
Home > Paranormal > Zarin > Page 11
Zarin Page 11

by Sarah J. Stone

  Zarin hated how it meant that Cai would never be able to embrace that part of him fully. He’d never be able to fully understand who he was either, unless he was lucky enough to find a nymph that wasn’t a bigot. He nodded. “Very well. What is this ceremony?”

  Celeste frowned as if she were surprised he accepted. “You will have to stand up with him as he renounces any of his blood that is kin. He will have to agree to all the terms and formally accept his banishment. It’s important that you and all of his supporters are present, and that none of you are hostile to us. Our kind doesn’t take kindly to dragons, even half-breeds like yourself.”

  The hairs on his neck stood up at the insult, but he didn’t let it show. “Fine, you stay here until you find your new home, and stay away from my land. This is the area you get to stay in. I don’t want to see or smell you near my home. Tell me when this ceremony is, and let’s get it done. The sooner, the better, because I’m ready to be done with you crazy folks.”

  “Soon. I need three days to prepare. Normally, all the kin nearby would attend, but we’re doing this off the books, so to speak. I don’t want the elders knowing about him.”

  “Fine. Three days, and we all must attend, and Cai must formally accept his banishment.”

  “That is correct.” She cocked her head to the side and studied him. “You have much anger inside of you; it tries to rule you.”

  He ignored her and stood up with Willow in his arms. “I’m going home, keep your kin away from me and mine.”

  She nodded. “Likewise, dragon.” Then she was gone like a puff of smoke.

  Zarin scented the air, and he only got the older scent. It was like she really disappeared. He searched the area with his senses, but he couldn’t find anything, so he left, ready to get Willow home and see Cai.

  With Willow in his arms, he ran home with the news. He was able to solve the problem, but after what those crazy bitches did to his mate, he wouldn’t hold his breath about letting it be civil until they moved on. He only hoped it wouldn’t take them long to find a new home.

  Chapter 16

  Zarin pulled open the doors to the gym, and he stepped inside, juggling an unconscious Willow. It wasn’t easy keeping his guard up to make sure those damn nymphs didn’t lie and follow him.

  Cai ran to him and skidded to a halt when he saw Willow’s pale face.


  “The nymphs did something to her.”

  “What do you mean they did something to her? She’s going to be okay, right?” Cai’s lip wobbled, and tears filled his eyes. He backed away as Zarin moved closer.

  “I think she’s just weak. But I need to have Blane check her out.”

  Ilias pulled out his phone and dialed. “Will’s hurt. Bring everyone.”

  That was all that needed to be said. He laid Willow down on the mat and looked at his best friend. Then it hit him. “Didn’t you hear my call?”

  “What call? We’ve been out here the whole time, working on Cai’s mind reading.”

  Zarin didn’t get a chance to ask more questions because Willow took that time to gasp and sit up.

  “Holy shit. Those bitches suck!”

  Zarin turned to her with wide eyes, surprised by her language. He’d never heard her curse like that. But she was awake, and that was all that mattered. He dropped to his knees in front of her and cupped her jaw. He pressed his lips on her in a soft kiss. “Don’t ever pull a stunt like that again. You could have died.”

  She slapped his hands from her face and grimaced. “My lip hasn’t healed yet. How is it that something so little hurts so badly? And what was with their magical hair?”

  He plopped down and pulled her into his lap, needing her close. She cuddled into his lap and laid her head on his chest, listening to his heart. She let out a sigh, as if it was all she needed to hear to be better.

  “I’m sorry I ran off. I was just so mad that you were trying to leave me out of this, and then I went and got myself knocked out, and I don’t even know what happened.”

  Zarin kissed the top of her head. “I’ll tell you when everyone gets out here. I think this is the safest place to be for now.”

  She looked at him and frowned. “Everything’s going to be okay, right?”

  “I’m pretty sure, but not one-hundred percent.”

  The doors to the gym were opened, and everyone came running in. First was Blane, and he skidded to a halt before getting closer once he realized Willow was awake.

