by A. K. Layton
“Nothing exciting,” Kiki said with a chipper tone, hoping to lighten the mood. “You know what? I don’t think I know when you fight again. Wade and I could come cheer you on.”
A blush hit Joshua’s cheeks, and he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. “Actually, I don’t have a fight signed anytime soon. It’s up to the powers that be to get me a fight.”
“Maybe those powers are trying to tell you it’s time to retire? What are you, forty?”
Kiki was appalled at Wade’s comments, but she didn’t know what to say. She didn’t want to scold him in front of Joshua, but taking Joshua’s side over her boyfriend’s wasn’t good either, right?
“Hey now,” Kiki said with a stern tone.
“I’m thirty-four, and I have a lot of fight left in this body. If you need proof, just come by the gym, I can show you a few things.”
“Joshua!” Kiki said, shocked by this insinuation.
Kiki sighed inwardly. Great. Tucking her arms around her body, she sat back against the chair, moving out of Wade’s reach. She felt foolish at the hot tears threatening her eyes, but the idea of her boyfriend not getting along with her friends made her sad. It appeared that neither of them were capable of acting civil. Combine that with the fact that she seemed to be putting her foot in her mouth at every turn. She’d never really understood the need for a glass of wine, or two, at the end of the day, but now it was clear.
When the food was dropped off she was relieved. She’d take eating in an awkward silence over a poor conversation any day.
Chapter 11
Wade took deep breaths of the dry desert air as he hiked up the path behind his buddies. Even though it was early in the morning, the sun inching up in the sky had started to make the day hot. But the excursion had been exactly what he needed. He wasn’t one for hitting the punching bags...not unless there was a Joshua-shaped one. He was glad Parker had convinced him to come today, it was exactly what Wade needed to clear his head. Reaching the peak of the mountain, the men tossed their bags on the ground as they admired the world around them.
“So, what’s up with your sister’s wedding?” Parker asked, taking a seat on a large boulder.
“What do you mean?”
“What he means is, did you score us an invite?” Landon asked.
“Why in the fuck do you want to come to my sister’s wedding?”
“Dude, your sister’s friends are fucking hot,” Landon said with enthusiasm.
“And I bet the guest list is fucking crazy. Big name MMA fighters and shit, right?”
Wade felt like a dick for not taking more interest in his sister’s wedding, but what could he really do to help? He’d given Colin the okay when he asked to marry his sister, then he’d been honored when his sister asked if he’d walk her down the aisle. Other than picking out a suit, coming up with a speech, and not getting too drunk at the wedding, he didn’t know what else was expected of him. Should he know if it was going to be a big event? The wedding was only about a month out now, and he didn’t know how many favors he could really ask.
“I guess. I’ll see what I can do about getting you invites. But you can’t show up and act like a bunch of assholes.”
The round of nods and boy scout promises were not reassuring like they should have been.
“So, which one of you hooked up with that waitress from the other night?”
Parker let out a hearty laugh before being hit by Landon’s water bottle.
“Ah, man. Landon struck out hard, but I swooped in. Easy-peasy.” Parker gave Wade a slap on the arm. “Which you would have seen if you’d stuck around.”
“Yeah, you bounced out early, man. What’s up? School getting to you?”
That was a good question. Coming home was supposed to be easy, but within a matter of weeks things had gotten complicated. He was still trying to straighten out what was what.
Wade picked up his pack, settling it on his back. “Nothin’. Come on,” he said, nodding down the trail. “Unlike you two assholes, I have stuff to do today.”
A resounding gruff came from the guys before they stood, following suit.
“You know what I think, Parker?”
“What’s that, Landon?”
“I think Wade needs to get laid.”
Wade rolled his eyes at their obnoxious banter. Maybe, technically, he hadn’t gotten laid, but he was fully satisfied with what Kiki was willing to give. It was hotter than any casual encounter he’d had in the past. But these guys didn’t need to know that.
“Oh yeah? Which one of you ladies is going to put out for the cause?” Wade jabbed back.
