Sharon Karaa The Last Challenge (Northern Witches Series #1)

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Sharon Karaa The Last Challenge (Northern Witches Series #1) Page 23

by Unknown

  “Not a cat in… not a hope!” I sneered.

  “What? You’ve come here to deal with those three useless pieces of shit, and you think three stinky souls are worth one white one?”

  “Oh I think we’ve got something better to deal with than that,” Selina stepped forward. “How about your reputation?”

  “What reputation? I’m Satan, remember,” he said, walking over to her, still protecting his modesty. “My reputation is bad ass.”

  “Yes, and you want it to stay that way, don’t you?” she replied, hunkering down in front of him.

  “What do you mean?” he said, his face going pink.

  “Would you like us to spread the word that the Devil is a four foot nothing nerd who wears nappies?” she said. Quick as a flash, she pulled his loin cloth towards her and looked down the front. “Oh my,” she said. “You might want to get some cream on that.”

  Satan snatched his loin cloth close to him and screeched like a little girl. “You wouldn’t dare! I will eat your soul, I will piss in your eyeballs! I will... I will… what cream?” he asked, cocking his little head to one side.

  Selina sighed and put her hand out. A tube of KY Jelly appeared in her palm and she pushed her hand forward. “Here, take it.” I heard Agnes gasp in surprise. It echoed my own, Selina had certainly learned a trick or two.

  Satan stepped forward and took the tube, inspecting it closely.

  “It prevents chapping, but the easiest cure is losing your virginity to a woman and giving your hands a break,” Selina explained, folding her arms.

  Satan gasped, then shoved the tube of cream down the back of his loin cloth. “It’s a genetic condition!” he whined.

  ““Yeah, yeah, whatever,” said Selina, tapping her foot.

  “Way to go, man!” cheered Geordie from the front of his pinny, waving one fist in brotherhood. “Mind you, spit works just as well and it’s cheaper!”

  Selina gasped and pushed him back into the pinny. “Enough of that! Now where’s Daniel and Matthew?”

  “I’ve told you! Matthew’s not here! I can give you Daniel, but Matthew, you’re on your own!” the Devil said, stamping his foot in temper.

  I stepped towards him. “Take us to Daniel.”

  “He’s in the fire pit, but you’ll need a guide.” Satan snapped his fingers and ugly dog appeared, trotting towards his master, slobbering as he ran.

  “You called, Master?” he said.

  We trekked for about an hour before we actually saw anything other than blackness surrounding us. The first thing to come in to view was a surprisingly normal looking street, that is, until you looked at the lamps. Instead of glowing with comforting light, they emitted a blackness. And not just black. You were left with the distinct impression that something hid in that blackness, just waiting for the right opportunity to eat your soul. I shivered as we passed the first one, our shoes now clicking on the pavement beneath us. As we passed building after building, I noticed not a single one had a light in the window. Nothing at all indicated anyone lived in these houses.

  When we reached the end of the street, we turned left and walked for another half mile down a similar row of houses. At the end of that row, we turned left again on to a main street. Souls huddled in winter coats passed us. This amazed me, given the trickle of sweat making its way down my back from the intense heat. One soul walked right through me and I felt the hatred and bitterness it emitted as it passed through, leaving me sick to my stomach. It was clear they couldn’t see us, but we could see them.

  We walked on past casinos and pubs and even a whorehouse with semi naked women gyrating in the windows. Next came a solicitor’s office, a bank and an insurance broker. All we needed was the Department of Motor Vehicles and a traffic warden and we’d have a full set. Eventually, we approached the less seedy side of town and entered what appeared to be an industrial estate.

  The dog approached a large warehouse and walked up to the front shutters. They opened in front of us to reveal a darkened storage space, but as we walked inside, more stairs leading down into more darkness were laid into the concrete floor. He stopped at the top of these stairs and regarded us thoughtfully.

  “Zis is as far as I go. Just make your way down and you’ll find what you’re looking for,” he said, slobbering as he spoke.