  “You said she was hurt.”

  “She was hurt. She just woke up. Those nymphs have some weird powers.”

  Aris and Sophie moved through them, and everyone sat on the floor, waiting for Zarin to explain what happened. So he did. He left out most of his fears, but he made it clear that if anyone of them saw or scented the nymphs too close to him, they were fair fuckin’ game.

  “So, in three days, Cai will be free, but what does banishment mean for him? I mean, will it affect him in any way?” Sophie asked.

  It was the question everyone wanted the answer to. And it was the one he had no idea how to answer. The banishment was important to the nymphs for some reason, but it all seemed so ceremonial. Maybe it was just that, making it official.

  “They just want to wash their hands of him. No offense, Cai.”

  The boy shrugged. “I might lose my magic, huh?”

  “We don’t know, and only time will tell, but better you lose your magic, than your life,” Willow said softly.

  “I wouldn’t have to listen to everyone’s thoughts anymore, and who knows what else might happen when I’m older? What if I’m dangerous to you?”

  Willow slid off Zarin’s lap and held out her arms. He worried she was too weak, but she held herself fine. Cai scooted over to her, and she held him. “Everything will be fine. Let’s take it one step at a time.”

  “So, the nymphs want to live at the spring until they find their new home?”

  Zarin cringed. He knew he should have asked permission, but it was the only thing he could think of. “Yes, but I didn’t know what else to do. I’m sorry.”

  Aris opened his mouth and closed it when Sophie laid her hand on his arm.

  “It’s perfectly fine. We’ll do what it takes to keep Cai safe, but we’ll all have to be more aware, and no one goes out alone. Apparently, they have strong magical ability.”

  “Understood,” they all replied at once.

  Zarin liked the way his queen thought. No one wanted to get mixed up with those crazy females.


  Willow was exhausted. She wasn’t sure what the nymphs had done to her, but whatever it was, drained her. Even Blackie was despondent and not moving. That worried her more than anything. She didn’t know enough about dragons to know if it was normal for the dragon to sleep so much after an injury. She nibbled her lip and knocked on the door to Aris’ office.

  “Come,” he said.

  Willow opened the door and stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her. The room was tiny, but it was big enough for a desk and a chair. The large man didn’t look uncomfortable, though.

  “I needed to ask you something, and I don’t even know if you have an answer for me.”

  “Calm down. You don’t have to fear me.”

  She didn’t fear him exactly, but as the newest member, she was the most affected by his power. He only had to look at her, and she cowered like the little fledgling she was. “I…well, my dragon is sleeping.”

  Aris chuckled and leaned back in his chair. He dropped the pen on his desk and rested his arms behind his head. This didn’t ease her nerves. “And you think there’s something wrong, that the nymphs might have damaged her more than you?”

  She nodded.

  He sat up and laid his hands back on his desk. “I don’t think they could have hurt her worse than you, and if that was the case, you wouldn’t have come to so quickly. I think they took a lot of energy out of you, and your dragon isn’t used to that kind of stress and magic y
et. She needs rest.” He smiled. “But if things are still looking bleak tomorrow, let’s get you checked out. We don’t know a lot about our dragons on a whole, but Blane should be able to tell if there is something more to this.”

  She nodded again and turned to leave.


  She froze and looked over her shoulder. “Yes?”

  “I’m very proud of you, but next time Zarin asks you to stay back, please listen.”

  He was proud of her?

  She couldn’t help but smile even as she nodded a final time and opened the door. She didn’t look back to see what kind of look her king wore on his face. He most likely was laughing at her. He did seem amused by her a lot of the time. It was funny, feeling like a child all over again, even though she was a grown adult. But in a sense, it was nice. She had a real family now, and they took care of each other.