“You wish.”
“Nah. I thought I told you I was seeing someone,” Wade lied. He hadn’t told them, but what was he supposed to say? OMG, Parker, let me tell you about my new girlfriend. Even though he and Kiki had gotten to know each other over the phone the last couple of months, it was the past weeks that they really gotten to spend time together, and only a few days since they locked down what they were to one another.
“You didn’t.”
“It’s not a big deal.”
“Why, is she a dog?”
“Fuck you, Landon. Don’t be an ass. She’s fuckin’ hot.”
“I don’t know, Landon has a point. You haven’t mentioned her and you haven’t brought her around. Do you have a picture of her to verify this ‘fucking hot girlfriend’ of yours?”
Men had a tendency to be jerks. As much as he didn’t want to lump himself into that group, if the tables were turned he’d be flicking his buddies’ shit too. And it wasn’t about to end anytime soon, especially when they met her. If they met her. Kiki had been giving him a bit of a cold shoulder since the terrible lunch date with Joshua. Reflecting on it now, Wade knew he could have made more of an effort to be nice to her friend, as hard as it might be. But Joshua was her friend, and Wade had seen enough movies to know that trying to come between a woman and her friends only hurt the boyfriend, and he wasn’t going to let that dipshit Joshua win.
“I don’t carry around a framed picture of her, this isn’t an 80’s movie.”
“No shit. But it is 2017, doesn’t she have a Facebook page you can stalk?”
Of course she did. Who didn’t have some social media presence? Wade stopped on the dirt path and pulled out his cellphone. He scrolled, trying to choose the most perfect picture to show off his new girlfriend, and each picture did her justice. Wade bit back the smug grin pulling on his face.
“Here. Scroll through these.” He passed the phone to Parker, with Landon looking over his shoulder.
“Fuck, dude. She’s legit.”
“Yeah. You have to invite her to come out with us, and make sure she brings her friends.”
“Oh yeah.” Wade chuckled. “From what I can tell, her friends are my sister and Leena.”
“You’re dating your sister’s friend? How did that happen?”
Wade shrugged as he turned to continue down the mountain path. If they were giving him a hard time now, it was only going to get worse.
“She actually works at the gym. She was the receptionist, but now she’s the manager.”
“Oh yeah? After you gave her a big promotion, did she give you a big raise?”
“Don’t be an ass. She’s cool.”
Parker gave him a pat on the shoulder. “I don’t know, man, is that a good idea? Dating someone at work? That situation with Jess was messed up.”
“Messed up is putting it lightly.” Landon laughed. “That girl was a fucking bitch. I hope she rots in hell.”
A lot of bad shit had happened in Wade’s life, but now, enjoying the great outdoors with his best friends, his friends who had stood by his side since middle school, he felt thankful. Even if they still acted like immature eighth-grade boys at every chance they got.
“Funny story about that…”
“No.” Parker gasped. “You didn’t…”
“Fuck no!” Wade spat the words, understanding Parker’s ins
inuation. “But I just found out a couple of days ago that they signed her at the gym again.”
“Your sister let that happen?”
“I guess. I haven’t talked to her or Rex about it. I actually only found out when Jess ambushed me in my office.”
“You think she’s back because of you?”
“She says she isn’t, but she came onto me. It was weird, man.”
“What does your new girlfriend think of it? I mean, they’re working together now, right?”
Wade shrugged. “I don’t know.”
That question was the one that had been keeping Wade up at night. Ever since Kiki had made the comparison of her and Joshua’s friendship to his and Jess, he’d been sick. He despised Joshua, and he didn’t want Kiki thinking that he was anywhere close to being friends with Jess. More than that, he wanted to know what Kiki had heard about his relationship with Jess. What kind of rumors had already started to spread, or what had his sister told her? It wasn’t a good way to start a relationship. Let’s talk about my first love who broke my heart and is now training at the gym I work at and own.
“I’m starving. How long will it take us to get off this mountain and get a burger in our hands?” Wade asked, changing the subject.