  “This had better not be a trick,” said Agnes, squaring up to him. He growled and she smacked him on the nose. “Less of that, mutt!” To my astonishment, he whined and lowered his head, walking backwards away from Agnes.

  The horrors of Hell were not turning out like what they were cracked up to be, I thought. Devil in a nappy, guard dog that was all bark, no bite? Where was the torture? The screaming? Where was the lava pit?

  I took the first stair and Natalia grabbed me by the arm.

  “You’re sure you want to do this?” she asked.

  I didn’t answer, just took the next step and my loyal friends followed me down.

  We must have taken about twenty steps before the heat got to unbearable levels. My shirt stuck to my skin and my hair clung damply to my head. Not surprisingly, Agnes didn’t seem to be suffering as much as the rest of us although she was getting out of breath with the exercise.

  A faint light was now visible below us so we struggled on. I felt as though the skin on my hands and face was searing in the heat. About ten steps more and we had reached the bottom. The light was much more evident now, as not ten feet in front of us, flames shot up into the air. I squinted my eyes against the light to try and find a way through and that was when I saw him.

  Where was the torture? The screaming? I could have kicked myself.

  Daniel, my beautiful, naked Daniel, tied at the wrists with his arms above his head, suspended from a beam. The flames licked his body and I felt a scream rise up in my own throat.

  Without thinking, I stepped forward and was suddenly engulfed in flame. I could faintly hear Agnes and Selina muttering protection charms then Natalia raised her arms, her palms towards me and a cooling mist descended around me. The flames, curiously, were still there, but they had no effect on me as I moved forward, pulling the athame from my back pocket.

  I raised the dagger in both hands and then ran and jumped up at Daniel, swinging the weapon like a samurai sword and severing the ropes that held him captive as he fell to the floor. I dropped, rolled, then doubled back and slid on my knees until his head was in my hands. Tears streamed down my face as I held him.

  He looked up at me, his beautiful brown eyes now black, as his mouth opened and he screamed in pain. It took me a moment to realise that he screamed because he thought I was in Hell with him to stay. I cradled his head then leaned down and kissed his forehead.

  “I’m going to get us out of here now.”

  I looked up as Natalia approached us, the flames licking around her red hair as it billowed around her. She leaned down and picked up one of Daniel’s arms, and as soon as I realised her intention, I stood up and took the other. Between us, we dragged Daniel out of the flames to the stairs we had just descended. I raised both hands and closed my eyes, imagining Daniel floating in front of me. Nothing happened. There wasn’t enough energy in the atmosphere. My eyes stung and I wondered how in Hell we would get him up the stairs. Then Selina and Agnes stepped forward. Natalia joined them. As one, they placed their hands on my back and I felt their power surge into me. I tried again and this time, Daniel floated easily and gently upwards. I took off my shirt and draped it over his body, protecting his modesty.

  We climbed the stairs, Selina taking up position behind Agnes who was wheezing like a seasoned smoker. Going back up was a lot harder than going down, and seemed to take three times as long to reach the top. Eventually we reached the last stair and the dog was waiting there for us, a sullen expression on his face. Without a word, he turned and led us back through the open doors and out into the town.

  When we reached the black bleakness again, he turned to me.

  “I take it you can find y
our way back from here?” he asked.

  I honestly didn’t have a clue but remembered that Daniel had taken us home the last time. I pulled on his shoulder until he floated directly in front of me. His eyes were closed and I looked down into his serene face. It was such a shame to wake him but he was our only hope.

  “Daniel?” I whispered. No response. “Please wake up baby, I love you and I need you to take us home.” Still nothing.

  My eyes streamed in despair. We had come so far! As a tear landed on Daniel’s face, his eyes fluttered open.

  “You can’t be here” he said, his voice full of sadness. “It’s just an illusion, I know you’re not here.”

  “Daniel, it’s me, you’re safe now. Please come back to me baby!” I said. He closed his eyes and I wanted to scream in frustration and fear. “Please Daniel!” I begged. “Please wake up, we need you!”