  Three days later—the ceremony

  She hadn’t slept. And she wasn’t sure if Zarin really did either. He’d close his eyes and ‘rest,’ but every noise and he was up checking it out to make sure the nymphs had kept to their promise. Surprisingly, they did. Willow was relieved with each passing hour that they hadn’t been attacked. The best thing of it all: her dragon was fine. In fact, she felt stronger than she did before the magic. She hadn’t talked to Zarin about her fears, and Aris hadn’t questioned her. Everything was on track, and tonight was the night her son would renounce any claim to the nymphs.

  He was terrified that something bad was going to happen, but she wasn’t. There was a part inside of her that wished they would try something. She would like nothing better than to shift and rip those crazy bitches into shreds. She held grudges, and they were on her shit list for life.

  It was time to go. But she wasn’t ready. Her dress wasn’t right; why would she dress up to celebrate? He was alive and well, and not going to die anytime soon, but he had to basically give up a part of himself for that to happen. It wasn’t fair, and even though she better than anyone knew life wasn’t fair, it hurt her heart to see him in such despair. He was losing out on so much, just as the tribe had when they were sent to live with humans.

  “Let’s go, Will. It doesn’t matter what you wear.”

  She turned to look at Zarin, dressed as he normally was. “I guess it doesn’t.”

  “He’ll be okay, and he’ll be alive, just like he’s supposed to be. Remember, the goddess has plans for him.”

  She nodded and let him lead her downstairs. They were meeting by the spring. That’s where the ceremony would be held. It wasn’t going to be anything big, and Celeste–that was the leader’s name–said no one else would attend but her sisters. They wanted to keep it quiet, she’d said.

  Downstairs, the whole tribe stood. It was a somber day. They couldn’t celebrate until it was done and they knew for sure the nymphs weren’t going to try to kill them all. The atmosphere was tense as they walked out in a line to the porch. The sun was just beginning to set just as they were instructed. Aris and Sophie stood behind Ilias and Andrea, then it was Max, and then her and Zarin, followed by Cai, and Blane backed them up. They didn’t have a backup plan. They knew if it went wrong the goal was to kill them all and try not to die.

  She hated not knowing what to expect. It had her on edge, but there was nothing they could do about it.

  She wished they could walk faster, but she had to stay in line. If something happened, Ilias and Andrea would be the first hit. Her gut clenched. This wasn’t their fight.

  “Will, chill,” Ilias hollered back. “It’s all good.”

  “Keep your magic out of my head,” she muttered, and Zarin laughed.

  “Don’t laugh at me. I’m stressed.”

  “Me too, sweet Willow. But think about it: they don’t want to go against us. We’re a tribe, and we’re stronger than they think.”

  She kept her mouth closed, but her worry didn’t go far. The closer they got, the more she tensed. The scent of the nymphs woke her dragon. Blackie wasn’t happy to be back in these woods.

  ‘We must save Cai.’ Willow wanted to soothe her, and it was the right thing to say.

  ‘We will kill them if they lied.’


  Blackie didn’t go back to sleep, but she did relax a smidgen.

  “So, you’ve all come.”

  She cringed at the sound of the woman’s voice. It grated on her nerves.

  Zarin stepped through the others. “We are here as required for the ceremony.”

  “Your mate and the boy must come forward as well.”

  Willow nodded behind her, and Cai gripped her hand. It was cold and clammy, but right now, she didn’t have the time to soothe him. He squeezed, letting her know he was fine. She let out a breath as they made their way to the front. Celeste was wearing a sheer dress, and her hair was down and decorated with tiny flowers throughout. She actually looked quite pretty. Willow huffed when the nymph smiled at her. She could read minds, too.

  “Let’s get on with this,” Zarin said. “We’ve done as you asked.”

  “It’s really quite simple. I need to take blood form all three of you.”

  This wasn’t part of what she said, but Zarin nodded. “Fine, but you won’t be the one taking it.”

  “Very well, the girl takes it then.”

  She meant Andrea, who shrugged. Celeste handed her a dagger that looked incredibly old.

  “Use this to cut their palms.” The nymph handed her a tiny bowl. “All of their blood goes in there.”