“Loser buys the first round.” Landon gave him a strong slap on the shoulder as he took off running down the path.
“We can’t let him win again. We already pay for most of his drinks!” Parker gave Wade a wide-eyed look before they chased after their friend.
* * * *
Kiki sat quietly on the oversized, cushy, peach sofa in the classy bridal boutique. She, Leena, and Vi’s friend from high school, Veronica, had come for Vi’s final dress fitting. Veronica was another bridesmaid, and Kiki had only recently met the woman at the bachelorette party. Kiki found her a little lacking of class, and she was obnoxiously outspoken, but not like Leena. From what Kiki gathered the two didn’t get along too well, and only tolerated each other for Vi’s sake.
“Are you going to come out anytime soon?” Leena called to Vi who was hidden behind a curtain.
“This dress is a pain in the ass to put on. There are like eight-hundred layers,” Vi said with an exasperated tone.
“Are you sure it’s the right dress? I mean, how do you expect to get down to business on the wedding night?” Veronica questioned.
“Shut it. I love the dress!” Vi said with a playfully stern tone.
“Hey, Kiki, I needed to tell you, and I hope you aren’t too upset, but you won’t be walking down with Wade. It’s just that he’s walking me down the aisle, so he won’t be accompanying a bridesmaid.”
The two women next to her turned to her, awaiting her reply. “I totally understand. Actually, it’s kind of a relief–”
“What, why? Is he being a jerk already?” Leena asked, concerned.
“No. Of course not. He’s mostly a gentleman. But it’s a lot of pressure walking down the aisle with a new boyfriend. Or I would imagine so.” Kiki shrugged.
“How are things going with my brother? You’re officially dating now, right?” Vi asked as she rustled around in the room.
“Yeah, we are, and things are mostly good.”
Kiki contemplated the question. How much did she really want to tell Vi, how much could she share before it became awkward? Vi said she would be cool with everything, and the question felt genuine.
“The other day he went to lunch with me and Joshua, and he was kind of rude.” Kiki shrugged.
“Who is Joshua?” Veronica asked.
“He’s just a friend from the gym. He’s actually teaching me some MMA and self-defense.” Kiki smiled, proud of herself for doing something so out of her comfort zone.
“So, you’re saying your boyfriend isn’t happy about you and your male friend rolling around on a mat, half-naked, getting sweaty. Not sure why he would be bothered by that.” Veronica rolled her eyes.
“Don’t be a bitch.” Leena countered. “Don’t listen to her, Kiki.”
Was that how it appeared to someone on the outside? The idea that she was supposed to give up her friends and her life confused her. This was part of who she was, and wasn’t that the girl Wade liked? It hadn’t occurred to her that Wade might be bothered by her having a male friend. It had been a long time since Kiki had a serious boyfriend, and she had never really had male friends, so she’d never been faced with a situation like this.
“Fuck you, Leena. Let’s be real. Jessica cheated on Wade. You don’t think, at least in the back of his mind, that he’s worried Kiki might do the same? That the past might repeat itself?”
That was news to Kiki. She wished she’d heard it from Wade, but he wasn’t big on talking about the past.
“Veronica!” Vi scolded from the changing room. “Kiki’s not like that, and Wade is smart enough to see that.”
“Even so, Vi, how would Colin feel about that? He’d be okay with you training with another man, right?” Veronica said with a condescending tone.
Surely Colin wouldn’t be bothered by it, simply from the fact that Vi worked with so many men? But the silence from the other side of the curtain wasn’t reassuring. Kiki knew that Leena’s guy, Gav, wouldn’t have it, but he was a jealous man. Kiki sighed inwardly. The girls might have a point, but it was something she and Wade needed to figure out. There was only ever room for two in a relationship, and she hoped she could make him see her side of things.
“See.” Veronica shrugged.
“I appreciate your input, ladies, but I can’t give in on this. I’m okay with him being friends with Jessica. I wouldn’t tell him what to do.”