  Daniel didn’t move. I wasn’t even sure he was breathing any more.

  The tears came freely now, pouring down my face as I lay there, holding his head, defeated. Whatever happened now, at least we were together. I would never leave him again.

  Natalia came behind me, sitting down and rubbing my back as Agnes and Selina took up position at Daniel’s feet. As I looked at them, I saw the compassion in their eyes and I came apart. I couldn’t give up. I needed to get them out of here. They were my responsibility.

  I rubbed Daniel’s cheek with my fingers, holding his chin in my hand. “Remember the girl in the yellow dress, Daniel?” I whispered. “I do. It was the first time I’d worn anything other than black since my parents had passed away; a symbol of my determination to get past their loss and move on. I remember I walked along the river, thinking about them. Silly thoughts, really, about mum making scrambled eggs for breakfast and setting off the fire alarm when she burned them to the bottom of the pan.”

  I talked in a soft, steady narrative. Watching the scenes play out before my eyes.

  “I remembered my dad scooping me up when I fell off my bike and grazed my knee, shouting about how we needed a medic to amputate my leg. I remember leaning against the railings and looking out over the calm waters and I wondered what it would feel like just to throw myself in and sink to the bottom. I felt arms go around me. I thought at the time it was my mind playing tricks on me. I even thought that it was my father’s arms, holding me, telling me everything would be ok. But I know now, Daniel. Your scent? Almonds? It wasn’t my father, it was you.”

  As I finished telling the tale, his eyes opened and a tear slid down his face. His lips moved as he chanted, although no sound came out. His eyes never left my face as he took us home.

  14 - Freedom

  I realised my location had changed by the sudden drop in temperature, but my eyes never left his face. I couldn’t tear them away. My hand came up to stroke his brow.

  “Get Beth,” I whispered. Natalia disappeared almost as soon as the words were out of my mouth.

  “I love you, Lauren. Only you.” Daniel whispered hoarsely.

  “Shh!” I kissed his forehead. “We’re home now and everything is going to be ok.”

  “We need to heal him,” Gerwyn said, touching my arm.

  I looked down then and saw the damage done to his skin, the angry blisters and sores all over his body. Agnes rolled up her sleeves and pushed me out of the way. After my failed attempt at healing Daniel when I’d accidently shot him with energy, I wasn’t even going to attempt to assist.

  Agnes laid her hands about an inch from his skin and closed her eyes, Gerwyn to her left doing the same. Selina took up position on the opposite side and raised her hands, following the chant that Gerwyn had started. After five minutes, there was very little improvement and I saw a look of consternation pass across Agnes’ face.

  “Isn’t it working?” I asked.

  “It will work,” she said, determined, and refocused her efforts.

  Beth, Megan and Natalia appeared in the living room and a sob escaped Beth’s lips as she looked across at the burned body of her son. They all rushed over, and finding spaces in between Agnes, Gerwyn and Selina, they also raised their hands. I watched, frozen in fear. Nothing seemed to be working and I prayed to a God I hadn’t believed in since childhood to spare his life.

  Suddenly, a muffled curse came from Selina’s pinny and Geordie’s head popped out of the front. “Lift me out!” he shouted. “Let me at him!”

  Selina ignored him and continued to chant. But I carefully manoeuvred around until I was behind her and slid my arm around her waist, grabbing onto Geordie and pulling him free from the pocket.

  “Put me next to his head,” he demanded, slapping my fingers with his tiny hands in his frustration.

  I did as he asked and watched as he climbed onto Daniel’s shoulder and lifted his tiny arms. A white glow emitted from his hands directly into Daniel’s heart, slowly seeping across his body like a fine mist. Soon, he was entirely covered and Geordie started to chant. Daniel’s skin turned from red and purple to its natural olive colour before our eyes, and I saw the tightening in his face relax, his eyes still closed, but in peace.

  Beth let out a ragged breath and everyone dropped their hands.

  “Geordie, you can have brandy any time you want it,” said Natalia, impressed.

