the long line of Finley’s cars, snickering to himself, as he kicks away the cars one by one.

  It is quite funny to watch, Finley is a freak with how perfect everything has to be. Noah can be a little like that, but Rory is reckless and frustrates the hell out of Finley, brotherly love at its best.

  After making sure Finley doesn't lash out, and finishing cooking their dinner, they're all sitting around the table eating when Kendal walks down in her dressing gown. She looks at the children, nice and quiet while they eat, and walks straight up to me. With her nestled in my arms, we watch our kids. I think I must be mad to want more, but I do, in a few years maybe.

  I see Finley lean into Grace, helping her when she drops a piece of food. He really does adore his sister. A great thing for future issues I'm guessing.

  "There you go, Grace." He plants a soft kiss on her chubby cheek and she laughs. "I will always look after you, so will Rory and Noah when they're big too. Daddy says brothers have to look after their sisters. You're not allowed a boyfriend, so we have to make sure nobody makes you cry."

  Grace just babbles on, continuing eating, but my heart has just skipped. My son literally melts my heart. I feel Kendal moving against me, it feels like she's shaking. I hear a sniffle and I turn her around. She has tears in her eyes. She heard Finley too. I lean down, giving her a kiss and she whispers that she loves me. Yeah, life is fucking great right now.

  About the Author

  K.T.Fisher lives in the UK and loves reading and writing. In her spare time you will find her lost in a book or busy writing about her next hot romance book. After realizing her long awaited dream can finally come true when she discovered Kindle Publishing she started to bring her men to life in her books for others to enjoy. Now, she not only loves reading about all things erotic but also bringing more book boyfriends to life for other book lovers, just like herself.

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