Breaker's Passion

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Breaker's Passion Page 11

by Julie Cannon

  After checking the main cabin for at least the third time she stepped through the salon and out to the cockpit. Elizabeth was standing on the dock, gaping.

  “This is what we’re going out on?” She pointed to the gleaming white boat.

  “Yes, it is,” Colby replied, enjoying Elizabeth’s look of shock. Her body tingled because she hadn’t seen Elizabeth yesterday.

  “You said it was just a little sailboat. Holy Christ, Colby, this is practically the Queen Mary.”

  Colby couldn’t help but laugh at Elizabeth’s cute, yet exaggerated description of the boat. “I don’t think I used the word little.”

  “Oh, yes, you did. I distinctly remember you saying it was just a little something to sail around the island.” Elizabeth had her hands on her hips and was shaking her head.

  “Okay, maybe I slightly understated.” Colby stopped at Elizabeth’s expression that clearly said she didn’t believe a word of what she was saying. “Anyway, you know what they say, Elizabeth, size doesn’t matter. It’s what you do with what you have that separates the novice from the pros.” Colby could see that she was still skeptical. “Ah, come on. Let’s have some fun.” Colby was starting to worry that her plans for the day were sinking.

  “Is there anything else you’ve neglected to tell me?”

  Colby hesitated. That was a loaded question with a powder-keg answer. But this wasn’t the time and it never would be. She wanted to enjoy the day with Elizabeth without the ugly past haunting it.

  “Nothing you won’t find out if you don’t join me.”

  Elizabeth looked at the boat from stem to stern, then port to starboard. Finally she appeared to make a decision. She saluted. “Ahoy, Captain, permission to come aboard?”

  “Just how big is this thing?” Elizabeth asked as Colby showed her around. She couldn’t miss Colby’s sense of pride as she touched everything, explaining how things worked and their nautical name.

  The day was glorious, and she had missed Colby beside her last night. It was the first night in a week they hadn’t spent together. They had fallen into a routine that was far too comfortable for Elizabeth.

  Her bed had felt enormous and very, very empty. She was awake more than she slept. Her brain wouldn’t shut down. She was stuck in a cadence of I-want-her-next-to-me, followed by it’s-good-to-be-apart-because-I’m-leaving-soon. Back and forth all night, and she was still no closer to deciding which side of the debate she favored.

  “Forty feet, six inches. To be exact,” Colby said. As they walked she spoke like a proud parent. “She has two twenty-seven horsepower Mercury motors and can hold over a hundred gallons of fuel and a hundred and eighty-eight gallons of fresh water. The main sail is five hundred and seventy square feet, and it has four double berths and four heads. Uh, bedrooms and bathrooms.”

  Elizabeth looked around the dock, which was full of activity on other boats. Obvious tourists boarding for a day of snorkeling, and a group of men in their twenties scrambling aboard the fishing boat moored next to them. But apparently none of them planned to spend the day alone with a gorgeous half-naked woman. “And we’re taking this out on the water?”


  “You and who else?”

  Colby laughed. “Nobody.”

  Elizabeth sensed there was more to this boat than Colby was telling. When she had asked her to go sailing, Colby had said she could get a catamaran and they could sail, snorkel, and sunbathe all day if they wanted to. Elizabeth had no idea this was what she was talking about. This boat was fabulous. But where did it come from? Maybe a friend was letting her borrow it. Elizabeth studied the plush furnishings in the cabin. She wished she had friends like that.

  Colby immediately put her to work, giving her directions and pointing when Elizabeth had no idea what she was talking about. Throughout the morning Colby taught her the ins and outs of sailing with equal patience as she had with her surfing lessons. She’d make a good teacher, Elizabeth thought on more than one occasion. She connected, was thorough without overkill and brief without missing anything important.

  They had just finished making love and Colby was leaning against the cabin wall, Elizabeth’s head in her lap. They were lying on a wide cushion Colby had placed on the deck, the sail keeping the sun from shining in her eyes.

  “A zip line?”

  “Yeah. Have you ever been on one?”

  Elizabeth couldn’t miss Colby’s excitement. She shook her head. “No, and I’m not sure I want to.”