  “He just needs to sleep it off now,” said Beth. “I’ll help you move him to the bedroom.”

  “No need,” I replied, raising my hands and floating Daniel as I had earlier, guiding his floating body up the stairs and into the bedroom where he gently came to rest in his unmade bed.

  I looked around the room at the mess. He seemed to have turned into a bit of a slob since we’d been here last. I looked down at Daniel, his body now fully healed and Jolene raised her head and growled. I covered him quickly with a sheet before I was tempted to take advantage of him. Amazing, even incapacitated, the sight of him naked still had me wanting to jump his bones. I was disgusted with myself and quickly left the room, making my way back to the kitchen and the others, where Agnes was retelling the story of how we’d tracked him down.

  Felicity stopped me at the door and motioned with her hand towards the living room. I glared at her, but took in her red and swollen eyes and relented. She closed the door behind us and turned to me.

  “I don’t know if you can ever forgive me, Lauren. But I need to apologise to you.”

  I stared at her, not trusting myself to speak.

  “I know it’s not an excuse, but I was completely unaware of the reason Daniel left and why my mum followed. I was immature and selfish and only saw what I wanted to see.” She twisted her hands nervously and walked around me to the window. “It was my fault, what happened to Daniel the other night. I caused it. The worst of it is that it was you I was trying to hurt, not Daniel. I thought Daniel had fallen in love with you and left his wife. I wanted to hurt you and I’m so sorry. Mum has explained everything now and I feel so ashamed.”

  She started to cry, but as much as I wanted to, I couldn’t offer her any comfort. I realised this wasn’t entirely her fault, but any witch that seeks to harm another can only expect it back threefold, or so Agnes had told me.

  “Felicity, I want to forgive you, I truly do. But at the moment the man I love is lying unconscious because of the inability of your family to be truthful and your desire to harm me. If you truly want my forgiveness, you’re going to have to earn it and prove to me that this will never happen again.”

  She looked up at me. “I know you think I’m a spoiled brat, Lauren. And you’re right. But I give you my word I will earn your trust.” Her chin wobbled and she clamped her lips together in determination.

  With a curt nod, I turned and left the room, starting towards the kitchen. As I walked in, all heads turned to me.

  “Gerwyn, tomorrow we go to purgatory to free Matthew. For now, I just need to be with Daniel.”

  No one questioned my decision, and without another word, I turned back out of the room and made my way upstairs.

I lay on the bed beside Daniel, propped up on one elbow and stroking his chest as I listened to the muttering coming up through the hall. At some point, even that fell silent and I realised that everyone must have left or gone to bed. I must have fallen asleep, but pins and needles in my hand woke me up, and I realised I was still propped up above him. I pulled my arm back and was about to lie down properly beside him, when I saw his eyes were open and he was watching me.

  “You’re awake!” I whispered in surprise. “Are you feeling ok? Do you need a drink or anything?”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever felt better. And I have everything I need right here,” he said, smiling at me. I stroked his face, looking deep in his eyes. Then he asked, “Why did you come for me?”

  “Because I love you,” I said without any hesitation. Tears formed in the corner of my eyes. “Your mother told me everything.” I continued. “I know what happened with Louise.”

  His eyes darkened at the mention of her name. “I never really loved her Lauren. I wasn’t hurt by her betrayal, but I was by that of my parents.” He sighed and pushed himself up to a sitting position, turning away from me.

  I touched his arm gently, knowing as I did so, that nothing I said would be able to comfort him.

  “My father used me to cover his own guilt and protect his affair, and my mother did everything he suggested without questioning it. How could she believe I would get someone pregnant and leave them to fend for themselves?”

  Then he turned to me with a fierce passion in his eyes.

  “I know about the baby Lauren, and I want you to know that I am always here for you.”

  I almost smiled in relief. “I’m not pregnant, Daniel. I assume it was Satan who told you I was?”

  “You’re not?” he said, looking at me confused.

  “No. Satan never outright said I was, but he inferred it. Natalia has checked me out. It’s not true.”


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