  Andrea turned toward them. She started with Zarin, who held out his palm. Andrea sliced the dagger along his skin, and the blood welled up. He sucked a breath and squeezed his fist over the bowl. His blood dripped fast, and once he healed, Andrea moved on to her.

  She held out her palm like her mate and bit her lip when the cold iron of the dagger burned her skin. She squeezed her fist over the bowl and let her blood flow, mixing with Zarin’s.

  Last, Andrea stood in front of Cai. She smiled at him, and his eyes watered when she sliced his palm, but he was brave and didn’t cry out. He let his blood mix with theirs.

  When it was done, Andrea handed the dagger back to Celeste, followed by the bowl.

  “Half-breed, do you hereby renounce your blood and agree that after this time forward that you will not in any circumstance make any claim that you are one of us?”

  He opened his mouth and didn’t speak. Willow squeezed his hand in hers. “Go ahead.”

  “I do,” he said in a whisper.

  “Do you claim these beasts as your own?”

  “I do.” That was said much stronger.

  “And do you forever promise to live your life with these beasts until the day you die?”

  “I do.”

  Willow was so proud of him. She didn’t understand what it meant to claim them as his own, really, but it was part of the ceremony, so she kept her mouth shut, not wanting to give them any reason to go back on their word.

  “I hereby declare you free. Your death warrant has been waived. You are a free half-breed, but you are not welcome in any nymph clan’s territory from this day forward.” Celeste held the bloody dagger in the air and spun in a whirlwind, flinging their mixed blood on the land.

  Each of them was dotted with their blood. Willow and Cai sputtered, but Zarin elbowed her in the ribs hard, and she froze. She wasn’t expecting to get blood thrown on her.

  “And it is done.”

  The air smelled of fresh rain and jasmine, and then they were gone. Just like that, the ceremony was done and Cai was free. They still didn’t know the repercussions of what they just did, but time would tell. In the meantime, she was ready to go home and celebrate Cai’s new life with her new family.

  “I agree,” Ilias piped in again, reading her mind. “It’s time we all had some fun, and then sleep for the next week.”

  Only, Willow knew that she wouldn’t be sleeping, not until the nymphs were gone.

to bring me down, sis.”

  “Well, stay out of my head and you won’t be brought down.”

  “Do you really think they’ll try to hurt me still?” Cai asked.

  “No, but we can’t be too careful. You never know. People lie.”

  They made their way back home a bit slower, but the sun had set, and there was a light breeze. It was cool, but not nearly as cold as it had been in the weeks prior. Spring was right around the corner, and Willow couldn’t wait. She hated the cold weather. It always brought such sadness. Right now, things were good. She had her mate and her son. That’s all she needed, and to make everything sweeter, she had a family that loved her, despite her flaws.

  Zarin wrapped his arm around her shoulder, having easily adjusted to her short stature. She loved when he stayed close. Cai snuggled up to her side, and she held him close. The two people in her life she never would have had, had she not run from her old life to start a new one. Willow was grateful she had that chance.

  “Love you, sweet Willow.”

  “Love you, too.”

  And she did. He was the perfectly imperfect man for her. She was ready to move into their new home and really start their lives together. Hopefully, they’d finally be able to relax.

  ***THE END***

  Cole (Bonus)

  Dragons of Umora Book 1

  Sarah J. Stone

  Chapter 1

  You are not my son.

  Those were the most devastating words he could think of. He would rather hear that his parents were dead, that his older brothers, the Crown Prince and the Duke, had disowned him. Anything but the fact that he was not who he thought he was.

  His blood boiled in his veins as he stood in the middle of the grand hall, the gleaming thrones mocking him. Cole had been born the third Prince of Umora, a planet so advanced in civilization that there was no pain, no suffering, and virtual immortality through science. Everyone on Umora was some sort of shifter, some sort of magical creature – whether it be wolf, lion, or otherwise. The dragon shifters, however, had always been the royal family, ruling over those beneath them. The witches, the werewolves, and the lions all bowed down to the dragon shifters.


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