  “We already know you’re not afraid of heights, so what’s the problem?” Colby asked point-blank. She took three long gulps from her bottle of water.

  “Uh, just the idea of jumping off a perfectly good mountain.” Her stomach tickled when Colby laughed. “What?”

  “It’s not like that. You’re strapped into a harness and it’s completely safe.”

  “A woman I dated once tried to convince me of that. It didn’t work that time either.”

  Colby looked down at her, her blistering black eyes glinting with mischief. “Really?”

  “Forget it,” Elizabeth said quickly, to cancel any thoughts Colby might have of that fantasy coming true.

  “Don’t tell me you’re not the adventurous type?” The question sounded like a challenge.

  Elizabeth studied Colby. She was tall, extremely good-looking, physically fit was an understatement, and had a wonderful sense of humor. Oh, and made her forget about everything with her kisses. But she’d never forget her. For the second time Colby had thrown down the gauntlet. The first time Elizabeth picked it up was thrilling. The second would undoubtedly be even more so.

  “I think we’ve already established that.” Elizabeth sat up and slid very close to Colby. Her arm grazed Colby’s bare breast and she sensed Colby’s sharp intake of breath.

  “Yes, we have,” Colby murmured, but not so quietly that Elizabeth didn’t hear it. After a few moments Colby asked, “How about tomorrow?” The sun was close to the horizon; the last streaks of daylight soon would be fading in the western sky. They would be heading back shortly, and Elizabeth didn’t want the day to end.

  “You want me to jump off a perfectly good mountain with you?” Elizabeth asked, looking at Colby’s mouth, not her eyes. It was so close all she had to do was move just a little and she would be able to taste those lips again. Her pulse hammered in her brain.

  “I’ll catch you.” Colby’s voice was soft and low.

  Elizabeth was mesmerized by the movement of her lips. She wanted to kiss her, wanted to feel the gentle strength of her arms again. When did this conversation take a metaphorical shift? “I’m heavier than I look.” Elizabeth’s words were nonsense.

  “I know exactly how heavy you are,” Colby said, and grinned lasciviously. Elizabeth felt herself blush, her mind flashing on how often Colby had been beneath her in the last few weeks.

  Colby smiled, her dimples deep and charming. “So what do you say? I can probably get us a reservation for the afternoon drop tomorrow.”

  Elizabeth’s guts were still churning from the intensity of being this close to Colby yet again. The woman was overpowering in a nonthreatening way. She attracted Elizabeth like metal to a magnet, and right now she wanted to be all over her.

  “All right, but not tomorrow.” She had to begin to separate herself from Colby for her own sake.

  “The day after? Ten thirty in the lobby?”

  Elizabeth nodded.

  “Great. You won’t be disappointed.” Colby was looking directly at her lips, eyes dark with desire and innuendo.

  Elizabeth played along. “Don’t promise something you can’t deliver, surfer girl.”

  “I never do.” Colby neared for a kiss.

  When their lips met, a spark shot through Elizabeth and she couldn’t believe she wanted Colby again. She had barely caught her breath, but her body was signaling that she was ready for more, much more. So much for creating a little distance.

  So this is what it’s like to be comple
tely driven by desire. Elizabeth wanted to crawl on top of, under, and inside this exciting woman. She wanted to touch Colby, caress her, taste her body and her soul. She wanted to dissolve into oblivion with Colby again.

  Taking the initiative this time, Elizabeth climbed into Colby’s lap, which didn’t seem to upset her at all. In fact, Elizabeth thought she saw Colby smile before covering her lips.

  She feasted on Colby’s lips before exploring her mouth with equal attention. God, Colby could kiss, and more than once Elizabeth came from doing just that. Colby’s kisses weren’t too wet or sloppy, even in the heat of the moment. She moved down her neck, paying particular attention to the spot just below Colby’s right ear, the place that made her tremble.

  Elizabeth kept her hands busy as well. With one she cupped a breast, making lazy swipes across a hard nipple with her thumb. With the other she alternately pinched and massaged Colby’s other breast. Colby pulled her hips down as she thrust hers upward, Elizabeth sliding easily over Colby’s hard stomach.