“What!” Vi shrieked as she walked out of the changing room. “It will be a cold day in hell before he’s friends with that woman.”
Kiki gasped, not at the comment, but at the gorgeous gown Vi was wearing. A round of oh my gods echoed the room.
The dress brought tears to Kiki’s eyes, and a pang of jealousy rolled through her, but in the best possible way. Vi was getting her true fairy tale, down to looking like a princess and having the perfect charming love of her life on her arm. Wasn’t that what every girl wanted? Kiki did, more desperately than she wanted to admit. She’d been that girl who dreamed about her wedding, looking forward to a husband and a family to take care of. Dinner ready when he got home, driving the kids around to sports, spending weekends away. Dreams that would make feminists cringe.
Kiki swiftly hopped up, helping Vi fluff out the bottom of the gown. “Vi, this is the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen in my life. You’re right, it is the perfect gown.”
The lace covered bodice concealed her top, but was sleeveless. It had a heart-shaped cutout around her breast, but the rest was shear with delicate lace embellishments. The back of the gown had a vee section of lace that matched the top, with traditional white buttons going all the way down. The bottom of the dress was full, but not over-the-top puffy, with matching embellishments on the very bottom. It was classy and sexy.
“Oh, Vi.” Leena wrapped her arms around her.
“You really like it?” Vi asked with a wide smile.
“I love it. It almost makes me want to get married.” Leena quickly covered her mouth as a blush hit her cheeks.
“Oooh. Leena, you better not let Gav hear that. He just might hold you to it!” Kiki teased.
“I said almost.” Leena rolled her eyes.
“I can’t believe in just over a month you’re going to be married!” With a big smile, Kiki shook her head in disbelief.
“Thirty-three days until I’m Mrs. Davenport!” Vi squealed.
“We should totally have another bachelorette party!” Veronica suggested.
Kiki froze; she wasn’t sure she could handle another party.
“No way.” Vi laughed. “Leena and I purposely planned the party that far before the wedding. Ugh! The idea of recovering from a hangover, being bloated and stressed out so close to the big thank you.”
“But we’re all still st
aying in the hotel suite together the night before, right?” Kiki confirmed.
“Yes!” Leena answered. “It will be the last girl’s night for Vi as a single woman.”
Kiki smiled as the women whooped and hollered at the idea.
“All right, girls, your turn. Go put on your bridesmaid dresses,” Vi ordered. “I wanna see how we look together!”
Chapter 12
When her cellphone pinged Kiki swiftly picked it up, checking the message flashing on the screen.
Him: I’m an ass. And I’m sorry. Are you still upset with me?
Her heart skipped a beat at the message, and a silly grin pulled across her face. She’d never said anything to him about being upset, but she’d definitely sent out little signals. After the input from the girls yesterday she wasn’t sure how to proceed. Her feelings were hurt, but their words made her consider Wade’s feelings too. His apology wasn’t forced or coerced. He was perceptive and sweet. And she couldn’t stay mad at that.
Kiki: I’m not upset with you. But thank you. What are you doing?
She pulled her legs up on her plush living room chair, crisscrossing them, eagerly awaiting a response.
Him: I’m out with my friends having drinks. Wanna come meet up?
Yes! She wanted to meet up, she always wanted to see Wade. What threw her off was the implication with the message. Did he want her to meet his friends, or was he going to leave them to meet her somewhere else? Should she ask or just go with it? Stop overthinking it!
Kiki: Okay. When and where?
Having decided to go with it, Kiki took a deep breath, exhaling loudly, trying to calm her nerves.
Him: Now? We’re over at the Pelican Pub. Just map it, it isn’t far from my place. Take a cab, and I’ll take you home.
Crap! She jumped up out of her chair, turning off the TV, and bolted to her bedroom. It was a little after 8 PM and she was already prepared for a night in. Full pajamas, hair pulled up in a messy ponytail, and a freshly washed face, and now she might be meeting his friends. You only have one chance to make a good first impression.