  When Colby broke the kiss and took one of her breasts into her mouth, Elizabeth stopped her. With her thumb under Colby’s chin she lifted it until she was looking directly into smoldering eyes. “No, this is for you.”

  “But I—”

  “But nothing.” Elizabeth shifted them both down onto the cushion, kissing Colby again. Between kisses she said, “You’ve taken me to places I’ve never imagined. It’s your turn. I intend to put my lips and tongue everywhere. My hands and fingers will explore you, my body will sing to you. I’ll touch you like you’ve never been touched before.” Elizabeth accentuated her final words and did exactly as she promised, the setting sun caressing her bare back.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Colby thought the hands on the clock would never move. She hadn’t seen Elizabeth at all yesterday, even though she spent more time watching the beach than her students. She lost her focus more than once and got whacked in the face with a runaway board due to her inattentiveness. The shiner got more colorful as the swelling increased.

  She couldn’t remember the last time she had picked up a woman for a real date. Was this a date? It wasn’t any different from the other things they’d done together, but it just felt like a date. Had the rules changed? She suspected some things never did, and her parents had taught her to be on time. If she didn’t hurry she would fail miserably.

  With one minute to spare she rolled to a stop adjacent to the two large sliding doors at the front entrance. The valet jogged to her truck but she was out before he had a chance to open her door. “I’m just picking somebody up,” she said, glancing around the area. She didn’t see Elizabeth anywhere and started to walk inside when the doors slid open silently and she walked out.

  Colby’s heart stuttered. Elizabeth was wearing blistering white tennis shoes, navy shorts, and a red polo shirt with horizontal blue stripes. A pair of sunglasses on top of her head kept her hair off her face.

  “Right on time. My God, what happened to your eye?”

  Colby opened the passenger door. “It’s nothing. My father taught me never to leave a woman waiting. Especially a beautiful one,” she added truthfully, and hustled around the back of the truck to her own door. Once she was inside and buckled up she told Elizabeth the story of the board connecting with her face, skimming over why she wasn’t paying attention.

  “Ouch, that must hurt,” Elizabeth said as Colby shifted into first gear. “Where are we going? I mean I know where we’re going, but exactly where are we going?”

  “Just down the road a little way to a group called Skyline Experience. We have an eleven-thirty departure.”

  “Departure?” Elizabeth asked.

  “We all pile into vans and drive about half an hour to the site. We gear up, have a quick safety session, and then we’re off.”

  “I see.” Elizabeth clenched her fists in her lap.

  Colby shifted again and grasped them. They were freezing. “Are you nervous?”

  “A little. I’ve never done this but I’m being brave.”

  She didn’t sound convincing. She was pale and her hands were clammy as well as cold.

  Colby considered canceling her plans. If she was this afraid, what fun would it be? She wanted Elizabeth to enjoy herself, to share another discovery with her. Colby frowned. When did she go from good-time Colby to this?

  “Really, I’m fine. Just some first-time jitters.”

  “You don’t have anything to worry about. It’s perfectly safe. The structures and all the gear are inspected four times a year, and Skyline is the longest-operating zip line on the island. Their staff is well trained and they take safety very seriously.”

  “How do you know so much about it?”

  “A friend of mine works there.” Colby didn’t elaborate that Sherri, another of her dinner-of-the-week friends, owned the company. Elizabeth would find out soon enough. Colby was second-guessing her decision to take Elizabeth anyplace where her friends would see her. In her three years Colby had never accompanied a woman anywhere, especially where her friends would ask questions later. And, boy, would there be plenty of them next week. She was sure of that. What in the hell was she thinking? She knew Sherri was working today. When she called for the reservation she had spoken to her and was barely able to get off the line before the interrogation began. She hoped Sherri would show some semblance of professionalism this afternoon.

  Sherri greeted her by name when Colby walked in. The shop was part office, part store, selling the obligatory T-shirts, glasses, and hats. She saw Sherri give Elizabeth the once-over.

  “Breaker, you didn’t say she was beautiful. Hello, I’m Sherri Sonet, owner of this little endeavor. You must be Elizabeth,” Sherri said, practically all in one breath. She stuck out her hand.

  “Yes, I am.” Elizabeth looked at her questioningly. “Why do you call her Breaker?” she asked as she shook Sherri’s hand.

  Sherri looked back and forth from Elizabeth to her before a sly smile filled the lower half of her face. When she winked at Elizabeth, Colby knew she was in trouble. And why did I bring her here?

  “You stick with me, Elizabeth, and I’ll tell you things Breaker doesn’t want anyone to know.”

  Colby’s heart jumped. So this was what panic felt like. “Sherri, we came to ride the lines, not listen to gossip,” Colby said, trying to terminate the line of conversation. She was unsuccessful.

  “I’d love it.” Elizabeth shared a conspiratorial grin with Sherri.

  The bell above the door rang as two other couples came in, taking Sherri’s attention away from them. Colby sighed in relief.

  “Breaker?” Elizabeth raised her eyebrows. She had her arms crossed over her chest, and the look on her face told Colby she wouldn’t budge until she got an answer. “Come on. Out with it.”

  “Surfers have nicknames,” Colby said. “Mine just happens to be Breaker. You know, for the breaking of the waves.” Colby hoped her explanation was adequate. It wasn’t. Elizabeth gave her a hip bump.

  “You mean like Hot Shot and Moondoggie?” Elizabeth mentioned the only two surfer names she remembered from the Gidget movies in the late fifties. She’d figured that’s what it was all about when she heard it the first time. What was it, only a little more than a month ago?

  Sherri began the briefing and had everyone read and sign the necessary waivers. Before long they were in the van headed for the mountain.

  The beauty of the area astounded Elizabeth. She sat in the window seat in the row behind Sherri, who was driving with Colby on her right. The higher the old van climbed, the rougher the road and the thicker the brush. Colby had told her that since they were on the Kaanapali side of the island, the terrain was more scrub brush than rainforest. That was on the opposite side and on the road to Hana.

  After a fifteen-minute ride, they all piled out of the van and sat on benches under a wooden canopy. Sherri and two other guides disappeared into a small room and one by one came out carrying an assortment of helmets, har
nesses, and water bottles. Elizabeth was still just a little nervous, her stomach settling some after they watched the required ten-minute video before they left the shop.

  “Don’t worry. Sherri won’t let anything happen to us,” Colby said, as if she could read her mind. “Either she or one of the guys goes down the line first. It’s a blast, trust me.”

  Sherri began the safety instruction. Soon they were all wearing goofy white helmets and trussed up in a harness that would make any dyke proud and any femme petrified.

  Elizabeth followed Colby up the trail to the first platform. After a few more instructions Guy, one of the other guides, hooked his pulley to the line and jumped. Everyone, including Elizabeth, watched him sail effortlessly across the canyon.

  “Okay, who’s first?” Sherri asked.

  A married couple from Idaho stepped forward. Elizabeth laughed when the husband let his bride go first. “Chivalry or coward?” she asked Colby quietly and was rewarded with a jab in the side. As Sherri gave the woman final instructions Elizabeth looked around the platform.

  The cable was secured to what looked like a large wooden telephone pole. She knew nothing about engineering, safety, or anything remotely like what would carry her fifty feet off the ground for a hundred yards, but it looked safe enough. She had to trust Sherri and Colby, two women she knew very little about.

  “Elizabeth? You ready?” Sherri asked.

  Elizabeth gulped and tried not to show how scared shitless she was again now that the canyon she was supposed to slide over was right in front of her. “Yep.” Her legs shook as she walked toward Sherri. How had Colby persuaded her to do this? She wasn’t normally a risk taker, but the confidence in Colby’s eyes when they talked about it on the boat had chipped away at her doubt. What would she chip away at next? As Sherri gave her instructions Elizabeth concentrated on every word. This wasn’t the time to zone out on a conversation.

  “Okay, just step off anytime you’re ready. Guy will catch you on the other end.”

  Elizabeth looked at Colby, who was smiling encouragingly at her. Colby didn’t appear to be nervous in the least, which made her feel better. With one last look over her shoulder, she stepped off the solid platform into air.


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